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Great web site! Would love to see more recent pictures posted of what the ship looks like today up close, such as the one posted one the front page with an internal view of the bridge. It be nice to see what condition the ship is in even though she's been sitting a while. I was on board from 1989-1990, and was a part of the ships 1st Division. Would like to hear from anyone who was on board at that time and might remember me... It's always nice to hear from anyone who served aboard her. I'm looking forward to getting the chance to come aboard and see her up close again! Hope all my old "SHIPMATES" are doing well! Again if there is any way to take and post more recent pictures of the ship inside and out, please post them! Anyone who wants to contact me can do so at the E-mail address listed here. By the way, does anyone currently associated with her know what the plans are for those of us who are former crew members as far as where we will be allowed to go once the ship is officially opened as a museum? What about cost to go aboard? I've talked with people who run the USS Missouri (BB-63) museum in Pearl Harbour, Hawaii, and I guess former crew members don't have to pay anything to come aboard. It be nice to see former crew members have full access to berthing/work stations etc...! Guess I shouldn't get so carried away with that thought, but it be nice to see many of the places we lived and worked in. Never served on this beautiful lady but have seen her pull in and out of Mayport, Fla. many a time. So glad you could save her. Never served on this beautiful lady but have seen her pull in and out of Mayport, Fla. many a time. So glad you could save her. I proudly served aboard the Sara in 69and 70 made two Med Cruises on Her .Some people forgot to mention that we had the privlege of having two important people onboard,namely Bob Hope and his USO Tourshow. And of course the late President Richard M. Nixon. I hope some of my former shipmtes from V3 write to me soon. I have a cruise book from 1970 so I'll see what you look like at least back then .Hope to see some of you in July 4 2000at the park good luck too all and safe sailing swabs... I WOULD LIKE TO WISH EVERYONE THE MOST JOYOUS OF HOLIDAYS. Served aboard Sara in 94 thro decommissioning.Worked down in mags withG-3 Bomb Assembly.Glad you guys are making an effort to keep her alive.I will definitely be there in 2000Good Luck! Good to see the SARA getting her just deserved. Served aboard from 1981-1985. S-6 Division Awaiting parts and special clothing storeroom. Served as an AQ from VA-75 on the Sara during the '76 Bicentenial Cruise.
I was very pleased to see that of all the retired ships the Saratoga was saved from the scrapyard.
I plan on visiting the museum this summer.
It would give me great pleasure to see the"Saratoga"
as a museum, since I served aboard her in squadron VA35
IN 1958-1959 her maiden voyage to the mediterainian.
I would be greatful to be on her deck to her final mooring
I have been keeping track of all the articles, and a congratulations to all who put in so much effort.
Please let me know if I can be of any assistance in the future. I am a retired East Greenwich Firefighter
with two children and we are big fans of the navy ships. Please drop us a line.
Best Wishes,
Mike Dubis I served aboard Sara, CVA-60, from December 64 to April 67 in OP division, IOIC (air intelligence) as a Machine Accountant (data processing). Made 2 Med cruises, 64-65 and 66. I too hope to see Sara in 2000. I applaud everyone's efforts is saving Sara from the junk yard and turning her into a floating museum. To the officers and crew that I served with in IOIC, I send my best. I came aboard "Sara" april 1957, stayed until oct. 59 had
a wonderful time as far as i can remember. Here's wishing Frank Sumption and all the other "E" Div. and sara sipmates
a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.Happy Trails to all
Jerry Glim
Sumption and all my other "E' Div. and sara shipmate's i am a Plankowner from E-Division. I will never forget the sight of the Sara when i boarded her for the first time just before Commissioning. I can hardly wait to see her again. I pray that all of the Sara shipmates have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Hope to see many of you there next summer.
Frank Sumption I served on Sara from 1968 to 1970 in OE Division as Yoeman to LTCDR Loomis. I boarded her in the Philly Naval Yard, did the shake down cruise to Gitmo and the next Med Cruise. Although those weren't good times to be in the military I have fond memories of being aboard this beautiful and powerful vessel. She always felt like "home" after many a night of liberty in ports throughout the Med. Nothing was more inspiring than to watch the orchestration of flight ops on her flight deck and hangar bays. I'm proud to have served on the Sara glad to see there are actions being taken to preserve her so others may see how important these ships and the dedication of their crews are in protecting our country. I will always remeber the good times I had serving aboard Sara and working in OE Divison with fond memories. OE Division afforded me an opportunity to see and meet crew members throughout the ship. I felt there wasn't a square inch of her that I didn't know. I'm planning to hopefully visit her again with my family someday soon. I was aboard as an AQ on the Sara airwings for three cruises from 71-76 which included the Wespac cruise. For that cruise I was in RVAH1 "Smoking Tigers" and after transfering to A7's I ended up in VA37 "Blue Noses" for the following two Med cruises. I am glad to see the old Sara still alive and kicking! Thanx Bob Motter Served on Sara from 92 to 94 in V-1 Division did the last cruise and help in her decommision. Glad to see that she is going to be done right. Frank, Thanks for adding the Ship-Mates Photo Album Site link. It is starting to take off. We have about 45 pictures our ship-mates have added to it. I hope to see 10 times that amount, by this time next year.. To any one who reads this, dig out your old pictures, and add to the site..It,s your site!!!We need some pictures from the 40's and 50's to... I joined the Saratoga's "Ship's Company" during the 1963 Med Cruise. And made 3 more before I left her for the last time in April, 1967. During that nearly 4 year period I walked out of the A-5 Division Boat Shop, located in the aft Hanger Deck, starboard side, just under the Carpenter Shop. Our shop was responsible for maintaining the engine, transmission and steering gear on all the liberty launches - so for all of you who enjoyed liberty while in the Med between 1963-67, "glad to have been of service." We were also responsible for maintaing and operating the 3 emergency diesel generators. I'm in touch with a couple of the guys I worked with aboard the Sara, but I sure would like to hear from anyone else who worked in the Boat Shop during those years. Like so many of us, I couldn't wait to get discharged back then. It's taken me over 30 years to realize it but, I now know one thing for certain: "You can take the sailor off the Saratoga - but you'll never take the Saratoga outa the sailor."
Looking forward to hearing from some old buddies. Was aboard Sara for carrier quals and med cruise 1970.
Was in VAQ 130 working on KA3B as an AQ3 on the flightdeck
it was a time to remember. Nice looking site. Hope the project
works out would like to go back aboard some day.
Reading thw latest Re:the Museum Foudation & seeing Guantanamo mentioned reminds me of our 1st visit there where we became known as Bldg.60.
It became apparent that the forced draft blowers in the firerooms threatened caused the ship to shake like an old wino in detox everytime we went to high speeds and were in danger of flying off their mountings. All kinds of geniuses from BuShips and the Brooklyn Disaster Yard were hastened to Perspiration City to fix this disaster.
In the long run, our own BT's came up with the solution so thr ship survived to go on to other disasters. As a former Watertender from 1945 to 1947 before I went to RD "A" school
I was not surprised that this occurred. I can remember Pot Bellied Chiefs with coffee cups welded to their thumbs & forefingers teaching me (from afar) how to fix things in #4 Fireroom in USS Tarawa (CV-40). I did learn a lot about machinery. Before I enlisted in the Navy in 1945 i knew nothing about "Sheenry". As far as I knew, a great big rubber band down below was wound up by people called "Snipes". & as soon as the engine annunciator started ringing, they let go of the rubber band.
Ken Finegan ETC(SS) Ret.
Plankowner OI-Divion Former RD1
I served on the Sara from early 1975 to mid 1978. I was in the OA Division (Weather Office) Did two med cruises Bicenntenial Cruise 1976 & 1977. So many memories. But they are starting to fade. Would love to here from some ship mates. Strongest memories: Monte Carlo on July 4, 1976, the collision with the Missasinawa (?), 44 days off the coast of Lebanon, long food lines, long nights playing spades with the other weather guessers
When is the proposed opening- Can'T still be July 2000. I think you need a lot more national publicity. I am an aircraft carrier fan, yet I have not heard of this project. Good Luck, Kim Kim F. Martelle <marty28447@aol.com> Covina, CA USA - Wednesday, November 24, 1999 at 23:36:52 (EST) E-Division 1977 to 1981. Where have you boys gone. Does any one remember Mildred? What about the red devil blower. Standing in line to eat a slider. Showering with no water. Those liberty boat rides back. The palces we drank, Texas Jacks, The Sangria shack, The embassy's, and of couse the peppermint lounge and Ribault. If you would like to share photo's and stories from this time frame feel free to contact me. Where are you John Ryle, Ron Cucchi, Chubbs Pietrzyk, Andy Anderson, Diesal Ed,Chief Bankert, Bobby Pullum, Ernie Guertin, and all you other crazies. I have lots of memories. Who collected Bar doors from the light shop. T.Dale Brooks <dale.brooks@lmco.com or tdale@flash.net > Mansfield, tx USA - Wednesday, November 24, 1999 at 18:02:05 (EST) Great site. I am all for the museum and look forward to visiting it. I would to hear from some of the guys that were in E Div. 1961 to 1963. David E. Berry <berryhouse.earthlink.net> Maysville, Ky USA - Wednesday, November 24, 1999 at 11:35:47 (EST) A group of former and present "VF-31 TOMCATTERS" are in the process of forming an "ASSOCIATION" dedicated to all sailors that are and were involed with the second oldest Fighter Squadron in Naval History. We have a "Beta" stage website ,up and running and are in the refinement process of the site.This is being done with the full cooperation of the squadron at Oceana,VA. If you are interested in becomming a part of thei Association please contact me at either of the above adresses. I was a plane captain on A/C # 105.F4B Phantom II.from 1963-1966 working the roof of "SARA and was to date one of the most exciting things I have ever done! Was at Newport Beach,R.I. last summer and saw "SARA" and was taken back to the days when I worked hard ,played hard,and saw the world she enabled me to see ! Does anyone out there remember the PAN AM CLUB in Barcelona ? How lucky we all were to be able to go to places like that ! Bob Greenberg <sv57en@aol.com or FelixFlyer@aol.com > Kerhonkson, NY USA - Wednesday, November 24, 1999 at 10:02:17 (EST) I AM PROUD TO HAVE SERVED ON THE "SARA" FROM 2/66 TO 7/69.MADE TWO "MED" CRUISES,AND THE "PHILLY" YARDS IN '68.I WAS AN AO3 IN "G" DIV.AND WAS WITH THE HANGER DECK CREW.I BELIEVE WE ALL HAVE SUCH GREAT MEMORIES OF THE TIMES WE SPENT IN THE NAVY.THE PEOPLE WE KNEW,THE PLACES WE HAVE SEEN,ETC.BUT MOST OF ALL WE REMEMBER THE GOOD TIMES AND THE FACT THAT WITHOUT THE EXPERIENCE THAT WE WENT THROUGH.WE WOULDN'T BE THE TYPE OF PEOPLE WHO COULD TAKE THE TIME AND EFFORT TO ACHIEVE SUCH A MONUMENTAL TASK SUCH AS THIS TO RESERRECT THE SARATOGA.I SOMETIMES VISIT THE USS INTREPID MUSEUM HERE IN N.Y.AND RECALL THE GOOD TIMES I HAD IN THE NAVY.OH YES WE HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN THE NOT SO GOOD TIMES,SUCH AS TAD MESS COOKING OR SIDE CLEANING OR COMPARTMENT CLEANING.BUT WE CAN'T HELP TO ADMIT THAT THE EXPERIENCE WE ENDURED,MADE US ALL BETTER AND STRONGER PEOPLE. GOOD LUCK IN ALL THE EFFORTS TO BRING THE GREAT SHIP "THE 60 FROM DIXIE" BACK TO LIFE. ANY THOUGHTS? E-MAIL ME. ALAN SILVERBERG <ALANTRANPD@YAHOO.COM> NEW YORK, NY USA - Wednesday, November 24, 1999 at 04:20:17 (EST) I served on the Sara 1975-1978, B-Div 2MMR and the Oil Shack. I hated it! But, as time has gone by, I wish I had done better by my shipmates and the Sara. Now, I cant wait to get to see her again. Funny how that works...:-) Greg Lambert <Truegspl@aol.com> Col., OH USA - Wednesday, November 24, 1999 at 01:28:08 (EST) I served with VF-31 and made four cruises with the Sara from 1968-72. I would like to hear from anyone who served with VF-31 during that time. Ron Pemberton <rpembert@lakeozark.net> Richland, MO USA - Tuesday, November 23, 1999 at 02:00:50 (EST) My husband served on the Sara from June 1957-April 1958. His name is John Paull(red) Please write back soon Caroline Paull <c.paull@stxnet.com> Cleveland, Oh USA - Sunday, November 21, 1999 at 16:22:08 (EST) This is a great website,it's nice finding out that so many guys have similar memories of Sara. I was with HS-7, on the '71 MED. cruise and the'72-'73 Wespac cruise. The memories seem so fresh that it's hard to believe that it's been almost 27 years since I've seen Sar. I was discharged on arrival in Mayport,in Feb. 1973.I look forward to seeing Sara in R.I. within the next year or two. Hope to see some old shipmates when I do. John J. DiMasso <jjdimasso@toledolink.com> Wooville, oh USA - Saturday, November 20, 1999 at 09:08:27 (EST) I had the privilege of serving aboard the "Super Sara" from 1959 to 1961. I first came aboard in OR Division then went TAD to ComCarDiv 6. I am interested in hearing from any of the OR or CarDiv 6 staff. Baker, Crosby, Butler,etc... I am so glad to see that the Sara will be a floating museum for all to experience and my plans are underway to make a trip out there this summer. Many great memories are still with me and I hope that I can relive many many more as time goes on. My check for support of this effort is on the way and I will continue to support it in the future. Tom Liska Tom Liska <tmliska@tznet.com> Wisconsin Rapids, WI USA - Friday, November 19, 1999 at 17:02:37 (EST) I was assigned to VS-22, TAD to the AIMD jet shop and went on three Med Cruises 75, 76, 77. I would like to hear from anyone who was there at that time. Filadelfo Cunanan, AD2 <fcunanan@home.com> San Diego, CA USA - Friday, November 19, 1999 at 15:36:54 (EST) I SERVED ON THE SARATOGA FROM 2/66TO7/69 " G " DIV. HANGER DECK CREW.WAS AN AO3,MADE TWO MED CRUISES AND THE PHILLY YARD IN 68.I WAS ON THE FLIGHT DECK LOADING ORDS ONTO THE "SPADS" AFTER THE LIBERTY ATTACK.ANYONE ELSE OUT THERE,IF YOU REMEMBER THE TIMES,E-MAIL ME AND SAY HELLO. ALANTRANPD@YAHOO.COM THIS IS A GREAT SITE,GOOD LUCK AND THANKS FOR KEEPING THE SARA ALIVE! ALAN SILVERBERG <ALANTRANPD@YAHOO.COM> NEW YORK, NY USA - Wednesday, November 17, 1999 at 23:36:14 (EST) I THINK THAT IT'S GREAT THAT THE USS SARATOGA CV-60 WILL BE A FLOATING MUSEUM. I SERVED ABOARD HER FROM 1990 TO 1993 DURING THE GULF WAR WITH VA-35 THE BLACK PANTHERS CARRIER AIR WING 17. I HAVE ALOT OF GREAT MEMORIES AND SOME BAD. MY FATHER SERVED ABOARD HER FROM 1971 TO 1973 WITH VF-103 THE SLUGGERS WHEN SHE WENT WEST PAC FOR VIETNAM. WE BOTH HAVE MANY PICTURES OF SARA. IT WAS GREAT ON MY LAST CRUISE I DID THEY HAD A TIGER CRUISE FROM THE BAHAMAS BACK TO MAYPORT AND AFTER 20 YEARS MY DAD WAS ABLE TO BE BACK AFLOAT ON HER, WHEN HE FIRST CAME ABOARD THERE AND WE SAW EACH OTHER IT BROUGHT TEARS TO BOTH OUR EYES. HE NEVER EXPECTED ME TO BE ATTACHED TO THE SARATOGA ALSO. SO WE ARE BOTH VERY HAPPY THAT SHE WILL LIVE ON AND NOT END UP AS JUST SCRAP. BEING A FLOATING MEMORIAL IS WHERE SHE BELONGS, SHE DESERVED IT AND MY FATHER AND I WILL BOTH BE THERE IN 2000 TO SEE HER ONCE AGAIN, SEE YOU THERE. Brian Hooper <cv60@hazleton.net> Hazleton, Pa. USA - Monday, November 15, 1999 at 17:15:52 (EST) Served onboard the USS Saratoga 1986-1989, V-4 Division (flight deck fuels). Scott Harrison <scotth@desoto-1.com> Senatobia, MS USA - Monday, November 15, 1999 at 01:33:37 (EST) Recently, I took a trip out to Newport to see Sara and I can't express the feeling that I got after not seeing her for forty years. To me, it seemed like I never left her. She looked so beautiful in her new paint job,even though she looked a little naked without her mast and antennas. Unknowing people, who never have served in the Navy may wonder how we can be so sentimental about an inanimate thing but Sara wasn't their home. That's why it's so important that all of Sara's former shipmates have to stick together and do all they can to make this Museum a reality. Don Sager <donaldsager@msn.com> Torrington, CT USA - Sunday, November 14, 1999 at 08:34:52 (EST) Had seen Sara Web Sites before but just found this one. I served on the Sara from 8/59 - 2/63, V-1 Div. Made three med. crusies and even today talk about the great times and people and of course the sad times, such as the fire off Athens where many of us in V-1 were engaged in rescue efforts below decks.Was standing on the deck by Flight Deck Control when we had the encounter with the German Frighter(scared the hell out of me)This is great and I am very pleased to find that Sara will be near so that I can take my four grand children to see her. The year before she was decom. I did have the chance to take my oldest son who lives in Jax. onboard her in Mayport which was great but I needed to spend some time alone in FLY-1 where I had spend so many hours.Look forward to seeing shipmates in 2000 & would like to hear from any of you. DAVE BASTIAN <bas@Totalnetnh.Net> Concord, NH `USA - Friday, November 12, 1999 at 22:17:56 (EST) I did my first three years on Sara from 91 to 94, in weapons dept, G-1 flight deck and W-div. Carl Safcak <lilcajun@home.com> Hampton, Va USA - Friday, November 12, 1999 at 20:36:54 (EST) Just came across this web site tonight. Beautifully done!! Great to see that such a fine ship as the Sara will not become part of my morning ritual...(shaving!) My career was spent aboard destroyer types. I was aboard USS Eugene A. Greene DDR-711 for the '61-'62 Med cruise when Sara had the bad engine room fire and was sent back home. We were part of the escourt screen. Believe Intrepid relieved you. A few years later, I was the last Chief Master At Arms for NAS Quonset. To everyone who had anything to do with bringing a Naval Presence back to Quonset Pt., BRAVO ZULU! My wife and I WILL revisit one of our favorite areas. Thank you all so much. Benny T. Moore, STGC, USN, Ret. <gulfwind@mindspring.com> Pascagoula, MS USA - Saturday, November 06, 1999 at 01:15:54 (EST) Was at Quosent Point 63 to 65 in SeaPlane Hangar #1 NATU Naval Aircraft Torpedo Unit,anyone know what happened to it? Rick Lance <Rlance@pts.bwauto.com> Mucnie, IN USA - Wednesday, November 03, 1999 at 12:02:32 (EST) I SERVED ABOARD USS SARATOGA, E-DIVISION, FROM NOV. 1958 TO AUG. 1962. MY PRIME RESPONSIBILTY WAS CENTRAL CONTROL. I WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM ANYBODY WHO WAS WITH ME AT THAT TIME. PARTICULARLY KEITH LIGHT FROM LADOGA, INDIANA AND RODNEY FROM CALIFORNIA. I HAVE VERY FOND MEMORIES OF THAT TIME AND WISH GOOD LUCK TO ALL MY SHIPMATES. HANK HEGGER <HHEGGER@AOL.COM> MARIETTA, GA USA - Tuesday, November 02, 1999 at 15:58:29 (EST) I served on Sara in 1984/85, she was my first duty and my last, I blew a knee out while on quals. I served in engineering under HT1 Bryson, I hope to see him when Sara reopens as a museum. Robert W. Frank <rfrank64@hotmail.com> Titusville, PA USA - Tuesday, November 02, 1999 at 15:23:57 (EST) I served aboard the USS Saratoga from 1973 to 1974 with VA-105. I served in both the Integrated Avionics Weapon Shop and Quality Assurance. This brings back many memories of those days. I later went back into the Navy as a Chaplain. Would love to hear from my shipmates. David L. Burgess <Dburg1968@hotmail.com> Memphis, TN USA - Saturday, October 30, 1999 at 19:44:37 (EDT) IT'S BEEN 33 YRS. SINCE I SERVED ABOARD THE SARATOGA! I'M SURE GLAD THAT THEY DIDN'T SCRAP HER. HOPE TO HERE FROM ANYONE WHO WAS IN S-4 DIV. FROM 1963-1966. Ron Bakanic New York, NY USA - Saturday, October 30, 1999 at 13:31:39 (EDT) Served aboard the Saratoga (CVA-60) , S-4 Div from l963-l966 .Good Luck to the museum and all those who served. Ron Bakanic new york, n.y. USA - Saturday, October 30, 1999 at 13:17:45 (EDT) Served on-board Sara from '86 to '90 in the E-division machine shop. Would like to hear from some of my old shipmates. Looking for MR2 Egley. Anyone know him? Sheldon Mayer <mayer29@idt.net> Minneapolis, Mn USA - Friday, October 29, 1999 at 13:52:57 (EDT) Well this guess book was a great idea...I went through tonight and found 3 of my old shipmates on here...I served in OI DIV from 90-93..I made two cruises on Sara...I always have wanted to find out what bacame of her and the people I knew on her...I think the USS Saratoga Museum is a GREAT idea and I will be there on July 4 2000!! Chris Clements "CLEM" <CLEM2098@aol.com> Winter Park, Fl USA - Thursday, October 28, 1999 at 21:50:50 (EDT) When I sailed on Sara durring her last 2 cruises, I was a punk kid-I am very happy to see that someone was able to save the ship so that I can take my son to see where his dad acted up. Im still a punk kid but I will never forget the planes landing on the 3 wire just over my rack. its amazing what you learn to live with. Funny how you can miss something that you never liked. I have a piece of aresting cable from the last cruise-(it cost me a sixpack of soda) but I wouldnt give that damn thing up for anything! If anyone knows Master chief Bob Graham from VAW 125, tell him that Airman Fisher regretts causing so many problems, and is greatfull for all the trouble he kept me out of! And a warm hello to Captain Dragger, politics stink! You were the greatest. brownshoe 91-94 Mark Fisher <fisherfishbon@cs.com> okc, ok USA - Monday, October 25, 1999 at 23:30:21 (EDT) Wow! The Sara is soon to be breathing again with life! I served on her from '69-'71 on two Med cruises.I remember the Russian Bears flying over,the almost sinking off Athens,and standing gaurd on President Nixon's helicopter.Got to shake his hand and meet Walter Cronkite,lots of good memories.Where are all my buds from VA-105 Gunslingers?I was an AMS in the Calender inspection crew for two years.I don't miss those leaky A-7 Corsair II's. I do miss all the wonderful people I met on the Sara and had opportunity to serve with.I hope to run into some of them at Sara's upcoming new home.I only wish it was in San Diego... Don Fry "Doc" <fryusawire@aol.com> Manhattan Beach, Ca. USA - Monday, October 25, 1999 at 00:49:51 (EDT) I was assisgned to the USS Saratoga in the spring of 1966. I ran one of the Ships stores next to the galley. I left her in Philadelphia dry docks in 1968. I will make every attempt to see her again in her new home. Robert (Bob) Taylor <polmaj13 @aol.com> Edmond, Ok USA - Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 16:24:01 (EDT) I was assigned to the pre-com detail in Newport RI in Jan. of 56 after radar school. Spent the rest of my time on her till my seperation in June 59. Next to my family the Saratoga was the best of times. There were bad times but I just don't remember them. Great Web site. Herb Golder <CVA60RD2@aol> Balto., MD USA - Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 10:39:53 (EDT) GLAD TO SEE SARA BEING REMEMBERED. SERVED IN WEAPONS DEPARTMENT FROM 70 - 74. WESTPAC AND TWO MED CRUISES. LONG LIVE SARA JIMMY MCBRIDE <BOGIE1249@AOL.COM> RICHLAND, MS USA - Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 13:57:23 (EDT) GLAD TO HERE OF SARATOGA'S CONTINUED LIFE AS A MUSEUM. THE WEB PAGE LOOKS GREAT. I SERVED FROM '72-'75 WITH VF-103 DURING WESTPAC AND MED CRUISE.LOOK FORWARD TO MORE NEWS AND INFORMATION.KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. AL STRANG <DSTRANG642@AOL> TRUMBULL, CT USA - Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 08:41:42 (EDT) Thanks for attempting to save this wonderful ship . I am not a carrier sailor , but I did serve with Mine Force Atlantic at Charleston , SC from 1970-1973. I was a frequent visitor to the USS Yorktown at Patriots Point in Mt. Pleasant. I now interpret Lighthouse Tours and have several opportunities to tour Narragansett Bay and was delighted to see the Iowa , Forrestal and the Saratoga at Middletown . I have a lot of pride for the carrier sailors because my nephew is a pilot on the Enterprize and has just been appointed to Top Gun School as an instructor as a result of his training on the Enterprize . well done,I hope the Saratoga Museum is successful . Douglas M. Bingham <dbingham@mediaone.net> Randolph , Ma USA - Sunday, October 17, 1999 at 11:55:46 (EDT) i i served aboard the sara from 1966 thru august 1968. i got discharged while in dry dock in philly,pa. i was po 3rd in the 3rd division. I met a lot of good people , but lost contact when i got out. i tried to locate some of them but could not until i got this computer. it was a great investment for that reason only. i miss those good times and friends, hope to meet more of them. james carter <lewisca@bellsouth.net> slidell, la USA - Wednesday, October 13, 1999 at 06:13:23 (EDT) I was aboard in the yards at Portsmouth, VA and on the Med Cruise in 1964/65. I got discharged in Feb.1965 after 10 years and 3 flattops. Tarawa,Essex and Saratoga.Last duty was ships company,Aviation Elecrtric and Instrument Shops. I hope to get there next year as I spent years at Quonset. Peter R. Whitney <williepa@javanet.com> Lunenburg, MA USA - Friday, October 08, 1999 at 20:32:53 (EDT) Was aboard SARA from 1968 to 1972 just before she went WestPac. I remember the sinking at Athens, the Russian Helo, and Prsident Nixson's visit. But I guess my most fondest memories were having my mother and sister aboard for the family cruise and meeting my wonderful wife while stationed aboard her. To those that served before, during, and after I did, I SALUTE all for the part you played on the U.S.S. SARATOGA. Almost forgot I was in !st div. Would like to hear from fellow BM's. I would like to thank everyone for their part in saving the SARA. Permission to go ashore, Sir. Rusty G Cherry <evatexson@webtv.net> Evadale , Tx USA - Friday, October 08, 1999 at 04:29:59 (EDT) i am glad they are saving the sara. i served aboard 73' to 75' in the e-divsion. work in the power shop and light shop. like to here from anyone in e-division who served at that time ron rinier <rerinier@papl.com> lancaster, pa USA - Wednesday, October 06, 1999 at 14:43:37 (EDT) I was on the Sara from 64-67 in Navigation Div. Those of you can remember the Captian's Sea cabin and the day on all those subs. Don't forget to chip that deck. Mike is sleeping outside the bridge while cleaning the windows during flight op. Its the roche coach. John E. Morgan <sweajeminc@hotmail.com> Canandaigua, NY USA - Tuesday, October 05, 1999 at 10:54:53 (EDT) Got my first taste of carrier duty aboard the SARA from Feb84-Aug87 in Communications. Did three med cruises, that included all the actions in the med with the Achille Lauro and Libya. Was sad to see the ship had been decommisioned, but happy to see it had found a good home. Was trying to see if anyone else from that time had been up to the home page yet. Look forward to coming up to visit her once she is opened as a museum. Richard Felty <richfel@networktel.net> Pensacola, FL USA - Monday, October 04, 1999 at 12:48:54 (EDT) Served on the Saratoga in VF-31 in 61 & 62 Two Med Cruises and 1 trip to Gitmo Bay. Was a plane capt. on first trip taking care of the F3H screaming Demons. On the next was AO2 in Vf-31 Ordnance shop. Working on the roof was a rush I'll never forget. Had a great skipper Lt. Com. Tim O'Neal. Hope to hear from some OLD Shipmates. Good Luck Sara see you in July 2000. John Bini <Jbini@aol.com> Schenectady, NY USA - Sunday, October 03, 1999 at 20:42:50 (EDT) Let me be among the first to say WELL DONE to the entire Foundation staff for the outstanding job you have done in presenting your proposals successfully to the State of Rhode Island. I'm sure that the rest of the Saratoga Association is as excited as I am about the news that we have a home at Quonset,Point. FULL STEAM AHEAD GENTLEMEN and thank you, . Don Sager <donaldsager@msn.com> Torrington, CT USA - Tuesday, September 28, 1999 at 08:58:14 (EDT) SERVED ABOARD THE SARATOGA ON THE MED CRUISE IN 1967 WITH VAW-121. ROAD ISLAND IS A GREAT PORT FOR THE SARA. CAN'T WAIT TO SE HER AGAIN. JOHN LINNELL <GENERATOR3@AOL.COM> LINDEN, NJ USA - Thursday, September 23, 1999 at 20:51:28 (EDT) I was aboard Sara from 83-84 In the A-Gang. Robert Montgomery <RMMontg7331@aol.com> St Clair Shores, MI USA - Wednesday, September 22, 1999 at 21:50:59 (EDT) I was stationed at Quonset Point NAS with VS-32, as an AW2, from 1971-1973. Though typically deployed aboard the USS Wasp (CVS-18) or the USS Intrepid (CVS-11), We did once deploy aboard the USS Saratoga - quite a bit more modern (at that time) than the Essex class boats we were used to. I look forward to seeing the Museum plans come to fruition - good luck! Bob Wallis <wallis@shore.net> Rowley, MA USA - Wednesday, September 22, 1999 at 09:20:11 (EDT) I served on SARA from October 68 through December 70 in S-1 Division. Met a lot of great guys resulting in several lifetime friendships. Good luck to all in this endeavor. Looking forward to going on board again in RI next year. Bob Pfarr <rpfarr@compuserve.com> Union, NJ USA - Monday, September 20, 1999 at 11:00:22 (EDT) HEY JUST GOT BACK ON NET. ANYONE FROM 88-91 WHO REMEMBERS THE TALLEST MAN ON THE SHIP WHO SERVED ON THE INPORT FIRE PARTY AND ALSO WAS IN IM-2 METAL SHOP GIVE ME A HOLLER SO WE CAN TALK ABOUT OLD TIMES!!! WAS ALSO THE NUT WHO PEDALED EVERY WHERE I WENT!!! KEEP SARA ALIVE AS A MUSEUM!!!!!!! MICHAEL J. VOGT <MRFUGSTER1@AOL.COM or BIGFOOTVOGT@NETSCAPE.COM > BALTIMORE, MD USA - Wednesday, September 15, 1999 at 21:30:36 (EDT) IT'S REALLY GREAT THAT THE MEMBERS OF VF-31 WERE ABLE TO CONTRIBUTE $500.000.00 TO SAVE SARA. SHE DESERVES EVERY DOLLAR OF IT!!!! THANKS AGAIN GUYS!!!!! Don Sager <donaldsager@msn.com> Torrington, CT USA - Wednesday, September 15, 1999 at 12:21:54 (EDT) Served onboard 1985-1988 VAW-125/AIMD/IM3/SH5 Avionics Tech. 3rd Class Mitchell Abood <doobam@mediaone.net> West Springfield, ma USA - Tuesday, September 14, 1999 at 09:31:16 (EDT) We need to get the word out. Only 278 responded to the poll. I know there is a heck of a lot more of us out there than that. My Dad served 36 years in the Navy. The last of which were on board Sara. She is more than just steal. She is part of our American heritage. My Dad taught us to love this country and many of my family served in the military. He also taught us that history and heritage are one of the most important things that we can pass on to our children and the next generations to come. WE NEED TO GET THE WORD OUT. WE NEED TO WRITE LETTERS AND MAKE PHONE CALLS. THE SARA BELONGS TO US AND WE NEED TO SHARE IT WITH OUR CHILDREN SO THEY UNDERSTAND THE SACRIFICES THAT WERE MADE BY THE MEN AND WOMEN THAT SERVED ABOARD HER. SHE BELONGS TO US!!!!!!!!!!!! John <JLM @gateway.net> MA USA - Thursday, September 09, 1999 at 20:45:09 (EDT) I served in G-2 in Jan 90. Then went to deck until I made OS3. I left the ship in Jan of 94. I was there for Desert Storm and the Turkish shoot. I was also there on that dreadful night when 21 of my shipmates died in Haifa Israel. You guys will always be in my memories. Richard George <yougopepe@yahoo.com> Ft Lauderdale , FL USA - Wednesday, September 08, 1999 at 21:13:48 (EDT) Served on Saratoga with VF-103, 66 & 67 Med cruises. Looking forward to visiting her again. EJ Cain <male@gateway.net> Yardley, PA USA - Tuesday, September 07, 1999 at 21:24:39 (EDT) SERVED ON THE SARATOGA 1973-1976 D-DIVISION DENTAL DT3. 2 MED CRUISES 75& 76.wOULD LIKE TO KNOW IF THERE ARE ANY DENTAL DIVISION SHIPS PERSONNEL OUT THERE? sERVED WITH PRIDE ON THE SARA 3 1/2 YEARS OF MY NAVAL CARRER. One of the best times of my life when I thing about it now. I was only 20 years old when I got on board. It has stayed with me for over 25 years. The idea of the the museum is a great idea. STEPHEN CARPIO <SARJENCO@AOL.COM> EAST NORTHPORT, NY USA - Sunday, September 05, 1999 at 16:22:00 (EDT) Served onboard the Sara '92-94 in Radio and was a part of her decommisioning. Would be glad to hear from any of the old shipmates. Would love to be there in 2000, but will be out to sea. I will visit her when I get back, that you can count on! Good Luck! William Shelton <SeaPupII@aol.com> Virginia Beach, Va USA - Thursday, September 02, 1999 at 21:47:48 (EDT) Served adoard the USS Saratoga CVA60 Jan 1966 - April 1969 3rd division Two Med cruises 1966 an 1967 In dry dock in Pliladelphia Ship Yard 1968 would like to hear from any of you EX 3rd division crew Trans to the USS America CVA66 1st division April 1969 I do hope the Sara museum come about... Andrew Wyatt <andreww@gis.net> Yarmouth ( Cape Cod), Ma USA - Sunday, August 29, 1999 at 18:29:46 (EDT) was in VF 103 for the 1976 med cruise would like to hear from old shipmates. Earnest Joe Meador <aerojomed@the-i.net> Beeville, Tx USA - Sunday, August 29, 1999 at 02:16:18 (EDT) Served on Saratoga 1958 as AIO VA-35. Officers of CAG-3, 57-59, please email. Fred Shipman <f_shipman@yahoo.com> Richardson, TX USA - Wednesday, August 25, 1999 at 02:42:15 (EDT) Was proud to serve on the Saratoga CVA 60 form Oct.1957 to Oct.1958 as EN3.I worked in #1 diesel engine room,and as a Saratoga boat engineer on one of the officer's motor boats.BM3 Page,a suvivor of two landings at Normandy was my Coxwain.EN1 John Poissant was in charge of the Boat Shop.The 1958 Med Cruise was a memorable one.Would like to here from anyone who served with me.Be he snipe,deck ape,Airdale,or whatever.Just visiting this site makes me dewy eyed. Fredericke J.Oakes <nfoakes@bellatlantic.net> Hopatcong, N.J. USA - Sunday, August 22, 1999 at 13:16:09 (EDT) served adoard "Sara" 66-68 was Photographers Mate 3rd class, went to the aid of U.S.S. Liberty,Frank Bailey,Vini Farrow, Mike Myers,the Goose, any you guys still around, many good memiores Larry Kemmer <chevy3755@axom.com> Mt. Vernon, Oh USA - Sunday, August 15, 1999 at 20:12:54 (EDT) I took a nice ride on my bike last week to newport to see Sara. What a sight. nice new paint job but no numbers.Its been 36 years since I've seen her.The Forrestal and the Iowa were there too.I sure hope this museum deal go's through. Joe Zarnowski <jzarnowski@snet.net> West Haven, Ct USA - Tuesday, August 10, 1999 at 21:13:03 (EDT) served on sara r div 70 to 72. it is great to hear they are saving her.hope to be there in 2000 Randy Cameron <rcameron@edtech.mcc.edu> burton , mi USA - Tuesday, August 10, 1999 at 19:51:09 (EDT) Great Site! I served aboard Saratoga from '84 - '90. Went through refit in Virginia and 2 Med Cruises. I'm proud to have served in Engineering's "E" Division as part of a great crew that kept her "Turning and Burning". I hope to vist her next year. Todd Little <dakar@cddn.com> Union City, TN USA - Thursday, August 05, 1999 at 15:29:28 (EDT) Don't know quite what to say! I was onboard the Sara for three med cruises, one carrier qual, and her west pak from 70 through 73. I was an AQ with VF-31 and worked the flight deck as plane captain and radar troubleshooter. What a rush! On her when she becoame "Sinking Sara" in Athens. I still cry when I think aobut that. The back to back 70+ day tours on station in Vietnam in the Tonkin Gulf. I was a crazy young man then in an unpopluar war. When I heard she was being decommissioned I bought a commerative cap, and wear it proudly. I OUTLIVED THE BOAT! I must admit though, the thought of her becoming a museum, and a memorial moves me greatly. I, and know many of you saw young boys and men breath their last breaths upon her. God bless them all, and you for having served your country! Anyone who wants to share their thoughts are welcome to email me anytime at guymcmaster@mindspring.com. PEACE... Guy F. McMaster. D.M.D. <guymcmaster@mindspring.com> Atlanta, Ga USA - Monday, August 02, 1999 at 20:46:40 (EDT) served aboard SARA 77-80 v1, crash and salvage looking for anyone who was in v1 then . also trying to locate Keith Armstrong from ALA. Brian Harrington <Hilo@frontiernet.net> Campbell Hall, NY USA - Sunday, August 01, 1999 at 12:37:16 (EDT) served aboard SARA 77-80 v1, crash and salvage looking for anyone who was in v1 then . also trying to locate Keith Armstrong from ALA. Brian Harrington <Hilo@frontiernet.net> Campbell Hall, NY USA - Sunday, August 01, 1999 at 12:27:42 (EDT) I served on Sara from May '77 to June '81 A proud member of the Bow Catapult team. I truly miss this grand old ship and hope to hear from shipmates Ronald Jalbert <rjalbert@banet.net> Ft Fairfield, Me USA - Sunday, August 01, 1999 at 11:29:43 (EDT) WAS ON THE SARA FROMM 66 TO 70 THIRD DIV BOSN MATE WITH JIM GORLEY BOBBY THOMAS JAMES CARTER LARRY NOLAN PHILLIP HUCTH WENT THE THE YARD PERIOD IN PHILLY MADE THREE MED CRUISES TOTAL 44 MTS ON BOARD LOT MEOMRIES ANY ONE KNOWS ME EMAIL ME JERRY MCELWRATH <JMCELW1062@AOL.COM> HUGHES, AR USA - Sunday, August 01, 1999 at 09:19:32 (EDT) I served on the "Sara" in 1965 & 1966 ( VA-36 & V-1 Div.). I hope you can save this mighty ship and let all see how wonderful she is. Gary D. Baughn, USN Ret. - Tuesday, July 27, 1999 at 17:16:37 (EDT) Served with VF-103 on board Sara from 1971-1973. Worked in the Ordnance shop. Would be interested in hearing from shipmates. Mike Ivey <mivey@mindspring.co> Sylacauga, Al USA - Tuesday, July 27, 1999 at 14:06:30 (EDT) I served aboard the Saratoga from 1989-1990 in 1st Division. I think it's great that the ship is going to become a museum, but I also think more of an effort should have been made to keep or put the Saratoga back in the Jacksonville Florida area where it really belongs! I welcome any E-mail from anyone who might have served with me 1989-1990. Robb Sawin <ras4@hotmail.com> Carbondale, IL USA - Tuesday, July 27, 1999 at 11:31:54 (EDT) I SERVED ON BOARD SUPER SARA FROM 92-94 AND SADLY WATCHED HER BE DECOM. I WAS IN OI DIVISION AND HAD GREAT FRIENDS. I HAD ALOT OF FUN AND GOOD MEMORIES. I ALWAYS WONDERED WHAT THEY WOULD DO TO SARA, AND I CAME ACROSS THIS WEB SITE. I CAN'T EXPRESS IN WORDS HOW GREATFUL I AM TO HEAR THAT SARA WILL BE SAVED. COUNT ME IN IN 2000. I HOPE TO SEE SOME OF MY SHIPMATES (FAMILY) THERE. SOMETIMES I WISH THEY COULD HAVE LET US SAIL HER FOREVER AT SEA WHERE SHE BELONGS. mike grunwald oi division os3 MIAMI, FL USA - Tuesday, July 27, 1999 at 04:53:32 (EDT) I SERVED ON BOARD SUPER SARA FROM 92-94 AND SADLY WATCHED HER BE DECOM. I WAS IN OI DIVISION AND HAD GREAT FRIENDS. I HAD ALOT OF FUN AND GOOD MEMORIES. I ALWAYS WONDERED WHAT THEY WOULD DO TO SARA, AND I CAME ACROSS THIS WEB SITE. I CAN'T EXPRESS IN WORDS HOW GREATFUL I AM TO HEAR THAT SARA WILL BE SAVED. COUNT ME IN IN 2000. I HOPE TO SEE SOME OF MY SHIPMATES (FAMILY) THERE. SOMETIMES I WISH THEY COULD HAVE LET US SAIL HER FOREVER AT SEA WHERE SHE BELONGS. mike grunwald oi division os3 USA - Tuesday, July 27, 1999 at 04:52:13 (EDT) When tours are allowed on the Sara, will they be like the ones we gave overseas? I think that for most of us, where we worked, ate and slept are the places we would like to revist most of all. Will the former crew members be allowed to do this or will we be restricted to the generic tours? Gerry Portner <konahearing@cport.com> Longview, WA USA - Monday, July 26, 1999 at 18:30:27 (EDT) A group of former "TOMCATTERS" (VF-31),are in the process of starting a "TOMCATTERS ASSOCIATION". Any former or present member can join,including members of VF-1B,VF-6,VF-3 VF-3A(WWll Designations).Our Association will be at the dedication of the "SARATOGA MUSEUM"in the year 2000.JOIN IN. I was a Brown Shirt,A/C#105,F4B PhantomII,from 1963-1966.Worked the roof of "SARA".WHAT A BLAST! Remember the PAN AM CLUB in BARCELONA ?? ROBERT J. GREENBERG <sv57en@aol.com> Kerhonkson, N.Y. USA - Monday, July 26, 1999 at 14:47:10 (EDT) In light of the untimely death of JFK Jr., his wife and sister-in-law; it is uplifting to know that the namesake Saratoga, the great carrier, and the airplane piloted by JFK Jr. will forever be connected by the name Saratoga. Claude P. Bowie, Jr. <cpbjr_99@yahoo.com> Byhalia, MS USA - Friday, July 23, 1999 at 10:52:42 (EDT) I served onboard Sara from 85 to 89 with VA-83 (CVW-17). I remember that time, as the best times I had in 20 years of Naval Service. The Ship and Crew,Airwing was the best at team work and getting the job/mission done right. From the CO Captain Unruh to the junior man, everybody knew what had to be done and did it without question. Then that day in April of 1986 when we Returned to Mayport FL. (Homecoming) will always be with me in the greatest memory every while in the Navy. The way the City of Jacksonville FL. turned out to welcome us home was just undiscribable in words. Yes the USS Saratoga CV-60 was diffently the best ever. Mike Clouse Ams1 <clomike@hotmail.com> Pensacola, Fl USA - Tuesday, July 20, 1999 at 17:02:48 (EDT) Extremely interested in volunteering my time to help bring the U.S.S. Saratoga to Quonset Point. I served in the U.S. Navy from 1957 to 1961. The last year and a half of my enlistment was aboard the U.S.S. John Willis (DE1027) home ported in Newport RI. Plenty of memories running plane guard for floating airports like Sara. Rick Handy <rhandy@tyreeorg.com / rickh14489@aol.com> Warwick, RI USA - Monday, July 19, 1999 at 21:58:24 (EDT) I'm pleased to see the outstanding effort that is being made toward this museum, and I lend my support in whatever way I can to see that the plan becomes a reality. I served aboard Sara from July 1969 to January 1973 as OS2 (electronic warfare/operations specialist) working in "CIC". Even 30 years later, I remember the smell of JP5 (jet fuel) and the rush of planes launching from the deck. Glen Hamilton <Glen@CyberInnCorp.com> Fremont, CA USA - Monday, July 19, 1999 at 01:18:44 (EDT) I made three cruise's abord sara att. to VF-31 71-74 Ive kinda kept up with her on the net I hope she has finally found a home Billy G (willy) williams <bgw47@aol.com> florence ala, al USA - Saturday, July 17, 1999 at 23:44:36 (EDT) Served in V1 Division from '57 to '60 - worked in Pri-fly. Made several MED cruises. Be glad to hear from anybody from V1 division. We have a Secure Deck!!! Vic Canter <owenjr@eathlink.net> Lake St. Louis, MO USA - Saturday, July 17, 1999 at 20:56:15 (EDT) Served in the USS Saratoga Naval Reserve component from 1985 until decom. Always looked forward to AcDuTra time aboard Sara. Served on active duty in OC Div. aboard USS America (CV-66)from Aug.'77 to Dec.'80, then started my Naval Reserve career with NR Nas Cecil Field from '81-'85. (You now have the Cliff Notes version of my Naval career.) Best wishes to the USS Saratoga Museum Foundation, and to all who work to preserve our Naval heritage! ACC(AW) Stephen P. Carter, USNR (Ret.) <200SC-Carter@msn.com> Tierra Verde,, FL USA - Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 06:39:55 (EDT) I have started a photo book for the (Crew) of the USS SARATOGA CVA60 CV60. If you have a photo to add, Just Click on my name... I hope to see your picture in a album soon. I was abord the Saratoga from 1972 to Dec.74. I was in (G-Div. Mag Crew)Thanks for this site.......Frank if you would like to add a link to this page feel free to do so.. Douglas Harmon <wrestleon@aol.com> Cincinnati, OH USA - Monday, July 12, 1999 at 19:33:02 (EDT) My name is Nick Ragozzino. I served on the Saratoga in 1958 as part of Squardron VAAW-33 (Knight Hawks) out of Pamona Naval Air Station Atlantic City, NJ. I would like to hear from John Titus an old buddy. Last year, I saw the Sara tied up in Philadelphia ship yard being prepared for towing to Newport, RI. I can't begin to tell you how excited I was to hear that she will become a museum instead of a scrap pile. Nicholas Ragozzino <bfq3575@dcmde.dla.mil> Danielson, CCT USA - Monday, July 12, 1999 at 12:11:50 (EDT) Very nice site. Please visit Madmae Tussauds Exhibition, UK, London Jane Timmans <jane@aol.com> USA - Monday, July 12, 1999 at 03:49:53 (EDT) What a blessing to have her restored and so close to home! I served aboard her from Oct86 to Oct88 in OX division as a Watch Supervisor. I'll see you on the 4th!! Dene M. Welage <dmwelage@snet.net> West Haven, CT USA - Sunday, July 11, 1999 at 15:37:11 (EDT) I am looking for Bill Gibeault, and outher ship mates that I know..... Douglas Harmon <wrestleon@aol.com> Cincinnati, OH USA - Friday, July 09, 1999 at 04:07:49 (EDT) I served on the Sara from 82-86 in V-1 div.(yellow shirt)Thanks for saving her! Joe Bell <joebell@bellsouth.net> USA - Wednesday, July 07, 1999 at 22:17:21 (EDT) Hey great page, I was onboard from October of 1993 to Decommisioning, It was a lot of fun, good to see that she is being saved, I tried to save a piece of her for myself, Upon my departure from the ship I "borrowed" the helm (just the actual wheel) and took it home with me, I was later apprehended by NCIS and was forced to give it back for use in the museum, just thought i would share that with you....DECK DEPARTMENT, 2nd Division! Eric Vaughan <ESVRW2@AOL.COM> San Diego, CA USA - Wednesday, July 07, 1999 at 12:12:37 (EDT) Group of former VF-31 Tomcatters forming up to start association, create web site. We are planning first reunion at Saratoga Dedication 7400. All former "Tomcatters" encouraged to get in touch. VA-75 and VF-103 welcome, as are all interested parties. Congratulations To Frank on a job truly WELL DONE. Chief Robert Hill, USCG res <vf31rhill@aol.com> Memphis, TN USA - Sunday, July 04, 1999 at 11:27:36 (EDT) Served on the Saratoga from June 67 until May 69. Joined the ship in Naples when it had first pulled in after the the aftermath of the 7 day war. Member of W-Division (we had the Marine sentry's guarding our spaces, and the bomb elevators that came up in the middle of hanger bay #1 and #3 were ours). Spent the entire refit in the Philadelphia yards (Jan 68 to Jan 69) aboard with no heat in the winter and no chilled water in the summer. Sea Trials after the yards (3 days dead in the water at the mouth of the Deleware River because the evaporators went down) then Gitmo cruise, and finially saw home port of Mayport were I got an early out due to ships movement. From here it was a great time, but then...... well it was a different world then. I will have to find my way to RI to see her again, sometime.... Miles Bosworth <miles1@home.com> Asheville, NC USA - Sunday, July 04, 1999 at 00:53:17 (EDT) Plank Owner - CV-60: Med cruise 1971 as AQF-2 in VA-105 Gunslingers. BZ to the Museum Foundation. I remember the 46 feet of water in the engine room(s) and the extended stay in Athens. I also remember the Russian Helo incident - I was on the flight deck watching - fascinating to say the least. Wayne A. Weible <wweible@midusa.net> Auburn, Kansas USA - Saturday, July 03, 1999 at 22:50:12 (EDT) Great project - glad to fully support it. Served on "Sara" 66-68, 1st Div. Looking for 1st Div personnel from 1966-1968. Any of the guys still around send me an email - Boker? Keyes? Panter? Ferrandino twins? Mcguire? Looking forward to stepping on her deck again. Jim "Mac" McComiskey <j_mccomiskey@hotmail.com> Bel Air, MD USA - Friday, July 02, 1999 at 12:27:58 (EDT) I served on the "SUPER SARA" from 1980 until I retired in 1984. Mike Landers was the Chief Engineer and OPPE was the name of the game. Passed 1st time out. This is a great site. Fair Winds Dick Stahl BTCM USN-RET Richard Stahl <rjstahl@hotmail.com> Elkton, , MD USA - Wednesday, June 30, 1999 at 16:41:20 (EDT) WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM ANYBODY WHO SERVED WITH ME. I WAS AE3 ATTACHED TO VAW 123 1972-1973 ON WESTPAC CRUISE. THE MAN THAT WE CALLED LT. ALONGAPO LARRY I ESPECIALLY WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM YOU! RICK BIRNBAUM <MBIRN 31357> JACKSONVILLE, FLA USA - Tuesday, June 29, 1999 at 21:08:04 (EDT) WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM ANYBODY WHO SERVED WITH ME. I WAS AE3 ATTACHED TO VAW 123 1972-1973 ON WESTPAC CRUISE. THE MAN THAT WE CALLED LT. ALONGAPO LARRY I ESPECIALLY WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM YOU! RICK BIRNBAUM <MBIRN 31357> JACKSONVILLE, FLA USA - Tuesday, June 29, 1999 at 21:08:01 (EDT) I think that Quonset Point is an ideal location and that the USS Saratoga will make an excellent educational and expostional tool for the US Navy. It will continue to exist and not sit idly in Newport wasting away. James W. Chaney, Lt. USNR, VMF-533 (1957) <Scott_Costello@brown.edu> North Caldwell, NJ USA - Saturday, June 26, 1999 at 16:26:12 (EDT) V-3 "Hangar Rat" from 83 until 87. Alot of good, (and not so good), memories from the SARA. When I think back to the mere kids who sailed and kept the SARA underway, I'm still amazed. I would'nt trade my time and experience on the SARA for anything. I have pledged an donation, (and ask my shipmates to do the same). I think everyone who served aboard the SARA would agree, that it it is and was a very important part of their life. Congratulations to the team that secured the funding. BRAVO ZULU John Cogley <John.cogley@wellmaninc.com> Long Beach, MS USA - Wednesday, June 23, 1999 at 17:27:02 (EDT) The last time I saw Sara was when she was slated to be scrapped in Phila. Im glad this is happening and I can share her with my family. I was on 3 Med Cruises 69 - 71 The LAst Med cruise was the most interesting due to almost sinking, a long stat in Athens and find us in the middle of a Soviet fleet on our way home ! Does any one remember the Helo incident on our way back home from the Med in 71 ? I was with VF-31 as an AQF2 and served in the AIMD shop. I never received my last cruise Book.(Lost in Mail maybe??) Does anyone know how i might be able to obtain one ? Walt Boyer <boyer@redrose.net> Lebanon, Pa USA - Tuesday, June 22, 1999 at 21:41:34 (EDT) I just ran across your site and I Thank You for the efforts your group is perfoming! I can see the Saratoga when I drive by on my way to work each day and I would love to be able to bring my family out to visit her once she is made into a museum. Maybe someday the USS Providence (fast attack submarine) can be added once she is decommissioned! Good Luck in your efforts!! Bob Rogers Bob Rogers (ex-STS1(SS)) <brogers@ebmail.gdeb.com> Charlestown, RI USA - Monday, June 21, 1999 at 07:20:15 (EDT) I served on-board "SUPER SARA" "92-94" she was my first command and i'm glad to see that she's not going to rust away or be used for scrap metal. to bad JAX,FLA. did'nt get to keep here at home but she'll be able to be seen by all in rhode island. you can save me a spot on the deck for opening day 'cause i'll be there July 4, 2000. LONG LIVE THE SUPER SARA!!! I.U.A.O.Y.A.S. To all the "MAG RATS" of G-3 DIV. LAST CRUISE AND TO ALL HOW SERVEDON-BOARD THE U.S.S. SARATOGA CV-60 Jay Jenkins <seadevil@infoave.net> Lancaster, sc USA - Sunday, June 20, 1999 at 02:15:18 (EDT) I put 4 long years on the Sara from Nov 86 to Nov 90 in V-1 Division. Alot of sweat and tears. I would love to see her again. That ship deserve to stay alive for all the men that served aboard her. It was a great ship that did its job. It should always be remembered and be seen by all in the world. Joe Ferrera <jferrera@tqci.net> Patuxent River, Maryland USA - Saturday, June 19, 1999 at 16:09:18 (EDT) i was on the super sara 3/88to 12/90 spent. 16 months in dry dock before going to mayport.i have more memories from here then i do from growing up.worked in 3mmr where the guys were the best.sure am glad to see the old girl may be saved as there are so many who owe so muce to her.i am considering making the reruionin 99 or 00 .go snipes. opie gundeck <crush@pcpartner.net> ames, ia USA - Thursday, June 17, 1999 at 23:05:21 (EDT) Has anyone served with Jerry Robert Johnston (CWO3) during the 74-75 cruise. If so could you contact me at my email. I am looking for any information about him. I would be very thankful. Mary <mercy@gateway.net> AL USA - Thursday, June 17, 1999 at 17:00:20 (EDT) I am a retired shipyard worker from the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard having worked there from 1965 to its closing in Sept. 1995. I had the opportunity to work on Sara for 2 short overhauls as well as the SLEP from 1980 to 83. As you may know, Sara was the first of the SLEP overhauls and was quite an achievement for both the Shipyard and the Ship's Force. She was a proud ship and I enjoyed working with the crew. I was in Shop 99 and worked closly with the Engineers, especially the Electricians. It is great to see that she will be preserved in this manner and I will be sure to get to Rhode Island to visit her. Stephen F. Weber <sfweber@snip.net> Stratford , NJ USA - Tuesday, June 15, 1999 at 21:35:21 (EDT) Served in V3 division 64-66. See you in 2000 at the dedication and the reunion Gerald Portner <konahearing@cport.com> Longview, WA USA - Monday, June 14, 1999 at 17:57:40 (EDT) I served on SARA from 8/68-12/70 in the S-1 Div. I am thrilled to see that she will be saved for this wonderful project. Joe Perkins <jperkins@Gates.com> Cary,, N.C. USA - Friday, June 11, 1999 at 15:19:53 (EDT) I served on SARA from 8/68-12/70 in the S-1 Div. I am thrilled to see that she will be saved for this wonderful project. Joe Perkins <jperkins@Gates.com> Cary,, N.C. USA - Friday, June 11, 1999 at 15:19:37 (EDT) served on the waist cats and the bow in 83. Gary Moran? Dave Christianson? david l allen mitchell, in USA - Thursday, June 03, 1999 at 20:57:22 (EDT) served on sara from 64 66 v2 gear rat where are all my buds good job frank james m holaday <jhola33875@aol.com> minneapolis, mn USA - Thursday, June 03, 1999 at 15:04:58 (EDT) I am glad to see that CV-60 was saved, since Jacksonville lost out. She was my last command. I served with my twin brother Brett(AW1,OX Division)from December 1990 to July 1993(PH3,OP Division)My brother did six cruises,including Super Sara's last in 1994. Bruce W. Moore <bwmphoto@lcc.net> Huntsville, TX USA - Thursday, June 03, 1999 at 14:19:16 (EDT) I am glad to see that CV-60 was saved, since Jacksonville lost out. She was my last command. I served with my twin brother Brett(AW1,OX Division)from December 1990 to July 1993(PH3,OP Division)My brother did six cruises,including Super Sara's last in 1994. Bruce W. Moore <bwmphoto@lcc.net> Huntsville, TX USA - Thursday, June 03, 1999 at 14:18:59 (EDT) KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK WILL YOU BE PUTTING THE HISTORY OF THE USS SARATOGA CV-2 WHICH WAS LOST AT THE BIKINI ATOLL ATOMIC TESTS AS A DISPLAY ON THE CARRIER. BRIAN MCNEIL <BMCNEIL21@HOTMAIL.COM> NORTH ADAMS, MA USA - Wednesday, June 02, 1999 at 19:11:57 (EDT) My father, Ronald Hooper, was a Plankowner and served on the Saratoga from October 1955-August 1957. He was drafted in one of the only peacetime naval drafts. I'm not sure what division he served in, but I do know that he operated one of the cranes that loaded the ship (he loaded an atomic bomb onto the ship during the Suez Crisis). He was also a firefighter on the flight deck. My father died suddenly in 1988. I would be interested in hearing from anybody who knew him. Eric Hooper <kas985@yahoo.com> South Lyon, MI USA - Tuesday, June 01, 1999 at 12:17:46 (EDT) Served on the Super Sara from July 1959 to Oct.63 made 5 med cruises in V-1 div.the best flight deck crew ever, would like to hear from some of the old crew. Great web site, like many I found it by accident. James L. ( JIM ) Rice <BLUEWHO444@aol.com> Pensacola, Fl USA - Monday, May 31, 1999 at 20:13:32 (EDT) I was aboard the Sara 1961-1963 in S Division. I've lost track of my cruise book and cannot remember which # in S. Division. Can anyone on Sara at same time check through S Division roster and let me know what # you find my name under. William G. Hedrick E-3 Wanting to hear from Christians. William G. Hedrick <heartbeat@jps.net> Paso Robles, CA USA - Monday, May 31, 1999 at 00:28:47 (EDT) I MADE THE LAST TWO CRUISES ON THE SARATOGA, GOT A GREAT HOME VIDEO OF A LIVE FIRE AIR SHOW OUT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE MED , SUMMER 1992, I WAS THE TOWER SUPERVISOR IN PRIMARY FLIGHT CONTROL. I AM TRAINED IN ALL THE SYSTEMS IN THE TOWER, THE LSO PLATFORM, ARRESTING GEAR, FOREWARD AND AFT CATS ALSO THE MAIN MACHINERY ROOMS (ENGINE ROOMS FOR YOU LAND LUBBERS) I WOULD BE HAPPY TO ACT AS A CONSULTANT IN THE RE-CREATION OF THE TOWER AND ITS SYSTEMS. I ONLY HOPE THE PEOPLE WHO ARE PUTTING THIS MUSEUM TOGETHER PLAN TO TELL IT LIKE IT WAS AND DON'T TRY TO SUGAR COAT IT. THIS WAS A WAR-SHIP, YOUNG MEN JUST OUT OF COLLEGE AND HIGH SCHOOL WORKED HARD AND SOME DIED. ALL IN ALL I KNOW RHODE ISLAND WILL BENNEFIT GREATLY FROM THE MUSEUM. THE SARATOGA WILL ADD A GREAT DEAL TO THE OCEAN STATE AND AREA OF OUR COUNTRY THAT IS ALREADY RICH IN MILITARY HERITAGE AND PATRIOTISM. Jay DeAndrade <jay.de@cwix.com> Jacksonville, FL USA - Friday, May 28, 1999 at 21:09:51 (EDT) I served aboad the USS Saratoga from Dec 59 to Aug 1961 X-Division, Personnel Office. I was on two med cruises, and vividly recall the night that we encountered the German Freighter off the coast of North Carolina and the terrible fire off the coast of Athens, Greece and lost 6 shipmates. I was transferred to VAH-3 Sanford, Fla and have many fond memories form both stations. Serving aboard the Saratoga was one of the most memorable experiences of my life. I feel apart of the ship and will be in RI 7/00 and before. Can't wait to go aboard SARA and feel the nostalgia from the greatest time of my life. Lets all do our part to keep the Saratoga forever. Look forward to the reunion in Charleston. Would love to hear from any shipmate who served aboard the Saratoga from 59-61 or assigned to VAH-3 Sanford, Fla. Bill Ranney <Sails@interactive.net> Mountain Lakes, NJ USA - Friday, May 28, 1999 at 19:12:51 (EDT) I served aboad the USS Saratoga from Dec 59 to Aug 1961 X-Division, Personnel Office. I was on two med cruises, and vividly recall the night that we encountered the German Freighter off the coast of North Carolina and the terrible fire off the coast of Athens, Greece and lost 6 shipmates. I was transferred to VAH-3 Sanford, Fla and have many fond memories form both stations. Serving aboard the Saratoga was one of the most memorable experiences of my life. I feel apart of the ship and will be in RI 7/00 and before. Can't wait to go aboard SARA and feel the nostalgia from the greatest time of my life. Lets all do our part to keep the Saratoga forever. Look forward to the reunion in Charleston. Would love to hear from any shipmate who served aboard the Saratoga from 59-61 or assigned to VAH-3 Sanford, Fla. Bill Ranney <Sails@interactive.net> Mountain Lakes, NJ USA - Friday, May 28, 1999 at 19:11:39 (EDT) Served on SARA from January 1972 until July 1975, V-1 Division Yellow Shirt Fly 2. Also Crash and Salvage PO. Made Nam cruise and Med cruise, best times of my life, some of the best friends I had... Took a trip to RI to show the SARA to my wife and a neice and nephew whose Dad also served with me. More emotional than I thought it would be. This is a wonderful idea to save a Great Lady, you fellows deserve a lot of credit. I hope to be ther for 7/4/2000 opening. Will continue checking back from time to time, best wishes Frank Cawley <FDCAWLEY@AOL.COM> Plainville, CT USA - Thursday, May 27, 1999 at 18:39:23 (EDT) Served aboard July 65 - June 67 S-3 div . Would realy like to here from Phil Crumb or any body that knows his location Richard T Coit <RCoit@ij.net> Tampa, FL USA - Wednesday, May 26, 1999 at 17:58:52 (EDT) I served aboard Sara June '71- July '75 in OE Div and later helped create the first OW Div. Made 2 Med cruises ('71 & '75), WesPac (72-73) and Portsmouth ROH (73-74) Tim Dybala <tim@dybala.com> Sugar Land, Tx USA - Wednesday, May 26, 1999 at 12:13:18 (EDT) I served aboard Sara June '71- July '75 in OE Div and later helped create the first OW Div. Made 2 Med cruises ('71 & '75), WesPac (72-73) and Portsmouth ROH (73-74) Tim Dybala <tim@dybala.com> Sugar Land, Tx USA - Wednesday, May 26, 1999 at 12:12:52 (EDT) I DID THE LAST TWO CRUISES ON SARATOGA (CV-60). I AM VERY HAPPY WHAT YOU PEOPLE ARE DOING. I HOPE TO SEE YOU IN 2000. ROBERT RODRIGUEZ <ROBERT424@WEBTV.NET> WATERBURY, CT USA - Tuesday, May 25, 1999 at 11:00:35 (EDT) I served on the "Sara" from March, 1960 to early 1963. I went aboard in Brooklyn Naval Ship Yards. I made my first cruise heading down the coast heading for Mayport, didn't make it ran over a German freighter withend a few days. So we put in at Norfolk Naval Ship Yards for six months. I want to be there for the opening hope I find a few old shipmates. Dale Thomas(Tom) Antrim <tantrim@scan.missouri.org> Mountain View, MO USA - Monday, May 24, 1999 at 22:39:16 (EDT) Served aboard SARA attached to VF-31 TOMCATTERS From the 71 Med. cruise to the 72-73 West-pac cruise. Glad to see the old girl will once again shine! GREAT JOB! Barry Baker <baker9871@aol.com> Rome, Ga. USA - Monday, May 24, 1999 at 09:14:47 (EDT) I served aboard the SARATOGA from Nov 57 to July 59 in "X" Division working in the Personnel Office as a PN3. I would love to hear from any of my former shipmates that I worked with. I followed the career of the SUPER SARA after I got out of the Navy and was personally invited by her last CO to attend the decommissioning on 20 AUG 94 in Mayport FL. Anyone from my old division please contact me at shengel@bellsouth.net Steve Engel <shengel@bellsouth.net> Daytona Beach, FL USA - Sunday, May 16, 1999 at 14:52:05 (EDT) I served aboard the Super SARA from July 58 (embarked Cannes, France) to May 1960 (Debarked Brooklyn, N.Y.) I was a PN in the Personnel Office (X-Div). If any shipmates from that era served with me, please e-mail me. I would love to hear from you. Hope to be at the opening of the SARA Museum in 2000. Great WEB site!! Jerry H. Reid <jlreid@socket.net> Bland, MO USA - Sunday, May 16, 1999 at 13:30:39 (EDT) i'm a a boatswain's mate off the USS Merrimack (AO- 179), i'm currently on the USS Whidbey Island. It was sad enough to see my oiler decom. It's worse to know that she'll be razor blades. Y'all are doing a good thing for the Saratoga. Few thing in this world are finer than a diesel carrier. christopher price <yoda_cp@hotmail.com> nab little creek, va USA - Sunday, May 16, 1999 at 03:22:23 (EDT) Great site. You guys have done a wonderful job. Good luck. Lauri Lesh <Lesh@earthlink.net> Whittier, CA USA - Sunday, May 16, 1999 at 01:52:03 (EDT) Served TAD, as a CT, aboard the SARA in '63 up until the time of the fire when she was relieved by the Shangri La. Consider that short assignment as the best of the 8 yrs I spent in the Navy. Happy to know that she has at last found a home. "Thanks for the Memories". bernard a bieber <FLAJANMAN@webtv.net> lake wales, fl USA - Tuesday, May 11, 1999 at 20:14:34 (EDT) Am a plankowner of Sara and also served inher during WestPac Was in charge of the print shop during WestPac and am a retired lithographer--would like to here from anyone who remembers me John Prime <primej@nemaine.com> Eastport, Me USA - Tuesday, May 11, 1999 at 16:57:14 (EDT) Found this site by accident (looking for USS Saragoga ball cap!)..... served in E-DIV from May '65 thru Jul '67... the nostalgia is wonderful! Hank Taylor <Taylor-Maid@worldnet.att.net> Cary, NC USA - Tuesday, May 11, 1999 at 12:23:20 (EDT) I'm proud to see shes still alive and well. I served in W Div 82 - 85 (84 Med Cruise) I tell all , Sara made me the sailor I was and always will be. I had the opportunity to go back to decom her as well as retire the same time frame, I declined I could'nt bear to let it go like that. "The Super 60 from Dixie". I picked her up in Philly at the bitter end of SLEP and "the Green" crew came out screaming we were AWSOME she gave me Chief and many tales and friends. Drop me a line fellows Id love to retell some stories of the lovely lady from the south. Chief Willie Dave Williams,WTC,USN,Ret PROUDLY Dave (Willie) Willams <Dwill82@worldnet.att.net> Amarillo, TX USA - Saturday, May 08, 1999 at 02:18:39 (EDT) Took a ride through Quonset Pt. in the early 90's and was sick to see how the old base looked.I made 2 Med. cruises on the Sara.,July 59-Feb60 and July 60-Feb.61 as an aircrew member of VAAW33.Nothing but the best of memories of the times and the guys I served with.Think of how I feel knowing that the old gal will be at Quonset.The base and the Saratoga get a well deserved chance at recognition of what they have accomplished. Great site and will see you in Rhode Island in July 2000 Jim Dugan <clamsoreg@aol.com> Bossier City, La USA - Sunday, May 02, 1999 at 16:39:39 (EDT) I was aboard sara's med druise in 1958 I am glad she will be available to visit. Maybe some shipmates from that cruise will read this I was in squadron VA35 Our plane was the A3D SKYRAIDER Paul J Yadouga <PJY@BURKAVAGEDESIGN.COM> CLARKS SUMMIT, PA USA - Thursday, April 29, 1999 at 11:45:50 (EDT) Served proudly aboard the Sara from 87 to 90 in the EW shop and I am glad that the Sara is not ending up as scrap. I now have kids that see the pictures of my Navy days and I am looking forward to bringing them down in 2000 to see a place I called home. Aaron Smith <smittydoo@erols.com> Oxford, CT USA - Tuesday, April 27, 1999 at 03:40:09 (EDT) I served aboard the mighty Sara from July 1957 to June 1959 and it was the greatest. I hope to see some old friends on 7/4/00, thanks for making this possable. Glynn Neumann <glynn@bellcomb.com> Burnsville, MN USA - Monday, April 26, 1999 at 21:45:32 (EDT) Served on the Sara from October 1958 to August 1960 S1 Division. Look foreward to seeing her again. Dean Croucher <DEANSCCA@aol.com> Newark, ny USA - Monday, April 26, 1999 at 15:35:56 (EDT) I served aboard the Saratoga from 88 to 92, in OI Division. I think this is great what you are trying to do with her. She might be getting up there in years, But she still has alot to give! Good Luck, and see you there in 2000!! Greg Gaetano <patsteed@tiac.net> Brant Rock, MA USA - Monday, April 26, 1999 at 10:14:48 (EDT) What a wonderful thing for Quonset Point and the USS Saratoga. Good luck with your project. Rhode Island needs you! US Navy WAVES 1966-68 andrea <usa47@hotmail.com> westerly, RI USA - Sunday, April 25, 1999 at 23:15:19 (EDT) Great site! James Beard <jbpro2@webtv.net> Kent, WA USA - Friday, April 23, 1999 at 01:14:08 (EDT) I serverd on board the Sara from 1958-1959 with CAG-3 VA-35. Seeing this web site brings back many memories, good and sad. Phillip Masuzzo <pmasuzzo@hotmail.com> N. Richland Hills, Tx USA - Friday, April 23, 1999 at 00:01:07 (EDT) Lord the looking is over. Was carrier group from 1961 to 1963. CAG 3 VAH-9 Heavy Attack A3D.So glad to find this page. Would like to here from anyone in that time zone. Can't wait to see her again after 35 plus years.Just came back from Florida Sanford Naval Air Station or what was but, now its just a small civil airport. I could go on for hours. Anyway Thank you lord for finding her a home. Oh yea I was an AE. Jerry Ferrara <Elvis jf1@aol.com> Hauppauge, ny USA - Thursday, April 22, 1999 at 21:59:03 (EDT) I wish you all the luck in achieving your goal. I have always been interested in the history of the aircraft carrier and the incredible record of the Navy in the Pacific in WWII. I have wanted for years to go on board one of our "supercarriers" and have never had the chance. I will continue to follow your progress toward achieving your goal. I look forward some day to setting foot on your ship and showing my children about the ships and men that have served in the past. Dale Frank <70307,465@compuserve.com> Plymouth, mi USA - Thursday, April 22, 1999 at 21:04:20 (EDT) I'm a plankowner who served in the ship's Marine Detachment from early 1956 into the Fall of 1958. It's hard to believe I last sailed, on the Saratoga, four decades ago. Even so, I can still, in my mind,s eye, feel the sensation of being underway on a ship that was totally alive and unbelievably powerful. I hope the years have been kind to my former Marine buddies and Saratoga shipmates. Perhaps when I visit our old ship I'll meet some of you again. Until then, smooth sailing! Harvey Saffron <harvgrett@zebra.net > Wilmer, AL USA - Wednesday, April 21, 1999 at 21:13:12 (EDT) I actually just had a dream the night before I found this site. It has been 10 years since I served on Sara (86-89). Since then I have been having dreams on and off about serving in U.S. Navy, and about the people I served with. I sure miss them all. I SURE HOPE TO RUN INTO SOME OF YOU GUYS! I can't believe She's out of service already. She just had a "facelift" not long ago. BT3 LIM Engineering Dept. 4 Main (GO FOR IT!) Kain Lim <K73827@aol.com> San Jose, Ca USA - Monday, April 19, 1999 at 08:05:43 (EDT) I was in Fox Division (Fire Control for 5" 54 Cal. Guns) from Sept. 63 till June 64 when I left for Sub School in New London, Conn. I would like to hear from any FT's or GM's from that period. Arthur Tassaro <art43@excite.com> Cresskill, NJ USA - Sunday, April 18, 1999 at 23:52:42 (EDT) My son in law served on this great ship and I am very proud of him. I support this program....Ev Mackin, Warwick, RI Everett Mackin USA - Saturday, April 17, 1999 at 21:40:20 (EDT) I served aboard the Sara from March of 72 until May of 73. Was with VA-37 for a West Pac tour. Known as Yank to some of the Ordnance crew. Glad to see Sara being enlisted for duty. Will be a great museum. Any shipmates out there, give me a call on my e-mail or at my address. Regards AO2 Glenn G. Watts Jr. Glenn G. Watts Jr. <watts @obwon.kodak.com> rochester, ny USA - Saturday, April 17, 1999 at 20:30:44 (EDT) I SERVED ON SARATOGA IN OP DIVISION, AIR INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, DURING 1960 AND 1961 AS A DRAFTSMAN 3. I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING THE "SARA" AGAIN! CHUCK AUSAVICH <CAUSAVICH@EXCEL.NET> PLYMOUTH, WI USA - Saturday, April 17, 1999 at 19:23:39 (EDT) I served in the marine detachment from July 57 to Feb. 59. I went on a Med. cruise and stood honor guard for Grace Kelly. I also stood brig sentry and Cpl. of the guard. Had a wonderful time aboard the SARA, and made some lifelong friends. Good luck to all those involved in the USS Saratoga Museum Foundation. Hope to see you in July of 2000. Any one on board between those years don't hesitate to drop me a line. Cpl. David Bukky <bukky@greenapple.com> Lancaster, OH USA - Saturday, April 17, 1999 at 13:42:18 (EDT) I served on Sara from 90-94. DC2. R Div. I am very proud to see that SuperSara will be there for us again. I am making plans to be there 7/4/00. GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!! Thomas Allen <tallen@unf.edu> Jacksonville, Fl USA - Saturday, April 17, 1999 at 11:11:16 (EDT) I served on Sara from 90-94. DC2. R Div. I am very proud to see that SuperSara will be there for us again. I am making plans to be there 7/4/00. GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!! Thomas Allen <tallen@unf.edu> Jacksonville, Fl USA - Saturday, April 17, 1999 at 11:10:58 (EDT) I served aboard the Sara as part of the ship's company during the 1970 Med Cruise. As an ATN2 I was assigned to the IM-3 Division Calibration Shop (Shop 5A). I am really happy to hear of this effort to save the Sara. My wife and I will be sure to make continuing contributions to help see that it happens. I would love to be able to show my wife the ship on which I so proudly served when paying a visit your part of the country. Verner D. Hawk <vhawk@pacbell.net> Fontana, CA USA - Friday, April 16, 1999 at 09:30:32 (EDT) i served on the "big 60 from dixie" in 1963-1965. i was ship`s company, hospital corpman. will come to see her again. great ship and a great history... dean f. romagnoli <deansue@up.net> iron mountain, mi USA - Wednesday, April 14, 1999 at 21:56:00 (EDT) Served aboard the SARA from 4/76-2/79 in the IM-3 Div of AIMD. Glad to hear about all the effort being put forth to keep the SARA afloat. Thomas R. Smith <SnoryL5R@AOL.Com> Wallingford, Ct. USA - Tuesday, April 13, 1999 at 22:04:42 (EDT) Does anyone know an john p pavlek v_3 div cva60 was on board in 1971 darlene baker scott <dscott@swnebr.net> mccook, ne USA - Tuesday, April 13, 1999 at 15:32:08 (EDT) I served aboard the "Sara" from 1960 to 1963 in GM Div..I attended the Saratoga Springs Reunion, and plan to be in Charleston the year after next. Last fall was an emotional time. Matt TenEyck <matthew.teneyck@gte.net> Kingston, NY USA - Monday, April 12, 1999 at 20:47:14 (EDT) I'm a plank owner from OI Division of CVA-60. Assigned to Sara in December of 1955, went to Newport for pre-commissioning schools such as fire fighting in January of '56 (a real joy that was) & CIC training for all of the Radarmen. Bussed to Brooklyn Navy Yard a few days before we commissioned her on 14 April,1956. Besides a lot of other gold we had Admiral Halsey as a guest. I'll never forget the wistful look on his face as he looked across the pier at the old Enterprise, his flagship during WWII. She was doomed to be scrapped and despite his efforts to save her she was scrapped. Let's not let that happen to Sara. Left Sara in December,1957 to go to Submarine school. I've served on four carriers,two submarines, a PCE & a Tin Can. Sara was always my favorite ship. Captain (now Vice Admiral, Ret.) Stroh was the best skipper I ever had. I want to make everyone aware that the first man to give his life was Oscar Franklin Hogg, a flight deck crewman, who was blown over the side by a jet exhaust. He was picked up by the rescue helo but his heart had been ruptured when he bounced off one of the gun mounts on the port side. I've never seen his name mentioned in all of the deceased lists I've seen.
I have attended Sara reunions in San Diego, Las Vegas, San Antonio & Saratoga Springs and I was at the decommissioning in Mayport. Broke my heart to see her docked after all the crew had left and the crowd was dispersing. Contributed to the fund to save her then but it didn't work out.. Contributed again this time and will continue to support efforts to make her a museum PLANK OWNER ON THE SARA, WAS IN S-3 DIVISON, WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM ANY ONE WHO SERVED WITH ME FROM 56 to AUGUST 59. GREAT TO KNOW SARA IS STILL ALIVE AND WILL REMAIN IN OUR MEMORIES FOR MANY YEARS TO COME. GREAT GOING FRANK, HOPE TO SEE YOU ON JULY 4,2000 JOHN W. FOX <foxchief@shorenet.net> cambridge, md USA - Thursday, April 08, 1999 at 18:56:01 (EDT) SERVED ON SARA FROM 88-91 AIMD IM-2 DIVISION. LOOKING FOR ALL METAL SHOPPERS AND TIRE SHOPPERS. GIVE ME A HOLLER AND WE CAN TALK OF OLD TIMES AND CATCH UP ON NEWS. I HOPE THE SARA DOES BECOME THAT MUSEUM YOU ALL ARE TALKING ABOUT CAUSE SHE DESERVES IT AND IS A PROUD SHIP!!!! MICHAEL VOGT <MVOGT16@AOL.COM> BURLINGTON TOWNSHIP, NJ USA - Wednesday, April 07, 1999 at 11:47:08 (EDT) this memo is an attempt to locate any member of the USS SARATOGA CV-60, WHO SERVED ONBOARD THIS SHIP DURING THE CRUISE OF MAY 72--FEB 73, TO THE TONKIN GULF OF VIETNAM. IT HAS BEEN A LONG TIME SINCE IVE HAD ANY CONTACT WITH ANY OF MY FELLOW SHIPMATES AND WOULD LIKE TO KNOW IF ANY OF YOU ARE STILL LIVEING. IF YOU ARE STILL ABLE TO REMEMBER THE CRUISE, THEN WILL YOU PLEASE GET IN CONTACT WITH ME AS SOON AS POSSIBLE..STEAMING ALWAYS///UNDERWAY FOREVER.................................................... james e gray <euddy1@prodigy.net> jacksonville, fl USA - Tuesday, April 06, 1999 at 19:00:20 (EDT) I spent a brief time on the Saratoga as a Marine Sgt with Adm Richard Lee, COMCARDIV 14 sometime in 56 or 57.After having spent 2 years on the Antietam CVS 36, the Saratoga was a palace, although she didn't seem to ride as well.The Antietam's homeport was Quonset Pt. Good luck, I will come and "chip paint" if needed.... Chris Coxe <ccoxe@clinic.net> Brunswick, ME USA - Monday, April 05, 1999 at 19:15:05 (EDT) I served on the SARA from '69 to '70 in the CR Division. I tink its wonderful that a effort is being made to save her,after seeing that same effort fail in Jacksonville. This will give me another reason to go home to my native Rhode Island. Joe Hodge <joe-hodge@mail.fhmis.net> Orlando, FL USA - Monday, April 05, 1999 at 16:44:43 (EDT) The Saratoga was the only home I ever really loved. I miss her and the shipmates I served with very much. G-Divsion Mag Crew/Flight Deck Crew 1972-1975 1 Westpac 1 Med Cruse All former shipmates are encuraged to contact me. GREAT SITE Keep Sara alive, I know she still lives deep within me. Michael Richardson AKA Mouse <Covewood@netzero.net> Rome, NY USA - Sunday, April 04, 1999 at 14:48:52 (EDT) I served on the Sara from 70 to 72. Only a short time but a wonderful experence for me. I show my kids plenty of photos of my time on the bridge. Great times for me. SM3 was a good experence. RW Warren <rcwarren@sprintmail.com> Tucson, AZ USA - Wednesday, March 31, 1999 at 20:06:34 (EST) I was in E Division from 74-78 taking 3 Med cruises on her. It is good to see that the ship isn't going to rust away tied to some pier. It would be very interesting to see the Sara again. There were a lot of good people serving onboard the Sara. Time has gotten away from us and contact with the many men who served on the Sara have been lost. This is a good way to find old friends. Paul Hayes <hannibal@theramp.net> Ottawa, Illinois USA - Monday, March 29, 1999 at 06:37:03 (EST) I served on the Sara from '56 - '58; a lot of good memories, (looking for my good friend Howard Scullion). Thanks for preserving all the memories with these great pictures & future museum. Bob Hower (RW) Lebanon, PA USA - Sunday, March 28, 1999 at 21:12:00 (EST) I served on the CV3, Aug. 43 to Dec.44. I appreciate the information you have provided here, Thanks Melvin Arnold <helmel@home.com> Hendersonville, Tn USA - Saturday, March 27, 1999 at 10:22:06 (EST) I served on the Sara from 1980 -1982 in the S-1 division. I went to Philly for the SLEP program. I am more than pleased to see her get another chance at life. I hope to visit her July 4, 2000. Stan "Jake" Jacobs <Starsky13@AOL.com> Miami Beach, Fla USA - Wednesday, March 24, 1999 at 17:22:05 (EST) I justed returned from a weekend in Newport, R.I.. My wife and I had to get away from the daily hassles. We went north to check out LightHouses. On the drive north I seen a carrier along I 95 in Connecticut on the way up. I remembered surfing the internet and coming across SARA. I was onboard Aug 12th 1972 to April 19th, 1974. I am not one to share personal momuents but when I got to the Pier and walk up the embankment across the railroad tracks from the Pier I choked up and let a few tears release. I was taken in by Sara. I just recently joined the Association and I suggest you take the time and do the same. If your able to take a sentimental journey to Newport to revisit SARA do it! I am glad I did. I am making a three year financial support committment to her and just tell me when an I will show up for work detail without hesitation. Terry Bowser <bpch@vicon.net> Alexandria, PA USA - Monday, March 22, 1999 at 09:18:58 (EST) THE SARA WAS MY FIRST DUTY STATION (66-68). I WAS IN FOURTH DIVISION. I WAS JUST A SEAMAN BUT IT WAS THE BEST OF TIMES AND THE WORST OF TIMES. I HOPE YOU GUYS CAN PULL THIS OFF SO I CAN SHOW MY SONS THE PLACE WHERE ALL THOSE STORIES CAME FROM THAT I TOLD THEM WHEN THEY WERE GROWING UP. GOOD LUCK WITH THIS PROJECT. KENNETH J. KENNEDY <kken@nwonline.net> FREMONT, OH USA - Sunday, March 21, 1999 at 21:36:51 (EST) Good luck in this worthy endeavor from the Veterans' Column writer for the Providence Journal. Please keep me posted on developments for the Museum Foundation's Park, and I will pass along the information as best I can in the Vets' Column. George W. Reilly - ProJo Vets' Column Writer George W. Reilly <projovets@aol.com> Providence, RI USA - Saturday, March 20, 1999 at 13:27:39 (EST) Served on Sara in "81 to "84.Worked first S.L.E.P. "84 Med Cruise. G-1 Aft Mags. AO. Looking for old shipmates and old friends. Give me an E-Mail anytime. I always wondered what happened to the old B****!!! Richard Patey <UnclNoNeck@aol.com> Waianae, Hi USA - Saturday, March 20, 1999 at 00:41:38 (EST) Ahoy TOMCATTERS..Served as plane captain on A/C # 105 ,F4b Phantom II,VF-31,from 1963-1966.To date,working the roof of SARA was one of the most gratifing and exciting things I have ever done! Remember the PAN AM CLUB in Barcelona ?? Robert, J.Greenberg <SV57EN@AOL.COM> Kerhonkson, NY USA - Wednesday, March 17, 1999 at 18:35:20 (EST) I served on Sara from 3/93 and was part of the decomissioning crew. I worked in G-3 Div. I'm very happy to see that someone's making an effort to save our ship. Will be there on 7/4/00. Frank A.Longobardo <aoan@webtv.net> Newark, NJ USA - Tuesday, March 16, 1999 at 21:41:56 (EST) I SERVED ON BOARD THE SARATOGA FROM 1977 TO 1980 WITH VA 105. I WAS ASSIGNED TO AIMD (AVIATION SUPPORT EQUIP.) MY LAST CRUISE. LOOKING FOR ANYONE THAT SERVED IN VA 105 OR AIMD THAT PERIOD. MY HOMETOWN IS IN MASSACHUESTTS AND I AM LOOKING TO RETURN THERE SOMEDAY TO VISIT THE SARATOGA ON A REGULAR BASIS. I HOPE TO SEE THE SARA AT THE MUSEUM. ROBERT GOSSELIN <RGOSS4@epix.net> old forge, pa USA - Tuesday, March 16, 1999 at 20:07:59 (EST) Great site for a great cause!!!! How can I help myself?? Tom Doherty <asd1.cema@riconnect.com> Narragansett, RI USA - Tuesday, March 16, 1999 at 12:54:33 (EST) Made the 77,78-79 med cruses with VF103 it will be great to be able to take my boy back to that Great Ship GOOD Luck. Les Shelton <iiilps@aol.com> N.C USA - Tuesday, March 16, 1999 at 00:57:10 (EST) The notion of an Air, Land and Sea Heritage Technology Park at Quonset is wonderful. This is something I support 100% Edward J. Renehan, Jr. <ejren@ids.net> North Kingstown, RI USA - Monday, March 15, 1999 at 14:23:32 (EST) Super Sara was my last ship before retirement. She had a personality all her own and I was sorelly dissapointed when Jacksonville was unable to raise the money to keep her here! What a surprise to find her in Rhode Island in the place where I began my naval career! I'm happy to see she will be around in the future! I contributed in Jacksonville and I'll contribute for her now. Mauricie E. Abrilz (ICC USN,RET) <pitsword40@aol.com> Jacksonville, fl USA - Sunday, March 14, 1999 at 21:20:31 (EST) I WAS ABOARD THE SARA 64-66 ASSIGNED TO THE PHOTOLAB.SHE WAS A GREAT SHIP I HAD GREAT MEMORIES,SURE DO MISS HER AND THE GUYS I WORKED WITH.I HOPE THEY KEEP HER ALIVE... MARTY FINKELSTEIN <MALAFI@AOL.COM> BOCA RATON, FL USA - Monday, March 08, 1999 at 14:50:54 (EST) Looking for any G-1 Division, Weapons Department personnal from 1977 to 1979. Joe McGinley <joeagle59> Hackettstown, N.J. USA - Friday, March 05, 1999 at 21:40:01 (EST) I was ships company during 69-71 attached to G-Division. I am excited to know that SARA will survive. I plan on being dockside for the grand re-opening in 2000. Congratulations for a job well done. Steve Dickens <steved031@aol.com> Parsippany, NJ USA - Tuesday, March 02, 1999 at 13:41:56 (EST) I am a CVA-60 plankowner from E-Division. Served aboard SARA from commissioning in 1956 until June, 1959. She was my home for 3 1/2 years. I grew up there, and learned a great deal of what I use today to earn a living. Great ship, great crew, and great memories. Can't wait to walk on those decks again!! You've done a great job on this page. Keep up the good work.
Frank Sumption
As a Naval Reservist, I was assigned to Sara from 1986 until she was decommissioned. The best of luck in your efforts to preserve Super Sara! ACC(AW) Stephen P. Carter, USNR <200SC-Carter@msn.com> Tierra Verde, FL USA - Sunday, February 28, 1999 at 18:13:06 (EST) I served on the Sara from Dec 63 to June 64. We made 1 caribbean cruise. I was assigned to Ship's TV and Radio Station. I announced on the ships TV/Radio only when we were at Sea. I was real dumb/shoulda stayed for 20 years. I would like to contact any shipmates and co-workers who were there during that time frame. I aslo spent 2 years at NAS Keflavik, Iceland with Armed Forces Radio and TV. Please talk to me. Today I'm 55 yrs. old on disabilty with Alzheimers. So I have plenty of time on my hands. Talk to me. Walter "Butch" Reece <butch43&rae48@highlandil.com> Highland, IL USA - Wednesday, February 24, 1999 at 14:39:59 (EST) was stationed in Quonset Point with VS-27 ASW Squadron,didn't serve on the Sara was on the USS INTREPID Garry Sturcke <gsturcke@psln.com> Loyalton, ca USA - Monday, February 22, 1999 at 12:51:35 (EST) Served on board during Westpac and a stay in the shipyard, 1972-1974. Keep up the good work. I'll help all I can. I'll be on the pier in July, 2000 to pay a visit. S.W. Harrell <sharrell@beldar.com> Franklin, Va USA - Friday, February 19, 1999 at 20:11:28 (EST) Frank, you gave a wonderful presentation to us at the RI Pilots Assoc. dinner meeting. After the meeting, people were buzzing by your excitement for the project. You have the support of the RI Pilots and as I mentioned to you, I stand ready to assist you and serve as your auctioneer for any fundraising efforts. Keep up the great work. Sal Corio <sjcorio@intap.net> Warwick, RI USA - Sunday, February 14, 1999 at 21:44:46 (EST) I have a young son who is an aircraft carrier fanatic and has spend quite some time browsing this site. He is most envious of the boy scouts who get to spend a night on board Saratoga. Best wishes to the museum foundation, we will continue to watch with interest. Les Wills <leswills@hotmail.com> Hamilton, New Zealand - Friday, February 12, 1999 at 23:41:32 (EST) I served on the Sara from 8/70 until 1/73 in OI division and would love to show my kids where Dad got all of his sea tales. I plan to support this effort and plan to be there for the grand opening. Thanks for the GREAT work. Dave Bruster <dbruster@home.com> Midlothian, VA USA - Tuesday, February 09, 1999 at 17:33:32 (EST) This sight looks great. Frank and crew keep up the good work..let's make this a reality! Former shipmates should be urged to contribute now! Pass the word and send in those donations. All former members of the ships company and airwings should also join the USS Saratoga Association and try and attend the reunions they're outstanding! Jim Dudley <jd2400@aol.com> Stamford, CT USA - Tuesday, February 09, 1999 at 12:03:37 (EST) I would like to commend everyone involved in this cause. I hope to see it come to life. I served in the engineering dept 86-90. I did alot of work during the overhaul (Norfolk 88). I would hate to think it was all in vain! Everyone reading this page please post to show your support!!! Paul Anderson <Paul@www.esielect.com> CT USA - Saturday, February 06, 1999 at 23:35:24 (EST) I was on the Sara 1959 - 1961. OE Division, I will be there to walk her decks again. John D. Lunt <jlunt@cyberramp.com> Balch Springs, TX USA - Saturday, February 06, 1999 at 21:03:33 (EST) Thi is the most fantastic idea I have heard of in a long time I served aboard the SARA with VAW 12 Det 43 from January 58 thru Nov 58 We made the maiden Med cruise. I had heard that she was going to be in Mayport Fla and then just recently heard she was made into razor blades and that made me sick. My best to those who started this project and I intend to make a donation Bob Reutenauer <brsr@pinehurst.net> Pinehurst, NC USA - Friday, February 05, 1999 at 17:46:17 (EST) I served on the Sara from 89-93 in OI Div. I think it is great that some one is tring to save the old girl from the scrapper. I hope to be able to take my kids there and show them where dad spent Dessert Storm. Charles (Tripp) Corbin III <tcorbin@keckwood.com> Dacula, Ga USA - Wednesday, February 03, 1999 at 10:33:28 (EST) I served aboard from 65 to 67 would be great to have a reunion on the super sara Earl Worman <ewsm@garden.net> newton, nj USA - Friday, January 29, 1999 at 17:38:55 (EST) I served on Super Sara for the 92,94 cruises and was part of her decom crew. She was a good ship and had a good crew I was very unhappy that Jacksonville didn't get her as a museum. I wanted her kept as a piece of history so that someday my kids would be able to visit her and be proud to say my Dad served on this ship. Glad to see somebody had the sense to save her. Good on you Rhode Island!!!!! Dan McAlexander <dmcalexander@hotmail.com> Yardville, NJ USA - Friday, January 29, 1999 at 15:29:44 (EST) I was on board the Super Sara from 1962-1964 loved every minute and met some great people. I attended the last reunion in Saratoga Springs, NY. I support your efforts entirely and would love to be there opening day. Bob Grimes <rgrimes@direclynx.net> Hot Springs, AR USA - Wednesday, January 27, 1999 at 20:24:44 (EST) FRANK, THANKS FOR DOING SUCH A FANTASTIC JOB!!! THIS WOULD BE LIKE A DOUBLE HOMECOMING FOR ME SINCE QUONSET POINT WAS MY FIRST DUTY STATION IN 1955. Don Sager <dsager@snet.net> Torrington, CT USA - Monday, January 25, 1999 at 07:02:51 (EST) GREAT IDEA. LETS HAVE A MILLION SAILOR MARCH TO WHERE EVER THE "SARA' IS.CAMP ON THE BEACH OR WHAT EVER.LATE SPRING OR SUMMER. JOE ZARNOWSKI <jzarnowski@snet.net> USA - Sunday, January 24, 1999 at 23:38:35 (EST) I think this is great.I will be there come hell or high water if this happens.We should have a million sailor march to to where ever the "SARA' is. count me in. some time this late spring or summer.camp on the beach or whatever. Joseph A. Zarnowski <jzarnowski@snet.net> West Haven, Ct USA - Sunday, January 24, 1999 at 23:31:38 (EST) To all who read this...I was surfing around and found this site. I was on the Sara from 1/75-6/79 in E-Div. and then in V-2 Div. I am a member of the Reunion Assc. but due to an unforeseen circumstance, could not make the Saratoga Springs reunion. But come Hell or High water, I will make it to the opening of the Museum. I am already planning on making the trip to Rhode Island and bringing my family. If there is anything that I can do to help out, please feel free to drop me a line. I can be reached at either E-Mail address. Thanks and keep up the good work. I know we can do it. Manuel G. Diaz <MD5442@aol.com or manuel_g_diaz@mat1.hlp.com> Rosenberg, Tx USA - Saturday, January 23, 1999 at 22:35:44 (EST) Our meeting with the North Kingstown Harbor Commission on 20 January was a resounding success - Frank Lennon's presentation was very well received by the Commission. Onward and upward - and keep those comments coming! This page is one of the most popular additions to the site, thanks to everyone whose names you see below. David Kerwood <wbw@wbwip.com> North Kingstown, RI USA - Thursday, January 21, 1999 at 16:53:17 (EST) I'm a Plankowner having served on board from April, 1956 to Oct. 1958. Had great experiences and met some lifelong friends.Joined the Reunion Assoc. 1(800) 328-6279 and had a super time @ the 1998 gathering @ Saratoga Springs, NY. Can't wait to be on board again for the trip to Quonset Point. Any further support I can give, please contact me. Frank Payne <fastfrank@worldnet.att.net> Huntington, NY USA - Wednesday, January 20, 1999 at 15:56:48 (EST) I want to thank Frank Lennon for advising me about this tremendous project. I was with VF-31 aboard the Saratoga from 68 to 70. I have been a lot of places and done a lot of things, but the time with Saratoga was the biggest adventure of my life. I would be proud to help with your efforts here in Memphis. The Naval Aviation Electronics Schools were here for many years and there are plenty of former Sara sailors in this area who may be able to help as well. Chief Robert Hill, USCG res Chief Robert L. Hill USCG res <vf31rhill@aol.com> Memphis, TN USA - Saturday, January 16, 1999 at 21:26:41 (EST) Frank: I met you at the Saratoga Reunion in Saratoga Springs, I haven't heard from you since then. I was the Secretary/Treasurer of the USS Saratoga Association for thirty three years. John Brandman and Brad Senter are running it now. Keep me posted on the progress being made. Looking forward to hearing from you!! P.R. "Tony" Tonelli <tonytonelli@earthlink.net> Roseville, CA USA - Wednesday, January 13, 1999 at 04:51:15 (EST) Would like any photos or history on the USS Saratoga CVA-60. My father was on the ship in 1960 and has now passed away..Thanks Larry E. Leffingwell, II <Leff6@aol.com> Huntington, WV USA - Thursday, January 07, 1999 at 21:26:25 (EST) I served on Sara thru 2 Med cruises and an overhaull in Philadelphia "E" division I would love to bring my family to the opening 7/4/00 Wayne A. Roberts <mech@whiteface.net> Upper Jay, NY USA - Thursday, January 07, 1999 at 07:11:38 (EST) Frank, great web site, I'll list the address in the newsletter this month and update the membership on your progress. Will be in touch soon. Brad Senter <BradSenter@Prodigy.net> Texas City, TX USA - Tuesday, January 05, 1999 at 22:06:20 (EST) Frank, Great job on this Web Site; also enjoyed the link to the Quonset Air Museum. Solid stuff! Best regards, Joe Lombardi Joe Lombardi <lombardi@star.net> Manchester, MA USA - Saturday, January 02, 1999 at 16:26:14 (EST) I served aboard the Sara in M Div. from 4/61-4/65. It was the best time of my life. I plan be at the park when the Sara is opened. This is a great web page, keep up the good work. Love the Saratoge CVA60 Don Chantrenne <DJCLSL> Battle Creek, Mich USA - Thursday, December 31, 1998 at 15:08:08 (EST) I think the idea of coupling the Quonset Air Museum to the proposed Air/Land/Sea Heritage and Technology Park is a great idea. Dean Albray Wiscasset, ME USA - Monday, December 28, 1998 at 10:16:11 (EST) Been browsing the net and found this site. As a Navy veteran and Seabee, I wholeheartedly endorse your effort. I think this would be a terrific way to use Quonset Point, my old home. I'll bet I could round up a few of my old shipmates to help build it for you. Build it, and we will come. Roger Pomfret USA - Sunday, December 27, 1998 at 22:08:51 (EST) This is wonderful. I took a ride up to Newport to see my old home, BB61 USS Iowa, and had been wondering if there was any effort underway to do something with that magnificent ship. She looked awfully impressive, sitting there alongside Forrestal and Saratoga. I did an internet search on Iowa, and found this web site. This is terrific! If you can pull this off with Saratoga, then maybe you can grab the Iowa too! My hat's off to your effort. Jeff Padjett Stonington, CT USA - Sunday, December 27, 1998 at 21:50:54 (EST) HI Sara Musuem Foundation, l was ships company aboard Sara from 74-77 and l'm a member of the Saratoga Reuion Association. l was there at the meeting when Frank Lennon announced that there where on-going effords to turn Sara into a museum. l was relived that there was a good chance that it wasn't going to scrape. As a matter of fact, l took a ride to Rhode lsland today, 12-27, to see her for the first time since Sept 77 and came home to this e-mail saying Sara will be saved!! lt sure made my day!! Looking forward to this July 4th!!.. Dan Alteri Dan Alteri <dalteri@snet.net> Farmington, CT USA - Sunday, December 27, 1998 at 19:02:50 (EST) Welcome to the Official USS Saratoga Museum Foundation web site guestbook. Leave some comments for us - tell those who visit this web site what you think about the project - good, bad or indifferent... David Kerwood, West Bay Web <wbw@wbwip.com> North Kingstown, RI USA - Thursday, December 24, 1998 at 00:54:05 (EST) Guestbook entries for all of 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 have been archived. The 1999 archive can be found here. The 2000 archive can be found here. The 2001 archive can be found here. The 2002 archive can be found here. The 2003 archive can be found here. The 2004 archive can be found here. The 2005 archive can be found here. The 2006 archive can be found here. The 2007 archive can be found here. The 2008 archive can be found here. | ||||
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