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![]() Archived messages - January - December 2000If you are looking for a particular name or word on this rather lengthy page, use your browser's "Find" function to ferret it out quickly.
ABH3,V-1 division, Fly 2 yellow shirt, served onboard from Nov 85-Apr 88, I will never forget reporting for duty while she was visiting Naples, getting lost for over 2 hours onboard trying to find the V-1 div. office. Looking forward to seeing her again. Keep up the good work! James Kline VF-31 72-75,Westpac,6 months in S-3 div. laundry sorting skivvies.[Rick and Munch]Ordnance shop the
rest of cruise.Med cruise,Fallon Nev.Key West and Oceana Va.
all in all the best time of my life-just didnt think so at the time!!! Cant wait to see Sara as a museum. I was an AT in the V6 Division. I was aboard the Saratoga from 1965 to 1967 I was aboard the SARA with VF103 on Med cruise 1967, lots of memories good and bad.Although I was not ships company I am pleased to send a donation toward getting the SARAH docked as a musem, and look foward to coming back aboard her. I have several photos of the SARA including one of her with her anchor chains twisted clear to the bow in Turkey, and the foward catwalks bent from high seas. I'm really looking foward to seeing her again. Don Dewveall Where are all of the "Mess Management Specialists" (COOKS!) from the 76' Bicentennial Med Cruise? I would like to hear from all of you, maybe meet up this summer in R.I. for the museum opening. You should remember me, I was always giving Chief Hoenig a hard time (and paying for it!) What it was to be young (17) and foolish. It's been a lot of years, and I'm not great at names, but I will know them when I hear them.I would love to get hold of one of the cruise books. Anyone have a spare? Anyone fix any "gilley-gilley" lately?
Ken LaCrone I served on board the Sara during desert Shield/Storm. I am excited to hear that she is going to be around for a long time. I am originally from New hampshire and the next time I travel home i intend to take a trip south the visit. I am the son-in-law of Samuel E. White who served on the Saratoga from 1955 to 1957. He left boot camp to take 6 weeks training in Providence RI and then went directly on
Board the ship. He was on board when the ship was commissioned and recalls the open
House dance for guests of the shipmates. To this day he wonders who painted the Captains mascot the (Crowing Cock). Ha! He was also on board during President Eisenhowers tour in May Port Florida.
He has been trying to locate an old shipmate, Ray Mallett. Any information you might have would be greatly appreciated. Some others he also served with were Peter Sullivan and E. F. Wolfe.
We would love to here from you and Happy Holidays!
I am sitting here with my father-inlaw Samuel E. White who served on the Saratoga from 1955 to 1957 as a Plank Owner. He went from boot camp to 6week training in Providence RI. and then directly on board the ship. He was on board when the ship was commisioned and recalls the open house dance prior to departure. Till this day he wonders who painted the Captains mascot the "Crowing Cock". Ha! Sam has been trying to locate Ray Mallett for some time. Any help would be greatly appreciated. He served with Peter Sullivan, E.F. Wolfe among 3500 others. He was also on board when President Eisenhower came aboard in Mayport Florida 1956/57. Please contact me on the E-mail site listed if you have any information of interest or if you served during this time frame. I will relay the information to him. Thank you Don Wilcox. I want to take a minute to wish Frank Lennon and his entire staff, the very best of the holiday season. FANTASTIC JOB!!!
I also want wish all Saratoga shipmates a very Merry Christmas and may the coming year be the best ever.
Happy Holidays to all shipmates past & present I served about Sara for 3 1/2 years 60-63 W division. 3 Med cruises and a lifetime of good memories. I loved the food.I still have cravings for that good cherry crisp and the chocolate cake with white icing. Any former cooks have the recipes? The coffee om the mess decks was wonderful. Never tasted anything like it since. Mess decks open all the time when we were at sea. I ate 5 to 6 times a day and weighed 165lbs. That was 40 lbs ago. Going to send my membership money in and hope to be drawn to be on the final cruise. My family will never forget the dependents cruise they went on out of Mayport with me. My mother, brother, my wife and year old daughter. My training there sure helped me with the business I have been in for the last 32 years. I sell and install water pumping windmills all over the country. Let's see, nuclear weapons and windmills. No, maybe it didn't help after all. It sure was an experience though. Sure would like to hear from any shipmates from that era. Especially cooks with recipes.
Ken O'Brock (KC) Former GMT2 windmill@cannet.com served 70,71,72 SHL3 on saratoga OK, I agree, it's a long shot, but I'm looking for a copy of the 1964-65 Saratoga cruise book.
My copy was destroyed some years ago and I really would like to get hold of another copy.
PR-3 with the fleet angles, HU-2, before and after the designation was changed to HC. Its nice to see the old girl will be put to use. I had heard years ago she would be scrapped, I was devistated!
I served on her during the Bicentennial med cruise as an E-3 Mess Specialist(COOK!)in the aft galley.
Does anyone remember going through the Bermuda Triangle?
I tell the story to my sons but they dont believe me I guess. You have to go through it to know what it was like,its something I will never forget.
Bless all of those who served on Sara and to those who gave their lives defending her and this great country.
Ken LaCrone
klacrone@aol.com Its nice to see the old girl will be put to use. I had heard years ago she would be scrapped, I was devistated!
I served on her during the Bicentennial med cruise as an E-3 Mess Specialist(COOK!)in the aft galley.
Does anyone remember going through the Bermuda Triangle?
I tell the story to my sons but they dont believe me I guess. You have to go through it to know what it was like,its something I will never forget.
Bless all of those who served on Sara and to those who gave their lives defending her and this great country.
Ken LaCrone
klacrone@aol.com I was devistated a few years ago when I heard a rumor that the "Sara" was going to be scrapped!!!!!! Its nice to know it will be immortalized as a museum dedicated to those who served their country, and to remember those who gave their lives to make this country "the home of the free"
Ken LaCrone klacrone@aol.com I served on the Sara from 65-67 made a Med. cruse in 66 i was in the commassary div. i have seen the
Sara tied up in Newport brings back many memories seeing here again. Just delited about here being turned into a museum here in Rhode Island.If there is anyone out there who was on her when i was would like to hear from u. The (USS Saratoga Ship-Mates Photo Album) is moving it's Web-Site. The new Web-Address is --> http://www.angelfire.com/ia2/ShipMatesPhotoAlbum/ <-- If you have never added any of your old pictures to the site please do so.. Your Ship-Mate, Doug Harmon Hi all!
I'm a great grandson from the artist bruno Piglhein. - Does anyone knows something about him?
Please let me know it!
Robert Wecker I served on the Super Sara From Sept-89 to May-92
in G-2 Division. Had a lotta good times on the Sara,
Can't wait to see her again.... Drop me a line if you
were onboard around the same time..GMG3 Cottle.. I'm active duty Air Force but have had the opportunity to be on a supercarrier....It's an eye opening experiance and one more people should be able to experiance. Good Luck!!! Served onboard 1976-77. Anybody from AIMD/GSE Please get in touch Ahoy VF-31 TOMCATTERS ! I was a plane captain on A/C # 105,F4B Phantom II from 1963-1966. To date there has been nothing to compare standing between the bow cats of "SARA" ,watching my bird going from zero to 180 knots as she shot off the bow. What a great experience for a 19 year old!In 1998 I was aboard her as she lay on the pier at Newport Beach,R.I.,looking lifeless and lonley. We all must pitch in with maximum effort to get her across the bay to Quonset Point and continue her service as a Museum to future generations !! A $ 35.00 Membership fee is a small price to pay for all the places she took us and the thrill of a lifetime she afforded us! Please visit our VF-31 Tomcatters Association's website at..(www.tomcattersassociation.org/).
HI, I WAS IN VF-31 FROM '74 TO '77 AND MADE THE 74-75 AND 76-77 CRUISES.SEVED ON THE CAG ARMING CREW,WHAT A RUSH!OCEANA MAY HAVE BEEN VF-31'S HOME, BUT ON THOSES CRUISES IT WAS SWEET SARA ALL THE WAY. ONE OF THE BIGGEST THRILLS IN MY LIFE WAS IN 1993 WHEN I GOT TO TAKE MY WIFE AND SON AND DAUGHTER ONBOARD THE SARA FOR A TOUR WHILE IN MAYPORT,FL.I KNOW SHE WILL LIVE FOREVER IN OUR MINDS..ONE GREAT LADY Sara was a great ship & would like to invite the Aviation Ordnance crew to join us at http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/aoshack I served aboard the Sara from 61 to 62 with VF-31, then from 65 to 67 in S-6 Div. Made total of 3 Med. cruises. Have been to Quonset recently and viewed the Museum, very impressive. Also saw the Sara tied up at Newport. She looked very lonely. Hope she gets a good home soon at Quonset. Master Chief Ernie Schumacher, Ret. I served aboard Sara as a member of the AirGroup with VS-22. We were the first operational S-3 squadron assigned to Sara. I made previous cruises on Saratoga with the S-2's when the Navy first went to the "CV" concept. My last cruise was the '76 Med cruise where I was dragged, kicking and screaming off the flight deck with orders in my hand to report to RTC Great Lakes as a Recruit Company Commander, oh those were the days. Lots of fond memories aboard that ship and I'm glad that I will be able to visit her again. I served aboard the sara from 1969-1971. It was a great opportunity to serve on the carrier. I was a mag rat, and although I didn't enjoy it at the time, it was an honor to serve aboard her. I am very proud now to have been a member of her great history. Greetings & Best Wishes to all of you who served on the SARA!
I served as Asst. Line Petty Officer for VA-105 - Gunslingers.
A-7A Corsairs! Was on the 71 Med cruise - Yes, the Athens incident.
etc. Hope the museum works out well!!
Take care! hi i served aboard the sara 64-66 in the photolabi sure miss her cant wait till they open the museum,Ill make sure to make a visit. OK this is a long shot but here it goes... My Grandfather was on the Saratoga in WW II his name is
Harry "Bud" Kennth Hall from Oil City PA. He is still alive and in great shape, he looks like he's 30 yrs old! I know he was a Golden glove boxer in the navy and worked in the engine room on the Sara during the war. He had a brother that passed away by the name of Robert "Bob" Lewis Hall, he also was in the navy but not sure what ship. If any of you know either one or have a grandparent who served during WW II ask them and please let me know I am sure he would love to know how you'all are. Remember My grandpa went by BUD not Harry.
Thank you,
Bobby Hall SERVED ON BOARD FROM 1981-1987 IN 3MMR. WORKED IN CAT SHOP UP IN NOSEBLEED COUNTRY. HAD MANY GREAT MEMORIES AND WORKED WITH SOME GOOD PEOPLE. GLAD TO SEE THE MEMORY LIVES ON. What a fantastic project!! I served in the OPS office from March 61 to Aug 62(then we got sent to the Admirals Staff in Key West for the Cuban Crisis) I have been following this site for over a year. I defintely plan on being there for the grand opening. Would love to hear from old shipmate that are still around
Paul Winters YN3 A "warm" greeting from Arizona,
What a wonderful project to keep alive the memories and missions of the USS Saratoga.
I served aboard the Sara between 1964 and 1966. I was an AG3 serving in the OA Division - also known as the weather office. I sure would like to hear from any shipmates who served with me.
The memories I have of life aboard the Saratoga are among the most vivid memories in my life. Hard and difficult times have had a way of mellowing over the years. Now it's just warm memories that I enjoy sharing with anyone who's willing to listen.
My time aboard the Saratoga shaped my life and played a large role in who I was to become and who I am today. I'm sure others have similar thoughts.
I look forward to the day when I can return to the Sara. It's a "full circle" kind of thing. I anxiously await that day.
To my shipmates ... I salute you!
Sorry about my previous entry, guys...I served aboard the SARA from '85-'87 with VF-74, which was part of Carrier Air Wing 17 back then. Was detailed as a plane captain during the "Achille Lauro" cruise, then headed below the roof and crossrated as a YN3(AW) for the '87 trip back to the MED. Like many other veterans of this boat, my shins still bear the marks of many'a'kneeknocker crossed while transversing those passageways. Remember President Reagan calling the boat and talking with Admiral Kelso over the 1MC after VF-74 and VF-103 had diverted the Egyptian Air 737 to Sigonella? Remember "crossing the line" during the '85-'86 cruise? For any other former VF-74 vets who come across my message, Lieutenant (then) Brent W. Jett (now, Full Commander) went on to the Navy's Test Pilot School and has flown at least three (that I know of) Space Shuttle Missions as Command Pilot. LCDR Chuck "Cuddles" Wyatt was interviewed for a book called "Wings of Eagles" which detailed his involvement with the F-14 during the Gulf War. Great to see the SARA I served aboard the SARA Hey shipmates. Just learned of this website. What a wonderful find. I was stationed onboard 1986-1990. Was a mess specialist but was also in inport fire party. Was there for med cruise and dry dock in Virginia. Remember the Darby(ha ha). Would love to bring family to visit when ready for the public. Would also love to hear friom anybody stationed around the same time. Take care! I was on the Sara from 75-77.Bicentennial Med Cruise.I would like to hear from men from S-2 and S-5 div. Looking forward to seeing her opened as a museum. While the moving and restoration of the Saratoga is an exciting proposal, I think the cost of repair and maintenance will be staggering. The Massachusetts further up the bay (which the Saratoga makes look like a toy) and the Intrepid in New York City have an endless appetite for capital. The massive proportions of the Saratoga exposed to the weather in this Northern climate, not to mention what
lies below the waterlin Was on the super sara from 81 to 85. H.T. looking for old shimates from R-DIV. or from Philly in the slep program. My nick name was blue. last name newberry. I served aboard from '82 to '85, Engineering Dept., E-Division, best 3 years of my life! I find myself thinking about former shipmates and all the great times we had on shore, on the ship, and even working long hours. It's great to see that they're saving the Sexy Sara/Super Sara and not sending her to the scrap yards. I had a chance to see the Sara last summer in Newport, RI, while visiting my relatives in Rhode Island. I was able to get up close and personal by cruising out to her in my uncle's boat. It was like coming home again after not seeing her in so many years. It brought back a flood of memories from my earlier Navy days. Who said you can't go home again! I look forward to walking her decks and passageways again when they make her into a museum. I look forward to hearing from and meeting old shipmates from those years who remember me and who may be reading this guestbook. I was a YN3 with VAW-123 aboard Saratoga 1969-71. Worked in Ready Room 7 as Squadron Operations Yeoman. I was also aboard The Forrestal with VAW-123 as Operations Yeoman. I am planning a Vaw-123 Reunion for any Officer or Enlisted man that ever served with VAW-123 at anytime. Email me for info on the reunion. Charley Rogers charleyrogers@yahoo.com Hello fellow shipmates! Great to see everyone together again.
I served on board the Super Sara from 90-93. I was in G-2
weapons division, the gunner's mates. We went to Desert
Storm and did the ditch many times. We went on a regular
med cruise in 92 and hit Palma Spain. I'm so glad to see
that CV-60 isn't going to be razor-bladed. I wanted my kids
to see it someday. I put my GI bill to good use and went
to Florida State University (the SEMINOLES) and got a Bachelors
degree in Management Information Systems and am now an Oracle
programmer with the Supreme Court of Florida. I have a son
Gerardo who might someday serve in our great military. I'm
proud of the time I spent on the Sara, and think that I am a
better man because of it. Everyone take care of yourself.
If anyone recognizes my name, used to be "CASTANO", drop me
a line. Adios amigos! Served on the Marine Detachment, USS Bon Homme Richard (CVA-31), a sister ship of Sara. Was in Gulf of Tonkin, South China Sea on WestPac tour 1967-68. Spent my first months on the "Bonnie Dick" in dry dock, Long Beach, California. This is a
commendable effort and accomplishment of all parties involved in establishing this museum foundation for the world to see. The floating cities were remarkable to live on and will be truly memorable to re-visit.
Ahoy VF-31 TOMCATTERS ! I was a brown shirt on A/C # 105,F4B Phantom II ,working the roof of "SARA" from 1963-1966. What a thrill it was,as a 19 year old,to stand between the bow cats as my "Bird" shot down the roof going from zero to 180 knots in two seconds. The years spent in the Navy,and the challenges that were presented to me at that time, made the rest of my life easy! Working the ROOF of "SARA" gave me the drive and confidence to do well at anything I have encountered in my life!. I have not heard from any former line crew people from the 1963-1966 era. Are any of you out there ?
A bunch of former and present VF-31 Tomcatters have started a website ,dedicated to the 2nd oldest fighter squadron in Naval History. Please visit our website (www.tomcattersassociation.org). Does anyone out there remember the PAN AM CLUB in Barcelona ? Where are you HIGH SCHOOL CHARLIE,PARKER,OSOWSKI,WILLIE PARTIN,AMICARELLI,ZACH,BC GREEN,TONY,MAGGOT,GARNET KEEYS ? Served on Saratoga during 72-73 west-pac cruise as a member of VAW-123.
Will look forward to visiting Sara when open to public Aloha Shipmates. Looking for any buds from those haze gray and underway daze! Was an AO in Aft Mags, G-1 Div. Weapons Dept, from "81-"84. Went on The 1984 Med cruise. I got on in Philly. Remember fire watch? Best sleep ever. Please e-mail me if you remember Rich Patey, The slightly crazy, ever lazy white boy from Jersey. Currently living in paradise,Hawaii. Aloha Nui Loa! 82-86 Hey just giving a shout out to all the mezz rats that served with me
during that time. I will always remember the 84 Med cruise.
S-8 ruled! Drop me a note if you remember. I was on the Saratoga from November 1981 - Ocotober 1984. People would remember me because I worked in Norfolk processing all new personnel to the ship. I was their in Norfolk the last day. Went to the ship and worked in the airwing office. After a year I transfered to personnel department. Looking for old friends and Bill Ingham. Anyone who knows Bill or where abouts please let me know. Loved my time on Sara and can't wait to visit her someday with my wife and two kids. Have a nice day. i spent 2 years on the Saratoga. i was a blue
shirt in fly one. This is my web site.
www.members.tripod.com/~marty4545 This is my
e-mail address. bent4500@aol.com
Served onboard 89-90 as an ET3 I was very happy to learn of the plans for SARATOGA. I was stationed on the SARATOGA FROM May of 1984 to March of 1989. I worked in Repair Division with, Chris Spann, JD. Mckinney, Tim Lapp, Harry Chaney, Wayne Kent, Donnie Harrell and many others. I am retired now and living in Kingsland, Ga. Near the Kinsgbay Naval Base. I spent My last four years at the Afloat Training Group, in Mayport. Where I got to see a lot of old shipmates from the SARA, while taking them through their training cycle. I would love to hear from some of my old shipmates. Thinking about my time spent on the SARATOGA brings back a lot of memories. Send me an e-mail if you were on SARA during that time frame. Michael Leigh, DCC (SW) Retired. I am anxious to visit the Sara again, I am a plank owner and left the ship in August 1957. I was in the E division IC Electrician. I am formerly of Hartford,Connecticut. I would like hear from others on the ship at that time! Was aboard from '79-81 in V-4, made the '80 MED cruise, and rode her into the yards in Philly. Looking for anyone in V4, AO3 Bill Wheeler, AO3 Mike Shepard, MM3 Greg Wood (Woody), and IC3 Jim Bonnell. I've retired from the reserves as an AO1 from HCS-5 and I am happy to see that Sara gets a new lease on life. I served on her in the summer of 1984 on a Med. cruise as a member of Marine All-Weather Attack Squadron 533, and I am proud to see such an outstanding idea for a way to honor and preserve one of this country's great fighting ships, as well as all the veterans, those currently serving to protect this great land, and their families who keep the home fires burning. Semper Fi! Served aboard Saratoga while assigned to VF-31 TOMCATTERS as an ATN repairing Radio/Navigation/ECM equipment and flight deck troubleshooter from 1968 to 1971.
Sorry guys didn't proof read my message, and noted I put down wrong E-Mail address should be ejhl@tiac.net. Thanks again, for anyone who can direct me in finding Fred Leeds, former Electrician EM3 on Sara 56/57/58. Trying to locate shipmate by name of Fred Leeds thought to be from Pleasantville, NJ (Electrician)he was on SARA with me 56/57/58 through our first Med Cruise. I was transferred to Com6thFlt Staff on board USS Salem then DesMoines. Would certainly appreciate anyone who could help me locate him. Will certainly miss the reunion this year in Charleston SC, hope all have a great time. The reunion staff President and Secretary/Treasurer have all done a great time. Again thanks for anyone who can help me reach Fred Just reliving some great memories of the last cruise. Had some great times and made some great friends. Hello,
I am writing you for some information. My great grandpa was on the USS SARATOGA. His name was Foy Denzil Neff he was part of the Air Crew. If you could get me a picture of him and some info about him and what he did, I would greatly appreciate it.
Aaron R. I was on the Sara from 65-67 in the V-2 division.So many memories. I am so glad to hear what they are going to do with the Sara. I want to take my son to see the great ship I was on. If anyone served during that time let me hear from you. Super Sara! Hope you stay alive... Served aboard from '85 - '87 (OC Div) including the "You can run but you can't hide"...(Terrorist Busters) Cruise. (Achille Lauro, USA vs Libya - Round 2, Diego Garcia, the "Ditch") WOW, what a reception on returning to the States! What a great crew to work with as well. I am impressed at the support all has given towards saving this great ship and would look forward to the "Final Cruise" to go on display in RI. Unfortunately, time will not allow a visit to the annual "Reunion" in SC. Maybe next year's... Keep up the great work and good luck...To quote our CO in '85, Capt. Jerry Unruh: "Mighty Fine!"
John Boney
CATCC 60 Med cruise 1958 VA-34 Looking for any airdales that made this cruise. Glad to hear the SARA is still in one piece. Looking foreward to visit her in the spring. I'm glad to see that the Sara will continue to be used in
permanent peace keeping and education role.
AIMD CAL Lab Sept 85 - July 88
"You can run but you can't hide."
I served aboard the Sara from 1966-1970, which were so of themost memorable of my life.I was assigned to "R" division and had the run of the ship. It was my home away from home, and the memories will last forever. I was on the Sara from 1974 to 1976 and made 2 med cruises. At the time i felt like i was treated like a stow away. I worked in R division and we hardly ever had a free moment. We had Port / starboard watch,.. so when we weren't on watch,.. we were out repairing the hull. Now that I'm much older,.. i look back and feel proud to be part of Saratoga's history.... I served on the Great Ship USS Saratoga(CVA-60) 1957 to Oct.3,1958.
As you can see,today's an anniversary for me,Fourty Two (42 yeah,count 'em)years ago today I left the Saratoga for civilian life.
Still here,still think about the Sara SERVED ON THE SARA WITH RVAH-9 AS A PT2 ASSIGNED TO OZ DIV.
Glad to see SARA saved from the torch. I was on board 1969-70. V3 Div. Two med cruises. I sure hope you folks can pull this off. I was talking with my USS Independence CV-62(1980-83) Shipmates and we all agree this would be a great place to hold a reunion!
I've seen the Iowa, FID and Sara sitting at the old SIMA pier at NETC NPT, these ships need something better than this! I was also stationed a the NETC Brig (1983-87)so I know the area. Be great to retire and Volunteer as a tour guide!
I served in 89-94. Did the ditch (suez canal) Desert Shield/Storm, the Turkish shoot. I was in G2/Deck and then OI division. Hope to find some old friends. To all those interested, Captain Drager is the head ship builder for Carnival cruise lines and if you remember the XO Kazmarak (something like that) is his assistant. Capt Robb is the XO of OPS down at US SOUTHERN COMMAND where I just left. LOOKING FOR MEMBER'S OF S-1 DIVISION FROM 58-61,I KNOW YOU GUYS ARE OUT THERE. I CAN'T WAIT TO VISIT THE SARA IN RHODE ISLAND NEXT YEAR! ANY OF YOU GUYS GOING TO BE AT THE REUNION.
RETIRED CHIEF SK LOU SCHNEIDER, I RETIRED AFTER 20 IN 1978 I signed in back in July, still have not located or heard from any ship mates V4 Div. 1957-1959. I know there must be some of us left, I'm still a boot! I check in 2 or 3 times a week. Served on Saratoga during Desert Shield/Storm w/ HS-3 as a plane captain. Would like to hear from anyone from HS-3 during that time. I really miss sleeping in the berthing right underneath the arresting wires. What a great experience. THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES. I JUST FOUND OUT ABOUT THIS WEB SITE AND THE FATE OF THE SARA. I AM SO GLAD SHE WILL NOT BE MADE RAZOR BLADES. I WAS ON THE SARA FROM 72-75 IN V-2 DIV, CAT 2.I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING THE OLE GAL AGAIN AND WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM OLE SHIPMATES(LETS TALK OLONGAPO) Served with VAW-33 in SPH2 at Quonset 12/60 - 8/63 and was detached with Det
43 on Sara (CVA-60 in those days) 11/61 - 5/62 as aircrew in AD-5Q / A1Q. Also
married a North Kingston gal, and we are still at 37 years later. The best
possible combination Sara and Quonset. Count us in! Good web site, but where's the old Saratoga? The one from WW2.... Served on the Sara from 1992 through Decommissioning. Wanted to find some friends...Chad Caldwell, Dan Dziubczynski, Chuck Triplett. Anyone from G-3 or OC. Great site and great project. I serve aboard Sartoga from Jan 76 til May 77.AIMD/IM4/GSE This is my second message and I just want to say that I have enjoyed reading all the messages about everyone's experiences on Sara. I was aboard Sara for the 69-70 Med Cruise, IM-2 division (Adjan). I couldn't wait for my time to be up. Now I look back and think what a really great experience it was. I got to go to places and see things I would have never had the opportunity to see and do otherwise. I was with some of the greatest guys I ever knew and I look forward to being at Quonset Point when Big Sara arrives. Hey, if any of my buddies are reading this send me an message. I served aboard the Sara from Jan 87 thru Jun 90 as a member
of OI division. I was pleased to learn of the plans to turn the ship into a musuem. I served aboard the Grand Lady Sara from September 68 to April 70
in the V-3 division with Lt. Borchard, Chief Bain, ABH1 Tessier
and the crew. If any of you shipmates read this I would like to
here from you. My duty on the Saratoga and the 69-70 Med Cruise
was one of the greatest experiences of my life. I have already
warned my wife that if this, out-of-shape,old fart gets offered
another cruise on a carrier,I will be gone in a heartbeat
It is outstanding to here what is planned for the Sara.
Count me in for anything that I may able to do to help make
it happen. I can't wait to see her again.
I served aboard the Sara from September '69 to August of '72. I was a DS (data systems technician) in IOIC, OZ Division. I made 3 Med cruises and 1 WestPac cruise. I'd like to hear from my other shipmates who might have known me. Remember the time our #4 machinery room completely flooded with water and we had to spend 30 days in Athens while repairs were made? Remember going to Hong Kong? What a nice break from the liberties we had in the Med! Nothing but Naples all of the time! Remember going to Nice, France, and Glasgow, Scotland? Remember the time boating was canceled on Thanksgiving day while we were anchored at Malta? The chow line was at least a mile long (no exaggeration!).
Lots of bad memories that are fading, being replaced by the memories of good friends who I'd love to see again. I didn't much appreciate the Sara while I was aboard her--in fact I hated her--but I'm glad that she's being saved. I'd like to someday step back aboard and relive my younger days as a young 24 year-old sailor! I SERVED ON BOARD THE SARA FROM 1968 THRU 1969 IN A DIVISION.IT WAS GREAT TO SEE THE SHIP AGAIN IN R.I.I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING THE SHIP TURNED IN TO A MUSEUM. I was raised on the Mayport Naval Base,off base housing and Cypress Cove from 1978-1988. The two biggest deals for me was the Saratoga & the Forestal. They were the biggest & the greatest. My dad was Master Arms on the Yosemete ( the Yo-Yo,ha.). I remember the Sara always being in the same spot it was so cool and it's also cool that it's being turned into a museum! It is military history! Enjoyed my years on the Saratoga. Look foward to visiting the ship when it opens. I would be interested in riding the "Final Cruise" If you can help with information on how to be onboard for it, email me Thanks Served aboard the Saratoga from 76-79 looking for anybody
from IM3 and W/C 670. Nice to know the "Super Sara" (my sons called her the Tuna Boat)is going to be alvie and well in Rhode Island. I was at Quonset in '71-'72 with VXE-6 Helo Crew, was with VAW-125 and made Chief (Initiation at AFSOUTH in Naples)on the '84 Med Cruise (Love Boat Cruise)and made the '85 Med/IO Cruise. Best Cruise of my career was '85 - there was none of the stupid Ship's Company / Air Wing crap. The CPO Mess and 02 CPO Berthing (Air Dept and Air Wing together - What a concept!) was excellant. People worked together and we did what we supposed to do. Achille Luaro, The Ditch, Diego Garcia, Singapore, and The Gulf of Sidra (Libya). Hi All,
Served from 90-92 in OI divison (OS)made the Desert Storm tour. Would love to hear from anyone in OI division that served during that time. great to hear that Sara being turned into a museum. Would like to hear from shipmates, I was in V-1 Div.
Flight deck crew from July 1959, to sept. 1963 and I"m
still trying to catch up on missed sleep.It was a great
experience and I wouldn't take a million dollars for
and would do it all over again. The Super Sara Lives in
a lot of hearts. I am a retired Canadian Air Force pilot. My hobby is Stained Glass and my Three Dimensional Stained Glass Aircraft may be of interest to your guests. If anyone wishes to view my work, please visit me at http://mars.ark.com/~stellar/
VF-31 Tomcatter,1963-1966,Plane Captain A/C # 105,F4B PhantomII,deployed on CVA 60. Nothing can replace the thrill of standing between the bow Cats watching my Phantom going from zero to 180 MPH as it bolted down the deck and into the air.Wow ! What a great experience for a 19 year old ! A group of former and present TOMCATTERS are in the process of forming an Association dedicated to VF-31, the second oldest Fighter Squadron in Naval history. Please visit our website.www.TomcattersAssociation.org for more information. Does anyone remember the PAN AM CLUB in Barcalona ?? VA-35 Aboard the Sara for two and a half Med cruises from '57 to '60. PR2 attached to the Parachute Loft. I served in the Helo Crew (HC-2) from 1964 to 1966 and made two Med cruises during that time. I flew as a crewman with the "Fleet Angels" and enjoyed every minute of it.
I would like to hear from any of my old Det. 60 shipmates. 1977 to 1981 in the e-division. Remember those ol blackshoes. Would love to hear from any of you guys. i worked is electrical safety shop, light shop and the 1 and 2 aux machine rooms. We always had shower water l963-65..First division Officer..a great two years with the deck force. Recently discovered the "SARA" in Middletown, R.I. and have watched with interest the developments with the museum..will look forward to having a reunion with shipmates when this becomes a reality. Have reached Bob Kelly-the division yeoman through the museum "guestbook" and would welcome any other contact with old friends..keep up the good work!!! I was on the sara from '69-'71, I worked in G division, weapons dept. i'm really excited about sara being in the park, I have wanted to take and show my son the ship that
brought me places I never dreamed of going , since he was a little boy , hopefully soon I can do that.:) Referred to your fine site by Alphabet. I plan to visit often and keep abreast of your progress for final museum resting place. I have 69 landings on the Sara. I love the ship and hated to see her retired. Was aboard in 1963-64 with the Warlords of VMF(AW)451, Colonel Fox Dempster Commanding Officer. Bravo Zulu, Sara! Mofak Sept 2 2000 i was on the Sara in 1964 and 5 and 6.
i am looking 4 the people here. Marion R McCubbins
Mike E Meszaros S Sweder Don Ball Gail F Boswell
Wendall W Vance Mike Scanlon Lawrence L Shumate
Jerry K Pierce Don R Cobb Dowling L Price i sure
would like 2 hear from them! Great Web Site. Enjoy reading comments from past crew members some of the names were familiar. Served aboard from Oct 55 to July 58 remember the emergency sortie from Cannes to head to Beirut. Trying to locate former shipmate and good pal Fred Leeds "E" Div. Formerly from Pleasville NJ. Anyone know where Fred is now? Sure would appreciate anyoone who may be able to help me to locate him. Best regards to all. Hope to make it to South CArolina. Enjoyed seeing so many of past plank owners @ Saratoga Springs. Jim Prior
Hello Everyone,
I was aboard the Saratoga from 88-92 and was part of Weapons Dept. I am looking for a couple of old friends that I would love to try and talk to again. AOC Daniel Johnson and AO3 Michael Gros. Chief Johnson is surely an Officer by now and Mike I am wondering if your still in Japan. If you know about any of these two guys please let me know. Or if you know me from serving together please drop me a line I would love to hear from you. Was stationed at Quonset 12/51-9/53. FASRON 101, Seaplane Hangar #2, The AO Shack, and Maintenance Office, Hope to be able to visit if it is through before I get too old. Enjoyed the Aerial View of the old duty station.
Adrin Farley AOU2 I SERVED ABOARD SARA FROM 63-66 ON THE 1st LT. DETAIL. I WAS INCHARGE OF THE SHIPS SPRAY TEAM. I THINK ITS GREAT WHAT YOU ARE DOING.I WOULD BE INTERESTED IN HELPING OUT My father served on the 1st crew in 1956. He was very proud of the Saratoga. He spent 22 years in the Navy serving in WWII,Koren War, and the Viet Nam war.
He died on 7/14/2000.
He was very proud of the job you are doing to save her. I served aboard the Super Sara during the Gulf War, I was attached to VF-103 Sluggers as a Plane Captain then to the Aviation Electrician (AE shop). Several attempts to locate my old shipmates have been unsuccessful, feel free to contact me if you know me. Hopefully the efforts to restore the Super Sara to a museum will be successful. This will not only bring back the memories but will also give us the opportunity to share with our families the experiences we encountered. A couple years ago my wife & I went to Norva & took a boat tour. Tears came to my eyes as we passed the empty shell of the USS America. I served aboard the Sara from 1971 to 1972. Those days of hard work & good comradeship had a lasting effect on me, on the person I am and the persons of my two sons. Comes the day that the Sara once again hums with life and human habitation, I hope that the radio compartments will be available for viewing. Probably easily so, the aft port side hamshack where I once ran phone patches for shipmates calling home. I hope to be one of the first visitors . . .
Nils R. B. Young I HAVE JUST BEEN LOOKING THROUGH THE GUESTBOOK ENTRIES AND WAS SUPRISED TO SEE SOME NAMES I KNOW. I WAS ON THE SARA FROM APRIL 58-FEB 62 IN "E" DIVISION. I THINK IT IS GREAT WHAT THEY ARE DOING WITH THE SARA. I SURE WILL VISIT IT WHEN THE MUSEUM OPENS. I was part of supply department from 92-decomm. Really miss her and hope she becomes a museum. is there anyway that I may purchase items from the "Sara" store? Please advise.
P.D.M. AD2 VA35 I served in VF-103 from 74 to 77. Those were the most exciting times of my life, though I didn't think so at the time. Hindsight is always 20/20. Hoping to hear from those I served with, both in VF-103 or our sister squadron VF-31. If you remember me pleae send me an email. I still keep in touch with Greg "Porky" Heppner, my partner in crime back then. I helped lay the keel for the Sara as a young Shipwright in the Brooklyn NYNS. I worked on the Sara throughout her construction. I am currently a Boy Scout Leader and would love to take our troop on an overnight visit aboard the Sara. If this is possible please contact me. What a wonderful event is in store for this grand ole lady. I spent two experience filled years on the Sara in 1975--1977. I shall never forget them. I am so glad this effort is being made to save her. I have a friend who served on the USS Saratoga as his first duty station. He is retiring in November and would like his retirement flag to be flown on this wonderful ship...can anyone assist me in this wish? I would love to be able to contact whomever is currently in possession/charge of the USS Saratoga. THANKS MUCH! What a wonderful project! I would love to be there to see the Sara when she is open to the public. Best of luck on the undertaking of this very worthwhile project. The Saratoga was a mighty warrior and deserves her place in history. She will be a "Magnificent Lady" for all to see. I WAS OVERWHELMED TO FIND OUT A WHILE BACK THAT THEY WERE MOVING SARA INTO MY BACK YARD.
I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO BEING BACK ABOARD SOON.STILL LOOKING FOR BENECKE & HATFIELD (SIGNALMEN). I am very impressed with your program. I served on the Sara from 65-69. Radioman. I have family in the NY area and go there quite a bit. This next trip will include a visit to this program. Sure would like to make some old contacts.
Good luck. AIRDALE VA-35 '57 to '60 Made "Shake-down" cruise and two and a half Med. Cruises. Never want to do it again, but wouldn't trade the experiance for anything in the world. PR-2 Parachute Loft I served in 1MMR or "Wonderful One Main" as it was affectionately known from 80-85. Now retired and building ships from the ground up. She was truely a great ship to STEAM. My hat's off to the old Sara and her great crew. Woody Walker and I had a great talk today about our ships and our "pleasure cruise" at the Eastern Solomons in August 42. You need to correct your history page tho - Japs sent over 80 of their best pilots and we let 2 get away to tell the story. We always felt good to come out on deck, look across the water and see the Big Sara. We had a happy 4 year courtship. Unforgettable. Mario T. Sivilli, (Assn past president) RM3/c, Battleship North Carolina To all of my ship mates that have served aboard the most majestic ship the world, the almost three years I spent aboard were the most memorable of my life. Walter I was on the Sara from July '75 until Dec.78 with VS-22 the squadron that brought the first S3A's to the east coast. Being assigned to the Sara was a big change because all my prior carriers had been little ones like the Wasp, Lake Champlain, Yorktown etc. I do hope that the Sara can be saved. We tried very hard here in Jacksonville but,as you know, were not succesfull. Served aboard Super 60 from Dixie Jan"87 - Sep"90, Would be delighted to locate CWO2 LAPP and DC1 McCallister. I am stationed at RTC Great Lakes. Aboard Sara (CVA-60) for Med Cruise 69-70. Those of you must remember the Bob Hope Xmas Show aboard her with Connie Stevens and Susan Charney (no relation). I was part of the attack Squadron VA-46 (Clansmen) flying the then new Corsair II's out of Cecil Field, Fla. Great to see a part of history being saved in such a grand manner. Anybody out their from VA-46 drop me an e-mail. First saw Sara in dry dock in Philly. Thought nothing that size could ever float!! Learned better!
69'-70' med-cruise A-Div Boat Shop.
C.PAULL@stxnet.com When the cab driver dropped me off at the dry dock in Portsmouth, VA in August, 1962 and said "that's the Saratoga", I didn't know what he was talking about. I had just been transferred from a 9-man tugboat in San Juan, Puerto Rico where I had served for the preceding two years. I honestly could not see the Sara even though it was right in front of me. When it finally dawned on me that the mass of metal sitting in that big hole in the ground was my next duty station, I just gaped in awe, smoked half a pack of Luckies and muttered many things to myself, not the least of which was "what the #%$&@ have I done?" The next four years on the "Super 60 from Dixie" will always be a large part of my memories. Many friends come to mind, many shipmates, many ports, Med Cruises, and just one helluva adventure for a 19yr old kid. Four years later I was transferred to the USS Essex (CVS-9) homeported in, guess where? Quonset Point, RI. So it'll be a double nostalgic trip for me when I get up to see the 'Toga Boat. I wouldn't trade my four years on the Sara for anything. I'm glad I was on that ship at that time. I served on Sara,for the '71Med.,'72-'73 Westpac cruises,with HS-7.I would love to hear from any old shipmates. Just wanted to wish you good fortune with this project.
As I am involved in trying to perserve the AMERICA, I know what a major unertaking this has been. I spoke with some of your BOD members at the air show in June and hope we can work together in the future. I WAS STATION ON SARA FROM 78 UNTIL 80. I WAS A POSTAL CLERK EVERYBODY CALLED ME "JELLY" I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO VISITING HER AND RELIVING THE MEMORIES THANKS. LOOKING FOR OLD SHIPMATES. REMEMBER THE HOLE IN THE WALL? Great Web Site. I am a plank owner & reported to Naval Station Brooklyn in October 1955. Worked in the Commissary Office (S-2),until we deployed on our first Med Cruise in 1958, then got transferred to S-1 Admin Office. Remember our first visit to Mayport, the Cypress Tree and the Security Hut that said Welcome to Mayport. Returned to Mayport for the decommissioning in 1994 and looked for that cypress tree and security hut, which is now a 4 lane highway into the base. Left SARA in 1958 and spent next six years on the Staff of Com 6th Fleet, riding the Salem, DesMoines and Springfield flagships. Still remember the good times, our extended stay in Gitmo,(remember the one eyed Indian) our trip to North Atlantic. Who painted the mascot GREEN. Jax Beach. Went to Saratoga Springs for reunion and happy to see our 1st skipper now VADM Stroh. Would love to hear from any of the plank owners. NY liberty,Coney Island, Brooklyn, Sands St and Flatbush Avenue.We had a great commissioning crew. Had two more commissionings USS CHICAGO (CG-11) and USS JOHN F. KENNEDY
(CVA-67). Retired XMas Eve 1969. Navy couldn't have given me a beter christmas present. Went on to work for Stone and Webster Engr Co in Boston, also i am public address announcer for Boston Univ. Hockey, as well as Beanpot Announcer at the Flt Center. See you in South Carolina. Super SARA always remember her
I SERVED ON THE SARA FROM 1981 TO 1984, STEAM CATAPULT SHOP BTFN. GLAD TO SEE HER BEING SAVED FROM THE SCRAP PILE. I was glad to see the Saratoga when i went on the little train tour from Newport, RI. I thought that she was going to the scrap yard after Jacksonville lost out on their bid to keep her. I served onbaord with the VA-81 Sunliners, ANYTIME...ANYPLACE. I did the 84 MED cruise on the roof as a plane captain and in the AE shop. I did my second cruise TAD to AIMD IM3 shop 620. I had some great times on that ship. I was speechless and just stared at her as the little tour train went by. My girlfriend asked me what was wrong, I tould her that she would not understand. You first Ship holds many emotional memories If Vito, Rosie, Pauli, Ted & Cookie, Bob (spaz) & Vickie read this please e-mail me. I miss you guys! Served on the Sara from 1965-1969.Real happy to find that she will be around for future generations to see and enjoy.
She certainly was and still is a GRAND LADY
I spent many long and lonely hours on her signal bridge,but would not change that experience for anything.A firm salute to all who served aboard her. I served on this proud lady as a member of CAW-14 with RVAH-9.
I am grateful to see that she is getting her just deserves. Makes
1968 seem like only yesterday! I was in OI Div. from 75-79 and would like to hear from BT Mohr, Jay Clark, Chris Bishop, Reid "Veasey" Randall, Nick Bass, Big Bad Bob Green, Charlie Pier, or anybody else I served with and would like to get in touch. Med Cruise 76 was a good one. A little out of touch. Was LCPO of OR Div 60-63.
Retired '69 RMCS. Saw SARA in Newport last year. Give me a shout for any
working parties. I served on Sara during the 78-79 and 80 Med cruises. (Previously I was on the Forrestal) I was an ABE-2 in V-2 Div Waist(ed) Cats...Cat 4 specifically, and I'm still trying to catch up on my sleep! Hey there old shipmates. ams3 Vogt (ships company), inport firefighter. served on sara from 1988-1991. the tallest guy on the ship. Serving on the saratoga during the time in portsmouth virgina then the good ole work ups and the good ole desert shield/ desert storm fiasco was one of the best times of my life. any ole shipmates who remember me give a holler to me and keep in touch. still remember the 21 who perished and to this day it still haunts me. anybody go to the memorial they have for the guys at the mayport naval station? hope it is still in good condition. last time i was there i wound up cleaning up the memorial back in 94. What a great project. Nice job! LT Charles Burlingame. Pilot, VF-103, Slugger 1976-1979 Hello shipmates, I served 1957-1959 in V4 Div. A great time on a great ship. She was big & beautiful! 43 years later & I still think of her. Six months ago I found out she was in R.I. I drove down to see her, it was a sad day seeing her chained to the pier with her mast down, the last time I saw her mast down she was leaving the Brooklyn Navy Yard for sea trials. I hope & pray she will become a museum. I will do my part, I hope you will to. Served in the CVIC 1973-1976 Just got back from viewing the Sara in R.I., she is really looking good. Took the wifes breath away when we turned the corner and the windsheild was filled with the sight of the Sara, Forrestal and the Iowa. What a beautiful picture that was. Hope to make it back when they open up the museum so she can really grasp the size of the Sara. Was on board 1970-72, V-2 Division, Cat1. Lots of good memories. Fair winds and following sea. I served with VF-103 from'82 - '85. Any old Sluggers out there, please contact me. Only "Love Boat Cruise" Sailors, Please. I could probably still find my way to berthing! I served on USS Saratoga in 1989-90 as part of CVW-17 in VS-30 Diamondcutters, NAS Cecil Field. It was being overhauled in 1988, so the squadron took the USS Independence(CV-62) to the west coast around South America that year. The last news that I heard was that Sara was to be scrapped and I thought it had been done years ago. Just discovered this site yesterday and I am happy to see it saved. Anybody in VS-30 from 1987 to 1990? Also served in VFA-204 River Rattlers, NAS New Orleans, until 1997. I was on the sara in 1959/60 and would liketo see photos
and talk to anyone in that period.
It's great that she is going to live on as a museum.
I will surely take my kids&grandkids to see the ship.In brief i can remember the time we had a german freighter get to close panpan51@home.com
Larry Edmonds
Louisa V.A I served on board SARA during the 69-70 Med Cruise in IM-2 Division (Adjan). It was an experience I'll always treasure.I was 18 and just out of High School. I met some great guys and I would very much like to hear from them if they read this message. I think this site is a terrific idea and I hope that the park becomes a reality. I've been up to Newport, R.I. but unfortunately did not get to see SARA. I hope to see her when she gets to Quonset Point. I was also on the Forrestal and would like to see her alongside SARA at Quonset Point. I need to make a correction to my first message. Squadron
VTN53 was flown from Oakland Ca. on Dec. 24th 1944, not as
stated before. My father, Robert N. Delamater, served on the USS Saratoga in the Korean War 1942 to 1945. He never spoke about his service and I would like to know more about that time of his life. On this 4th of July I would personaly like to Thank All Service Personnel for Protecting My Freedom. THANK YOU VERY MUCH.......................... wAS ASSIGNED TO VF-31 From nov 67 to sept 70.
AO3. Spent about 13 months aboard the Sara. I was a turret gunner on the Avenger with VTN53. We were on
board in February 1945 during the attack at Iwo Jima. I matched the Reunion Associations donation at Saratoga Springs and would love to ride the CV60 to her final destin-
ation. WE trained at Quonset Point before we joined Sara at
Pearl Harbor in late 45. Would love to here from old squad-
ron mates and make new ones. I'm a retired AD1(NAC/AW)and served in VA-75 onboard the USS Saratoga for the 78/79 and 80 cruises and am proud to have served and would be proud to visit the Saratoga as a mueseum. Thanks for all your hard work. Will never forget the day I first saw the Saratoga, dry
dock, Brooklyn Navy Yard. She was the largest movable
object that I had ever seen. I was part of ships company
60'-62'. It's exciting to be able to communicate or at
least the possibility of communicating with some former
shipmates and friends from SARA. I just found out about
the museum a couple of days ago and have felt like a kid
with a new toy since. I have been thinking about SARA and
shipmates for some years now but had never been able to
find out about either until now through the WEB.
I found a fellow 'sparky' George Doersch today and hope to
communicate with him soon. We both met SARA for the first
time @ Brooklyn NY. I started out as a boilerman and
tranferred to E div. shortly after.
I am really looking foreward to this years reunion(my first).
I hope to see all my old friends there! Will never forget the day I first saw the Saratoga, dry
dock, Brooklyn Navy Yard. She was the largest movable
object that I had ever seen. I was part of ships company
60'-62'. It's exciting to be able to communicate or at
least the possibility of communicating with some former
shipmates and friends from SARA. I just found out about
the museum a couple of days ago and have felt like a kid
with a new toy since. I have been thinking about SARA and
shipmates for some years now but had never been able to
find out about either until now through the WEB.
I found a fellow 'sparky' George Doersch today and hope to
communicate with him soon. We both met SARA for the first
time @ Brooklyn NY. I started out as a boilerman and
tranferred to E div. shortly after.
I am really looking foreward to this years reunion(my first).
I hope to see all my old friends there! I served in A-Div 1982 and 83. Have always missed the Sara, and am actually sitting in front of a picture of her right now. I'm anxious to bring my sons aboard. Does anyone remember the fuel oil that was always floating on your coffee?
I'm searching for old grapes V4 1986-89. I have been watching this site for a long while now. It is really begining to look like this will happen. I was quite dissapointed when it fell through in Jax. It will sure be great to show my friends and family members where I served at during the gulf war.
Ex OS2 Charles (Kermit)C. Corbin III
OI Div. OPS Dept
88-93 Looking for members of Weapons Dept. From 88-92. Also looking for a few old friends at the time. AO3 Mike Gros and AOC Daniel Johnson. If you have any information on there location please let me know. If there is anyone from the Sara during this time that knows me please drop me a line.
It great to hear that the "SARA" followed me home. Served from 1958-1961, Attached to VF-32. Made 2/1/2 Med. Cruises. I can still remember landing on the flight deck. I was a seaman recruit and spent 5 years aboard this fine lady.
( Apr. 84 - Apr. 89 )
I realize now that those years were the best of my life.
My career continued in the US Naval Reserves and after 6 ships I am now the "Chief".
Once this project is complete, I will plan to see the SUPER SARA again. I was in Vf-31 from Med. cruise 1978-79 and Med.cruise 1980, my nickname was "Potsie" and I was an AE and worked with a great bunch of people that I would like to get in contact with again. This is in reply to Peta B. of R.
You commended to make the Sara into a paintball arena is
surely one of the most childish of all comments. There must
be a good reason for you making such a statment. You are
either a 4-F degentert, or some one that in all probabilty
had received other than an honorable discharge from what,if you served, branch of the service. Because any decent law
obeying true American would not write an article, making a
statment such as you did, about one of the greatest fighting
michines this country has ever had . So who ever you are
Mr.Peta B., shut your infernal mouth aboutt the Sara.
i was on the Sara in 1964 an 5 an 6. i was a blue
shirt in fly one. i entered the US Navy in Miami
Florida on 5-27-62. i left the Navy on 6-25-66 in
Charleston South Carolina. i was born and raised
in Middletown Connecticut. in 1942. i moved 2
Florida in 1960. In the Navy i was an Airman, pay
grade E-3. U can c me in my web site:
www.members.tripod.com/~marty4545 It is great to hear that SARA is going to be at Quonset Point. I spent two years at the Communication Station at Newport before going to the SARA in Mayport in 1971.
I cant wait to come back to my two of my duty stations. hope to be able to come up for the dedication. Served onboard with VF-103 83-85 and 89-92. I am originally from RI
and it is great to see her there and becoming a museum!!
I would love to see the ship again someday & show my kids what I did there
and where I lived/worked. Great to see Sara become a museum for everyone to enjoy. Sara was a wonderful ship. I served as Air Boss and was honored to make the last arrested landing and catapult shot on/off her in the S-3 Viking. What wonderful memories I have of Saratoga. Ahoy mates! Ray Badders, (E-Div 9/70 thru 9/73), reporting for duty. I live five miles outside of Washington, D.C.. Our "Wall" contains the names of the POW's, MIA's and KIA's that we lost during the '72 - '73 campaign in the Gulf of Tonkin. Another site you won't want to miss is the Navy Museum. If you tell them the dates that you were aboard the Sara, the museum guides will be able to tell you the names of all of the boats that were part of our task group. Make sure that you visit Riverdale Park,MD and see the beautiful veterans monument that we built here in town. By mid-July 2000, you should be able to see pictures of it by visiting www.ci.riverdale-park.md.us It was designed and built for all veterans -past, present and future. You're always welcome in Riverdale. I was on the Sara from 4 Jan 88 to 15 May 92 and i am glad that they are going to make the Saratoga a museum. I made several donations back when we were triing to make it a museum here in Jacksonville. I hope that everything goes well there in R.I.. My father was a Plankowner in the 2nd division (CVA 60) 1955-1958. He would love to
hear from his former shipmates! His name is Richard Humiston. If you might remember
him, please let me know, PLEASE. He has hopes of getting over to see Sara again! I am thrilled to see someone is trying to save the Sara!! My father served on the Saratoga in the early 70's. He was an engineer and both of my parents were on board during the Athen's sink! His name is Jim Burns. Keep up the good work - I would like to be able to take my children on the Sara and show them where the grandfather served. A reunion for crew members is in South Carolina October of this year. I served Dec 89 to Feb 94. Deck Dept And OI. OS3 Grunwald email me I seen your name but no email. GLAD TO SEE THAT SHE IS STILL AFLOAT AND WILL BE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. I SERVED ON HER FOR THE GULF WAR CRUISE, 8/90-3/91 AND THE CRUISE 5/92-11/92. I WAS STILL IN JAX, FL WHEN THEY WERE TRYING TO GET HER TO STAY THERE AND WAS VERY DISAPPOINTED WHEN THAT EFFORT FAILED. I AM EXCITED THAT I WILL GET TO BRING MY BOYS TO SEE WHERE I SPENT SOME OF MY MOST EXCITED YEARS.
Are the tours mentioned on this site available to former crew members. I will be in the area in a few weeks and would love to board the Sara again. Would love to take pictures and bring them to the reunion in Charleston. PROUD TO SERVE ON SARA 1976-1978 MED CRUISE OF '76
PROUD TO BE HONORABLY DISCHARGED FROM HER IN MAR '78 I am the wife of a Navy veteran during the years of l971-1975. He served aboard the Saratoga on his first cruise in October of 1972. He was on it during the last few months of the active Vietnam War. He came home to Mayport Naval Air Station on Feb.13, 1973. I boarded the ship myself at the unloading but the arrival was something to behold. It was my only chance to get to see him return home as the rest of the homecomings were in Norfolk,Va. Somewhere, if the docks still are there are mine and his initials carved into the docks. This ship is even special to me as I boarded the ship myself and I got to see the inside of one and he only took me for a brief visit but at least I got to see the inside of it.It was indeed special. God bless all your sailors who had to step over every threshold, as I knocked my ankles many times coming through.Would like to know how many sailors forgot about the bottom of the threshold of the doors and stumbled and fell as I so graciously 'almost' did!! We are so happy that they decided not to scrap the "Sara" and look forward to being able to see it once again one day soon. IF any of you remember my husband, he was attached to RVAH-1 stationed in Albany,Georgia. RVAH-1 was also known as the 'SMOKING TIGER'. Vigilantes were aboard the "Sara". We also made a tour of duty in Key West Florida during the years of August l974 until his discharge on July 3rd, l975. What a glorious day that was for me as I was so ready to return to our home state of Georgia and see home again. He was better known as "Grits" or "Grit" I can't remember. He even had it imprinted on one of his hats that he wore. I again wish the foundation much success and wonderful enjoyment to many who served on her and many little ones who shall enter the gangplank and board the "Sara" and may it affectionately rest in peace among the waters of Rhode Island to educate and bring back memories whether they be sad or dismayed by it all. May you all be blessed with Peace and loving comfort by this dear old ship "Sara" and may GOD BLESS those spent time aboard it many years ago.
I'm glad to hear that the Saratoga will soon be a museum. I did not serve on her, Spent 4 yrs in the Army, But my uncle was on her during WWII. I believe this ship is a different one than he served on. Please educate me! He lives not far from me. His name is Stan Virtue, if you know him, and would like to contact him, e-mail me. I'll see what I can do. Good Luck with the project. Thrilled to hear, that the "Sara" will be a museum after all.
I grew up on the Saratoga. Spent my 18th, and 19th birthdays in Naples, Italy. Was assigned to S-l Division from 1958-1962 went on to retire as SKC in 1978. Look forward to visiting her soon! It's been 38 years since I last saw her. Looking for members of Weapons Dept. From 88-92. Also looking for a few old friends at the time. AO3 Mike Gros and AOC Daniel Johnson. If you have any information on there location please let me know. It has been many years since I have thought about the "Sarah" and the time that I spent aboard her. I was glad to run across this site and browse through some of the pictures and messages left by fellow shipmates. It even prompted me break out the scrapbook and go through all of the pictures that I took while aboard. God, I have forgotten almost everybodys names ! In looking back, my time serving on the Sarah was an incredible experience (If you had asked me then.......I would have said incredibly bad) and I do remember a lot of good times. I was a Machinists Mate and worked in the 4MMR and the 1&2 AMR from 1976 to 1980. If you were a shipmate of mine I would like to hear how you are doing so drop me an e-mail SINS Tech (ET): system located in forward gyro - Operations (OPS) Department / OE Division. July 1981 - August 1985. Reported on board during SLEP overhaul at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard. Mediterranean cruise 1984. Any former shipmates out there that stumble upon this post - drop me a line at kniffin@pinn.net Donald,
Amen. You said it very well. Here is an emphatic second to
your post regarding Peta's rather tasteless message.
Frank Sumption This an open message to Peta B from Central Falls, RI concerning the posting on this page. I don't know how old you are but it's obvious that you haven't grown up. When you start insulting the Sara and her crew (which is what you are doing) You are insulting a great many brave souls who laid their lives on the line for you. When you say to turn her into "a big paintball arena," You are showing me your mentality and not your age. I'm sure that I'm not alone in feeling this way as I think you will soon see.
Am in the 1999 Archives.Am Plank Owner of the CVA-60. Was an Ships Serviceman on the Sara, served on her until August
59, went to the other fleet, operating with the Marines on an AKA, switched over to Storekeeper, stayed with the Navy until April 67. Would like to hear from any SH or SK that may have served with me during those years. The Sara was by far the best duty of any of the six ships I served on. Hope to be able to one day walk her decks again. Was fortunate
to have been invited to the decommissioning in 94. My one and only Grandson thinks the Saratoga is the only Carrier the Navy has ever had. Thank heaven she will not wind up on the razor blade list. Thanks Frank and Crew. make it a big paintball arena Was on the Sara from '57-'59 in the Print Shop. Would like to hear from shipmates in that time frame. Great to see what is happening with Sara. I was part of CVW-17 from 1989-1992. I have both good and bad memories of the Sara, but I am looking forward to bringing friends and family aboard for a tour when it is open to the public. I'll bet I could still find my way around with my eyes closed Looking to get a 1979 Med Cruise Yearbook, never got mine before my discharge in April '79. Served on the Sara '76 to '79 V-3 Division. want to hear from anyone who remembers me. Tony Giordano! Glad to see that Super SARA did not hit the scrap heap. I was on her final Med/Adriatic cruise in 1994 and I felt she had many more years to give to the freedom of our country and was rather upset when we were told to decommission her in November of 1994. Lots of great liberty that cruise, including skiing the Austrian Alps. The Super SARA's last Commanding Officer, Captain Kennedy, was the best skipper I ever worked for. I worked in OPS dept as the EWO. I will try and be at the ceremony when the Super SARA finds her final resting place. Great ship, great crews, great memories. Hi all fellow shipmates...I served onboard from 82'-84'. Got on in Phila. when she was in the shipyard.
I was an Electricians Mate 2nd class and would love to here from anyone from Engineering that I would remember.
I spent most of my time in the spaces being have worked in the Distribution shop providing everyone with electricity I was in VS-30 aboard SuperSara '83-'85. Great to see the work going on for the museum. UP DATE: I was aboard the Sara, G-Div. (Mag Crew) 1972-74, I have started a (Ship Mates Photo Album). Dig out all your old pictures and add them to the site, We have about 100 pictures added by the Sara Crew.. This site is open to all!! If you are a family member of deceised Crew member, and would like to add a photo, please feel free to do so.. The oldest photo is from 1943.. I have also added a (voice chat room) to the site... You can also get Free internet serv..
I was a plankowner and served on board from April 1956 to January 1959. I was an officer in the Engineering Department. I would like to hear from anyone serving on board during that time, especially fellow snipes. I am very happy about the efforts to finally "SAVE OUR SARA". I served on board from 1972 1977. I hope this endeavor succeeds. There are some great memories associated with this great lady! I served on the Sara from 62 to 65. Was 1st Division yeomen. Would love to hear from my 1st Divison shipmates or any one serving on the Sara during these years. Served aboard "Saratoga,CVA 60,as plane captain,VF-31,F4B Phantom II,A/C # 105,Line Shack # 1 ,starboard side,forward of island.Visited her at Newport Beach in summer of 98' and have photos I can email you. For all you Tomcatters out there please visit our website at www.TomcattersAssociation.org. Remember sailors ,that the Saratoga afforded all who serverd on her,a great adventure and seeing the world that most of us would have never been able to do. So please support this great effort as much as possible. Thank the stars that Gillette did not get her !! Watch your SIX ! Great time on SuperSara 83-84. Jack Ready and Jerry Unruh, outstanding CO's. Fantastic airwing and crew. Especially enjoyed CAG (K. Ewing) Benedorm fly by. Long remembered in aviation history!! And Sara Navigator, Irv Williams, many long chats and libs times together. AIMD, Suppo, AIRBoss, I got to be on the "Sara" for 1 day while my son was on her. It was family day.I enjoyed it so much. The "Super Sara" is a wonderful ship. I am so glad she will be preserved so a lot more people can see her greatness. I wouldn't take anything for being able to be on her for that one day out at sea. Thanks, and a job WELL DONE!!! I'm glad to hear that the "Sara" is being saved and being put to good use. I'm excited at the prospect of being able to board her once again. It's been thirty years since I last walked on her flight deck. I was a plane captain with VA-105. We had A7A Corsair II's. I loved working on the flight deck for the excitement of it all. My most prominent memories are those of entering the Med and seeing the Russian destroyer waiting there for us, the crisis involving the highjacked airliners, and President Richard Nixons visit.
I can't hardly wait till I can show my wife the USS Saratoga. I hope I will run into some of my ole shipmates when I do. The news that the Rhode Island Legislature has cleared the way for Sara to be moved to Quonset Point is truly a shot in the arm for the Saratoga Museum Foundation and all of Sara's crew members who can't wait for the day when we can once again walk her decks.
She took care of us during our deployment, Now it's time to show her that we still love the old girl.
I went to see Sara at Newport last October and a chill actually ran up my spine when I saw her for the first time in forty years.
I'm going to Newport again this coming week to take photos. I will gladly e-mail or send copies to anyone who is interested. Having served in her Battle Group in 1990-91(seemed like two years too...well ok it was only eight months). I can say the Sara was one tough old lady. While all us escorts enjoyed port visits and such Sara just steamed and steamed on. Sadly one of my lasting memories of the Sara will be her tragic liberty boat accident in Haifa during christmas 1990.
Thankfully the Navy and Rhode Island are going to give this old lady a rightful final resting place instead of dying underneath the scrapyards torch. Now hear this,the Roach-Coach is now on the pier. It is better to come into port at pier #1 without the use of your tugs. But,don't sink SARA at the pier. Also you can't drop your anchor on top of the tunnel or loose the fluk. We can have more fun with swim call,or,polishing those brass fighting cocks. But don't you remember the GREAT WHITE. While your at it wake up Mike again he is asleep in front of the Captain cleaning the windows during flight-ops. I won't ask any more civilian ships for their ID. Looking for all those naviGATORS from 64-67. The Hawk is looking. I was stationed with VF-103 deployed aboard SARA for the 1984 Med Cruise and the 1985/86 Med/IO Cruise. I was assigned TAD to the IM3 division of AIMD, and worked in the COMM/NAV/IFF Shop 5. Living only 20 minutes from the Philadelphia Naval Ship Yard, it was a bittersweet reunion when they brought her into the yards after decommisioning. I thought her glory days were through. I even went and watched the day they towed her out, bound for Rhode Island. I was sure that would be the last I would ever see her, thinking that she was bound for the scrap heap. But then I found out about the Museum! I was ecstatic! I can't wait to take my Wife and two sons to see her when she's ready. Finally, all the Sea stories I've told will have more meaning when they can walk the decks where it actually took place. The Achilli Lauro hijacking and the "TERRORIST BUSTERS" . The Gulf of Sidra, Khadaffi, and his "Line of Death". The Shellback Initiation,(My certificate still hangs proudly in my den). Christmas '85 in Singapore, Naples, Toulon, Benidorm and Palma. I can't wait to see her again. It sounds as if the Foundation is really going to do her justice.
Keep up the good work, and we'll see you opening day. I was on the Saratoga from JAN 90 TO FEB 94. I served in G2, Deck 3rd Division, and then OI Division as a Operation Specialist. I did Desert Shiels, Desrt Storm, shooting of the Turkish Ship. I work across the street from Captain Drager now who was one of the Commanding Oficers. CR-Division 1964 Where can i get a copy of the 1963 Med Cruise Book? E-Division 1977 to 1981. Have lots of stories and photos to share with anyone. Yes i remember those tough and fun times. But most of all i remember the guys and the things most people wouldn't believe I AM LOOKING FOR SATCH NELSON--BUGS LAQUIERE--JOHN WORKMAN HEAD SNYDER OR ANYONE WHO REMEMBERS MY HUSBAND, JOHN PAULL (RED) JACK SERVED ON THE SARE FROM JULY 1957 TO APRIL 1958, HE WAS ALWAYS SO PROUD TO HAVE SERVED ON THE SARE AND HE AL- WAYS WISHED HE HAD KEPT IN TOUCH WITH HIS SHIPMATES, JACK PASSED AWAY IN FEB. OF 1999 IF WE HAD KNOWN ABOUT THE SARE WE WOULD HAVE BEEN AT THE REUNIONS THATS FOR SURE. OUR GRANDSONS ARE VERY INTERESTED IN JACK;S NAVY YEARS AND MOST OF ALL ABOUT HIS TIME ON THE SARE. I SENT A MESSAGE BEFORE BUT I MADE A MISTAKE ON MY E-MAIL ADD.
In October 1992 during the NATO exercise "Display Determination 92" two SeaSparrow SAM missiles were fired incidentaly (!?) from SARATOGA. These missiles hit the bridge of the Turkish destroyer MUAVENET DM-357 killing 5 sailors including the commander of the ship. The damaged destroyer was scrapped later.
I am affraid that with out this bloody story the history of SARATOGA is never complete. Hello Shipmates, Still Remember The Great Ol Sara CVA-60 Served aboard her from Feb 70 to Mar 72. Two Med cruses in 1st & 2nd Div. Lpos were BM1 Reynolds & BM1 Walton. Would Love to hear from shipmates from those Divisions.In fact anyone from that time period would be great.Have a great day. The photos you took of the recent tour of Sara are really great. It was the first time I have seen the inside of Sara in forty one years, even though it was with photos.
It is amazing that, in some areas at least, she is in such good condition. I guess you just can't keep the old girl down.
Thanks again for the photos, and hope to see many more as time progresses. Can't wait to pack the kids up and take them to R.I. to see my ol' ship. I know there sick of my sea stories.
V-3 84-87 It is very special to see that my granfather, CDR Gilmore, has so many people that will miss him, as I will miss him forever. I think it would be wonderful to give him a memorial. thank you for all those who care. Granpa was a wondeful grandfather besides everything else. It was nice to see the message about my grandfather, CDR Gilmore. I served on the saratoga in from 1956 to 1957 Glad to hear the Saratoga will be turned into a museum. I was on the 67-68 Med cruise with VA-216, Black Diamonds.
Would like to hear from anyone who served in that period of time. Would like to hear from anyone who served on the Sara from 6-62 to 7-64, G-division. Give me a shout. Would love to hear from you. Served on the Sara from '65 to '67. Made one Med. Cruise and started another. Was in 1st Div. Good luck with the museum. I hope to visit soon. I would like to hear from my shipmates. SERVED ABOARD THE SARA 1963-66, M-DIV. LIKE TO HERE
FORM SOME OLD FRIEND. NICKNAME JAYBIRD. CDR Russell G. Gilmore was everything you have mentioned in "Taps For a Friend," and more. Specifically, he was the best Grandfather a grandson could ask for. An "appropriate and permanent memorial" is without question supported by this grandson, who will miss his "Grandpa" forever. I thank those who are in support of my grandfather, CDR Russell G. Gilmore. I served aboart the Saratoga in '72/'73 as ship's company (GM Division) for a cruise in the beautiful Tonkin Bay. Kudos to you for this effort to recognize a ship and crew who served our country well during many times of crisis. Served onboard between 1977 and 1980. Iwas in Navigation and would like to hear from any fellow Nav Div personel. I changed email address, So I thought I would
send it out, served on SARA 82-84 V-2 Div. Gear Rat..
Looking for old shipmates,anyone still around?? SARA looks great, and looking forward to the day I can bring my family onboard,KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK...GOD BLESS I served aboard the saratoga from june 1975 to may 1977 . I work in v-2 division cat4 . went on the med cruise of 1976 . It seems so long ago sure some of my old buddies contact me . I think the Museum is an excellent idea. I just heard the Iowa is leaving I was hoping she could go along. AO3 "G" Div. Hanger deck crew from 3/66 to 8/69 Very well done and throughly enjoyable web site dedicated to great ship. Thank God all the hard work is about to pay off and the Saratoga will be properly preserved as a historic museum where future generations of Americans can learn about the sarifices made by previous generations to ensure freedom. I can't wait to go on board. Way to go Brad!! I'm proud of you. Served aboard 1968-1970, first as TAD Ship Supt in Philadelphia Yard, then as GM Division Officer, and later as Educational Services Officer, but seemed to spend most of my time on the bridge as one of the four regular OOD's during Reftra at GTMO, a Med cruise, and other ops.
I sail Narragansett Bay during the summers now, and will definitely visit. Would also love to be on the "last cruise" trip across the Bay. I served on the Sara with VA-83(The Rampagers)from august 1983 to june 1986.I had alot of good times on board the Super Sara,times i think about alot.I would love to get ahold of some of my shipmates.Does anybody know what ever happened to Commander William E Franson Jr? I SERVIED ON THE SARA ON THE 69-70 MED CRUISE WITH VA-113 OUT OF LEMOORE CALIF. GLAD TO SEE THAT SHE WILL BE PUT TO GOOD USE INSTEAD OF SCRAP METAL.AFTER THIS CRUISE AND THE BOB HOPE CHRISTMAS SHOW IF AND ONE REMEMBERS CONNIE STEVENS I WAS THE SENT TO VIET NAM ON THE SISTER SHIP THE RANGER. MY TWO SONS ARE IN THE ARMY ONE IN FORT CAMPBELL,KY 101 AIR BORN THE OTHER IS CURRENTLY GARDING THE BORDERS OF KUWAIT WITH THE 162Armor Div Charlie See every later I served on the Saratoga from 1978 to 1980. I was an HM3 and worked in the Medical Dept. I have several photos available for use inside the Medicals Dept. if needed. I live in California now and the USS Hornet is in Alameda and she needs lots of work to get her back into shape. The Mardet as several photos from past Marines who served aboard and that is where I got my idea. If you are interested, E-mail me back. Good Luck. Tom Lynch Keep up the good work! I am looking for I served with VAH-9 (Hoot Owls) and we were on the Super Sara numerous times from 1957 to 1960. We made the shakedown cruises, Strikeback and 2 med cruises aboard her, crossing the Arctic Circle too. A great ship, a great time in my life and I'm happy to see her become a museum rather than go to scrap.
Charlie Boston, you out there???
Hoot Hoot from Heavy Nine. I served onboard Sara in 1980 in V-4 Div. I met the ship in Naples and did most of the 80 Med cruise. I could not get a billet for the SLEP crew and was transferred to NAS Atlanta. After leaving active duty I stayed in the reserves and was assigned to the Saratoga reserve unit from 1985-1990. It was a pleasure to go back to the Sara once a year for 2 weeks. The USS Saratoga was the best carrier in the fleet and I am glad I will still be able to see her instead of shave with her.My other duty stations include: NAS Albany,(Agony), GA., USS Iwo Jima, LPH-2, NAS Guantanamo Bay,(like being in jail), Cuba, NR LPH-2 Iwo Jima, NR CV-62 Independence, NR WEPSTA Earle, NJ
Served on Sara March 1959 thru April 1962. Was in V-6 Div. Made 3 Med cruises. Think I will try to attend next reunion, which I believe may be this year? (2000). Hello Everyone I served on the SARA 1960-1961 in E Division. It was a very eventful year. Spent some time in Broklyn ship yards the came down coast and met a German freighter became quite close. Went all the way to Rota with a arresting cable slapping bottom. Had a lot of fun in Europe great Christmas in Canns and enjoyed all the ports of call. I still think of all the shipmate we lost during that cruse.
I loved that old ship and I wish things could have been different and I could have stayed on her. To all my former ship mates I would like to hear from you talk about old time and were we have gone and what we have done sense those days. I served aboard the USS SARATOGA CVA-60 from Nov 1957 to July 1959 as a PN3 in the "X" Div. of the ship's company Personnel Office. I have tried to stay in contact with her since I got off her in 1959 and was fortunate to attend her decommissioning on 20 Aug 94 at NS Mayport FL. I have become friends with her last Commanding Officer, Capt. William H Kennedy and still visit her home port of NS Mayport. Would love to hear from any of my shipmates and hope to visit SARA again when she becomes available to have visitors again. I have many very fond memories of her and will always remember being aboard for her 1st Med Cruise in 1958. I served on Sara from 84-88 as YN3. She has been my only ship and now I work for VADM Mobley and have met recently retired VADM Unruh. She will always hold a special place in my heart. Looking forward to seeing her again when she lowers her brow to the world. Congratulations and thank you for your hard work. was transfered onboard SARA while she was in SLEP.
served onboard 1982- 1984, V-2 Div GEAR RAT....
looking for old ship mates, drop me a line...great to see SUPER SARA again.... great job!!!! My father was a Plankowner in the 2nd division (CVA 60) 1955-1958.
He would love to hear from his former shipmates! His name is
Richard Humiston. If you might remember him, please let me know!
He has hopes of getting over to see Sara again! My grandfather Irving Oberfeld was one of many Plumbing Contractors who helped build USS Saratoga in the 1950s at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. He Devoted his entire life to the service of the navy and my family is happy to see this grand ship will remain a monument to those who built and served in her. I just happend acrossed this site and how wonderful it was to see that Sara is going to be filled with a crew once again. I was with VAW-123 and spent three crusies on the Sexy Sixty, 77, 78-79, and 80 Med cruises. Many memories popped up. The first was the fwd mess TAD to the First Class mess and all the beefs I had with "Leib", then finally getting back to the squdron. Boston Blackies, Humpty Dumpty, Top of the Tides, was just a few.I tried to explain to my kids about it all once when they found my cruise books, but they just didn't understand. I WILL be coming to RI as soon as it is open just to take another look at the great lady. Mayport it's not, butI'm happy to see that she ain't razor blades. I would be interested in hearing from some fellow "Screwtops" to see how your doing. I would also be proud to help in anyway I can to get the Sara up and going once again. Keep up the good work and best of luck. Just checking up on SARA's progress. I came aboard via COD mail plane when SARA was 2 days out of Mayport headed for the Med. Made it thru that Med cruise, WestPac cruise, shipyard in Portsmouth, Va, and the winter cruise of 74-75. There was a month or two in the Philly shipyard too somewhere in there, I recall.
I was in OE Div and then help create the OW Div. I'd be pleased to hear from any old shipmates. I keep in contact with several via email. Best of luck on the project! TO Larry E. Leffingwell, II
PETE SYLVESTER I was a "Brown Shirt"in VF-31 ,on A/C # 105,F4B Phantom II,from 1963-1966. To date ,working the roof of "SARA" was the most exciting,exhilirating and important job I have ever done!Imagine giving a 19 year old,from the streets of Brooklyn, the responsibility of two lives and a multi-million dollar aircraft? I guess the Navy saw in me something that I did not even know I had ! I saw "SARA" in the summer of 1998,at Newport Beach,R.I.,sitting all alone,with no life within her and was taken back to when I stood between the bow cats,six tiedowns on my shoulders, 40 MPH wind in my face feeling the heat from those twin J-79's,as I watched the bird go from zero to 190 MPH as it shot off the catapult.It was a thrill of a liftime for me!If everyone who served aboard her would donate some cash it sureley is a small price to pay for what she afforded our country and all the great places she took us! Anyone remember the Pan Am Club in Barcelona! A group of VF-31 Tomcatter Veterans are in the process of forming an Association dedicated to the 2nd oldest Fighter Squadron in Naval history, VF-31.Please visit our website mentioned above and join our fledgling organization. SEE YOU ALL IN CHARLESTON. Watch your SIX! "FELIX RULES"
I went aboard the old Sara straight from sea-school the 7th day of December 1939,served two years completing my tour to depart on the 7th day of December 1941. I was on duty as Time Orderly on the quarterdeck as we docked in San Diego. As my tour was up I wasn't sure that I would be able to leave but Commander Pride (Exec and later Admiral Pride)was on deck and told me that I and three other marines could leave as our reliefs were on th dock. The Saratoga left the next day I heard in time to take a torpedo in the Pacific. I knew Pop Blanchard and Chief Master-at-arms Arnold and also a navy cook called Duffy (A heavy weight boxer)-- I hope to be able to make the next reuion, Would enjoy hearing from any of the men serving then or later. Alot of famous men served on the Saratoga. The museum is a wonderful idea. I just got through reading Blair Shaffer's discription of the 74' Med cruise. I served in the "A" Division Boat Shop during that cruise. Casablanca really struck a chord; I was the engineman on the officer's gig that was lowered in 15+ ft. swells there (if any of you saw that, I was the one holding on to the aft cabin for dear life!). As far as I know, we were the only ones of the ship's company that got to go ashore there. I whole heartedly support this effort, my family and I will be up there to see her this summer. plank owner in OE div from 56 to 58 helped to hook up closed circuit tv.miss some of the guys I served with and
would like to hear from them.I spend my time helping to
restore other navy ships the type I served on such as uss
Slater DE766, lst 393 and looking forward to working on the
SARA. Glad to see what is happening to the old Sara. I served in the OPS office from Jan 61 to Aug 62: with one Med cruise under my belt. Would like to hear from any old shipmates that I knew Glad to see what is happening to the old Sara. I served in the OPS office from Jan 61 to Aug 62: with one Med cruise under my belt. Would like to hear from any old shipmates that I knew served as mr a div 2/57 to 1/59 was at mayport at decom sara looked great,glad to see she will have a new life. My grandfather, Menford Oleamon Simpson, served on the U.S.S. Saratoga(CVA-60) during the years of 1956-1960. He was an electrician. He has told me many stories of the Sara, like in 1957, he just got home from leave and he was called back because someone opened the wrong hatch and flooded eight decks. The Sara almost sank while tied to the dock. My grandfather requested that anyone that served with him or knew him please contact him at the Email addressi have provided. Thanks I wish lots a luck to all the people in giving sara a home.S6 63=66
Served on Sara for about a year in 1959, A Div., hydraulics, elevators and steering engines. Med cruise. Had great time. Overjoyed to see she's not headed for razor blades. Have tried to find out about her for awhile and finally picked up a copy of Sea Classics and there she was. Would like to hear from any others that served with me. Is there a reunion in the works any time soon? Check will be in the mail soon. I just e-mailed VADM Joe Mobley, former CO of USS SARATOGA(CV60)that I had spoken to Mark Newton, President of HELLCAT FOUNDATION, who suggested that the ADM contact Frank Lennon and be present when SARA came home. It would be great if he would come. VADM Mobley is now Commander, Naval Air Force, US Atlantic Fleet. I had the distict honour of wearing his bracelet, when he was a POW from June 1968 to March 1973. He was my hero then, and he is my hero to this very day.
Keep up your magnificent efforts.
Jaanus Roht, former Lt. Royal Canadian Armoured Corps At the Tv in Belgium, i have just now see the film with Nimitz... An so, i just tell to my husband : i go on the Net to talk with Super-Sara... I had visited Saratoga when it was in Benidorm in 1985 or 1986. I can't remeber the date. My dream : flying in a tomcat....... Thank you for your guest book.. see you later.. My other email : TartePierre@swing.be I was aboard in 1956. I went on her shakedown in Aug out of Mayport With VF-43 from NAS JAX. IT was with CAG-4. We had the F9F-8 Cougar jets. Lots of fun. The first time I heard ,CHECK WING LOCKS, WHEEL CHOCKS AND ALL LOOSE GEAR ON THE DECK,STAND BY TO START ENGINES, I was scared. But then it was fun after that. Just me and my parachute bag that I carried all my plane gear in was always together. I was plane captain of 201.Nice page, good job. anybody on from VF-43? Served 1964-67 i spent two years on the sara.very happy to see good things for her. 79,80,81. i was a skivvy waver. i spent two years on the sara.very happy to see good things for her. 79,80,81. i was a skivvy waver. I served aboard the Sara during the 1970 Med Cruise as ships company in the AIMD, IM-3 Division. I was an ATN-2 assigned to the Calibration Lab (Shop 5A). I am really glad to see that things are going so well since I last made my last entry in the guest book. Keep up the good work. I served aboard the Sara from 1966 to 1968. I ran the ships store called the hobbie shop S-3 Division. I was there for Two med cruises and the U.S.S Liberty incident. There was a bunch of guys I haven't seen for over thirty years I would like to hear from. Like Steve Turner from Kansas City. I left the ship while she was in the Philly Yards in 1968. I am looking forward to seeing her again in Rhode Island. I served aboard the Saratoga during 1962 and 1963...on Med cruise. I was a Navy Musician. 19 years old and off to see the world. Great experience. This was before women were allowed on Navy Ships. Can't imagine what it is like now, aboard a Navy ship. I was aboard, when a big crash-up on the flight deck occurred at night during flight operations. Pilots were killed when their planes just piled up on the flight deck. Would like to tour the Saratoga when it has been set up as a museum. UB #147 (Unit Band #147) Chief Dodds was the Bandmaster My dad was a sailor on the Sara from 1959-1962. He was very proud to serve on her. Long live the USS SARATOGA!. Looking back on a great father & his ship. SEMPER-FI
Cpl. Bolton T.G. Former VF-31 TOMCATTER.Worked the roof of "SARATOGA as plane captain on A/C # 105,F4B Phantom II,from 1963-1966. To date it was one of the most exciting experience that I have ever been part of.I can still see me standing between the Bow Cats,listening to the roar of those twin J-79 engines spewing flames ,and smelling that benzopyrene in my nostrils as I watched my Phantom going from zero to 180 MPH in a mater of two seconds . What a rush ! It never ceased to amaze me that it was possible to do that !
A group of former and present "TOMCATTERS" are in the process of creating an Association ,dedicated to the 2nd oldest Fighter Squadron in Naval history,VF-31. We will have a website open to the public in a month or so,and have plans to have a reunion at the opening of the SARATOGA MUSEUM,at Quanset Point,R.I. This is all being done with the sanction of VF-31 at Oceana,Va. The Skipper has written an opening statement for our website. We also plan as part of the website a photo history of the squadron,and anyone out there who has photos of "FELIX BIRDS" and squadron members are welcomed to send them to me and will be posted on the website.Any members of early VF-31 designations
(VF-1B,VF-6,VF-3,VF-3A) as well as any other interested parties are welcome to join our fledgling Association.Anyone out there remember the PAN AM CLUB in Barcelona? We partied hearty back then! Watch your six sailors ! "FELIX RULES"
I was a plank owner, 2nd division, until 1958. Looking forward to hearing from
any of you that may have sailed with me. Served on Sara from 1975-1979. Really enjoy this site. It is
very special to me. Serving on the Saratoga was hard and
tough, but going back is very important to me. I will fly out
there within 90 day of it becoming a park. And that's a
promise. Served in the Navigation Division from Oct.1958 to Oct. 1960.Was QM3 and was on the Bridge when the Sara sideswiped the West German freighter back in 1960 off the coast of North Carolina. Good Luck to the Foundation and will love to visit the Super Sara(CVA-60) when she is ready. THIS IS A GREAT OPPERTUNITY FOR THE YOUTH OF RHODE ISLAND AND SURRONDING AREA, SPECIALLY MILITERY CADET PROGRAMS. LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING THIS PROJECT A REALITY. THANK YOU TO THE STAFF OT THE USS SARATOGA MUSEUM FOUNDATION. USS SARATOGA was my first duty station and I loved it. I was MARDET from Mar 84 to Aug 85 , when I left her I felt I left part of myself. I had tried to find out more about her as the years past but couldn't until I found this site. Thank you for letting an old jarhead know how the greatest lady of the sea has fared and prospered ! I WAS A PLANKOWNER FROM '55-'58 IN THE "E" DIVISION A&O SHOP. WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM OTHER "E" DIVISION SHIPMATES, AND HOPE TO SEE YOU AT THE NEXT REUNION.
THANKS. I been sendind news information to the presendt of the Saratoga ass.
I did not know that you had some one here in RI and were working on this project until i seen it on the E-mail i recived the other day .
I you need any help feel free to contact me I served on the USS Shangri-la CVA-38 and the USS WASP CVS-18 and with the BROWN WATER NAVY in NAM USN 1964-1970. the first ship i ever got to see when i Arrived in MAYPORT,Florida in 1964 was the Saratoga and was very inpress and amized by her size.as iam know disabled and can no longer do any heavy work but can help in other ways I orginized the James M.Ray VIETNAM Chapter in Woonsocket in 1998 Chapterb #818 and was Commander of AMVETS Chapter #7 of Woonsocket.
I can help with alot of my time as i am free and able to do alot of things.
Plankowner 1956-58,E-Div..A&O shop.Looking for anybody in E-Div. I am really excited about the news of the Sara.I would love to hear from my shipmates that were onboard theSara from1966 thru 1969
Larry Served aboard Sara 66 - 68. First in the "Firewatch" division, then A - Div, TAD to "Vent cleaners" Then back to A Gang. What a trip, I know I'm gonna be there in R.I. when "Sara" can be boarded again, hope to see some of the guys I used to know, See ya at the "Point" I AM A PLANK OWNER OF THE GRAND OLD LADY. WE BOARDED HER WHILE SHE WAS STILL IN THE BROOKLYN NAVY YARD, AND CAME ABOARD EARLY SO WE COULD FIND OUR WAY AROUND, LIKE THE MESS HALL AND YOUR OWN RACK.
WAS DISCHARGED IN DEC. 57. WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM ANY OF MY OLD BUDDIES IN E DIVISION (ELECTICAL) I served on CVA-60 during 1957-1960 in Squadron VAH-9. I have many good memories of my service and shipmates. I would like to hear from both shipscrew and VAH-9 members. I was a Third Crewman on the A3D Sky Warrior. Home phone 770-775-2003. Excellant idea can't wait till it's completed !
I served on board from 75 to 79 starting out in the ships "Engineering log room" to #1 main machinery room to my finial destination, the ships "Light Shop" under EMC Bohatch & the ships "Battery Locker".I spent a lot of time W\ guys from 4th (Deck) Div. as a "Boat Engineer" & I'm sure many of you may not remember me , but I have taken Quite a few of my fellow ship mates back home after too mant hours in the "Gut" in Naples or too many beers At "Texas Jacks" !!! Although its some time ago, since I've started to talk w/ other guys from our time, the memories and names are comming back at an incredible speed !!! Naples,Naples and more Naples...... Remember that cruise from hell ??? The "Castle" At night and the buisness women who were some times men ??? NO I only heard stories...chuckle,chuckle! Remember the "Rebault Club" in Mayport ? Always a first stop the day after duty on board and some times even when we were on duty. How 'bout Barcelona and torre Molinos ??? I remember Christmas day in Palma,taking guys ashore....72 Degrees and people were sail boating.Boy did that make me a little home sick and miss the snow. How 'bout "JP 5" showers ??? There's a little some thing you may have forgot !!!Remember when we sailed to the Caribean ? When I was taking guys ashore, I got 2nd degree sun burn on my face,neck & Due to the "V" style shirts we wore, I had a "V" shaped sun burn on my chest.
Remember the time we spent in "Alexandria Egypt"??? Don't dare drink the water, ice cubes, or even think of drinking beer out of a glass if you didn't want hepatitus.I remember taking a horse & buggy ride from some "smoking den" back to the ship & the driver delievered us to the front gates of a very large prison !!! when we finially got back to "Fleet Landing" the s. o. b. wanted like a tripple fare from what we origionally agreed upon! Ah yes, these were the best of times...chuckle chuckle.
If any of you guys share these or any other fond memories of E Divison,from '75 to'79 please drop me an e-mail! Ilook foward to hearing from you guys & look foward to seeing "Sara" once again !!! I live about 30 minutes from New York City & an old carrier, the U.S.S. Intrepid, CV-12, &every time I see her,it only makes me more & more aware that the times we spent together as ship mates were truly the best days of my youth and created bonds of friendships that even till this day cannot be duplicated !!!
We worked together,ate ,slept,& got into trouble together but never let some one try to hurt one of us ! We truly were a family &truly the best of friends!!! I AM A PLANK OWNER FROM THE V3 DIVISION OF CVA-60. I WENT ONBOARD PRIOR TO THE COMMISSIONING OF THE SARATOGA IN NEWPORT RHODE ISLAND ON APRIL 14, 1956 AND SERVED ABOARD UNTIL SEPTEMBER 1957. I AM SO GLAD THAT THE SARATOGA IS GOING TO BE A MUSEUM INSTEAD OF A SCRAP PILE. I WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM ANYONE WHO WAS IN THE V3 DIVISION. I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING HER SAIL AGAIN. My son: HN W.E. Worthen Jr. was stationed on the Sara And in 1986 I flew over to Rota Spain and was privileged to ride back to Florida on the ship and we (the guests) were treated like royalty. I had served in the U.S.N for seven years in my younger days and it felt good to get to sea again.(with no watches to stand).My wife met us in Florida and got to tour the ship and overall it was a excellent experiance for all of us. It's great to learn that "Sara" will be preserved for posterity. I served as a Weapons Dept. officer including Admin, PD, G, and GM Divisions from July '72 through May '75. If you were aboard then, you probably remember getting new "chicken stickers" for your ID cards every few months from me. Some of you may remember my more infamous accomplishments as OOD Underway. These included the record-setting high-speed run of 38.4 knots in '74 and the 17-degree heel entering Lisbon, Portugal while avoiding ship traffic at slow speed in a heavy swell. Then there was the "interesting" experience of trying to hold a level deck for diplomatic helo operations while "anchored" in a heavy swell in Casablanca with a broken port anchor and locked #1(?) propeller shaft in 1975. When I last saw Sara in 1975, I had no intentions of even looking back. Now, I'm going to do all I can to be aboard for her final 33,500-foot cruise to the museum site. Hello fellas,i was a very proud member of the marine det. on board the super sara. from 1974 to 1976 . I was the co,s orderly most of that time.(capt. R.F./ Dunn usn) Please if any of my old buddies are out there within the reach of this e-mail please contact me i am dying to talk to you guys ,old names like betbeze(adm. orderly) sanders,jones you know who you are i,ll be looking for a response semper fi , always THE CORPS! OORAH! GRUNTS Looking for my long lost "brother" Brian(Dex) Land. I think I remember him being from Louisiana... Anyone else who might remember me, please write...Served on the Super Sara from '90 to '94, first in 2Aux, then in IM-5. Anyone remember WO Wilson or ATCS McBride? How 'bout Michael Kitchen, or Ashley Regan? Where are you??? I SERVED ON BOARD SUPER SARA 84-88 IN THE AFT MAGS GLAD TO FIND THIS SIGHT AND TO SEE SHE IS NOT FORGOTTEN.HOPE TO SEE SOME OF MY OLD SHIPMATES IN JUL/2000.
I served aboard SARA CVA-60 from 1968 to 1970. I was in the firewatch div. in Philly. Then when into GM DIV. I made two Med. cruises . I think they are doing a good job in saving the ship. I would like to hear from shipmates that were in gm div. I served aboard the Sara from Nov 71 - May 75. I made two cruses ( Wespac and Med ). I worked as an Aviation Storekeeper in S-6 Division. I have been checking the web site periodically and was very pleased to see that she was not going to be scraped. I was hoping to be able to allow my family to take a trip to see the ship. My brother was on board the Lexington, which is still around. I would like to thank everyone that has been involved in keeping the Sara alive. Served on SARA on the Athens sink and then on to the
Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club.... Never got any Pics cruise books or anything.. Need help.. Loan, rent etc.. Love to show pics to my kids ...Worked in R division Door & Hatch Shop with DC1 Brabant... Look foreward to seeing SARA Again... Glad to see CV-60 getting a good home and not the scrap heap
Never Served onboard her, served on USS KITTY HAWK CV-63
Good luck with the museum. I served abooard the Supper Sara In 55-57 in the E Division. You have a GREAT WEB site I would like very much to see the SARA preserved for the future. I never served in Saratoga, but I was at the 1958 Lebonese
Invasion aboard the USS Walworth County (LST 1164) and
watched Saratoga going by off shore and her aircraft over
the beach. I'm glad to see the efforts to save her. I
dread what is happening to Cabot!
G.William Hurley (ex FT-2 USN)
. Welcome to the Official USS Saratoga Museum Foundation web site guestbook. Leave some comments for us - tell those who visit this web site what you think about the project - good, bad or indifferent... David Kerwood, West Bay Web <wbw@wbwip.com> North Kingstown, RI USA - Thursday, December 24, 1998 at 00:54:05 (EST) Guestbook entries for all of 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 have been archived. The 1999 archive can be found here. The 2000 archive can be found here. The 2001 archive can be found here. The 2002 archive can be found here. The 2003 archive can be found here. The 2004 archive can be found here. The 2005 archive can be found here. The 2006 archive can be found here. The 2007 archive can be found here. The 2008 archive can be found here. | ||||
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