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![]() Archived messages - January - December 2008If you are looking for a particular name or word on this rather lengthy page, use your browser's "Find" function to ferret it out quickly.
![]() Hi, this is Chester (Robbie) Robinson...plankowner of CVA 60 reported to Brooklyn receiving station circa 1957, then reported to Thompson's bar on Flushing Ave, prior to various forays into Kerouak's road days- beat places of NYC. I have written about my Navy experiences (4-year hitch), something everybody who's been 'in' has wanted to do, I'm sure. Keep an eye out on line here on where when and how you can get a copy of my little book as soon as Brad Senter, Mr Frank Lennon and I work out the nuts and bolts of how this is going to happen... just be assured that this poroject is aimed at funneling all revenues into the museum project. Yours, Chester(Lightnin)Robinson chester robinson cva62lightnin@yahoo.com Palm Harbor,, Florida USA - Monday, December 29, 2008 at 8:38 AM. I served on the Sara from 72 to 74. I first came aboard when it was in drydock at Portsmith. After drydock, we went on a shakedown cruse to Cuba. I was with the Crash & Salvage Division working on the flight deck. I had some great memories aboard the Saratoga...the 60 from dixie. Marc Jacob marcpjacobsr@yahoo.com Eugene, Oregon USA - Wednesday, December 24, 2008 at 9:10 AM. To all those sailors who may have served with my dad, Carl C. Beauchamp in the 1950's, I am sorry to share the news that Carl passed away on November 12, 2008 at the age of 70, and after a long battle with cancer. He was a truly remarkable man who was incredibly proud of his service to his country and the US Navy. Dad was a devoted family man and a published poet. During all the beautiful years he gave to his family and friends, he would reminisce about his time on the "Sara" by regaling us with numerous stories and fond memories. He always felt most at home when at sea. I want to extend my sincere gratitude to those of you who contributed to those memories and made my father the man he was, the man he became, and the father we adored. God bless you and happy holidays. Susan Beauchamp Baran Susan subaran@bryant.edu Wakefield, RI USA - Monday, December 22, 2008 at 7:47 PM. I would like to wish all of the Saratoga crew memebers a very Merry Christmas And a Happy New Year, and many more. Brtant Blakeley navybilt57@yahoo.com Neosho, Mo. USA - Sunday, December 21, 2008 at 5:16 PM. I SERVED ON THE SUPER SARA FROM 91 TO 93 IN THE V-4 DIV. AND WAS A MEMBER OF THE INPORT FIRE PARTY. I DID THE 92 MED CRUISE AND THE FOLLOWING WORK UPS TO ST THOMAS. I WOULD LIKE TO ENCOURAGE ANYONE WHO SERVED WITH ME TO CALL OR E-MAIL ME. I AM GLAD TO SEE THE GAL AS A MUSEUM INSTEAD OF BIC RAZORS LIKE THE WORD WAS WHEN I LEFT. CELL# 682-221-4452 OR E-MAIL gallowayfamily5@msn.com....LOOK FORWARD TO HEARING FROM YOU..... Shannon Galloway gallowayfamily5@msn.com Arlington, tx USA - Tuesday, December 16, 2008 at 4:08 PM. VF-31 TOMCATTER (1963-66),Line Rat on A/C # 105,F4B Phantom II,worked the Roof of "SARA ".Just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas ,Happy Chanukah,and a Happy New Year. Most of all,PARTY,HEARTY !! Where are all you TOMCATTERS ???? Check Out.. WWW.TOMCATTERSASSOCIATION.ORG Bob Greenberg (aka BROOKLYN) sv57en@aol.com Catskill Mountains, New York USA - Tuesday, December 16, 2008 at 10:35 AM. Served on the Sara from 3/85 to 12/86. Did the MED/IO cruise, Achille Lauro, Khadaffy. Very proud to be part of those events. I was assigned to R-div,HT3. Started out in the Pipe shop,CHT shop,and Metal Shop. Was also assigned the NFP at Sea and the IFP Pierside. I haven't spoke to anyone from that period of my life in quite awhile. Spoke to Brad Drake After 9/11,but I would like to know how others are doing. If anyone sees this feel free to write.I had some very good times on the Sara, and I am proud to have served my country on her. Sean Nealon HT3 Sean Nealon sncv60@verizon.net Malverne, NY USA - Wednesday, December 3, 2008 at 10:11 AM. Served on the Sara from 1982 till 1986 1MMR Had a great time, Made a bunch of good freinds. Would like to hear from some of you.Have a safe and wonderful holiday season Stanley Albansky salbanskyjr@email.itt-tech.edu Syracuse, New York USA - Wednesday, December 3, 2008 at 8:46 AM. I am proud to say that I served in Saratoga from Mar 76 til Oct 78 as Leading Chief of OA Division. The big punch "SARA" had little time in homeport, still the crew was great and most departed the ship with good memories. Visiting Mayport is not the same with no carrier in port. During those days we had CV-42, CV59 & CV60 homeported at Mayport. During my Navy carrer, I served in CV61, CV60, CV43, & CV38 as part of the Weather Team. SARA was tops! AGCS Lloyd S. Corbett Lloyd S. Corbett lcorbett39@att.net Lake Park, GA USA - Saturday, November 29, 2008 at 9:03 PM. Happy Thanksgiving to all my past shipmates. I hope you all have had a wonderful one. Tripp Corbin (Former OS2) OI Div, Ops Dept 88-93 Tripp Corbin trippcor@bellsouth.net Dacula, GA USA - Thursday, November 27, 2008 at 9:00 PM. HELLO! MY NAME I SSGT RIVERA, AND NOW IM PART OF THE PUERTO RICO AIR NATIONAL GUARD, BEFORE I WAS PART OF THE US NAVY RESERVE AND BELONG TO THE NAVY SEE BEES, AND PROUD OF IT, YES IM I FAVOR TO PRESERVE THE SHIP AND HER HISTORY , THE USS SARATOGA, KEEP THE GOOD WORK TO SAVE THIS MAGNIFICENT SHIP. GOD BLESS AMERICA CARLOS E RIVERA FRANCES carloservr@yahoo.com SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO USA - Thursday, November 27, 2008 at 12:50 AM. I served on the Saratoga from 75thru 78, I was in R div. Hull Tech and I miss all of you and wish I had some reunion data and info on the next reunion. The Navy and the Saratoga served me well. I will never forget what the experience taught me and I still use it everyday. I would love to contrbute to the museum and anything else I could do. Thank You very much Carnelious Jones cjjones4@aol.com Moscow, Tennessee USA - Sunday, November 23, 2008 at 12:35 PM. My dad was on the sara from 1974-75.I thought it was sold for scrap...then someone told me it was a museum.I look into it and man was I surprised....so was my dad Wyatt Williams Richmond, Va. USA - Friday, November 21, 2008 at 10:03 PM. I was aboard the sara with VF31 in 1960 and 1961 when i got out prior to that I was at saufley field in pensacola,fl all duty was good and i will never forget it. I rember the fire aboard the sara which to me was bad and the loss of life was tragic. If any one rembers that far back send me an email jack koskey jpkoskey@excite.com pennsville, nj USA - Wednesday, November 19, 2008 at 3:57 PM. Would like to update my posting, with the address margaretjim@hotmail.com please feel free to contact me. jim johnson, james l. margaretjim@hotmail.com apache junction, az USA - Tuesday, November 11, 2008 at 4:37 PM. served in V-1 from '57-59 as a flight deck hotsuitman. injured and evacuated in 3 of 58. Returned to pri-fly through 1961. any one of that nature contact me . remember the engine room fire, and the collision at sea. the good days in dry dock. stay afloat.. johnson, james l margaretjim@hotmail.com aache junction, az USA - Tuesday, November 11, 2008 at 4:26 PM. My Son Todd A. Groszer flew the A-6 off the Sara in 1985-1986. Several years ago, his cruise book was stolen, and he has been trying to locate one ever since. If anyone has an information as to how I might obtain the 85-86 USS Saratoga cruise book, I would be so grateful. It would be so wonderful to be able to surprise him with a copy. Thank you for any help you can give...Mom Groszer Elizabeth Y. Groszer lgroszer@shugollresearch.com Bethesda, MD USA - Wednesday, November 5, 2008 at 1:03 PM. I was on the Saratoga (G-1 Hangar Deck 1990-1992) during Desert Shield Desert Storm. I am glad to see that the Saratoga will live on! Brian Nobles it2nobles@yahoo.com Midway City, California USA - Saturday, November 1, 2008 at 7:04 PM. Reply to Don Miller Don What you forgot to mention was when President Eisenhower stepped off Air Force One, the SARA launched two jets from the forward catapults pierside. What a site to see. Yes the mascot was beautiful until some one dumped green paint on it. That was not a sight to see. Remember that Sunday morning personnel inspection on our way back to Mayport? Those were the good old days. Jax Beach I still remember the Security Hut and the Cypress tree and sign that read "Welcome to Mayport". Jim Jim Prior jimprior@easternjunior.com Arlington, MA USA - Tuesday, October 28, 2008 at 10:00 AM. When I went to the SEA in July 06 I saw "Super Sara" tied up there to the pier. Super Sara was my first ship, 1985-1988. I was apart of history with her, "crossing the line of death" with Libya, the "First Carrier to be pier side" in Marseilles, France, and the first Carrier pier side in Diego Garcia. I knew of many great men that served aboard, most specifically, the late Admiral Boorda. I had the priveledge of cooking for to CO's, Capt Frost, and Capt Matheny. I also had the priveledge of being assigned to her battle group during her last deployment as the USS Iowa presented a 16 inch gun salute and pass in review of the other battle group ships. I made 2 deployments on her, one all the way to Singapore. It was a great tour and I will never forget it. It was the foundation of my career, and I am still going strong. I hope to visit the museum once open, and wish all those involved the best of luck in preserving and showing such a great Naval Ship! CSCS(SW) Greg Gilbert Greg Gilbert gregory.gilbert@comcast.net Goose Creek, sc USA - Tuesday, October 28, 2008 at 12:46 AM. I forgot something I wanted to add to my post, just to prove how much this ship meant to my dad to you guys... When my daughter was born in 2003 we let my dad choose her first name... Bet you can guess her name is SARA !! Teressa Payne-Conner conner0605@wb4me.com Goodsprings, Alabama USA - Monday, October 20, 2008 at 2:36 AM. My father was on the Saratoga from 1963-67. His mane was Earl David Payne,from Alabama. I am not sure what rank or division, he was retired by the time I was born. My reason to write is after his, my mother and brother's death I have all of their belongings and found several Med cruise books from those years. I remember looking at them as a child and dreaming about how wonderful it must have been to visit such exotic places. I fell in love with the pictures. But my dad was only pictured in his division's picture. I know the books are valuable ( just look on ebay ) but I was wondering if maybe someone that he served with or that was aboard during these years may have lost their cruise books and would like to have them. I know my dad would rather them be given to someone who would cherish them as he did than sold to the highest bidder. My parents both smoked so they are a little musty but still in good shape. If anyone knew my dad or would be interested in having the books please let me know. I also have several picture albums with lots of pictures of his friends, I can't remember the names without looking but I will post the names he has written on the backs at another time and see if anyone may want the pictures as well. These things meant alot to him and while I appreciate them, it's not like someone who was there and lived it. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your service to our country. Teressa Payne-Conner conner0605@wb4me.com Goodsprings, Alabama USA - Monday, October 20, 2008 at 2:22 AM. Served on the Sara in the mid 50's as a Radarman in CIC. During that time President Eisenhower and some of his cabinet sailed with us out of Mayport for a few days. I was surprised how close they pulled up Air force One to the ship. We had a rooster in a cage in the .hanger (a pretty bird) that served as our mascot. Was really proud to have served on her! A museum stage would be a great retirement for her! I hope I can return to her someday. Donald Miller ezdmm7@hotmail.com Myrtle Beach, SC USA - Sunday, October 19, 2008 at 11:20 AM. I served on a NATO cruise in 1957. I was with The Night Hawks Squadron VAAW-33, detached from Pamona Naval Air Station, Atlantc City, NJ. Wonderful trip and a unforgetable experience. Nicholas Ragozzino dnrago@ct.metrocast.net Danielson, Connecticut USA - Sunday, October 19, 2008 at 9:48 AM. Hallo, ich habe erst heute von Herrn Dr. Lamla aus Peenemnde (Insel Usedom) von der geglckten Hebung ihres russischen U-Boote 484 erfahren. Herzlichen Glckwunsch dazu. Sie werden sich sicherlich wundern, wieso ich ihnen schreibe. Ich habe in Peenemnde in das Boot U-461 Signalanlagen eingebaut, damit der Rundgang noch echter wirkt, also leuchten die eingebauten Signalk‰sten, allerdings besser als im Film "K-19", den ich mir angesehen habe. Genau zu dieser Zeit ging ihr U-Boot im Sturm unter und Herr Dr. Lamla erz‰hlte mir davon. Nachher sind sie ja selbst in Peenemnde gewesen, um sich U-461 anzuschauen. Allerdings war ich zu dieser Zeit nicht selbst in Peenemnde. Jedenfalls haben sie jetzt eine Menge Arbeit, um das "484" wieder herzurichten. Es sieht innen bestimmt schlimm aus. Mglicherweise kann ich ihnen sp‰ter bei der Inbetriebnahme und Ausstattung helfen. Mit freundlichen Grssen Wolfgang Tschense Wolfgang Tschense wolfgang.tschense@t-online.de Weissenberg, Germany - Friday, October 17, 2008 at 6:48 AM. I was stationed on the Saratoga in 1976 and made a Med. cruise on her. I was very happy to see that she is being turned into a museum and not being used for a reef some place. I have many great memories of my time on her and look forward to visiting her again when she is ready for visitors. Keep up the good work! Mark Krivda mk03725@alltel.net Lincoln, Nebraska USA - Wednesday, October 15, 2008 at 12:23 PM. I decommissioned Sara in 1994. Thanks for keeping her alive!!! Brian Brian R. Schmidt bigbull12@aol.com Gardnerville, Nevada USA - Wednesday, October 15, 2008 at 10:27 AM. I served aboard the U.S.S. Saratoga as an EMFN in E-Division from 18 Apr. 66 thru 19 Feb. 68. I worked in the Electrical Power Shop doing preventive maintenance on ventilation fan controllers and rewinding motors. "SAVE THE SARATOGA". Lawrence Terry Parker parkerpap12@aol.com Mannington, West Virginia USA - Tuesday, October 14, 2008 at 12:07 AM. I served aboard Super Sara from 85-89 in V-2 Div."GearRats" Joel Matson Jr gotmilk42001@yahoo.com Grand Ridge, IL USA - Friday, October 10, 2008 at 2:00 PM. THE USS SARATOGA HAD BEEN A GREAT SHIP THAT SERVED HIS COUNTRY WITH OUTSTANDING COURAGE AND HONOR AND THAT WAS POSSIBLE WITH THE TEAMWORK OF HER CREW, ALL AMERICAN PROUD. THIS SHIP MUST BE PRESERVED FOR ETERNITY. GOD BLESS AMERICA Carlos E Rivera Frances carloservr@yahoo.com SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico USA - Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at 10:51 PM. Served aboard Sara on WestPak cruise with RVAH-1 Josh Weber jmweberga@yahoo.com Stockbridge, GA USA - Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at 7:39 PM. I served on the Sara from 1958 to 1960 in VA-36 Roadrunners flying A4-D aircraft. I had some wonderful adventures on med cruises which I still talk about today. I'm looking foreword to a visit aboard, she was a very important part of my life. Duane Nifong ddnifong@msn.com Seminole, Florida USA - Friday, September 26, 2008 at 11:02 PM. Served in the S-1 Division from late 64 through august 66 great memories. any one in the storekeepers division give me a note Kornelis W. Roelfzema (bill) (Casey) kroelfzema@yahoo.com caledonia, michigan Roelfzema kroelfzema@yahoo.com Caledonia, Michigan USA - Thursday, September 25, 2008 at 11:32 AM. I am both pleased and proud to see my old ship preserved, well done to all concerned.I served on Saratoga CVA-60 with VAW-12 DET 43 as a plane captain on WF-2 aircraft from Oct 61(2 week carqual)and a Med cruise from Nov 61 to May 62.My squadron was based at NAS Quonset Pt until I got transferred in June 62 and it is almost hard to believe that Saratoga will be permanently berthed there.I plan to ride my Harley from Pensacola,FL to Quonset Pt,RI when all of this becomes available to the public. Best wishes on this project. Frank Costello ADRC USN (Ret) Francis J. Costello aces103@aol.com Pensacola, FL USA - Monday, September 22, 2008 at 1:49 AM. Served onboard Super Sara from 3/1992 until decommission on 8/94 as an EW (EW2) in the OW Division..It was great to serve onboard this ship...heck, bring her out again!!!! Andres Suarez asuarez70@aol.com Hagerstown, MD USA - Saturday, September 6, 2008 at 9:03 AM. Served on saratoga CVA-60 1960-1962 v-1 division, loved every minute, was deeply saddened when I heard she was sold for scrap. Will help do what ever to help save her - I would love to walk the flight deck again. Robert M FETT kbfett@comcast.net Satatota, fl. USA - Wednesday, September 3, 2008 at 10:17 AM. ......Oh, yeah, and our two Skippers, Captain Ed Martin and Captain Jim Flatley...thnx for the "sit-down" with the troups Skipper Martin to share the Chapter of your life while a POW in Viet Nam, and, Skipper Flatley, for joining us on the trip to Rome for the Visit at St. Peter's with Pope JP II..... Thnx for the memories................... M.L. "Bud" Conner Topsham, ME USA - Tuesday, September 2, 2008 at 10:29 PM. I served on SARA Sep '78 to Mar '81 in the Legal Office as LN1 - Office Supervisor. What a time.....!!! Hard work, great Shipmates...LNCS Charlie Diggs, LNCS Dell Lewis, LN1 Bill Dripps, LT Bob Troidl, LT Dave Holcolm, Randy, Huffman, Beaver...weren't we a TEAM!!!! I attended the Naval Justice School in Newport in the Spring of 2001 for my new job as Legal Officer, COMPATRECONWING FIVE, Brunswick. The second day in town at noon I went to the NEX. Upon leaving the Exchange I happened to look across the parking lot and almost fell over...there, across the back water, on either side of a closed pier were the superstructures of two ol' warriors - one with a 59 on it and one with a 60 on it...actually brought a tear to my eye. The memories all came crashing back...the drug bust of the Disbursing Officer (and others) on the Med cruise of '78-79, the underway casualty during refueling causing the USNS Wakamah to destroy her bridge under our flight deck and down our starboard side, the liberty launches being secured in Palma due to the sea state, the Tiger Cruise of '79, the liberty calls on the '80 Med cruise...oh, the memories. Many thanks to the members of the Saratoga Foundation for the gigantic efforts to bring SARA to a place of Honor for her final resting place. I look forward to making the trip from the mid-coast of Maine to visit HER, to walk HER decks and p-ways again...too bad we won't be able to grab a slider on the Forward Mess Deck or a soft serve back aft on the port side but the memories will remain. I made Chief on SARA in September '80 while in the Philly yards for SLEP. I was blessed to continue my Naval career ultimately making Master Chief and retired in '91 as CMC and SEA to the Judge Advocate General in D.C. Many memories, friends, Shipmates, but none as sweet as my days on board the Proud Lady from Mayport, USS SARATOGA (CV-60). M.L. "Bud" Conner bud_conner@yahoo.com Topsham, ME USA - Tuesday, September 2, 2008 at 9:59 PM. Served aboard the " Sara " from late 1958 to late 1960. Was in Arresting Gear (V-2 Div.) I have been in touch with a couple of shipmates. Would like to hear from more. Ronald Lowe " Al" lowe1958@sbcglobal.net Jarrell, Texas USA - Wednesday, August 27, 2008 at 1:29 PM. When I was a young mother, we lived at the Christian Serviceman's Center in Atlantic Bch, FL. It was run by the Egglestons...a sailor who came there on leave took us to the Saratoga and we got to walk around on deck and got a complete tour! My husband was thrilled and my little girl got VERY dirty from those HUGE cables on the flight deck! Will never forget.... Cindy O nanabop936@verizon.net Lake Wales, FL USA - Tuesday, August 26, 2008 at 11:07 PM. hey all servrd in v-4 1978-1981 got out in 1985, would love to get in contact with some of yall mutschler. baer, stoorza, baily, seemed just yesterday we were listing to pink floyd in 3 pump, and triping. things sure change. any way got cancer hopeing to set things straight and tal to some of my old freinds but havent had much luck. be good all and God bless! untill we meet on the outher shore. buzz greg " buzz" bradley buzznav@hotmail.com monett, mo. USA - Tuesday, August 26, 2008 at 1:37 AM. Hello, I recently e-mailed my resume for the Special Projects Administrator position. I hope you will consider my qualifications and experience as well as my interest in your organization when considering candidates. Sincerely, Terese Scuncio terese.scuncio@yahoo.com Wakefield, Rhode Island USA - Sunday, August 24, 2008 at 8:31 PM. Looking for Rusty Wells who was a crew member in 1959, possibly worked in the carpenter shop. My father (Mancino) is looking to connect with him if anyone has any information. Nicolle Levy Cino77@aol.com , USA - Sunday, August 24, 2008 at 2:33 PM. Served onboard from 92-94 in Radio. I hope they bring her back to life, would love to have a look around. Bill Shelton billshelton71@yahoo.com Virginia Beach, VA USA - Saturday, August 23, 2008 at 11:20 PM. I served on the "Sara" as a member of VA-75 "The Sunday Punchers" for a '76 Med-Cruise. I worked on the flight deck as a plane captain. I confess I used the Captain's ladder many times as a short-cut to the line shack. Will never forget the time "she" was hit by an Austrian freighter while we were at darken ship going through the Straits of Messina. For the most part had a great time. However, not that great a time... ...not my career choice. That is all. Jim Cooke babycakeo@gmail.com , Maryland USA - Wednesday, August 20, 2008 at 2:21 PM. Was with VF-103 Med 1984 Hope to Sara again soon Daniel Flaherty AO2 exrkp206@aol.com Rockport, Maine USA - Friday, August 15, 2008 at 4:26 PM. Served on the Saratoga in G Div. 1964-1968. Frank Ellison ellisonfrank@bellsouth.net Rogersville, Ala USA - Friday, August 15, 2008 at 2:40 PM. Hi all, Retired soldier here, but was born and raised in Saratoga Springs, NY....whom all these mighty ships were named after. So many Saratogians forget the rich military history in Saratoga. (as horse racing is the main attraction). Its nice to see You all are trying to save the ship as a museum. Good Luck and hope to see it someday. chris Carthage, NY USA - Tuesday, August 5, 2008 at 8:31 PM. I was on the super-sara from 83-87, and worked in weapons office under Commander Schmidt. It was during the Reagan era, when we had a fuel crisis, making at sea operations very expensive, and we would up staying more inport vs. underway. Earning the ship the nick name "The Liberty Boat". Ah, the benefits of duty on a fossil fueled ship. I was also an avid photographer (Unfortunately I lost my negs in a transfer), and heard rumor that one particular large print, the ship moored at the mayport pier with the evening moon just behind the bridge, survived and was framed and hung in the captains quarters? Anyway, it's good to know that efforts are underway to preserve her. Peter Ferling ferling@comcast.net Reading, PA USA - Monday, July 28, 2008 at 11:47 PM. I was not in the Navy but I worked on the Sara ay the Philly Navy Yard in the early 80's. You guys shoud be proud to serve on such a decorated and important ship. She was a beauty! Thank you to all who served in our Milatary for us. Thanks Again. Jack Altieri jmjl76@aol.com Phila., Pa. USA - Wednesday, July 23, 2008 at 10:03 AM. I served from 59-60 in the OP Division (Intel Office). Made Med, North Atlantic and Gitmo cruises. Can't imagine why there are no inputs from that group but if any of you jokers are still alive would love to hear from you. c, d. (dell) Knight cdknight_1999@yahoo.com Randolph, al USA - Monday, July 21, 2008 at 4:25 PM. this is a wonderful thing that is being done,as past crew member of the old girl I am proud to tell my kids all the stories and memories i have made while on the sara i was a young kid from Iowa and she took care of me helped me grow up and showed me what responsibility was about.now it is our turn to take care of her let's fix her up so she can educate more young people,give them a piece of history to talk about. kelly wurth kelly.wurth@slumberland.com Beresford, SD USA - Saturday, July 19, 2008 at 5:02 PM. I think its great what people are doing to preserve the USS Saratoga. My dad served WWII and was proud to serve with the Navy. He always talked about the USS Saratoga, Forrestal and the Oriskany. I do have 8mm film footage from the early 1960's when my dad visited the USS Saratoga and filmed Phantom jets doing drills, taking off and landing. I wasn't sure if someone was interested in seeing this footage and maybe making a copy so you could have it for the foundation. I can be contacted through email. Thank you for your time and hope to hear from you soon. Keith Rezendes actitout68@yahoo.com Cumberland, Rhode Island USA - Saturday, July 5, 2008 at 11:38 AM. I served on the Saratoga as AO3 from 1963 to aug.1965. I was in charge of the bomb elevators. I went on 1 Med. cruse. I was discharged from the Sara in Mayport Fl in August 1965. They were the good old days. Donald McIntosh yahmac54@yahoo.com Newark, DE USA - Wednesday, July 2, 2008 at 9:28 PM. I WAS ON THE SARATOGA FOR ONLY A SHORT TIME, MAYBE THREE MONTHS?? I WAS A CT3 WITH THE NAVSECGRU 1963 OR SO. ANYONE IN THE NAVSECGRU THAT WAS ONBOARD AT THAT TIME CONTACT ME. WILLIAM D. CASTILLO BILLCASTILLO@COMCAST.NET PHILADELPHIA, PA USA - Tuesday, July 1, 2008 at 12:18 AM. Jeff Settimi was my good Friend who was one of the "Shipmates from CV-60, killed when their Ferry capsized 21 December 1990". I think about him often & wonder about his family, how they're doing, etc. I just don't get up to Ft. Wayne that often & have attempted to email them several times over the years. I guess I just want to let them know I haven't forgotten. Thanks, Dann Zehr dzehr@email.com Smyrna, TN USA - Thursday, June 26, 2008 at 5:17 PM. I originally posted back on May 22, 2000 and thought I would update my contact info. I was an Electricians Mate on board between 1982-1984 in the E-Division, Distribution and Power shops. Anyone remember me drop me a line. Darryl Fern darryl.fern@gmail.com Whitehall, PA United States - Tuesday, June 17, 2008 at 5:42 PM. i have served on the u.s.s. saratoga from l955 to l957 i am a original plank owner and proud of it. i recently found out one day my shil will be a museum and not scrapped as originaly thought. Rank: Aviation Bolson Mate Airman philip p. dodero cgrany6@aol.com new paltz, ny USA - Tuesday, June 17, 2008 at 2:32 PM. Served in V-3 64 to 66. My brother Bob was in V-1/fly1 from 63-65 Gerald Portner gerryportner@hotmail.com Longview, Wa USA - Monday, June 16, 2008 at 10:57 AM. I discovered this web page by accident while browsing today. I served aboard "Sara" in 1945 and 1946 and I still remember how sad and outraged we crew members were,when on returning to San Francisco at the end of the "magic carpet" operation, we discovered that Harry Truman had decided to test the atom bomb on Sara even though there was a huge drive to save her as a museum. I hope that your Sara can be allowed to retire more graciously. Bill Penn pennbill@hotmail.com Murrieta, CA USA - Sunday, June 15, 2008 at 1:59 PM. Hello Shipmates, I write this information to correct an earlier meassage concerning The Lebanon Crisis and the U.S.S Saratogas' aircover. A past Shipmate, Don Sager pointed out that the Sara didn't pull out of Cannes until the wee hours of the 14th of July and he was correct. Through some investigation I find that Gary,the LT, and myself didn't depart until the 16th of July. The Marines of which I had said earlier were not there had landed some eight miles to the south of us so we wouldn't have seen them. I want to thank Don for bringing this to my attention and I appreciate it. I would never bring any discredit to the Shipmates past or present, nor the great ship Saratoga CVA60. I served in V-6 Division from 57-to 59 and still have the fondest memories of her and the crew, again I apologize for the incorrect date entry, Bill H. Coram PRC Ret. Bill H. Coram PRC Ret. dakotasugar@aol.com Palo Verde , California USA - Saturday, June 14, 2008 at 4:42 PM. Out of 8 ship's the best I was on from 1982 to 2002. Served in OI division working in CIC from 2/3/83 to Oct 87. Played on the Saratoga "A" softball team. Made 2 Meds and 1 Med/IO. MIssed her and the "TEAM" of shipmates I had for the rest of my career. OS1(sw)Samuel T. Towery III USN (ret) ramblin_wrec@yahoo.com McDonough, Georgia USA - Wednesday, June 11, 2008 at 2:52 PM. Came across the website for the Saratoga Museum site. I hope she can/will be saved. I served in the S-5 & S-2 divisions, on the Sara, from Oct 78, thru her arrival in Philadelphia Shipyards in 1980. Yes. . I was a MS (cook). I remember crashing into the USNS ship while refueling, remember liberty boat service being suspended in Naples Italy & being stuck at the USO for what seemed like 1 week (3days?) & remember steaming for 3 weeks, after the USS Nimitz tried & failed to rescue the 53 American Hostages held in Iran. Drop a line & say hiyas!! =) NO. . the galley is CLOSED, at this time!!! Robert J. Camardi Robbnitafl@juno.com Tampa, Florida USofA - Monday, June 9, 2008 at 8:27 PM. Hello Shipmates, I was reading an article about the Saratoga's part in the aircover for the Marines amphibious landing in Lebanon in July 15, 1958. It should be noted that the Sara sent three persons to the airport on July 12, 1958, three days before the Marines landed. This can be verified by service records of Gary W. Wright PR3, Billy H. Coram PR3 and a LT that I can't remember now. I only mention this to correct what the Saratoga's contribution was during the conflict and for Gary Wright's parents. I'm sure Gary went to his grave without ever having told his parents that he was sent to Lebanon from the ship. We were told that we would be servicing aircraft with Liquid Oxygen when the arrived at the airport. This never happened, I don't ever remember hearing why the operation was cancelled. I do remember that everyone except us three Navy personnel had a weapon. Later we were taken to the USS Neosho and then returned to the Saratoga. Billy H. Coram PRC Ret. Bill H. Coram dakotasugar@aol.com Palo Verde, California USA - Thursday, June 5, 2008 at 6:59 PM. Greetings shipmates! I served aboard SARA from January 1972 through June 1975. V1 Division. I have posted some pictures from that time on the USS Saratoga group page I created on Facebook, if you would like to view the pictures, just send me an email and I'll forward a link. The years go by so fast. I find as I grow older, I'm more interested then ever to remember my military years. It would be so great to have the gift of total recall to remember all the names, events and details. But who can remember all that? I have learned the benefit of attending the reunions each year. The last one in Orlando was exceptional (pictures of that on Facebook also) and this year (October 08) the reunion will be in Indianapolis. I can't wait. Each year I reconnect with more people, each year I learn more and each year I remember more. Consider attending one - you might become a regular. We always have a presentation from the Museum Foundation. Fair winds. Ed McCready emc0853@yahoo.com Avon, Indiana USA - Sunday, June 1, 2008 at 12:31 PM. I was in "A" DIV. 77-83. I still have my cruise book 78-79 & 80 Ignacio "NACHO" Pacheco PO1ss@aol.com Orlando, Florida USA - Saturday, May 31, 2008 at 2:22 PM. I was a BT3 on board the Sara back in 82-85. I reported to her in Philly when she was going thru SLEP. And made one Med. cruise with her in 84. I helped build the "Lagging Shop" after the yards, and had the pleasure of "phone watch" in Engineering Central. Just remembering all my fellow Vets this Memorial Day. Take care and God Bless. David Onsted moody_blues@fronteirnet.net Onsted, Mi USA - Monday, May 26, 2008 at 9:31 AM. My father was on the Saratoga during Operation Desert Storm I remember seeing the ship once, but I remember she was very impressive. Jessica Lancaster Orange Park, Florida USA - Saturday, May 24, 2008 at 6:06 PM. Served in V-2 Arresting Gear 1970-72. Any former gear rats give me a shout. David W Beck (DW) ABE-3 DaveNC8722@aol.com Weaverville , NC USA - Wednesday, May 21, 2008 at 8:48 PM. I was on the Sara from 71-73, I worked in AIMD IM2(Yellow Gear)Made a Med and WesPac cruise. I would like to hear form anyone I worked with. Benny Briggs ASM2 Lubbock, Texas USA - Wednesday, May 21, 2008 at 8:25 PM. Greetings shipmates Thomas Sorensen AD-1 (AW) USN RET. Served with airwing VA 37 BULLS which at my time frame squadron request copy and use of this beverage company bull and was thus painted on our A7E tail section. deployed sea duty various times 1978-1981 SARA was homeported at mayport NS. I join as yearly member but never got a response is there a news letter? the USS SARATOGA of course was going to be a museum here in Jacksonville Fl until the NFL came to town and the NFL carrot was wavied around for the baltimore colts which NOT>>> but the majority got the JAGUARS .anywho if you need a hand with help to raise money down here let me know. Jacksonville Orange Park and Middleburg are full of VETS /Retirees . please let me know when I can come up. I love that Ship - I was 17 years old and grew up as a man and sailor GOD SPEED Thomas Sorensen THOMAS SORENSEN kb9grx@bellsouth.net middleburg, Florida USA - Wednesday, May 21, 2008 at 3:35 PM. I served aboard Super Sara '88-'91 during Desert Shield and Storm and this was my first deployment. I have vivid memories of the flight deck working on the brand new F/A-18 Hornets in VFA-81. Many nights we kept those planes maintained and alerts manned. Sara was old and tired, but she was well kept by her crew. I remember alot of sweepers. The training was always ongoing. Alot of good buddies from that time we still keep in contact. So I would like to say; "Thank you Super Sara for close friendships and to ALL that served aboard your sail, godbless." Cheers... Peter Flores pete.flores@gdit.com Milton, Florida USA - Monday, May 19, 2008 at 2:54 PM. served on sara from 76-78 two meds. deck dept.1st.div &3rd div. helmsman,capt.gig&sail locker,loved it.my best friend was danny brown from bakersfield calf. Daniel Mounce Cincinnati, Ohio USA - Saturday, May 17, 2008 at 7:26 PM. I was a lockheed tech rep on the saratoga in the 77 in the med. it was my first ship, i served on all other carriers of the us navy one way or the other for ten years, but the saratoga was my favorite ship all ships have personal things that make them alive and the saratoga was the best thanks guys thomas mceweb mcewen@lycos.com prague, czech - Friday, May 16, 2008 at 7:13 AM. This is Bill "Bildo" Castillo. I served aboard USS Saratoga CV-60 during the 85' thru 87' Mediterranean med cruz. I was in V2 air dept. waist catapults, cat 3. I am looking for anybody who served aboard with me. Or, anyone, who went to A-school with me at Lakehurst, New Jersey. Looking to hear from my friends: Wayne Mitchell, Jeff Paullard, "Lozinsky", "Mad Brad" Karchinsky, Steve Kennedy, Markum Smith, "Slam", and,Joe "Fag". Anybody from my crew or from Arresting Gear. William D Castillo williamd.castillo@yahoo.com Riverside, CA USA - Thursday, May 15, 2008 at 2:33 AM. My granddad Leland Banks was on the saratoga from for 2 years starting August 1944. He will be turning 92 on may 20, 2008. We know very little about his time in the Navy. Your web site was one of the first I visited trying to find information about the ship he served on. I know when we lose him we will lose a part of history. Thank you, Serena Mackey mackeysmulebarn@yahoo.com Blanket , TX USA - Wednesday, May 14, 2008 at 11:37 AM. My uncle Eddy W. Parrish served abord The Saratoga. I am making a History Of The Saratoga and would like to use information and images not at the NARA from your site. Regards Mike Simmons Mike Simmons tnwolf1762@msn.com Hermitage, TN USA - Sunday, May 11, 2008 at 12:16 PM. does anyone remember James S. Smith...my brother. MAR DET on the Saratoga 1975? He was from Central NY. Tully, NY Pat pattyhazz@aol.com Tully, NY USA - Wednesday, May 7, 2008 at 8:15 PM. I served on the Saratoga from 1966 to 1969 in G Division, I was the ships ammo clerk. Would be interested in hearing from anyone serving at the same time. Would like to visit the ship again Ken Zeeb k_zebra2005@yahoo.com Papillion, , Ne USA - Sunday, May 4, 2008 at 6:50 PM. Hey poppa pete, hope that everything is going well with the sara. I wound like to here from you. I check the web-site every three or four days to see if old friends check in. best wishs to all of sara crew memebers. Blake 57 to 63 on the sara. Bryant Blakeley navybilt57@yahoo.com Neosho, Missouri USA - Sunday, April 27, 2008 at 4:55 PM. Very interesting. I wish you would add some patches and other souviners for the CV-3 Saratoga. Thanks for your work and effort. Garnett Gregory gregorygr601@hotmail.com Sugar Grove, WV United States - Wednesday, April 23, 2008 at 9:22 AM. To All Plank Owners and to those to served on the "Super Sara" - Today marks the 52nd Anniversary when Sara was commissioned and brought to life by the pre-commissioning crews from Brooklym NY and those who were training in Newport RI. It is a day I will always remember and cherish. We had a great crew and a top notch skipper Captain Robert Red Stroh. I will always remember the good as well as the bad times we sometimes encountered. Losing the anchor, Flooding Hangar Bay with Foam, Our North Atlantic Trip, Our first shakedown at Gitmo, riding the anchor. Our first visit to Mayport the welcome sign that read "Welcome to Mayport". Tying up at the finger piers. Painting our Mascot Green, The good times at the local pubs at Jax Beach. a little more classier that local pubs on Flushing Ave. Our first visit to Norfolk anchoring next to the CVA-59. Our First Med Cruise. The quick underway from Cannes France because of the situation in Beruit. Although I was transferred to the Staff of Com6thFleet shorting after we arrived, the Flagship Salem and Des Moines, we operated with SARA so I was able to keep in touch with my friends. I did not return to State until 1963. Had shore duty at 90 Church St., NYC, then headed West to put Chicago CG-11 in commission. Taught SK school at San Diego and then transferred to USS Eldorado AGC-11, made Viet cruises and then got orders for pre-com of John F. Kennedy. Put her in commission and during our first Med Cruise I put my papers in for retirement. I retired on Dec 24 1969 - what a Christmas Present. I worked for Stone and Webster Engr Corp for 25 years, retired in '95, and now secretary treasurer of 14 team league in Boston area, called the Eastern Junior Hockey League. I am also Public Address announcer for Boston Univ Hockey Team. Oh I did return to Mayort for SARA's decommissioning and did see many of the Plank Owners who were in attendance. Although I did not see the Big Cypress Tree and the sign that read "Welcome to Mayport." Anyone who may remember me please contact me at my E-Mail. Again Happy Birthday to Super SARA CVA/CV-60. It's been a long 52 years. Again best regards to all former Palnk Owners and to those who served on Super Sara. Best regards Jim Prior Jim Prior jimprior@easternjunior.com Arlington, MA USA - Monday, April 14, 2008 at 12:07 PM. My father Idris Wheeler of Brynmawr, WALES, served aboard the destroyer HMS Pathfinder. His action station was on he 4.7 inch 'A' gun. The Pathfinder formed part of the destroyer screen for the Saratoga during operations in the far east in 1943/4. I remember him saying that the Saratoga was "a very immpressive sight, like a floating city". I would be interested to hear from any of your correspondents who have memories or photographs etc of HMS Pathfinder. David Wheeler david@davidwheeler.orangehome.co.uk Newport, WALES WALES - Saturday, April 12, 2008 at 5:33 PM. Stationed aboard the "Super Sara" from late 1988 until 1991 in the AIMD department during the "Desert Shield/Storm era of the 1st war with Iraq. AS2 John Sanchez hard2hitch@aol.com Wildwood , FL USA - Friday, April 11, 2008 at 11:47 PM. My father, Wayne E Foster, was transferred onto the Sara while she was still being built. If I remember correctly, he was a E8 or E9 in Fire Control initially; later, he was in DSCS, I think that had something to do with computer systems. He went into the Navy in 1943, then was on Sara a few different times, he finally retired from the Sara in '63. After she was commissioned and moved to Mayport, we lived on Seminole Beach. Whenever we expected the Sara back in from a cruise, I remember standing on the deck or the beach, watching the horizon for that 'basket' profile. I was onboard a few times over the years, but my fondest memory was when the whole family went on a dependents' cruise with Dad, and made friends with some official guests, some of the crew from a Dutch aircraft carrier that was visiting Mayport. I'm glad Dad had a good sense of humor, and wasn't too embarassed when one of his 5 kids (me, to be exact) got a toothpick stuck between upper and lower teeth, and freaked out, making loud groaning noises until some officer reached over and plucket it out. Of course, that was just my warmup... Back then, there was no such thing as paper towels; at dinnertime in our house, Mom would often wad up some toilet paper to wipe the face of any messy youngun; so, yes, you guessed it...when I got some food on my face, I yelled across the table "Would somebody please pass the toilet paper?". That one really brought the house down. My mother turned 10 shades of red, and I was reminded about it at least two or three million times during the rest of her life. I was 5 then; soon, I'll be 55. Dad left this world in 1991. I'd like to visit Sara and reminisce one of these days. Thanks for having this site, and thanks for the memories. Ken Foster kwfoster@yahoo.com Texarkana, Texas USA - Tuesday, April 8, 2008 at 11:47 PM. I am trying to get in touch with Eddie Bartholowmew or Darryl Dawkins. Eddie was in Fox division around 71-72 and Darryl was a BT same time frame. Would love to hear from either one. If anyone has any info on them please let me know. Bruce BT3 Bruce Rugg wiseold@hotmail.com Atlanta, ga USA - Saturday, April 5, 2008 at 9:09 AM. Recently made a trip to visit son and other family members in Ma and Ct. Drove wife past Sara,"its huge". Anyhow, tried to go to the museum on a saturday, sorry closed. No one around. Went to the air muiseum a QP. Interesting but not the same. Talked to them for a while and comments made that pier space being lost for deep water port and lots of other negative info being thrown about. Hope none of it is true. Report that the Forrestal is going to be a reef and the Sara not far behind. Sure would like to hear a new update. I was an early contributor so I'm not a crackpot. If it ever happens I'll be a volunteer to work on her. Made number 2 med cruise in the late 50's. Sure enjoyed my time with her. Please tell us that things are moving well. Thanks Richard Williamson, NY USA - Friday, April 4, 2008 at 9:36 AM. Served on the Sara 1974 to 1977. Made two and a-half Med cruises. Brings back a lot of good memories. Hope the project goes well. Gary Robertson tnvs1@bellsouth.net South Pittsburg, TN USA - Monday, March 31, 2008 at 9:56 PM. i served on the sara from 1971 thru 1973. i was a boiler tech. and worked in the number 1 engine room. man was it hot. i learned a lot of things that have carried me thru live such as hard work and the satisfaction i get with my job. i will never forget the time i served and the men that i met. roy breeden marie_breeden@msn.com gilbert, minnesota USA - Sunday, March 30, 2008 at 11:17 AM. Although I didn't serve very long on the Saratoga, only about a year it will be something I will always remember. In 68 before reporting for boot camp I worked as a yard bird in the Philly shipyard as an apprentise electrician, overhauling the avionics shops forward of the hanger deck. My last year in the Navy was in the OE div on the Saratoga. An ETR2 that worked a lot on both radar and communications gear. Also spent some time setting up the television control system and al the televisions used by my shipmates. I reported in late 73 when she was in the yards in Portsmouth, Va and got discharged in late 74 after a Gitmo cruise, just before she headed to the Med. Would like to hear from anyone in OE during that time. Joe Kane jjkaneug@comcast.net Quakertown, Pa USA - Friday, March 28, 2008 at 11:47 PM. hello to all of the great men and women who proudly served on the "Sara". I was onboard from '70 thru '73 in OE-Div, mostly in the NTDS computer room. med cruise, vietnam cruise, the almost sinking in athens, GREAT DUTY! i am searching for the '71 cruisebook. if anyone knows where i can get one, i would be very appreciative. (would like to prove to my kids tha dad really was on huge ship! cant wait to visit again when the museum opens. i was at the decommisioning in mayport. a real tearjerker! hope this finds everyone in great health! mike mycek mikeyinsunnyflorida@yahoo.com daytona beach, fl USA - Thursday, March 20, 2008 at 10:49 PM. Buddy of mine took a snapshot of the Forrestal and Saratoga tied up in New Port back in 2000 while on business. Staring at it on my desk along with my discharge pin. Had to Google it. Served aboard Sara 78-80 OE Division. Great time on the 78 Med cruise and in Mayport. Great time of my life. Happy to see this ship will become a museum after all these years. Will definitely make a trip to tour the ship after 30 years. How many of us miss that screech of the arresting gear during aircraft recovery in late night flight ops. Really miss those 1 AM GQ and man overboard drills too. Maybe I can pass on that, but Love to see my old shop on the O-3 and O-10 level. Hope everyone enjoys the tour on my old home. Love to hear from Ed Hammond, Philly PA. Vito Prinzo vito.prinzo@motorola.com Westtown, NY USA - Wednesday, March 19, 2008 at 4:54 PM. I did half a cruise on the Sara in 1978 with RVAH-12's Carrier detachment while most of the Squadron was based out of Rota Spain. Was TAD to the Ship's IM3 department. Steven Ewing sewing1243@embarqmail.com Cape Coral, Florida USA - Saturday, March 15, 2008 at 7:33 PM. VS-30 Maintenance Dept. Feb-1988 to Aug-1990. Did not make Desert Shield/Storm cruise, but did all workups and REFTRA before that and cruise around South America onboard USS Independence in 1988. New "bird's eye" views of Saratoga and Forrestall are on Microsoft Virtual Earth through www.yellowpages.com, click tab "Maps & Directions", use this address: "Northgate Rd & Chases Ln, Middletown, RI 02842", zoom in a little, slide to the west for the pier, and click on "BIRD'S EYE" for the view, then you can move around and use the circle compass for views from other directions. I hope to see the Sara again someday. Thanks for all the volunteers and efforts toward a museum! Mike Japp mjapp@bellsouth.net Pensacola, FL USA - Friday, March 14, 2008 at 3:10 PM. My father, Robert M. Townsend, served in the United States Navy and abord the USS Saratoga sometime around 1953 or 1955. I wish I knew the dates, but unfortunately, I don't. I always assumed my mother had all of the paperwork, but it was apparently lost in a move many, many years ago. My father passed away in 2003 and my mother in 2007. All I have left of his service is an "Honorable Discharge" pin. Prior to serving in the Navy, he was recruited to the Phillies' minor league team and following, he worked for Greyhound for many years. If anyone can help me find out more, I'd be very grateful. Dawn Townsend Evans devanscpt@yahoo.com Bradenton, Florida USA - Friday, March 14, 2008 at 1:12 PM. Hope to walk her decks one more time Thanks to wonderful folks trying to keep "Ole Sara" here.Made two Med crusie's,68-70 was a AE with VF-103.Anyone there shot me a e-mail like to get in touch.Seafox327@aol.com.Good Lord willing hope to see her one more time.Blue skies and smooth seas Jack Tietchen Seafox327@aol.com Avenel, New Jersey USA - Tuesday, March 11, 2008 at 6:38 PM. Aboard Sara (CVA-60) for Med Cruise 69-70. Those of you must remember the Bob Hope Xmas Show aboard her with Connie Stevens and Susan Charney (no relation). I was part of the attack Squadron VA-46 (Clansmen) flying the then new Corsair II's out of Cecil Field, Fla. Great to see a part of history being saved in such a grand manner. Anybody out their from VA-46 drop me an e-mail. Bernie Charney brcharney@cox.net Enfield, CT USA - Sunday, March 9, 2008 at 3:46 PM. I just want to say thank you all for your big work for trying to save the ship, I am very interested in american warships from WW2, have been on the Hawaiee to vist the arizona memorial, what an experience. I really hope you all will suceed. Best of luck. John Vincent Denmark John de la BruyËre Vincent b17.sallyb@sol.dk borup, Denmark - Sunday, March 9, 2008 at 10:47 AM. I SERVED IN THE YEARS 1976 THRU 1978 AND 1982 -1984 I SERVED IN AIMD AVIONICS AND S-6 SUPPLY. SURE WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM ANYBODY FROM THAT TIME. FRANKLIN SAENZ FRANKSTVCRS@YAHOO.COM JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA USA - Saturday, March 8, 2008 at 5:22 PM. I WAS IN V-1 FLY1 IN 1965 AND OC DIV. 1966 TWO OF THE BEST YEARS OF MY LIFE, GREAT SHIP, GOOD FRIENDS, BEST OF TIMES. IF YOU WANT DROP ME LINE,EMAIL SSWEDER@COMCAST.NET STEPHEN SWEDER ACC USN Ret. ssweder@comcast.net LAWRENCE, MA. USA - Saturday, March 8, 2008 at 11:04 AM. I served on Saratoga in 1966 with the air group. I was a member of attack squadron VA-106 The Gladiators. I made the 1966 Med. cruise. My rating was AO-3. Roger Del Turco r9384@hotmail.com Pennington, New Jersey USA - Friday, March 7, 2008 at 8:06 AM. wow. What a ship. I served from 1972 to 1975 in the IC shop as an IC2. Many a sleepless nights on board. Worked MC shop and Forward IC shop. Great crew. Real bad food. scott rivers ICCS USNRET sdrivers@comcast.net Coon Rapids, Minnesota USA - Tuesday, March 4, 2008 at 10:24 AM. I remember being on holiday with my Mum & Dad in Benidorm, Spain when USS Saratoga was anchored off the coast, I think around 1984/85(?). My dad and I actually took a pedalo out and sailed, well pedalled, all the way around it! What a ship!! I was only young and my poor dad had to do most of the work....he did OK for someone who gets sea sick!! Andrew Taylor tails9@btinternet.com Luton, UK UK - Tuesday, March 4, 2008 at 9:52 AM. I made two Med cruises aboard the Saratoga; 1976 and 1977. It is now a dream of mine to see the Sara become a museum. I can't wait to visit her again. The Saratoga is a symbol of strenght in the preservation of our freedom. I am proud to be able to say that I was once a part of her crew during my time in the U.S. Navy. Al Britton Alstradamus@roadrunner.com Nashport, Ohio USA - Friday, February 29, 2008 at 8:01 PM. V-2 Bow Catapults 1978-1981......I was just watching a show on the Military Ch on super carriers...i was on A Super Carrier, The USS Saratoga...CV-60 Tim Stanley TimStanAZ@yahoo.com Kingman, Arizona USA - Thursday, February 21, 2008 at 2:18 AM. I was a crew member aboard the saratoga during desert storm 1991. RICO DOTSON ricod7816@yahoo.com DETROIT, MICHIGAN USA - Wednesday, February 20, 2008 at 1:04 PM. Glad to find the Saratoga Museum Web Site. I was attached to VAW-123, made 1 Med cruise & the Viet Nam cruise. This is a great project, I hope it will succede. Shaun Nixon joshaun@att.net Arlington, Texas USA - Sunday, February 17, 2008 at 4:17 PM. I was in the A7E Corsair outfit, VA 105, Gunslingers in 1975. We made the 13th Med Cruise and went to Lebanon for air support evacuation for over 120 days. It was the Saratoga's anniversary and all the ordinance had Stars and Stripes painted on them... Awesome! I would love to see any pictures from that period. God bless the Crew I served with. Ralph M. Smith zootfrisbee@msn.com HARDIN, Texas USA - Monday, February 11, 2008 at 11:41 AM. My step father (William Fair) served on the Saratoga from 1941-1943 as a gunner. Does anyone know how to find a crew member list during this period? Richard Corbin norma.corbin@browardschools.com Hollywood, FL USA - Wednesday, February 6, 2008 at 8:02 PM. My father, Howard J Nickle, served onboard the Saratoga in the late 50s as a Gunners Mate Seaman. He said he worked on the 5 inch guns, possibly Fifth Division. I have its first Med Cruise book, a large framed photograph with the word plankowner written on it and a coffee cup of his from the Saratoga. I wish I had known of the site and effort before he passed away in late 2006, he would have loved to get involved. Foster Nickle , PA USA - Wednesday, February 6, 2008 at 5:37 AM. I was a sailor on board the Super Sara (89-93) and I'm really looking forward to this project becoming a reality. Stepping on board would bring back many great memories. Good luck and hope to see you soon. Jason Cortimilia jcort1170@yahoo.com Berea, Ohio USA - Tuesday, February 5, 2008 at 1:10 PM. WORKED IN THE PHOTO LAB 64-66.HAD GREAT TIMES.LOOKING FOR OLD FRIENDS.E-MAIL ME MALAFI2021@BELLSOUTH.NET MARTY FINKELSTEIN MALAFI2021@BELLSOUTH.NET HIGHLAND BEACH, FLORIDA USA - Sunday, February 3, 2008 at 1:17 AM. Sorry for the late note,was reading some of the other entries and found that I missed a lot. 76-80 in Deck Dept and in Fourth Div. your Liberty boat crew. Made friends all over and to this day my family and friends know of my great times with the best men to serve in the US NAVY / USMC . hi to all miss you all Lil ralph to rocky and you too stan and road dog semper fi ya'll I even miss the line haze gray and under way. later stay in touch DON BREEDLOVE centralbear57@yahoo.com Austin, Texas USA - Saturday, February 2, 2008 at 3:37 AM. Happy to hear Sara is almost home. Glad she is not gonna be a reef. May all that see her remember her as all the past crews do. As all sailors know a ship is alive somehow and we can't explain it to any civilains or to those that have never been to sea. Best of luck hope to see all my old ship mates soon. As they say " Fair Winds And Following Seas" God Bless all who help save her, Don " Boats " Breedlove DON BREEDLOVE centralbear57@yahoo.com Austin, Texas USA - Saturday, February 2, 2008 at 3:16 AM. Good luck with the ship. It will be quite a sight to see a "flat top" in near functional display. We look forward to bringing our Marine Cadets there in the future. We are "The USS Massachusetts Own" and could provide direction if you ever entertain allowing such groups to meet aboard her. Semper Fi Marine Cadets of Battleship Cove mcbcbb59@marinecadets.net Fall River, MA USA - Thursday, January 31, 2008 at 9:39 AM. I started my Navy time aboard the USS Saratoga in December 1957 and left in October 1958 after the Med Cruise in S-2 Division as a CSSN-as a member of the new crew of the USS Independance CVA 62. Larry R. Cearlock lcearlock4440@insightbb.com Decatur, IL USA - Wednesday, January 30, 2008 at 3:37 PM. It was my pleasure to serve aboard the USS Saratoga CVA-60 from 1960 thru 1962. The W-2 Division was an exceptional group of young men who did an outstanding job. I am very proud of my ship and ship mates. It was a specail time of being young but working as an adult. For all those who missed being in the military, you just missed the greatest time of your life. God Bless America! Donald R. Andrews (Drew) foxfireandrews@aol.com USA - Thursday, January 24, 2008 at 11:04 AM. Served in 4MMR 84-88.Would like to hear from anyone else that was there. David Viquesney dviquesney@kc.rr.com Kansas City, Kansas USA - Sunday, January 13, 2008 at 7:07 PM. Was on Sara 64& 65 V-1 Fly 3 also was in Repair 8 in 65 (Roof-Rats) Would like to hear from some old friends. Jimmy Crawford vinson61@yahoo.sg.com Augusta, Georgia USA - Saturday, January 12, 2008 at 10:01 AM. Any 2MMR snipes still around? I was there from Oct. '61 until Feb. '64. Long hours, hard work, but good memories. I recently received a solicitation for contributions to help save the Sara. So I sent a check but, unfortunately, I'll probably never see Sara again because I may be long gone before Sara opens to the public. But my grandkids would probably like to see the ship their grandpa helped push through the water at more than 32 knots. So I have a suggestion to the Saratoga Museum Board that may spur donations: Give a thought to issuing boarding vouchers for each $50.00 donation. Some vouchers will never be redeemed but the money would help achieve the goal of making Sara a museum. Richard Osburn, BTCM, Ret. Richard "Ozzie" Osburn rbosburn@comcast.net Brunswick, Ga. USA - Sunday, January 6, 2008 at 8:25 PM. I have been trying for quite some time to locate some of my shipmates from my era on Sara, 1957-1959. V-2 Division, Waist Cats. I was a bridleman on Cat#3. I have been to two reunions but didn't see any of the old crew there either. I know there has to be some of us left. You can reach me at: saracva60@optonline.net Hope to hear from you guys. Don Sager saracva60@optonline.net Torrington, Connecticut USA - Sunday, January 6, 2008 at 11:49 AM. Served 69-72 div 4, looking for old friends. Edwin Gale Welch kimmyjo1983@hotmail.com Thursday, January 3, 2008 at 8:25 PM. It's been a long time since my days aboard the Saratoga. I served in the early 70's (2 Meds and a Nam cruise). I worked in AIMD in avionics with VAW 123. Does anyone even know what an APX-7 is? It seems like just a distant memory but it's something you can't erase from your head. Just wondering what goes through the minds of those who served then and those that serve now. Bless the ones doing their duties regardless of the decisions of those that put you in harms way. Be safe. Robert Byram AT3 rbyram@austin.rr.com Austin, Texas USA - Wednesday, January 2, 2008 at 9:58 PM. Happy New Year to all Saratoga Vets!!!! 89-92 Former OS3 Jason Hart rtistk12002@yahoo.com Chattanooga, TN USA - Wednesday, January 2, 2008 at 11:12 AM. Worked in Oil Shack 75 to 77, 76 Med Cruise was the best. Feel free to drop me a line......... Sam McMunn samcmunn@yahoo.com Saltsburg, Pa. USA - Tuesday, January 1, 2008 at 11:52 AM. Welcome to the Official USS Saratoga Museum Foundation web site guestbook. Leave some comments for us - tell those who visit this web site what you think about the project - good, bad or indifferent... David Kerwood, West Bay Web <wbw@wbwip.com> North Kingstown, RI USA Guestbook entries for all of 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 have been archived. The 1999 archive can be found here. The 2000 archive can be found here. The 2001 archive can be found here. The 2002 archive can be found here. The 2003 archive can be found here. The 2004 archive can be found here. The 2005 archive can be found here. The 2006 archive can be found here. The 2007 archive can be found here. The 2008 archive can be found here. | ||||
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