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![]() Archived messages - January - December 2005If you are looking for a particular name or word on this rather lengthy page, use your browser's "Find" function to ferret it out quickly.
![]() I have to admit, I am looking forward to taking my kids to see where daddy use to live. I have told them many stories about "Super-Sara" but, with this museum opening, I can take them back in time and with pride. Good luck with this project. I can't wait to see Sara again. 1981-1984 Communications (mad-dog) Dwayne Maddox mrscorpionov62@aol.com Conway, SC USA - Friday, December 30, 2005 at 3:36 PM. Shipmates, I served on the Saratoga on the final voyage with the VS-30 Diamoncutters, CAG-17. I would love to here from any of you that knew me. I'm passionate about the Saratoga project and would love to meet up with some of you and pay here a visit once it is over. For those of you that remember, Vincent Valdez and I still hang to this day and miss all of you. Tommy, Alex, Jerry, Dan, Master Chief Ross, Chief Cobb, Brian Dossett, uranius, Mike Coats, Jason Henderson, and the rest of you salty doggs, please contact me and Vinny. PS- Leigh Anne and I didn't make it Steve Merritt redtwodelta@yahoo.com Kaufman, TX USA - Friday, December 23, 2005 at 11:56 PM. To all the shipmates, plank owners of the U.S.S. Saratoga CVA60. I was assigned to our ship and was stationed at Providence, Rhode Island and then assigned to the Navy recruiting center/Flushing Ave. Originaly assigned and attached in late 1954 and then served as aviation store keeper from 1955 to Aug 1957. Merry Christmas to all ship mates. 208-655-4255 KOPYDLOWSKI, al (ski ) PITTSBURGH, PA USA - Friday, December 23, 2005 at 5:21 PM. My husband has a story of his times on Saratoga, during Gulf War, including a letter from George Bush, Sr. He was the first U.S.Navy nurse assigned to an aircraft carrier and built I.C.U. which saved several lives bringing 1950's technology to the 1990's. His plan was used in the Pentagon per George Hill for prototype for all 14 carriers. His story is most interesting and he is ill and does not know I am writing this, but wanted to know if you wanted this info. Sincerely, Judith A. Phelps wife of L.Cdr Wayne Phelps, U.S.N. retired. He is currently a catholic Deacon. Judy Phelps christsfam1@bellsouth.net Orlando, Florida USA - Friday, December 23, 2005 at 1:57 AM. I was on the Sara 1964 for a Med Cruise , my squadron was VFP - 62. I have very fond memories of my time on the Sara and would like to hear from my fellow squadron members Buzz May bzbty1964@hotmail.com Eastman, Georgia USA - Wednesday, December 21, 2005 at 10:20 PM. Fifty years ago this past November 1955 I reported to the NAVSTA Brooklyn, NY, as a member of the precommissioning crew of the Super SARA. To see her sitting there in dry dock towering over the buildings it was quite a site to see. We had a great crew and outstanding skipper Capt Stroh. We worked hard to get her ready for commissioning. We had some great times our nightly jaunts to the Big Apple, and or to Brooklyn and of course last stops on Flushing Ave. Before we knew it April 14th 1956 was upon us. Slipping under the Brooklyn bridge with mast down, gravesend bay for ammo, and Coney Island liberty. The North Atlantic, riding the anchor at Gitmo we were beter known as Hotel SARA. Our first visit to NAAS Mayport, Jax Beach, Smitty Bar and Mermaid Bar we toasted a few there for sure. The poor mascot (painted green), flooding hanger bay 3 with CO2,drag racing on the flight deck in Brooklyn yard. Then our 1st Med cruise, last time I saw Mayport till I returned for the decommissioning in 1994. I was transferred to Staff Com6thFlt, riding the Salem/DesMoines/and Springfield and spent next 5 years there. Returning to NYC for duty at ComEastSeaFron at 90 Church St., then out West to put Chicago CG-11 commission, then to the Amphibs Eldorado AGC-11 then back east to put the carrier John F. Kennedy in Commission. I will be retired 36 years come Saturday when I retired Dec 24 1969. To all former plank owners who may remember me I extend my best wishes to all for a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and lets keep all service members currently serving in our prayers and thoughts. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL JIM PRIOR S-2 AND S-1 Divisons. Our home port was Villefranche. Jim Prior ejhl@verizon.net Arlginton, MA USA - Tuesday, December 20, 2005 at 1:00 PM. I sailed on Sara from Sept. 1956 through Oct. 1957. One North Atlantic and one Med cruise. I have a Rooster Booster Club card #214 dated 2000, is this still good. If not how do I become a member in good stsndings? I really enjoyed my time on Sara and have thought about her often. I still want to be a part of bringing Her musum to reality. Thank You Robert E. Bollinger bob@tri-lakes.net Branson West, MO USA - Friday, December 16, 2005 at 4:11 PM. Served on board from 57 to 63 in v4 and v6. Bryant Blakeley navybilt57@yahoo.com Neosho, mo USA - Sunday, December 4, 2005 at 2:11 PM. Good Luck in making the "Sara" into a Naval Museum. I have a good friend who served aboard the Saratoga as part of Squadron VA-75. I've heard so much about the ship that I almost feel as if I had the honor as well. Ken Masten kmasten@hvc.rr.com Newburgh, New York USA - Sunday, December 4, 2005 at 11:08 AM. Served between 1986-1990 in the S-5 and S-2 divisions. David Sheffield sheff5136@adelphia.net Buffalo, NY USA - Friday, December 2, 2005 at 9:30 PM. VA-34 (BLUE BLASTERS) HELLO SHIPMATES. SERVED ON SARATOGA WITH VA-34 FROM 1961 TO 1964, STARTED AS A PLANE CAPT, THEN WORKED INTO MAINT CONTROL. LT HARV FERNANDEZ WAS MAINT CONTROL OFFICER, AND VERY MUCH PLAYED A PART IN MY MAKING THE NAVY MY CAREER. I RETIRED IN 1986 AFTER SERVING IN MANY VA/VF/VP SQUADRONS. WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM ANYONE THAT MIGHT SHARE THOUGHTS FROM THE AIRWING OR SHIPS COMPANY. LOOKING FORWARD TO VISITING THE SHIP THIS SUMMER. AFCM (AC) DANNY MEANS DMROCKETF14@YAHOO.COM CLARKSVILLE, TN USA - Thursday, December 1, 2005 at 11:43 PM. Served aboard Sara In the air wing in VA 85 during 85 cruise and 86 cruise Roger Connor ronnocrl@aol.com Weatherford, Texas USA - Monday, November 28, 2005 at 4:05 PM. Served in "M" Div. #1 Aux Mach room. From 1960 to 1962. I've ran a water treatment plant for the last 30 years. Robert Lovett robertlovett@bellsouth.net Woodbury, Georgia USA - Monday, November 28, 2005 at 12:41 PM. Served aboard Sara 1974 to 78. VF 103 tad to aimd tire shop. R.J. Brown perrycountybrownie@pa.net mechanicsburg, pa USA - Sunday, November 27, 2005 at 6:37 PM. I served in "G" division (mag crew) from October 1968 to December 1971. Anyone remember me? I was half off the wall and I learned it all in the navy. john r gerken jrgerken@hickorytech.net doon, iowa USA - Saturday, November 26, 2005 at 11:39 PM. Although I did not serve on the Saratoga, I was an MP Sergeant assigned to the Executive Flight Detachment at Fort Belvoir, VA, from 1970-1973. I always wondered what happened to the choppers we had as they were well maintained and I enjoyed flying in them. Glad you got one of them and are trying to recondition it. Best of luck. Bob Knox Bob Knox rknox821@aol.com Pittsburgh, PA USA - Friday, November 25, 2005 at 8:29 PM. I waw a 3rd Class Metalsmith, R-Div. I was a member of the pre-commissioning and comissioning crew and Plank Owner of the Saratoga CVA 60 when she comissioned in the Brooklyn Navy Yard on 14 April, 1956. Our mascot was a fighting cock which one was given to us in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti. Glad to see something useful is being done with her. Roger A. Bergeron berry837@comcast.net Fairhaven, MA USA - Friday, November 25, 2005 at 6:49 PM. Hey folks I was in VF31 during the Med cruise of 1960 when we caught fire outside of Athens, that was horrible. Always enjoyed my toure aboard the Sara. When I was in my home town was Auburn, NY - if any one remembers that far back just drop a line. jack koskey jpkoskey@earthlink.net pennsville, nj USA - Thursday, November 24, 2005 at 5:39 PM. I was aboard the Sara from 1976 to 1978 and she was a great ship to serve.I worked in the IM2 Jet shop and operated the jet engine test cell on the fan tail. jerry w Wyatt cpo usn retired cpowyatt@comcast.net Jacksonville, USA - Wednesday, November 23, 2005 at 10:01 PM. The highlight of my Navy career was my tour as Commanding Officer of "Super Sara" 1983-1985. I'll never forget the Great American Sailors who served on the Sara as we brought New Life, New Spirit to the USS SARATOGA (CV-60). Best wishes to the USS SARATOGA Museum Foundation in saving the SARATOGA. VADM John "Jack" K. Ready, USN (Ret.) thereadys@charter.net P.O. Box 210, Conway, MI, 49722 USA - Wednesday, November 23, 2005 at 9:01 AM. Hi, I would like to wish all the of Sara crew mates and their families a Happy Thanksgiving and a very Merry Christmas !!! Bryant Blakeley navybilty57@yahoo.com Neosho, Mo USA - Sunday, November 20, 2005 at 12:03 PM. I was on board from '87-'91 as a Grape in V-4 Div. I worked below decks and on the roof during Operation Desert Storm. I have kept in touch with several of my shipmates over the years. If you remember me, please write, I'd love to hear from you. I now live in S. Florida and I work for RE/MAX selling Real Estate. If you are ever down this way, please don't hesitate to give me a call. My phone numbers are on my web site. Take care. -Gass-Man! ! ! Stephen J. Engasser "GASS-MAN" SellMyHouse7@aol.com http://www.MrFloridaHomes.com Coral Springs, FLORIDA USA - Sunday, November 20, 2005 at 1:50 AM. My pop served on Sara during the 60's. I'm wanting to get him a christmas present, and I think this site may do it for me. He's been driving truck and supporting a family for over 30 years....he deserves it. Thank you! Larry Bradford Jr. flatbroke4ever@yahoo.com seymour, IN USA - Thursday, November 17, 2005 at 10:47 PM. Thank you for what you're doing by keep alive our Naval History. May your endeavors have nothing but Fair Winds and Following Seas. LT. Fred Dickerson (USN RET) fdickerson@gisd.k12.nm.us El Paso, Texas USA - Thursday, November 17, 2005 at 6:16 PM. I am a plank owner, having served in the OI Division as an RD3. Anyone there at that time, please contact me. Jim Willis willjames@cox.net Marrero, Louisiana USA - Tuesday, November 15, 2005 at 9:50 AM. Very nice website, I love the layouts and keep up the very good job! range rover , - Saturday, November 12, 2005 at 6:55 PM. Just happened to be looking for infomation on the SARA and found this site. Very nice to hear it may become a musuem. PO3 Jim Leonard jleonard4@gmail.com Ravenna, OH USA - Saturday, November 12, 2005 at 1:56 PM. I also served aboard the Sara as AD working in the AIMD Jet Shop from 1976 to 1979.I have many fond memories. jerry w Wyatt cpo usn retired cpowyatt@netzero.net Jacksonville, Florida USA - Friday, November 11, 2005 at 2:41 PM. Today, being Veteran's Day, I think we should all pause a moment to remember not only those that gave the ultimate sacrifice, but all Veteran's who served this great Country, whether in war or peace. GOD BLESS THEM ALL! Don Sager saracva60@optonline.net Torrington, CT USA - Friday, November 11, 2005 at 8:44 AM. nov, 10 2005 hope everybody is in fine health. - bear - sara photo lab 1964-1966 suggs richard k. rksuggs@yahoo.com west columbia , s c USA - Thursday, November 10, 2005 at 9:44 PM. Mr. Booroff - the operation at the Russian Submarine Museum (http://www.juliett484.org) has drawn over 30,000 visitors since it first opened to the public in August, 2002. The ex-USS SARATOGA (CV 60) is still controlled by the U.S. Navy and is not yet available for public access. David Kerwood webmaster@saratogamuseum.org North Kingstown, Rhode Island USA - Tuesday, November 8, 2005 at 11:29 PM. FROM ADJ 2 SEGAL F.N. FORMERLY PLANE CAPTAIN FOR VF-103 MED CRUISE IN '71 AND WESTPAC '72-'73 . GLAD TO SEE THAT WE ARE GETTING CLOSER TO SAILING ONE LAST TIME. Maybe we can play Revely Rock on the old SARA. All the Best. Frank Segal plungerx@msn.com BALDWIN,, NY USA - Monday, November 7, 2005 at 4:09 PM. Great website. My godfather (LtCmd. George Cooper)left a trunk of memorabilia of the Saratoga he served on in WWII (1940-1942). He was a doctor, stationed out of San Diego I believe. He's buried in Arlington. Framed photo of "Sara" here on my wall. I will visit her in person. Sue Cascio suzskas@aol.com Baltimore, MD USA - Thursday, November 3, 2005 at 6:09 PM. Hi, How many tourists visit you in one year please? Thank you, David Booroff david.booroff@sliderinternational.com Las Vegas, nevada USA - Wednesday, November 2, 2005 at 8:00 PM. Hello Ships Company, I was in MARDET from 1974 to 1976. Any Marines from that time I would like to hear from you. Chief Jeffrey Casassa chief@visitoriental.com Oriental, North Carolina USA - Tuesday, November 1, 2005 at 4:16 PM. I had the distinct honor and privilege of serving as the XO, MARDET from April 91- May '93. When I retire next Aug (2006) with over 25 years service, I'll remember the 2 years with the Marines and Sailors on Sara were some of the best. Look forward to hearing from any shipmates, especially the DevilDogs. Semper Fi. LtCol Kevin Maddox USMC kevin.maddox@usmc.mil MCAS Cherry Point, Havelock,, North Carolina USA - Monday, October 31, 2005 at 1:47 PM. Thanks a lot folks. Posted "looking for shipmates" photo lab. Couple weeks later, after 35 plus years, Got a reply from one of the crew !! Looking forward to next reunion. Appreciate USS Saratoga Museum Foundation page. Again Thanks all George Segura lamtbuzz@aol.com Pensacola , Fl USA - Sunday, October 30, 2005 at 4:19 PM. I served aboard the Saratoga from 10/57 to 07/59 in the ship's company personnel office under CWO Thompson and CPO DeLoach. I stayed in contact with the Saratoga after I got out of the Navy and was invited to her decommissioning at NAS Mayport on 20 August 94 by her last commanding officer, Capt. William H Kennedy. I was very disappointed that she didn't become a museum in Jacksonville after her decomissioning but the was the time the Jacksonville Jaguars were coming into existance in the NFL and people chose to spend their money on football. If any of you, who served with me, read this please e-mail me. Steve Engel shengel@bellsouth.net Daytona Beach, FL USA - Sunday, October 30, 2005 at 12:05 AM. I was a DS on Sara from 79 to 80. I left her for Dam Neck when she went into the Philly yards. Saw the 80 World Series because of my tour on Sara as well as a GREAT Med Cruise. Without a doubt, my best memories of my 6 years in the Navy were on board Sara! Rob Pettey Naperville, Illinois USA - Friday, October 28, 2005 at 12:02 PM. I was on board from 78 till the ship yards in 1981 in v4 division. i worked below decks and the flight deck. i would love to hook up with some old ship mates of mine and see how yall have been, stoorza Mgbada Eze. mgbadaeze@yahoo.fr lome , LOME TOGO - Tuesday, October 25, 2005 at 3:29 PM. I served aboard the Sara from 1970 to 1972 it was a great duty. I worked in arresting gear as top side PO. I loved the old gal. Andy Hoes biggerbaby101 Corpus Christi, Texas USA - Monday, October 17, 2005 at 5:54 PM. I was airwing in VF-103. 1966-67. AMH3 worked A/F and line. Ray Romero raymero@yahoo.com Spokane, WA USA - Sunday, October 16, 2005 at 4:46 PM. I SERVED ON THE SARA FROM 1955-1959 IN THE 4 DIVISION. IS THERE ANY WAY TO FIND MY SHIPMATES FROM THIS TIME PERIOD? THANKS, BM3 RICH NILSEN RICHARD NILSEN XLGDOG@OPTONLINE.NET MASSAPEQUA, NY USA - Tuesday, October 4, 2005 at 7:55 PM. Served onboard 87-90. Brian and Neal - Angie said hello. I am going to see Sara when they open her. kevin cabe saratogacv60@charter.net iron station, nc USA - Friday, September 30, 2005 at 4:52 PM. I was in VF-31 1963 to 1966. John Nordfeldt jwn43@hotmail.com Framingham, Ma USA - Wednesday, September 28, 2005 at 7:12 PM. Dear Shipmates: The time is now. I just got back from the Saratoga reunion and I am here to tell you we need to step up to the plate and help save our ship. The time is now not later. I know not everyone has big bucks but even a little will go along way. If you love your ship as I do and write about it all the time on this web site then let's get going. This site will tell you where and how to send money. Right now anything we give will be doubled by a group that will match what we give up to one hundred thousand dollars. So if you give 10, 20 or whatever - it doubles. The drop dead date is May 1 2007. If we don't get the money she will be sunk for a fish hotel. Please don't let this happen to her. It's up to all of us small guys. Every buck counts. Is it not the dream of each and every one of us to be a part of the Sara's last cruise? There is a time to dream and wish but if we don't get going now that is all it will ever be. Let's think positive and we all can make that last trip. Jerry Ferrara elvisjf1@optonline.com Hauppauge, New York USA - Monday, September 26, 2005 at 6:54 PM. I served on the sara in v2 division cat 2. I would love to hear from anyone who served years 1957 to 1961. jim daugherty rvingjimpatsy@yahoo.com canton, ga USA - Sunday, September 25, 2005 at 5:23 PM. I am a Plank Owner from SARA, serving from 1955 - late 1956 as and SK2 in S-1 division. I was paging through the 2004 guestbook and ran across a message from David Payne in which he stated his father was on the Howard Gilmore AS-16. It is strange how things appear. I was on the Gilmore in Key West in 1955, I came off the USS Petrel ASR-14 as a SKSN just after finishing SK school in New Port. I spent a year and one half in Key West, a year and a half on the SARA and the rest in the reserve fleet in Charleston, SC. Sara was by far the best duty. I was in the commissing crew and took the Shake-down cruise to the Caribbean, and GTMO. The fighting Cock got thrown over board on our shakedown cruise. The next mascot got painted Green. Many good nights on Flushing ave, some not go good nights also. Keep the memos coming, it is fun to read them. Ronald Fiskum rfiskum@comcast.net Clarksville, MD USA - Friday, September 23, 2005 at 12:35 PM. I have alot of fond memories of the Saratoga. I Served on the Saratoga from 1977 to 1989. It was a great ship to be on. Owerri Mbaise Lagos, Imo Togo - Wednesday, September 21, 2005 at 2:35 PM. 1981-1984 was a BT then a MR at the end work in machine shop, oil lab, 4 main, looking for old friends. James Schoonover schoonbristol@comcast.net bristol, ill USA - Thursday, September 15, 2005 at 12:56 AM. I am a plank owner and am looking for shipmates that served aboard the Sara from 1955-1957 in the engineering department. Frank J Rudl Phosphate@aol.com Deltona, Florida USA - Wednesday, September 14, 2005 at 9:28 PM. I was a cook on the Sara from '81 through '83. Please send me info on how I can help. Jeff Parker revjeff@aol.com Texarkana, TX USA - Monday, September 12, 2005 at 10:34 PM. It's been a long time since departing in 1965. Lot of memories of our youth. Have yet to find any of my Photo Mates from the lab. Probably most exciting and interesting time of my life. It's great to see Sara had not been scrapped! I commend all that are involved in saving such a great ship! Look forward someday to once again walk her deck. Many Thanks, From sunny Pensacola Florida George Segura George Segura "Buzz" lamtbuzz@aol.com Pensaola, Florida USA - Wednesday, September 7, 2005 at 2:17 PM. hi would love to talk with old ship mates from sara. I was in fuels V4 division from 78 till the yards in 1980 transfered to puerto rico then. hope to hear from yall greg Buzz Bradley gbradley@mo-net.com monett, Mo. USA - Wednesday, September 7, 2005 at 12:07 PM. I was stationed on the Saratoga from 1983 - 1989, Repair Division. I started off working in the Pipe Shop, then the CHT Shop, from there I went to the Metal Shop and the last was the DC Division office. I have a lot of memories of the Saratoga. Some of my Sara shipmates I have got to see after leaving the ship. CDR Flood, Chip Thorn, Donnie Harrell, David James. Others I remember but have not seen for years. Chris Spann, Bobby Clark, Harry Chaney, Ziglar, Payne. I would love to hear from any old shipmates. Michael Leigh DCC(SW) Retired Michael Leigh wonderleigh@wmconnect.com Westerly, RI USA - Saturday, September 3, 2005 at 9:05 PM. I'm glad to see what you are doing to the sara. I served 5 years on that ship. and was 5 good years for me. I was proud to have served on the sara. To me she was a good ship and she did a good job. I will be glad when you get her done, would love to come visit her once again. She was one of the best ships in the Vietnam war. Thank you jeff jefrey bodle tboneiyq@sbcglobal.net independence, MO. USA - Wednesday, August 31, 2005 at 8:41 PM. Hello! My name is Andy from Resita. Visite your USS-SARATOGA site. Its very interesant and beautiful warship. I think the Saratoga museum is a grea idea.I live in Romania/Europa,and for my family not posibility to visit this future museum. Thank you very much. God bles you America and your people. P.S: Very sory because my english not corectly hundred procent KUI ANDREI-EMERIC(ANDY) YO2LXB@YAHOO.COM RESITA, CARAS-SEVERIN ROMANIA - Friday, August 26, 2005 at 4:44 AM. How many of you remember that on this date,in 1971,we had a severe water problem on board Sara? We started taking on some of the Mediterrean Sea. And had to limp back to Athens to have the hole,in the hull,fixed. It was a strange feeling on the flight deck, seeing how much we were listing, to one side. Quite a memorable cruise. John DiMasso Woodville, Ohio USA - Friday, August 19, 2005 at 11:12 PM. Nice page... respect john , - Friday, August 19, 2005 at 4:45 PM. Hi Guys, You really know how to put out a great product to help the masses. Thanks for the website, it has been a godsend for my family as we have a teen into everything on the web, and most recently my own mother, who had a very slow machine due to all the viruses and ads. mark , - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 at 8:47 AM. Correction of previous submission: My dad, Howard Cobb, recently passed away on 05/20/05 (not 92). Douglas Cobb DouglasCobb@AOL.com Valencia, CA USA - Tuesday, August 16, 2005 at 3:02 PM. I have so enjoyed my stay here. WOW you certainly have everyone listed here! I simply love it! Gees some folks I had not thought of for years thanks for reminding me of how great these folks all are!Take Care,Claudette Claudette , - Tuesday, August 16, 2005 at 12:54 PM. I Served onboard th mighty warship Saratoga from 1986 - 1988, Air Department, V-2 Bowcats with ABE1 Hollenbeck, ABE1 Mitchell, and ABE3 Starzyck to name a few. Just found out the old girl is going to be a museum. Can't wait to walk her decks again!!!! Any of my old shipmate out there want to drop me a line I would be glad to here from you. Don O'Leary kenzie0831@cox.net Norfolk, Va USA - Monday, August 15, 2005 at 3:45 PM. I was stationed onboard the mighty Saratoga from 86-88. Air Department, V-2, Bowcats. Spend many a nights sleeping in her catwalks waiting to launch aircraft!!!!! Don O'Leary dloleary@mar.med.navy.mil Norfolk, Virginia USA - Monday, August 15, 2005 at 1:08 PM. served v1 crash and salvage 77 to 80 great ship good time Brian Harrington bharrington2@hvc.rr.com , ny USA - Thursday, August 11, 2005 at 7:26 PM. I left a message in an earlier note but my e-mail address has changed since then. My new address is: lowe19582@msn.com Ronald L. Lowe lowe19582@msn.com Leander, Tx. USA - Tuesday, August 9, 2005 at 6:00 PM. IT LOOKS LIKE A GREAT PROJECT LOOKING FORWARD TO VISITING THIS SUMMER. SERVED ON THE SARA 1958-61 2ND DIVISION 39-4-L AFT PORTSIDE. CHARLES A CONKLIN JR ce2049@yahoo.com flanders,new jersey, NEW JERSEY USA - Tuesday, August 9, 2005 at 4:01 PM. LOOKING FOR ANYONE THAT WAS IN E DIV FROM 76 - 79. I WAS IN THE ELECTRICAL LIGHT SHOP. WHEN I WAS ON THE SARA I THOUGHT THAT IT WAS A TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE HOWEVER, AS I HAVE GOTTEN OLDER I FIND MYSELF THINKING ABOUT MY DAYS ABOARD "SARA". I NOW REALIZE THAT FOR THE MOST PART I HAD SOME PRETTY GOOD TIMES AND MADE SOME FRIENDS AS WELL. I HOPE THAT YOU WILL HAVE A REUNION IN SOUTHERN CALIF SOMETIME SOON. I AM SO GLAD THAT YOU ARE ABLE TO SAVE SARA AND I HOPE THAT I CAN COME AND SEE IT SOMEDAY. I JUST LAST WEEKEND WENT ON THE MIDWAY CARRIER AND IT BROUGHT BACK ALOT OF MEMORIES. GOOD LUCK AND DOG SPEED Steve Le Fevre troutfinatic111@yahoo.com Moreno Valley, Ca USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 at 12:20 AM. I have alot of fond memories of the Saratoga. I Served on the Saratoga from 1976 to 1982. It was a great ship to be on. Randal Gustafson rkrkh@frontiernet.net Bunker Hill, IL USA - Friday, August 5, 2005 at 5:00 PM. My dad, Howard Cobb from Rutland, Vermont via Norwich University, who recently passed away on 5/20/92 while vactionaing in Montreal, proudly served as a helicopter pilot aboard the USS Saratoga during a Mediteranean cruise in the mid-60s. I have a picture of me in his helicopter when I was about 3 or 4 years old aboard ship. Any shipmates who remember my dad, or any stories you could share would be appreciated during this difficult time. Thank you. Howard Cobb DouglasCobb@AOL.com Valencia, CA USA - Friday, August 5, 2005 at 2:07 PM. Hello My husband MM2 Alexander Solano served on Sara from 85-89 then 91-94 decom. Alex past away in May of 2004. I am looking for any shipmates that may have served with my husband that might have any stories they would like to share we have a 4 year old little girl and would love to share stories with her about her Dads proud days on Sara it was a big part of our lives ! I look forward to hearing from you ! Also looking for EM1 William Nance & Family he was in E Division if any one would have contact info for him would be very greatful ! Alexander Solano (Wife) Wanabullkennel@aol.com Pemberton, NJ USA - Monday, August 1, 2005 at 1:29 PM. I Made The 1958 And 1959 Med. Cruise Aboard The USS Saratoga.If Anyone Is Interested In Sunken Ship Treasure Hunting, Check Out Mel Fishers Web Site "ATOCHA." Bobby Maddox kandbmadd@peoplepc.com Fort Valley, Georgia USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 at 5:11 PM. I was stationed on the Sara between Nov. 89 - may 92 in 2 Main machine room... I'm so happy to hear the project is moving forward... I have been folowing the progress for years now and can't wait to visit her again. I don't think I'll be able to hold back the tears though..... Nicholas Foederer jetskiscorpion@netzero.com Daytona Beach, Fl USA - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 at 1:48 PM. I served on Sara 1978-1980 V-2 Div. Waist Cats. Made two Med cruises on her. Served on the Forrestal prior to that. Les Jones les.jones@coair.com Houston, Texas USA - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 at 12:59 PM. I am trying to locate a shipmate from the 66 / 67 med cruise . His name is John Morgan and was an elevator operator with V3 division.John lived in Brooklyn N.Y. If anyone knows of his whereabouts Please contact me via email or phone me at 203 426 0744. PETER THEMEL pthemel@volvoofwestport.com NEWTOWN, CT USA - Wednesday, July 20, 2005 at 5:28 PM. I SERVED ON SARATOGA CV60 FROM 74 TO 78. JOINED THE NAVY RESERVE AND RETIRED IN JULY 2000. MISS THE SIGNAL GANG. SM2 WILLIAM J BENECKE V-RODBILLIY@VERIZON.NET ST.PETERSBURG, FLORIDA USA - Thursday, July 14, 2005 at 9:17 PM. Interested in re-uniting with anyone who served on the Saratoga from 1987 to 1991 in the SH division. Jose Carrillo jcarrillo@argixdirect.com Covina, CA USA - Tuesday, July 12, 2005 at 10:35 PM. Looking for Daniel Baker, SH3, a good buddy of mine who I met on the Saratoga in 1987. Jose Carrillo jcarrillo@argixdirect.com Covina, CA USA - Tuesday, July 12, 2005 at 10:32 PM. THIS MESSAGE IS FOR BERT GILMORE --- I READ YOUR MESSAGE THAT YOU PUT ON THE WEB SITE BUT YOU DID NOT INCLUDE AN E MAIL ADDRESS OR ANY CONTACT INFO. A VERY GOOD FRIEND OF MINE WORKED WITH YOU HIS NAME WAS ALEX SOLANO AND I NEED TO GET IN TOUCH WITH YOU ABOUT HIM. PLEASE CONTACT ME AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. THANX BILL JACKSON bill jackson will4caps@aol.com annandale, va USA - Sunday, July 10, 2005 at 8:00 AM. I served on the sara from 81-85 P6 Machine shop Philly,Mayport,Med 84 and part of Med 85 Those were the days I would like to hear from you guys Doug Myers dougm@boedeker.com Shiner, Texas USA - Wednesday, July 6, 2005 at 1:36 PM. I served aboard the Saratoga during the "Run you can't hide campaign," and also was called from the Indian Ocean to help with the Libya movement, sorry I haven't followed the track of all my shipmates, but feel we have a right to a national cause and, respect for what we have done in our time. You can run but you can not hide, terriost busters cv-60, overnight. Thank you SHSN M.K. Slack Sr. micheal k slack sr. deadman1661@earthlink.net troy, ohio USA - Monday, July 4, 2005 at 7:13 PM. I am a former crew member having served on board 1989-1990 in 1st Division. I hope all is well with former shipmates and for those who may remember me. I would love to hear from guys in Deck or Navigation who were on board during that time. NEVER FORGET THE FALLEN SHIPMATES WHO LOST THIER LIVES IN DECEMBER OF 1990! God bless everyone associated with this great lady-USS SARATOGA CV-60! bolan bolan@mail.ru http://www.newestsoft.com , USA - Friday, July 1, 2005 at 5:17 PM. I was stationed aboard the Saratoga in 1975 and 1976. V-2 division. Interesting to see it turned into a museum. Mark Perkins marksproject@yahoo.com Virginia Beach, VA USA - Friday, July 1, 2005 at 3:47 PM. My father was on board from 1957 until 1966. I have three photo books issued in 1958,1959-1960 and 1966. I would like to hear from anyone pictured in these books. Give me your name and page number so I can see what you looked like then. And as always I want to thank each and every one of you for a job well done to the Sara and this great country. Thanks. Sonny Hamby SonnyHamby@msn.com Athens, GA USA - Tuesday, June 28, 2005 at 3:23 PM. I think the Saratoga museum is a great idea - I live in Calais ME and I look foward to visiting this future museum. Jason Seavey woodland, maine USA - Monday, June 27, 2005 at 8:22 AM. Was with VF-31 on the USS Saratoga (CVA-60) frm. 1969 to 1971. michael d. murphy murphf1m@aol.com riviera beach, fla USA - Sunday, June 26, 2005 at 4:58 PM. Served on board the Sara from 89-91 as part of the Marine Detachment. We are organizing a reunion for the Persian Gulf War era Marines from the Detachment for June of 2006. Please contact me through the e-mail address if you were part of this Mardet. Semper Fi! Jon Kern jonchriskern@comcast.net Jacksonville, FL USA - Friday, June 24, 2005 at 9:40 PM. Served aboard the "Sara" from Oct.-1958 to Dec.-1961. Was in V-2 Div. ( Arresting Gear).I have been in touch with a couple of the guys that I served with. Would like to hear from more. Ronald L. Lowe ( Al) prlowe10@msn.com Leander, Texas USA - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 at 4:09 PM. Hey to all the Super Sara former shipmates out there. I served on saratoga from july 1983 - january 1987. i was an MS in S-5 division most of my tour in the Captains Galley and ended my last 8 months in the Aft Galley as the watch captain. i am trying to get in touch with as many of my old friends as possible. Thank god they are gonna save uss saratoga. some great memories on her. Bill Jackson will4caps@aol.com annandale, virginia USA - Tuesday, June 21, 2005 at 6:18 PM. Wow! Seems like yesterday! AIMD 83-86 GO FIGHTING COCKS! Dick Garman touched_wun@yahoo.com Harrisburg, PA USA - Tuesday, June 21, 2005 at 10:39 AM. great site i was on sara 87-90 in arresting gear roger kevin cabe saratogacv60@charter.net iron station, nc USA - Sunday, June 19, 2005 at 10:17 AM. I was onboard the Sara for the 1969 Med Cruise as a Green Shirt in RVAH-1(stationed out of Albany Georga). I also worked as a "Cat Checker" on the forward catapults when launching our RA-5C Vigilantes during flight operations. Hope to hear from anyone who wants to reminisce. Michael Lawrence michael.j.lawrence@sargentlundy.com Morton Grove, IL USA - Saturday, June 18, 2005 at 10:09 AM. Served on the Sara from 66 to July 68 as a CS2 in the S2 Division. I enjoyed reading all the other messages. Ed Olsen (Oli) bajhor@Aol.com Indianapolis, Indiana USA - Saturday, June 11, 2005 at 4:23 PM. Hello to all that was on the Frighting 60. I was in N-div from 64-67.Now working for the V.A. Medical Center. Have a good and safe summer. John Morgan seajeminc@hotmail.com Canandaigua, New York USA - Friday, June 10, 2005 at 2:39 PM. I served aboard the USS Saratoga between Nov 1988 thru May 1992. It was a long four years and alot of memories. I remember the words of one my chiefs when I was discharged, "you'll look back and remember mostly the good times". OSC Bury was right. I now have a four year son, and I hope one day I can take him aboard the Super Sara and share a few memories. Paul Beasley pbeasley@gulfsheriff.com Port St Joe, Florida USA - Tuesday, June 7, 2005 at 9:44 PM. Transferred to Sara (V-2 Division waist cats) in 1957 after serving two years in the Crash & Rescue crew at NAS Quonset Point. When Sara gets to Quonset Point, it will be like a double homecoming for me. I'd love to hear from anyone that served with me at either Quonset or Sara. Don Sager saracva60@optonline.net Torrington, Connecticut USA - Saturday, June 4, 2005 at 9:08 AM. SERVED ON THE SARATOGA FROM MARCH, 1956 TO DEC, 1957 IN THE SECOND DIVISION. I WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM OTHERS SERVING IN THE SAME DIVISION. JOHN LYONS LGRANDMA03@AOL.COM NORTHVALE, NEW JERSEY USA - Friday, June 3, 2005 at 12:19 PM. I SERVED ONBOARD THE SARA FROM DEC82 TO MAY85 IN THE DENTAL DEPT. I WAS A DENTAL TECH. I'M SURE IF ANY OF YOU THAT SERVED DURING THAT TIME PROBABLY TALK TO ME AT SOME POINT IF YOU CAME INTO DENTAL. IF ANYONE OUT THERE SERVED DURING THAT TIME PLEASE DROP ME A LINE. ABOUT TO RETIRE FROM THE RESERVES IN OCT05. I MADE THE SHOWBOAT MED CRUISE AND LEFT THE SHIP FROM THE BAHAMAS IN 85. NICE WAY TO LEAVE. NOTHING BUT FOND MEMORIES MALCOLM PAYNE MCJEFPAY@AOL.COM IRONDALE, AL USA - Thursday, June 2, 2005 at 10:07 PM. I retired in 1995 when the Sara was gutted and locked up at the pier in Mayport. Had a great last deployment. Greetings to all my shipmates from W Division and G-3 Div. Looking forward to hearing from you. Bob Fischer walrus47@bellsouth.net www.palmcoastfish.com Flagler Beach, Florida USA - Thursday, June 2, 2005 at 9:24 PM. Just a correction to the bios for the board of advisors: The CHENG that took Sara through the yards (SLEP) was CAPT Ray Salopek, USN (ret), and NOT CAPT Mike Landers. CAPT Landers was CAPT Salopek's regular relief. Moreover, CDR Al Wirzburger really ran the show, preparing enormous documentation and overseeing myriad of technical details in order to push Sara through the first SLEP in one of the less competent shipyards in the world. A lot of blood and sweat in that period, and credit is due to those who did the work. This note recognizes that subsequent shipmates may have performed well; this is simply a way of setting the record straight. Thanks for the efforts on building this museum. AE A. Elkins elkinsa@nwc.navy.mil Newport, RI USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 at 8:30 AM. v-3 div. 63 to 65 walt sinese phi2885@aol.com palm harbor, fl. USA - Sunday, May 29, 2005 at 5:41 PM. G-1 Divison, Weapons Dept. 1976 - 1979. Guys, you know who you are. I hope you didn't grow old over the years. Joe McGinley JPompton@aol.com Pompton Plains, New Jersey USA - Saturday, May 28, 2005 at 10:24 AM. I don't remember how I got to Brooklyn Navy Ship Yard but do remember seeing alot of lights and welding about 10 stories above my head. I was suppose to report aboard the Sara but where was she? I was told I was in front of her. I walked up the gang way stepping over alot of cables. It was after midnight and I was taken to the master at arms shack and was given a bunk to sleep on. That was in 1960 and I was ready to head back to the Ozarks in Missouri. I thought I was the lonliest boot in the US Navy. I grew up on board the Sara. I was a skivy waver, a small group of great guys. I have only found one other shipmate, Gerald Baxter living in PA. I was transfered to the USS Manley in 1963 but the Sara was my favotite. I remember running into a german freighter and a fire in the Med. Seen a bunch of planes launching and landing. Had a great time in Barcelona and paid for my first piece. Tom Antrim dantrim@socket.net Mountain View, MO USA - Wednesday, May 18, 2005 at 10:00 PM. I SERVED ABOARD THE SUPER SARA FROM 88-91 IN THE COMMUNICATION DEPT. PLAYED A BUNCH OF SOFTBALL IN PORTSMITH AND IN JAXSONVILLE, HAD THE BEST TIME OF MY LIFE WHILE SERVING ON HER. WANT TO SHOUT OUT TO MASTER CHEIF TURCOTTE YOU WERE A HUGE PART IN MY LIFE, THANKS A BUNCH. Kenneth R. Saintes K.R.SAINTES@COX-INTERNET.COM FRANKLIN, LA. USA - Saturday, May 7, 2005 at 3:26 AM. was proud to serve abord uss saratoga cv-60 and take last cruse befor decom homeport mayport florida martin d estrella mefl2003@aol.com lakeland , florida USA - Friday, May 6, 2005 at 10:57 PM. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 2, 2005 Saratoga Project Gets Green LightSupporters must raise $10 million plus in two years.Served v1 division 1977 -1980 Brian Harrington bharrington2@hvc.rr.com , new york USA - Sunday, May 1, 2005 at 11:02 PM. HELLO TO ALL MY OLD SHIPMATES AND FRIENDS. HOPE YOU'RE ALL DOING WELL. I SERVED ON OLD SUPER SARA FROM 1987-1990. I WAS A MM3 IN "A" GANG, A/C&R SHOP AND THEN SERVED IN THE PRODUCTION CONTROL DIVISION (TROUBLE CALL SHOP). SURE GLAD TO SEE THAT SUPER 60 FROM DIXIE IS BEING TURNED INTO A MUSEUM. HOPE EVERYTHING WORKS OUT. WOULD BE GREAT TO TAKE A TRIP TO SEE THE OLD GIRL AND SHOW MY FAMILY WHERE I LIVED FRO ALMOST 4 YEARS. BERT GILMORE NEW ORLEANS, LA USA - Sunday, May 1, 2005 at 3:07 PM. Hi to all my Saratoga shipmates. I would like to make contact with anyone who served with and might have known me between 1963 and 1967. I'm originally from Johnstown, PA but now live in Lakeland, Florida (thanks to Uncle Sam introducing me to Mayport). I was assigned to the A-5 Division Boat Shop where we were responsible for the running gear of all the liberty launches, life boats and Captain's Gig. We also ran and maintained the 3 Emergency Diesel Generators. I wonder how many people are aware of the fact that the Sara's Captain's Gig was originally built and served as Prseident Franklin D. Roosevelt's Presidential Barge? Does it still exist, I wonder? I had the pleasure of returning to the 'Toga Boat for the 1991 Dependents Cruise, where I discovered my name was still visible in 3 of the 4 places I remember writing it before I left her in 1967. Can you tell I love the old girl? Greg Greg Rager gregrager@aol.com Lakeland, Florida USA - Saturday, April 30, 2005 at 12:36 PM. I SERVED ABOARD THE SARA.FROM 1961 TO 1963, WAS IN G-DIV. WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM AND SHIPMATES Bill Stovall bstovall@alltel.net Toccoa, Ga USA - Friday, April 29, 2005 at 7:30 PM. Hello: I am a former crew member having served on board 1989-1990 in 1st Division. I hope all is well with former shipmates and for those who may remember me. I would love to hear from guys in Deck or Navigation who were on board during that time. NEVER FORGET THE FALLEN SHIPMATES WHO LOST THIER LIVES IN DECEMBER OF 1990! God bless everyone associated with this great lady-USS SARATOGA CV-60! Robb Sawin bigten0102@aol.com http://profiles.yahoo.com/bigten0102 Carbondale, Illinois USA - Friday, April 22, 2005 at 5:01 PM. Coming into your website to research Saratoga and her history. Particularly interested in her Airwing, Association with RN's Illustrious, and the AA Fit in latter war years. This is with a view to Modeling my Fav US WW2 A/C Carrier, the great WW2 Survivor!! and best UK carrier Illustrious. Richard Hayden richard.hayden@sigmakalon.com Blackpool, Lancashire UK - Friday, April 22, 2005 at 2:39 PM. cool submarine photos..... i know that i have never been to the rael museum, i have searched many things about submarines and photos that helped me in building up my project in my college years.... hope youll post more on your site..... Bernard Siao csm_danong@yahoo.com cebu, Philippines - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 at 4:37 PM. i reported for duty on the saratoga on feb. 14 1973 and served aboard until my discharge(honorable) on 17 october 1975.no matter how the years go by, i never forgot the good times and good friends i had onboard. i was a signalman(smsn)and i'll forever in my heart thank and cherrish chief garringer and sm1 o.c.smith (o'neil cornelius) at the time i was a kid,but they helped to turn me into the man i am today.i dont know what became of them but i'm hoping that they or their family members read this and know that not only does their country owe them a bit of gratitude but so do i.so i'd like to say thank you for being men of character and integrity.although they were my superiors i'm proud to say they were true friends. george h. rotundo (brooklyn) supurbian@aol.com brooklyn, new york USA - Saturday, April 9, 2005 at 1:42 AM. Thanks to this website I have found another former shipmate from HS-7. I just want to let any other old Shamrockers out there that we are having another reunion. This time it will be in Washington D.C., in July. We are looking for guys that served with HS-7 from 1970-1973. Contact me for more info. John DiMasso jmdimasso@amplex.net Woodville, ohio USA - Tuesday, April 5, 2005 at 10:01 AM. PLEASE RESPOND, i have an uncle who was killed in the '91 ferry boat accident, and served on the SARATOGA CV60. My grandparents, his parents, would love to talk to anyone who knows about the accident or served on the ship. He was a navy seal by the name of Brent Allen MCcreight. PLEASE RESPOND, i have left my Email address. 4/03/05 Alicia Lishars18@yahoo.com La Grange, Kentucky USA - Sunday, April 3, 2005 at 4:22 PM. I served aboard thr Sara from Mar 66 to Sept 68, making Med cruises in 66 and 67. I worked for the Air Boss in both the Air Dept Office and pri-fly Joe Chicklowski JChick47@juno.com , USA - Sunday, April 3, 2005 at 4:16 PM. To all our shipmates and friends. May you have a happy year and we will save our lady. John Morgan (Hawk) seajeminc@hotmail.com Canandaigua, New York USA - Monday, March 28, 2005 at 8:23 PM. Served with HS-7; '71 Med Cruise & '72 West Pac. First HS-7 crewman to fly "in country". Fantastic news, learning of the museum. Look forward to hearing from my shipmates. Larry Bryant, AWCS, RET whatmud@bellsouth.net Knoxville, TN USA - Monday, March 28, 2005 at 10:16 AM. Chief Guthrie!! I recieved your email,but deleted it by mistake,before getting your email address. Saratoga V2 Maint.87-91 Tyrone Phair typhair@rogers.com , - Sunday, March 20, 2005 at 9:03 PM. v-2 waist cat cpo during gulf war stephen guthrie umc40jaxdad@hotmail.com jacksonville, fla USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 at 5:36 AM. I am writing to inquire some information or just some crazy stories you might of shared with my dad Culberth Quitman Akins or better known as "Skip". He served aboard the USS Saratoga from Oct.1964-69. BEST wishes to you ALL and once again THANK YOU!! Sincerly, Steve Akins Steve Akins Snookd@Hotmail.com WPB, Florida USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 at 8:35 PM. Looking for anyone who knew my Uncle, CHUCK DUNWOODIE. Served on Saratoga July 1931 to march 1932. Thanks. Carole Steele Carole Steele merlin, Oregon USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 at 11:47 AM. I am looking forward to seeing the Sara brought over to Quonset. It will be great to see a carrier back at Quonset. Jim Cafferky,Sr jc5@verizon.net North Kingstown, RI USA - Sunday, March 13, 2005 at 9:45 PM. i was one of the crew on the u.s.s. saratoga in the early 70 we did a 9 mounth in the med. 1972 i think.good luck on your work on the old girl.us navy from 1962-1982 thomas w belflowere waynejohn141@aol.com metairie , la. 70003 USA - Friday, March 11, 2005 at 12:10 AM. My uncle passed away 2- years ago. His name was Eddie Sumerlin. He served on Saratogo in WW2. He was at Okinawa and Iwo Jima. He had a Puple Heart from kamakazi attacks.I think he was a gunner. Is there anybody out there that knew him? Victor Sumerlin sumerlinm@aol.com San Antonio, Texas USA - Thursday, March 10, 2005 at 7:37 PM. I was looking for the Welcome Home information and wanted you guys to know that if you go to http://www.operationhomecomingusa.com/ it will tell you all about the Operation Homecoming that is going to be in Branson MO in June. I am not a Vet, but my Uncle was a Medic in VietNam. He has not had any contact with anyone else from the war since he came home and I have been encouraging him to go to these functions to meet others that have been where he was. His name is Eddie Foster and he is from Mississippi. I am not sure what branch he was in. Jennifer Hurst tackettlj@alltel.net Bee Branch, AR USA - Saturday, March 5, 2005 at 11:05 AM. I served on aboard the SARA from 1963 to 1966 in Attack Squadron 34, the Blue Blasters, and was Legal Yeoman and Admin Yeoman. Made three cruises to the Med. I would like to hear from members of VA-34 or ship's company who were also on board at that time. Looking forward to visiting the Big 60 from Dixie when the park opens. Jim Resh Jim Resh reshja@yahoo.com Richmond, Indiana USA - Friday, February 25, 2005 at 10:47 PM. Was aboard the Sara from 1968 to 1970 and did a Med Cruise and a Gitmo readiness cruise. Michael A. Schaak popeye10@tampabay.rr.com Sarasota , Florida USA - Friday, February 25, 2005 at 10:26 PM. 1 served on the sara 1968 to 1969 (ret.) looking for shipmates from s/2 division. or any one was on the good old mighty sara. billy lee cs1 (ret) billy lee commisaryman 1/c billy532@webtv.net middleburg, fl. USA - Friday, February 25, 2005 at 2:11 PM. MM3 in the A gang, worked for Lt Bob Gill. Looking to hear from Bob Gill and Tony Newell. Best regards Ken A. Terry terry_ken_a@sbcglobal.net Huntington, CT 06484 USA - Thursday, February 24, 2005 at 1:00 PM. Has anyone heard of the WelcomehomeUSA project? It is suppose to take place in Branson,Mo. in June. I heard something about this on the radio,recently,but didn't get that much information about it. It is being done to offically welcome home Viet Nam veterans.Something that is long overdue. If I find any info about this project,I'll certainly put it at this website to inform others but if anyone has heard about this,I would like to hear about that. Thanks. Remember to keep our troops in your prayers. John DiMasso Woodville, ohio USA - Thursday, February 24, 2005 at 11:37 AM. I reported to the Saratoga in November of 1968 at the yards in Philly as an EMFA. Was assigned to E-Division office because I could type, was there during sea trials and Gitmo, it sucked then but looking back it allowed me to know alot of guys in the Division that I otherwise wouldn't have known. Later I worked in the A&O shop on the stores, bomb and deck-edge elevators and played poker with alot of electricians on alot of nights in the Med. Made 2 med cruises, '69 and '70 made EM2 and transferred to the USS Power, DD-839 in Mayport as well. Would love to hear from anyone, Dennis Schultz, David Wall, Harry Bostedo, Wart Simonton, Rhett Secrist, Kevin Searles, Casey Vidmar, Don Klein from Bellingham, WA, Don Cline from Arkansas, Peter D. North, and more....can't believe I remember all those names after all this time. Great times in Athens, Palma, Barcelona, Naples, Rhodes even Valletta, Malta. If anyone remembers me get in touch! Bruce Mallernee bmallernee@satx.rr.com San Antonio, Texas USA - Thursday, February 24, 2005 at 10:07 AM. Hello and good luck to all who are working on the SARATOGA project. I am planning a visit to the area and would love to see the ship, even if it is not really open to the public yet. I served on board from 1963-66 and it's a great ship which should be restored to let everyone visit it. I would appreciate an email from somone letting me know if I could at least see the Big 60 this summer. Thanks so much. Jim Resh Jim Resh reshja@yahoo.com Richmond, Indiana USA - Saturday, February 19, 2005 at 11:14 PM. HELLO TO ALL THE R-DIV SHIPMATES 82-83.5 ERICHJ KNEUTE ZEPPLIN92@MSN.COM KEYPORT, N.J. USA - Sunday, February 13, 2005 at 3:06 PM. Any one out there from 71-73 V4 division there is a reunion planed for June If intrested please e-mail me Sal Cannilla salcan1951@aol.com Lindenwold, NJ USA - Thursday, February 10, 2005 at 4:01 PM. I was on board from 78 till the ship yards in 1981 in v4 division. i worked below decks and the flight deck. i would love to hook up with some old ship mates of mine and see how yall have been, stoorza, bare, and the whole fuels gang. my computer is down for now but would love to hear from any of ya. 417-442-7494 " Buzz " Greg E. Bradley Monett, Missouri USA - Tuesday, February 8, 2005 at 1:47 PM. HELLO SHIPMATES JUST WANTED TO LET YOU KNOW ABOUT WHAT WE ARE FIGHTING FOR. CHECK OUT THE WEB SIGHT OF THE USS ORISKANY. THEY CALL HER THE EX-ORISKANY. SHE IS GOING TO BE SUNK OFF THE COAST OF FLORIDA NEAR PENSACOLA FOR A ARTFICIAL REEF FOR FISH. LOOK AT HER WEB SITE AND DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN TO OUR SHIP. THE GOVERMENT THINKS ITS A GOOD IDEA AND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2004 ETC ETC. YOU READ THE STORY AND SEE JUST HOW YOU FEEL. (NO DAM FISH HOME FOR MY SHIP)HOOT HOOT FROM VAH-9 CAG-3 GUY 1961-1963 JERRY FERRARA ELVISJF1@AOL.COM HAUPPAUGE, NEW YORK USA - Tuesday, February 8, 2005 at 10:46 AM. Hello Saratoga shipmates. I was a member of Sara's crew from January 1983-January 1985. I have nothing but fond memories of my time on board, especially our 1984 Med Cruise. I appreciate the hard work that Mr. Lennon and all the volunteers have done over the last few years to make this dream a reality. Taking a trip to Rhode Island and showing my wife and kids this great ship someday will be wonderful. gary hitch garyh40@msn.com croydon, pa USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 at 7:14 AM. Plankowner of Saratoga (55-59) First in N Div as QMSN, then to JO School to return to Sara and into Admin Division. One incident I recall was giving a retired Navy Captain and his wife a tour of the ship right after commissioning and I became lost on this the largest warship in the world. We were on the 03 level, starboard side and heading aft looking for a way to the flight deck. I asked a couple other sailors if they knew how we could get to the flight deck, "Don't know, we're lost too!" Eventually we found a hatch were daylight was noted and up we went finding ourselves at the aft end of the flight deck. This retired captain I learned later sent a letter to our skipper, Captain Stroh of my embarrasment. A great site you have and looking forward to viewing again this great carrier this Fall during a navy net tender reunion to be held in Providence, RI. George Cates, JOC USN Ret. A 30 year retiree! Bergman, Arkansas George Cates geocates@alltel.net Bergman, Arkansas USA - Wednesday, February 2, 2005 at 9:53 PM. I am emailing for my father, William Merz. He was on the USS Saratoga, and I was wondering if we could take a tour of the ship. I know it's not open to the public as of yet, but if my Dad could just take a peek, he would love it. Sincerely, Veronica McCoy vmerz@abbotthouse.net WILLIAM MERZ PEEKSKILL, NEW YORK USA - Monday, January 31, 2005 at 1:14 PM. I was stationed aboard the USS Lake Champlain while she was home ported at Quonset Point and when she was decommissioned, I was lucky enough to be assigned to VS 39 (Airantisubmarine Squadron) also home ported at Quonset Point. I wish the Sara all the luck in the world and hope someday to visit. Arnold J. Ladd jobuckin50@aol.com N/A Anderson, Indiana USA - Sunday, January 30, 2005 at 9:29 AM. I almost forgot. If any of my shipmates out there are interested ,the USS North Carolina (BB 55) has a living history crew. We are all former Navy, we have sailors from every type of ship aboard. From tin can sailors to bubble heads to air wingers. We also have crew members come from as far away as Maryland and Georgia. We are looking for people with an interest in WW2 Navy living. If you're interested go to www.battleshipnc.com and look under the lucky bag icon for an application. It's only a couple of bucks to join, and you get a newsletter and a schedule for the meets. We always have a good time and the visitors love to see us in WW2 uniforms. I hope to see you guys soon. God speed. AOAN Kelly McKernan kmckernan2@ec.rr.com Newport , NC USA - Saturday, January 29, 2005 at 10:14 AM. I served aboard the Sara from 1988 to 1991. I was an AO in VFA-81 Sunliners. If any of my old shipmates read this, please drop me an e-mail. Oh yeah, IYAOYAS.( all you AOs know what it means.) AOAN Kelly McKernan kmckernan2@ec.rr.com Newport, NC USA - Saturday, January 29, 2005 at 10:00 AM. VF-31 Tomcatter,served aboard "SARA" from 1963-1966 as Plane Captain on A/C # 105, F4B Phantom II.Please check out the VF-31 Tomcatters Association Website at http://www.tomcattersassociation.org.Looking for any fgormer Tomcatter from that time frame. Does anyone remember the "PAN AM CLUB" in Barcelona ?? "FELIX RULES" BOB "BROOKLYN" GREENBERG sv57en@aol.com http://www.tomcattersassociation.org Kerhonkson, New York USA - Friday, January 28, 2005 at 8:59 AM. This is an updated message. New email thomassentner@bellsouth.net. Was in VF-31 aviation ordnance from 67 - 70. Served with a fine group of men. Spent 13 months aboard the SARA, it was great in retrospect. At the time all I wanted to do was get out & go home, which was Pittsburgh, Pa. Now live near Atlanta, Ga. 770 466-9140 call if you are in the area. Tom Sentner thomassentner@bellsouth.net Loganville, Georgia USA - Friday, January 28, 2005 at 1:41 AM. Hey Shipmates, It's great to hear about the Super Sara she was one of the best. I served on board 92-94 in V-2 division Bow Cats (Big Guns) I was also part of the decom crew. Is she open to the public officially as yet I would love to take my 2 girls to see her. Please could someone drop me a line with some information. Kevin Gillett bze81@hotmail.com Evanston, IL USA - Thursday, January 27, 2005 at 11:18 PM. i love this site its the bomb degree mumu muhammed mumu_muhammed@yahoo.com www.mumu.com mugu, mumu USA - Thursday, January 27, 2005 at 12:37 PM. i served aboard the uss saratoga cv-60 for four long years. i was a 3rd class ms and i loved it! i really miss my shipmates and the times we had, both good and bad. i was wondering, why is it being called cva-60, when i was on board we called her cv-60? i served during the gulf war between 88 and 92. please write me back when you get a chance ok? i'm very interested. thank you so much dave charles david baisden cbaisden2004@yahoo.com greenup, kentucky USA - Wednesday, January 26, 2005 at 12:19 PM. Hi guys! Have recently visited the Juliett! Just now finding the time to come look at the Saratoga. My dad was a Quartermaster on the destroyer USS Guess. I can remember when the movie Midway hit the screens. My dad took us to see it. When we left the movie...he was crying. When we got home he started searching through his belongings. He came to me with a hunk of metal. That hunk of metal is a piece of the engine block of Japanese Kamikaze plane. He told me how they had blown it out of the sky just a few yards from the ship and how that piece of metal had gone through one of his shipmates killing him. He had saved it all those years. Thanks for the memories in visiting the Juliett. Hopefully, once the weather breaks around here in R.I. I will be able to go visit the Saratoga. I will be posting pictures that I had taken of the Juliett on the day I visited her on my home pages located at: http://home.earthlink.net/~glass_slippers/. Those photos will be available on 1/25/05. Thanks for sharing! Steven Wilkinson Steve Steven Wilkinson opaljaguar@earthlink.net Cranston, R.I. USA - Monday, January 24, 2005 at 9:23 AM. I was on board the Sara from 1962-1963. I am pleased to see that she wasn't scrapped also. Will be looking forward to taking a trip to the East coast to see her. I will be retiring in Feb., and look forward to that time. Jerry M. Nelles pjnelles@commplusis.net Marshfield, WI USA - Saturday, January 22, 2005 at 3:23 PM. Been a while since I have made an entry. I am really glad they are saving Sara; was on her 33 years ago. I can't wait to take my kids and grand kids to see her. Thanks for all the great memories. Randy Cameron HT3. 1970-1972 Randy Cameron rcameron@mcc.edu Grand Blanc, MI USA - Friday, January 21, 2005 at 10:01 AM. I was aboard from June 1982 to Dec 1984 and in S-7 division. I look forward to hearing from anyone that served with me, especially Jim Blakeney, Patrick Huges or Ramon Rios. Richard Olsen olse4664@bellsouth.net Irmo, South Carolina USA - Thursday, January 13, 2005 at 9:43 AM. My father-in-law passed away last week 1-4-05 - during WWII he served on the Sara. His name was Anthony P L (LEE) Skowron, in talking with older family members he joined after first being on the Ranger. My wife remember a plaque he had stating "Thanks from the Officers and Men of The SAratoga." We found 2 purple hearts and one DFC in his belongings. Any information would be appreciated not only by us but also his grandchildren. Thanks P.S. Yes "Moose" Skowron was related, he is his cousin. Lou Fanticolla Cherry Hill, NJ USA - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 at 1:31 PM. I'm very thankful that the ship is being saved. As a former sailor on the Saratoga from 1984-1987 from VA-81/CVW17, I can tell you I'm thanking God that you are saving the ship. This web site brings back many many fond memberies of my two cruises. One from April 1984-October 1984 and the other from August 1985-April 1986. But for me October 10 1985 was the biggest day of my life. The Achille Lauro Story. It will 20 years this October since that day. I hope we will remember it as well of all the ship history from 1954-1995. Please let me know if you need any pictures and anything that I do can to help? Thank you for reading this. Kenneth Hafner kenhafe@rochester.rr.com Hamlin, New York USA - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 at 1:14 AM. Hi former shipmates!! Served on the mighty Sara from 68-72 in V-4 Division. Have many great memories and think of the great times we had at sea. Our division has had a reunion and are in the process of planning another one. Would love to hear from any former shipmates. Long live the Sara and can't wait for the R.I. Park to open!! God Bless one and all!! Ken Kerr kbskerr@worldnet.att.net Derby, NY USA - Saturday, January 8, 2005 at 8:06 AM. Hello from a sailor who served on 6 ships in Med from 60 to 63. Once had opportunity to purchase your 59 Med Cruise Book but passed it up. Hoping to locate swabbies from TACRON 22...God Bless, smooth sailing. Clark RM2 George Clark RM2 BluefishGeorge@msn.com Upper Darby, PA USA - Thursday, January 6, 2005 at 8:04 PM. I heard that SARA was decommisioned. I am very happy to find out that she hasn't been scrapped. Served '86 to '90 as IC in "E" div. A ton of great memories as I grew up and learned what responsibility really is. I want to wish all a happy new year. Good luck with the project. Ken Braley bkbraley@aol.com West Olive , MI USA - Wednesday, January 5, 2005 at 9:27 PM. Served in V-3 division from 64-66. Had a brother, Bob, in V-1 from 63-65. Gerald C. Portner gerryportner@hotmail.com Longview, WA United States - Wednesday, January 5, 2005 at 7:47 PM. To all a Happy New Year. may you all find what you are looking for. I was on the Sara from 64-67 in N-div. But spent a lot time in aft.steering. Hope to see you all at the next reunion.Hawk John Morgan seajeminc@hotmail.com Canandaigua, New York USA - Monday, January 3, 2005 at 5:53 PM. looking for a mate last name hut or hutt server 64-65 joe d wilson joew@dunbarton.com , USA - Monday, January 3, 2005 at 12:11 PM. served on the saratoga 1964-65 fuels division joe d wilson joew@dunbarton.com dothan, al USA - Monday, January 3, 2005 at 11:35 AM. This is to wish everyone a very special Happy New Year. Also, live the SARA. from the Hawk John Morgan seajeminc@hotmail.com Canandaigua, New York USA - Friday, December 31, 2004 at 1:35 PM. Welcome to the Official USS Saratoga Museum Foundation web site guestbook. Leave some comments for us - tell those who visit this web site what you think about the project - good, bad or indifferent... David Kerwood, West Bay Web <wbw@wbwip.com> North Kingstown, RI USA North Kingstown, RI USA Guestbook entries for all of 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 have been archived. The 1999 archive can be found here. The 2000 archive can be found here. The 2001 archive can be found here. The 2002 archive can be found here. The 2003 archive can be found here. The 2004 archive can be found here. The 2005 archive can be found here. The 2006 archive can be found here. The 2007 archive can be found here. The 2008 archive can be found here. | ||||
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