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![]() Archived messages - January - December 2003If you are looking for a particular name or word on this rather lengthy page, use your browser's "Find" function to ferret it out quickly.
Hi, Happy Holidays to all... In an earler post Dated Aug 14,2003 I posted a letter about my father Robert D. Still I had since changed my email. Here is the new one. MzKathylynn@msn.com .If anyone knew my dad, My family and myself would be happy to hear from anyone....Kathy..
Served Aboard the U.S.S Saratoga from 12/89 to 05/92, V3 Division.. Nice work you have done to this website keep it up.
Served on Sara 91-92 aboard the Dental Clinic as a DT2 and it was my last duty assignment in the Navy. It was a great Med-Cruise and made great friendships during my time.
Served aboard the "Sara" from Oct. 1958 until Dec,1961. Was in V-2 Div. (arresting gear). Have a lot of memories from those days. Some good and some bad. Wouldn't trade any of them.I have found some of my shipmates on this site and would like to hear from others.
hi shipmates, was onboard SARA 55-57, S-2(cook) Div., originally from NY, now out west... have had no contact since discharge,, do remember a few names, mike smith, harrigan, anyway, if anyone remembers me, or was onboard then, drop a line.. R.R. Been gone from this web site for two years. Checked a few names I seem to recall. My name is Ron Bakanic, DK3, S-4 Div. I paid all you guys on pay day. Served aboard the Sara from 63-66 Made a total of 21/2 Med cruises. Because of this site I heard from an old shipmate after 34 yrs.
Thought everyone died by now., so its good to keep this site alive. It was good to hear from somebody out there especially when your alone in this world. Happy Holidays to all.
3 MMR........
Was anyone in Company (764) at Great Lakes boot camp Dec, Jan, Feb of 1955-56? I'd like to hear from you
Just want to wish all Saratoga Shipmates a Happy Holiday season. I served in S-1 Division back from Sept 58 until October 61. Retired from the Navy in 1978 as a Chief SK. SERVED ABOARD SARA FROM SEPT 1962 TILLJULY 1965 HAD MANY GREAT TIMES ABOARD WITH 4TH DIVISION BOATSWAINS
WAS HELMS MAN ON BRIDGE WATCH ALSO WAS A COXSWAINONUB 5 OR UB 4 To all Plank Owners I reported to Bklyn Naval Station over 48 years ago (Oct 55) to put SARA in commission. I was one of the first 100 to report aboard. We had a great pre-com detail at Brooklyn We had a great crew when Captain "Red" Stroh placed her in commission on April 14 1956. Can you believe so many years have passed, to be exact 48. I was in Supply starting out in the Commissary Div S-2 as an SK2, then moved up to the Supply Admin Office working for CDR Sullivan. I was transferred to COM6thFlt Staff on our 1st Med Cruise. Remember that emergency exit from Cannes to Beruit. The Flagship operated with SARA until she returned to Mayport. I remained with 6th Flt Staff until 1963. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all Plank Owners, and other SARA crew members a very Happy and Safe Christmas and New Years. She was a great ship and we had a great crew. The last ship I put in commission the JFK has replaced her at Mayport,Oh good old Mayport. Remember the old saying who painted the Mascot Green. Best wishes to all. Anyone who may remember me please get in touch.
Jim Prior
excellent site, best regards from France. I would like to wish all of the shipmates at have served aboard the SARA a very MERRY CHRISTMAS.We all did our job with honor.Ilike the website very must I check It daily to see If I can find any of my old friends.
Served from 57 to 63 and enjoyed It all.
Bryant Blakeley navybilt57@yahoo.com
I made a Med cruise on the Sara in 1977, with VAQ-138. I worked half the cruise as an AME flight deck troubleshooter, then ticked off the C.O. (turned out I was right-Cdr. Newman!) then spent the rest of the cruise as a compartment cleaner. Not all bad, the hours were better, but I lost my flight deck pay.
I made a Med cruise on the Sara in 1977, with VAQ-138. I worked half the cruise as an AME flight deck troubleshooter, then ticked off the C.O. (turned out I was right-Cdr. Newman!) then spent the rest of the cruise as a compartment cleaner. Not all bad, the hours were better, but I lost my flight deck pay.
nice page
I was on the Sara from 1957 through 1959 E-divisuion MM3 made a lot of friends who I still keep in contact with.
I was on Sara from 1972 to 1975. G- Division Mag Crew and Flight Deck crew. I think of my ship mates often and would love to hear from you. I was known as MOUSE. Looking for a VietNam 72-73 cruise book can any body help me out?
I was on the Sara from 88-92. It was my first duty station, I was in G-2(weps)as a SN and later became a GMG3 and SN agian.... But made GMG3 again before leaving. If it hadn't been for an ollld man on the ship (CWO2 Gunner Johnson)It may have been much worse. I had some great friends on there. I missed the Haifa ferry accident by a phone call, decided to make one more call before going back to the ship. I later recieved a Navy Comm for actions during the rescue in Haifa bay. If anyone remembers me or anyone else for that matter, feel free to contact me via e-mail, would love to hear from some old ship mates.Have tried to contact a couple peolpe who have posted on here, hopfully will hear from them soon.
Greetings, I can't wait for the ship to get moved. I have told my wife to plan on a vacation as soon as she is ready. It is 3,000 miles to see the old Sara and relive some memories. I would especially like to show my grandkids what grandad served on. Keep the faith and keep up the good work.
OI DIV, 1974-1976
My father inlaw was on the Sara, and he wants to be connected as a Plankowner? I told him I'd look into it.
His name is Richard Vendetta, he was on the maiden voyage as a boiler man. Can you direct me to the plankowner group.
Or direct me to some information about Plank Owners? Norm
The Super Sara, we in MM1 (the hole) new her and loved her as "the suckin 60 from Dixie" I was a Machinist Mate assigned to 1 main machinery Room. Would love to hear from MM's and Bt's working any of the MM's from 65 to 67 great times and the best of the best to have had the privelage to serve with and work along side. ron6906@yahho.com
I was on the Saratoga in WESTPAC and the yards of Portsmith 1972-1973.
I served from 1983-1987 onboard the "Super Sara" in the Deck Dept. 2nd Division "The Zoo". I did the 1984 Med Cruise and the 1985-86 Med/IO cruise. Had a lot of great liberty in Naples, Toulon, Palma, Malaga and many others. Also, enjoyed "doin the ditch" as we crossed the Suez Canal. I got to become a "Shellback" as we crossed the equator and became the first carrier to go pierside in Diego Garcia. Singapore was beautiful on Christmas in 1995. Was sorry we had to hurry back thru the suez canal, but we had to take care of Khadaffi. He found out about his "Line of death". I got to steer the Sara many hours as Helmsman and loved it and also got to pipe "All hands" over the 1MC as Botswains Mate of the watch many times. Honorably Discharged as BM2 in Jan. 1987 and am enjoying life and family in Jacksonville, FL. Would love to hear from any of my old shipmates.
Mein Hobby ist es Gaestebuecher zu besuchen. Das ist immer ganz interessant und widerspiegelt so, was die Leute im Internet wirklich denken. War auch interessant bei Dir ! Bis zum naechsten Mal. (kann leider kein Englisch)
I had a great friend that was stationed on Sara from 82-86. I was lucking enough to go on a 1 day family cruise and get pictures of aircraft touch and go's, the galley and many more interesting areas. I would visit him often aboard the ship and found it very interesting. It will always be a part of me even though I never enlisted. I am now seeking this long, lost friend. His name is Joe Walker, aka Lil' Joe. He woked on the boilers. If anyone may have any information or where I can go from here, please e-mail me at veri0447905@yahoo.com. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks, A.V.
Hey! Nice site. Enjoy your day.
Served aboard the Sara in 58 to 61 with VF-32. Good to see a few other squadron mates check in. Like to say hi to Carl Beachamp, I know you are a frequent visitor to this site. Hi Carl! Would like to see more VF-32ers sign on. Great website, brings back alot of memories. I served in the Navy from 1955-1959,(Aboard Sara 1957-1959)during peacetime. I still think it's a shame that, because my period of duty to my Country, that I am not eligible for Membership in the American Legion. I have argued my point all the way to the National Commander but to no avail. Perhaps I should have started with Congress since it takes an Act Of Congress to change the eligibility dates.
I know that I'm not alone in this thing but maybe if enough Veterans in the same situation got together and made enough noise, then maybe, just maybe, we could turn it around. I am still of the belief that the American Legion should be open to ALL HONORABLY DISCHARGED VETERANS, regardless of when served.
Veterans Day: November 11th, 2003. I wish everyone who served on this ship a wonderful and blessed day. I was stationed on this ship from 1988-1992. I remember her being in the yards in Norfolk at the time when I stood as a fresh third class Petty officer seeing Sea duty for the first time, standing firewatch as civilians from Shop 51 welded various components onto her hull. I also remember the change of command as CAPT Mobley gave the reins over to CAPT Drager in a colorful cerimony down in Mayport, FL, where she was stationed alongside the USS Forrestal. I have alot of memories of the four+ years I was stationed onboard this ship...including Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm as I sit here typing this, holding the four medals earned during my Naval enlistment. It is my wish that in reflecting upon my own experiences that I wish all who wear (or have worn) the uniform my sincerest thanks for serving this country.
To:Vicki Norris Taylor
I was on the Saratoga during the time of the boiler fire and I remember your brother the E-mail address in your message did not work.
Served in S-1 December 62 - July 65. Almost 40 years later I never realized how good we had it.
Hello shipmates.I served aboard sara in V3-DIV. from
1978 to 1980. I made two med cruises and was on sara
in sept. of 1980 when she made her voyage to philadelphia
navel ship yard.I would be pleased to hear from any of
my old shipmates
V-6 Division Vets from the 1950's and early '60's. Gerald Church and me have attended last three reunions at Calif., Branson, Mo., and Dearborn, Mi. We need some more of the old V-6 gang to re-unite with us. Give us a shout and get piped aboard! Chester Robinson
I just wanted to correct the e-mail address on my previous entry.
My wife and I were on vacation in August and took a trip up to Newport, RI. While we were there we stopped by the naval base. We couldn't get in to see the Sara close up but guards at the entrance told us where to go to get a look at Sara and the Forrestal. We had a good view of the two ships and we were sorry we didn't have our camera with us because it was a beautiful sunny day and it would have been a good shot. Seeing Sara brought back a lot of memories for me and I was happy that I got to see her.
i served aboard the sara in the 70's lots of good memories..along with loses of crewmates..glad to see she will see life in a more peaceful state than when i served
very informative and educative so keep it on
I am planning to do a watercolor painting of the USS Saratoga and looking for reference photographs. Does anyone have any color photos of the USS Saratoga.
Planning to do a painting with a side or bow profile of the ship, and would like to have other ships in the background. Thinking of trying to have the ship during a Desert War or Vietnam scene. Any material sent will be returned. Do you know I can purchase any reference material? Thank You for your help with the painting.
Bill Mac Gregor
756A Greenville Avenue
Johnston, RI 02919
I went to the commissioning ceremony of the Chafee and saw her sitting there. I hope you guys can get her into museum shape. It appears she has a lot of great history and I would love one day to take my boys on her. I watch movies like Midway and Pearl and wonder what it was like to serve on her. I was in the army from 91-94 and alway longed to see her in her glory. I hope to someday.
i was a quartermaster on the sara on the 1976 med cruise and i witnessed the f4 plane crash at sea where lt robert hutchinson vf-31 and ltjg michael collins vf-31 were both killed when the plane crashed in the med does anyone know the exact date of that accident ????may god bless thesemen and god bless america my e mail is cruiserkf1@netzero.com or cruiserkf@yahoo.com
I served aboard her from 196o to 1962 And im looking forward to going aboard when it becomes a miseuum i knew that ship from srem to stern. Iwas in the Damage control division, i would ;ove to be kept in touch with as to the progress of its openng, thank you so much Fn James T Hughes jr 132 WEestminister rd East Weymouth Mass and my Phone Number Is 781-335-5697. Thank You I was so glad to hear of this; I would like to help if I can make this dream come true. I miss being a part of her life. She had changed my life - I was young when I came aboard for the first time. I would like to offer my time to get her ready for the first day of the rest of her new life. God knows she deserves this after her life, she has lived and saved world over.
Thank you and please call or write me at 817-269-9161 or Norman Cozby 1321 Red Mapel Carrollton TX 75007 Served on SARATOGA from FEB 76 to FB 79, 3 med trips and loads and loads of the wonderful stuff that causes something called "Mail Call" Have run into fellow crewmembers here in San Antonio of all places. Small world we live in. Smooth Sailing and Fair Winds to my Shipmates.
Hello, I think what your doing is Awesome. My neighbor here in Maine served on the USS Saratoga and was asking me today if i think i could find a cruise book(copy) for the years 1964/1965. So do you have any idea's where i might find one for him?? A reply on this would be ever so Great. Thank You and Semper Fi...
I served aboard "SARA" from 1985-87 attached to VA-83; made 2 Med cruises. Great memories !!
Good Luck in this endeavour. I am a big fan of air museums and one featuring the Saratoga as it's center piece would indeed be great addition to world of aviation historical sites.
As a former sailor stationed on the "Super Sara" I am so very pleased that a group such as yours is taking the interest in preserving such a fine vessel. I do look forward to someday taking my children on a tour, showing them my old shop maybe and the berthing space where I spent seemingly so little of my time. Thank you again for your efforts.
Would like to visit Saratoga, Forrestal, and Iowa up close. Is there any public access to even get near the piers at Newport Naval Station?
I have just returned home from the Tailhook Convevtion in Sparks,Nevada. My wife and I were representing the U.S.S.Ranger and we were assigned a booth to share with the U.S.S.Saratoga. Sharing was not what we had in mind but we survived. Bill Sheridan and Monty Montez are great guys and we had a lot of fun together. Keep up the good work
How about a burner status down there in 1mmr? Any of you powder-pusses from the class of 74-76 monitor this site? If so drop me a line, I think of you liberty hounds alot.
Served aboard from 77-80 with the Screwtops VAW-123.Friends
were made on the flight deck,down to the bilges.Seventeen
years old,and clueless,never did I comprehend the impact of
serving on CV-60, would affect my life.To this day,I am
It's great to see that the site has been returned to normalcy. Thanks David!!
Served from 77 to 81, I was in the oi division. Anyone from there?
MIDWAY NEWS IS GOOD NEWS I once knew a man who ran a butcher shop out in the outskirts of a town. When a major grocery store chain started to build across the street I voiced the opinion that, "that was bad news for you right?" "Wrong, they will draw the crowds many of whom are prone to buy their meats from a butcher shop." His prediction was proven correct as he prospered. The concept of air power on the high seas is a bulwark of our society, and a 'grid' of carrier museums stationed throughout North America will be an on-going part of our heritage for many generations to come. The MIDWAY advances are a clear sign for things to come for all of our great aircraft carriers which will be welcomed where ever they are stationed as museums and technological theme parks. KEEP ON THE FIRING LINE
VF-31 Tomcatter,from 1963-1966,working the roof of "SARA" as plane captain on A/C # 105, F4B Phantom II. Have touched base with lots of "Old Buddies" but am still waiting to hear
from Amicarelli,Zavackus,Greene,Osowski,White,Wallace,Law, and Tony.Check out our VF-31 "TOMCATTERS " website for lots of SARATOGA and aircraft Photos.
Don, et al - I normally monitor this page every few days, and set traps for these thieving ignorant b*stards that try to push their ads in this guestbook. Every once in a while one of them figures out the scheme and slips a couple past me. Then it's back into damage control and recovery mode while I sweep them out. This last experience though was the worst we've ever had.
Now, it's really getting aggravating to see that the PILL PUSHERS have increased their traffic on this site! When I go to this site, I expect to see news of Sara's progress towards finally becoming a museum, something that all former Sara shipmates have been axiously anticipating for quite sometime now.
To allow these pill pushers to continue to use this site, is undermining the efforts of Frank Lennon and his Staff of Volunteers, as well as the rest of Sara's shipmates and friends. I have written the Webmaster voicing my conplaints. Perhaps, the rest of you should do that too.
I'm still disgusted with these idiots that use this site to sell their pills. I would like to inform any '70-'73 former HS-7 personell that we will be having our third reunion in Orange Park,Florida.From Mar17-20,2004 Come and join a bunch of old Shamrockers,for some old sea stories and cold beer.We have many former officers and enlisted already in our group but we are always looking for others. I don't put my email out for public view anymore because of jerks that send unwanted mail.If you reply at this website or call and leave a message with your number at 419-354-0100 ext.321 I'll call you.
We did have a great site at one time, alot of junk lately. I'm going to give it a rest for a while. Fair winds shipmates.
Hey just going through this site , I served aboard the sara with vf31 in 1960 and 1961 made one med cruise. Will never forget the fire just outside of Athens. Really enjoyed the liberty and the chance to visit Naples and Athens.
Just want to take time today to remember Chic Burlingame and all the other countless victims of 9/11.
My husband served on the Sara in the 50's; since he passed
away I have visited your site often, and I have found some
old friends of his, I have received pictures and stories of
that time in my husbands life, I am a life member in the
Sara Assoc. and like so many others I enjoy the Sara site,
it should not be used by this pill pushers, there has to be
a way to get rid of them.
Caroline Paull
I had the pleasure to serve aboard the Super Sara '57-'58 & '59. I was assigned to the V-2 division, forward Cats. I full well agree with Don Sager about the unwanted pill pushers. If they don't stop we need to boycott them.
I agree 100% with John Di Masso about advertising on this site. It was meant for former Sara shipmates and friends of the Saratoga to share their views and to keep Sara alive for countless people to enjoy.
If they want to sell their pills, let them go to E-Bay.
did 2 cruises on sara from 85 to 87 with va-81 mostly in the line div.
I was on the great Sara from 1957 to 1960 in V-4 Division, & from 1960 to 1963 in the V-6 Division. Would like to hear from any one in that time period, to find some old friends,to catch up on some good times.
Bryant Blakeley - Neosho, Mo. @ navybilt57@yahoo.com
It's sad to see this, great, informative, Sara site used for these previous user's advertising. As a regular visitor to this website,I look for former shipmates not someone placing their pills for sale.
Greetings to all. To all you naviGATORS or Quartermasters,I say HELLO. This is the HAWK looking for any and everyone that was on the SARA from March 64 to March 67. I am sorry that I can't make it to the reunion in Mich. I hope that you are all doing great. I am now working at the Canandaigua V.A. Medical Center. The one that is about to be closed. Hope to hear from you all. Thanks.
I was a radar operator on board the Royal Navy Battle CruiserHMS RENOWN and I picked up the Sara On my surface warning Radar set when she came from the Pacific to the Indian Ocean to join up with the British East Indies Fleet,
I must have picked her up broadside on as I had never picked up such a ship at such a distance,we were all impressed with the Sara the way the planes landed so quick.
and she transferred some of her planes to the HMS ILLustrious,we gave her a great farewell when she left us.that was some time mid 1944. I'll cast off now , safe sailing. Vic
I have committed 500.00 to the project and have sent the initial 150.00. This kind of money is not going to ruin me. A tiny percent of members have contributed. If all would do so the plans would come to fruition. Thank you GREAT website and I hope to someday see this project come true and be able to feel my feet on her decks once again. I served on the Sara from 1975 to 1977 as a member of her Marine Detachment and was one of her Captain's & admiral's bodyguard/orderlies (Captain Turner and Admiral Greer respectively) it was a great time. I hope to see some of my old Sailor and Marine shipmates there someday. Semper Fi!
8 1/2 year subvet [Reactor Operator, USS Sand Lance (SSN 660) and USS Philiadelpha (SSN 690)]. Glad to see some of the hardware we've been chasing around while drilling holes in the water. Great Website!! Would like to volunteer on the "boat".
Was onboard from '79-81 as a V4 roof rat. Have a lot of memories, some actually good, of the '80 MED cruise and SLEP in Philly. If any one remembers me drop me a line. I left active duty in '81 and retired as an AO1 in '98 out of the reserves. I had good LPO's that while they might think otherwise, taught me how to be a good petty officer and LPO. Thank you ABF1 "Doc" Doughtry and ABF1 Kimball, you two taught me alot and I took those lessons to heart when I earned my crow. AO3 Bill Wheeler, if you are out there I couldn't have asked for a better friend, thru messcranking to rehabing the Sara in the yards I could count on you. I can't wait for my grand son is old enough to travel, we might stop and see where I learned a lot about myself. Bill if you see this write me, you were right, P-3 ordnance was skate duty.
AO1 Charlie Jones
I had an earlier ad in the guestbook and wanted to update my email address and also my home address. I served aboard the "Sara" from late 1958 until late 1961. I was in V-2 Div. Iwas assignrd to arresting gear. Imiss the old ship and crew. Would like to hear from some of my shipmates. I have been able to contact a couple of guys by using the guestbook. Good luck on your restoration. Ron Lowe
Hello all, My name is Kathy. My Dad, Robert D Still (Bob) pasted away August 7th. 2003. He served on the
SS.Saratoga, He was on her when she was commistioned, and also is a Plank owner. I believe he was on from
1956-59. He was a machinest ,E6 and newly married to my Mom, If there is anyone out there who may have
known my Dad, my family and I would like to hear from you. We all are so proud of our Dad. As he was, serving
on the Great Ship the Saratoga....His dream was to be able to get to see her again before he pasted, but unfortunitly
he never got to. My family and I do hope to some day get to the Great Ship that my Dad was so very proud to have
served on. Keep up the great work on this web site, I will check back often. My email is kathylynn@hvc.rr.com.
Middletown New York. , Looking forward to hearing from anyone.
Katherine L. Still
Served aboard "Super Sara" from '89 - '91, in S-6 division. Hope this project comes to fruition and all of us former "Super Sara" sailors can relive our fond memories up close with the old gal.
I was trying to come up with a response to Bill Hevener's entry of 7/23/03 which would express the views shared by most of us. I think this would do nicely--" It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness!"
Plankowner, USMC
I am interested in making a donation but would like information about the USS Saratoga Museum Fondation,Inc. 2002 annual report and finanical statement.
Great "Super Sara" guestbook. Would like to encourage all Sara Shipmates and join the USS Saratoga Association. Contact SuperSara@Prodigy.Net. We need more members. I served aboard Sara for 2.5 years from 89-91 as the "Handler" and Mini Boss for a short while. It was the most challenging job I ever had in the Navy, but would not trade it for anything. LCDR Speicher, now Captain, was someone I knew and respected tremendously as well as many of the Shipmates we lost in Haifa Israel, especially ABF2 Plummer who had about 10 days left on the ship with shore duty orders to Italy. He and the rest left us on their final PCS!! Recently retired from the Navy and still have the honor of working with Sailors as a Navy contractor in Pensacola. Best wishes for the Museum efforts. I saw Sara in Phillie and Newport and she looked so bad..But we have fond memories. Best wishes to all Sara Shipmates.. Thanks for a wonderful site. I was hoping that someone could help me. I am trying to find those who may have served aboard during the 1990-1991 deployment. In particular anyone who would have infor on the AIMD IM-2 Div. I am also looking for any photos from that deployment that aomeone might be willing to share.
Was ICFN-IC3 on Sara in 1975-76. Was home port in Mayport, FL and was on a Med Cruise. What a time to remember and at the time, hated some of it. Am glad of this website and keep up the good work.
I was with VS-22 and made two cruises on the Saratoga between 1976 and 1977. I had friends in the fighter and helo squadrons who I would like to get in touch with. Tim Wilshire, Steve Durham, and Joel Bennett. If any of you guys read this please contact me.
I served aboard the USS SARATOGA CVA60 from October, 1957 to July, 1959 as a PN3 in the ship's company Personnel Office under Personnel Officer CWO Thompson and CPO DeLoach.I was aboard for her 1st Med Cruise from 1 Feb 58 to 1 Oct 58. Remember we were at sea for seven consecutive weeks approx. 130 miles off the coast of Lebanon. I would never trade my memories of that cruise for anything. I laugh when I hear people talk about big the cruise ship was that they were on. The SARATOGA makes them seem like little ships. I was lucky enough to be invited to her decommissioning on 20 Aug 94 at NS Mayport by her last Commanding Officer, Capt. Wm F. Kennedy. I would love to hear from anyone that served with me in the personnel office from Oct 57 to July 59. Greetings fellow airdales and shipmates. I spent time on the sara as a member of the Fighting Swordsmen, VF 32. From 60 to 63 but managed to work in 2 1/2 med cruises and 2 Guantanamo cruises. Stayed ashore at gitmo for a few weeks in 61 when Castro said he was running us out of the island. Long nites, huge mosquitos, was plane captain on crusador, the few hours we weren't flying i remember spending nites sleeping on the wing of my plane, # 207 or 210. The best of times and the worst of times. Overall glad i served aboard her, met some brave and fine people. Watkins, if you see this note, your plane, previusly mine, was on the flight line at the museum and grave yard in Arizona when i visited 10 years ago. Saw your name in this log, Foxworth, did not think you would stay as long as you did.[Chief] Thanks for the photo of Saratoga you gave me.
Saw the name of a couple of guys I served with,plan to write to them. Hope to make the trip to visit sara once again.
It is nice to see a site honoring the ship and her crews, and most of all her history. I made the trip to Newport R.I. to see the Saratoga. That was just after I made the stop at the Air/Sea Museum which is where the Sara is supposed to end up. I guess unlike many I was able to get on the base and right down to the dock where the #59 & #60 are moored. I was in all honesty heart broken looking at the Saratoga. It's stripped of everything and I mean everything. To the point that the water line is some wavering black substance that's crooked and ugly. There isn't a sponson, an extension, a catwalk, anything anywhere, that's not empty. The sides of the ship must be 20 different shades of grey and other paint. It just looks terrible. I have to admit that I came away questioning whether or not anyone could raise enough money to ever restore the ship, period. It looks that bad. The Forrestal doesn't look much better but it does look better. I was on the Saratoga for two Med. Cruises, the rebuild in the Phila Yards, a Cuban trip, etc. Phila still has a "bunch" of moth-balled ships and did then in 1968. Most of those now useless ships still at Phila. look better then the Saratoga does right now. I'd love to see the Saratoga saved forever. But, I have to admit that I really do have doubts as to that ever happening. I know I'm not alone in that feeling after seeing her. People at the Air/Sea Muesum feel the same way. They told me they really don't expect that the ship will ever be moved there. And for those who have never seen the Air/Sea Muesum it's little more than an old building in the middle of nowhere with some discarded military items around. Most are just sitting there wasting away. Similar to the building itself. I hope I'm wrong. But, the amount of money to restore the Saratoga, rebuild piers and all the support facilities? I just don't know. The cost just to move her, and it's a long way's to move her? I can't even imagine what that would be. I don't even now how they'd get the mast back up. And why would they? There's "NOTHING" on it. Nothing! Even the stack caps have been removed or altered or whatever.
Anyway I still support the effort but I think changing the course of the Mississippi River would be easier.
I served on the Sara from 11/91 - 11/93. This was my first duty on a ship since I had spent my career flying in C-130s. When she first went underway, I remember the magic of watching her come to life. I also have fond memories of underway replenishment and the beauty of the coordinating all of the players. I made it on the Med tour in the summer of 1992 where we made several port calls to the French Riviera, Rhodes, and Majorica. I was also on board when we accidently fired two sea sparrow missiles at a Turkish ship, killing 5 (?) crewmembers. I was lying in my bunk reading a book when I heard the Skipper's voice on the loudspeaker "Turkish liaison officer to the bridge immediately". I thought that was odd to hear the CO's voice without first having someone introduce him. Shortly thereafter I heard "Away the medical response team". I knew then it was serious. I jumped up and turned on the TV to the channel for the flight deck camera (it's always on). It was focused on a fire on the horizon. I thought maybe it was a tanker fire. Then I heard a knock at my door. Where's your roommate? I said he was on watch, why? They said two missiles were fired at a Turkish ship during an exercise." Thus began an ordeal that would last for weeks as the JAG officers combed the ship for evidence. It was sad to see Capt Drager, the CO, take the hit for this unfortunate tradgedy. He was a fine CO. I still never understood how it could have happened. I sat through the legal hearings that were held in the officer's wardroom, but still I couldn't understand how someone could have actually released the missiles. Just another reminder of how dangerous this profession can be. My heart goes out to those who are in Iraq and Afghanistan.
My name is Maureen Moore Sullivan and I recently saw the Sara in Newport for the first time in years...it still gave me chills to see her...you see, my father was the Commanding Officer of Sara from Nov./62 to Nov. 63...he then continued to ride her as Chief of Staff to the Carrier Division Commander, then Adm. Townsend...All of his 7 children and his wife have such fond memories of CVA60 and Mayport...actually Dad's change of command (from VG Lambert, an old friend of my father's also) took place in Norfolk and he brought the ship down to Mayport, her new home port...Unfortunately, my Dad died suddenly in Pensacola, Fl. in l969, at only 55 years of age...I met some wonderful men collecting for the museum this past weekend in Newport, one of whom had been on Saratoga during my Dad's tenure...it was emotional for me...I wish with all my heart this project goes forward and Saratoga becomes the dream museum you all want...it has my support and that of my family and all the Moore's...maureen moore sullivan, annandale, va. Greetings to any and all Saratoga shipmates! This is Robb Sawin, I served aboard Saratoga from 1989-1990. I was a part of the ships' 1ST DIVISION, BMC Watson, Lt. Baker and our old buddy LTCDR. DANA UPTON! Anyway I'm just in here brousing the Saratoga page right now and hope to hear from some of my old friends through out the ship for those of you who may have known me or remember my face and name! It be great hearing from any of the guys from Deck Department or Navigation, John Short, Brooks DeGhetto, Kenny Parker, Jerry Kimble, Tom Cunningham, Pat Ellis just to name a few! I hope the Saratoga museum project becomes a reality despite all the recent set backs with the foundations office fires and mishaps! "Make it happen!" Best wishes to ALL associated with the U.S.S. Saratoga CV-60 Robb Sawin.... "GO ILLINI!"
P.S. If you have and use YAHOO MESSENGER or AOL IM, hit me up for chat sometime under the screen name bigten0102.
Good morning Ship Mates. This ia a first for me and I must say I'm happy to see you are keeping her around for a long time. I served aboard from: 1959-1965.Reported aboard as a BM2 and left her as a BMC. I was Ship's Master-at-Arms for a few years and then took over the 3rd.Division where-by I made Chief BoatswainsMate.I believe those years I was aboard we spent more time in the Med than in our home port of Mayport, Florida. I spent 6 years. 3 months, eight hours fifteen minutes and 30 seconds aboard her and those were some proud years for me. I also had "I" division for a while under CWO-4 Thompson Personnel Officer. Not long ago the "IOWA" BB-61 was alongside the "SARA" and the "Forrestal" When I was aboard she was CVA-60. Why have you cut the Attack designation from her? No matter what she's still my best and longest tour I've spent in the Navy,Bar None. Years ago I met my Pastor at The Open door Chapel in Va. Bch. Va. He was in Heavy Nine. Never knew him but I remembered Him when I went to The church He started. His name is "Fritz" Steggerman. The Chief-Master-At-Arms was Woodrow Wilson Clifton,BMC. We had BMC "Knobby" Walsh, Master Chief Apgar, BMC Crane, and so on. I enjoyed every day I spent aboard "Her". I'll close for now. She's still a good ship and always will be.
I came aboard the SARA in early 1964 as an E-2 fresh from the reserves. I had been to reserve bootcamp the year before but had NEVER been on a ship. I arrived in Mayport late one evening and woke up the next morning to find myself at sea on the BIGGEST ship I had ever seen. From this start, I was assigned to the OE Division RADAR electronics shop. The people that were a part of that group took me under their wing. When I left the SARA to go to ET "A" school a year later, I had already passed the third class exam for ETR. Thanks to them, I am now enjoying the life that I am. They helped a high school drop out to have a great career and a great life! To all of them, I say thank you from the bottom of my heart. After we'd arrived at our rented beach house in Garden City Beach, SC, my son told me he wanted to visit the USS Yorktown at Patriots' Point again. He and I had visited there a couple years earlier. This time Cindy decided she'd find something else to do so that Andy & I could spend some time on our own together. It worked out beautifully. We walked up the ladder to the aft starboard elevator in a fine mist of rain and stood for a moment contemplating the linked rubber mat beneath our feet. It was once part of coming aboard the USS Saratoga. The last time I stood there I found my eyes clouded over. This time was no less emotional. For any who have doubts about resurrecting old ships left to die, I can only offer this: The last time Andy & I walked across the Yorktown's flight deck, we and a few other folks were the only things up there. This time there were planes. Slowly but surely the volunteers and museum folks at Patriots' Point are adding more real life to the displays and tours. There's even a display of the fleet communications message office. With real radios just like I used when I was aboard the Sara in 1971-1972. It takes time and money & a lot of love & even more good luck to rebuild a full-scale decommissioning. Folks who once worked on the ship have to help others rebuild, assemble & set up what would otherwise be empty spaces and chipped paint. As a radioman (and an avid radio amateur), I'd love to see CR div spaces restored to their former beauty, but I know that whole floors full of R1051s and URC32s is not going to happen overnight. It might take years to fill up those spaces to what they looked like before. More than likely, we'll be lucky to find a couple 1051s that still have their meters in 'em for a display. But a couple non-functional radios is better than none. One piece at a time rehabilitation and revitalization is better than neglect and nay-saying. Heck, they've even got a working ham station on the Yorktown. (Call ahead to find out about it . . . and have your license with you.) I see no reason not to have a ham station on the Sara, once we get that far. And yes, I'd donate money or gear to make that work. I spent a lot of time running phone patches for my shipmates back in whatever level of communications spaces that was. It'd be fun just to make a few contacts from there some day. But that day won't arrive unless we work together and maintain a positive attitude toward restoring the USS Saratoga to the point where people can come aboard and think about the lives that passed through those hangar bay doors or rode those elevators to the flight deck. A lot of people's lives were changed by what we did on that ship, for most in positive ways. If we got that much out of serving, we should give at least some of that energy back so that people from all over the world can see what life was like during the Cold War and Vietnam. What it meant to be a sailor "back when." At which point I'm reminded of the day that I visited the Armada Republica Argentina's 25 de Mayo while it was tied up to a Mayport pier. The portaaviones 25 de Mayo was the only aircraft carrier that the Argentine navy had at the time. She & her crew were in Mayport to pick up some planes to fly off her. I had met some of the Argentine sailors, radiomen with sparks on their shoulders, and they'd invited me to visit their ship. It was a marvelous thing, seeing naval air & communications from the perspective of South American sailor, sons of gauchos and descamisados. The ARA 25 de Mayo is no more. The cash-strapped Argentine military sold her for scap in 1997. She was towed to Alang, India for dismantling and disassembly.
Don't let that happen to the ship that was our trusted home and work place for so many for so many years.
Nils R. B. Young
RM2 CR Div 1971-1972
I served form January 1985 until March 1988, in the V-2 Waist Cats. I came aboard Non-Rated/Non-Designated and left her as an ABE-2 Petty Officer Second Class. We did 2 cruises during that time, and I remeber quite well the Achille Laura incident where we found, captured, and flew the terrorists responsible for killing U.S. citizen Leon Klinghoffer. I remeber Rear Admiral Boorda (later became the Chief of Naval Operations in the 1990's) telling us how he gave them the international salute (the middle finger) after they were placed in the S-3 that flew them to the U.S. for trial. President Reagan received some greivances about his "Long Arm of the Law", but I was glad to be a part of that capture. I also remember crosing the "Line of Death" that Mohammar Khadafi drew in the Gulf of Sidra, and reminding him about International Maratime Law (he sure was hard headed). I also remeber receiving the Battle "E" in both 1986 & 1987. We were told that this was the first time a carrier had received it consecutively. I remeber Captain Ready (we affectionalty called him Max Ready in regards to his decisions on punishment on the ship) and Captain Jerry L. Unruh (Have a "Fine Navy Day" Capt) and Captain David E. Frost (I'll never forget the time I was standing on the Hanger Deck in line to ride a "Liberty Boat" to have Shore Leave somewhere in the Mediteranean, when My division Officer LCDR Fred J Buesser was the Duty Officer that day, and after he was in meeting with the captain and other Lead Officers on the Hanger Deck came over and had a brief conversation with us (though this was not unusual as the Officers kept in touch wiht us quite often), Captain Frost came over to us and had just a casual conversation with us too. Very unusual for us to just talk to the Captain in those manners, but VERY impessive).
I was a DT3 and on board during the 71 Viet Nam cruise. I bought a couple of cruise books but was sent home for discharge before the cruise was finished. I would be so grateful if I could find a cruise book for that cruise. It was the only thing I have to remember that cruise. Please contact me if you have any information on how to obtain one. Thanks and hi to all my shipmates. Keith Gilleshammer
Would like to hear from V-4 ship mates 56,57,58
that will be attending reunion in Detoit.
please e-mail me PETE PAPA
I really am proud to have served aboard the SARATOGA as CVA60 and CV60. I came aboard SARA in late 1970 after AOA School at NATTC Jax. I was assigned to the Mag. Crew until we went on the West Pac Cruise in 72 and I moved to the Flight Deck Crew were I woked until discharged at Mayport in 74. The times aboard SARA will never be forgoten, serving aboard Saratoga was speacial for me since my dad and his three brothers were all Navy men. I met and made a lotsof friends during my time aboard. I would love to hearfrom some of my shipmates. I have tried for years to locate someone, but not had any success. I appreciatethis website and hope it will open some doors for our shipmates. I would like more information on the museum and its opening. Your shipmate AO3 Thomas E. Brinkley
Address: 2556 Old 179 N.
Whigham, Ga. 31797
We are not trying to sell you anything. This is simply an invitation for U. S. Navy veterans and friends to visit us at: http://www.kitchentablegang.org Thanks,
Charlie Taliaferro
I served aboard the USS Saratoga CVA-60 from 1967 thru 1969. I served as part of V-2 Division, bow cat's., first in catapult #1 and then as Cat. Captain of cat. #2. I fully intent to contribute to the memorials efforts and will immediately become a member. Just can't wait to see "her" opened for all to see.
I would like to start by saying this is a great website. Keeping the memories of the Super Sara. I served aboard her from 1990-1994 in the Oil Lab. I also want to say hello to all the fuel dogs from that time and email me if you can.
Keep up the good work with the preservation of the Super Sara. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
I bought my 6-year-old grandson a GI Joe USS Saratoga toy. He's so excited about it, I was hoping to find someone that could tell him a little bit about the real Saratoga in a way that he could understand. Grandmas just aren't very good at this kind of thing. The toy has quite a bit of detail. I don't know what the things on each side are. What kind of living arrangement are there? Any information put in a simple way would be appreciated.
Serve on board from Sept 60-Mar 61 1st.div. Transfered to Uss Constellation CVA-64 (plank owner) Curently doing restoration on the USS NEW JERSEY BB-62 in Camden NJ. Come on down and visit us.
Worked ships company AIMD W/C 670 from 1985 to 1988 as an AT2 in the calibration lab. Seemed like I always ended up on night shift. I remember the Achilles Lauro hijacking, late 85 the capture of the terrorist hijackers and the special S3 flight back to the US. Singapore for Christmas that year was great. I also remember one year we shot down a ANG F4 while playing games off the coast of Turkey and special watercolor paints they put on one of the F14's. I have many pictures of the Sara. To Captain Unruh, Mighty Fine. We all miss Admiral Borda.
I served on Super Sara in the late 80's and early 90's. Worked on the flight deck in crash and salvage. I must say it was the best time of my life and i was so happy to hear that she wasn't going to be scrapped. i sure hope all goes well in turning the Saratoga into this meuseum. I'm sure all my brothers in V-1 division ( the only "V" to be ), feel the same way. good luck with her and thanx for saving her history.
My father, Harlan C. King served in the 30s. Any contacts or information would be great. Execellent site, well organized and full of a lot of good info as well as good visuals! I have been following the Foundation's journey a bit over the past several years. Good job and best wishes for success!
Bryan Wolfenden
I am a general dentist still practicing in Lincoln RI. It was devastating to hear the news of the fire at the Saratoga Foundation Headquarters. I sincerely hope that many of these artifacts can be saved as they represented many years of hard work by the volunteers.
Good luck in your efforts to restore the remaining artifacts so that Sara's story can still be told as the Foundation meant it to be. Hello Tom and Doug, I was with my friend Birgit in March I think 28 or 30 - 1993 in Almeria - Spain, met we two there friends Tom and Doug from a USS warship, Tom was 1993, 22 years old. We would stand gladly again with them in contact. Who can help us to find the addresses. Made a photo of us for it, I would like to get this photo gladly, thank in advance. Maybe someone knows the name of the warship in March / April 1993, in the port of Almeria - Spain was. Please help me all. Yours sincerely Loretta
E-Mail Loretta9@gmx.de
I was in S-1 Supply section from 1963 to 1965. I have a lot of picture's of the big fire we had and will share them if any body wants them.
I was on the sweet lady from late 71 until we got back from the Wespac Feb. 13, 1973. My duies was in the jet shop back on the fan tail and even got to drive the fork lifts on the flight deck bring the stories on. Now that was fun and it seam it was always at nite. Have fun shipmates and hope to see you all soon.
Keep up the great work.
Rhode Island Politics
Greetings, shpmates!! Served aboard from January 1984 to January 1987, Aviation Medicine-medical department. If anyone from that era remembers me, I did all hearing tests and ordered eyeglasses. Still remember the night we launched all those ready aircraft for the Achille Lauro hijackers who took that Egypt air 737, and also attacking Khaddafi's Libya some time later. That was one long cruise, wasn't it? Still remember all those liberty ports, Naples, Benidorm, Palma de Mallorca, Singapore, Diego Garcia. One helluva time, wasn't it? Anyone remembers me or the time from 1984 to 1986, feel free to write. I hope everyone from Medical Division remembers and gives me a shout to relive old times, good and bad.
Great to see Saratoga being saved. I've never been on it but have lived in Saratoga Springs, NY most of my life and have studied the battle.
Hello Wade Rollings from Charleston, SC. I was in attack squadron va-35 in 1958 when the the Sara was on her maiden voyage to the med. the ad-6 skyraider was one sweet aircraft especially when she had all that armor plating attached. it was hell when we had to take it off and put it back on.we had a few planes that came back with bullit holes in them after they flew over lebanon, they could not shoot back because of orders. drop a line when you get a chance. good sailing
served on the sara from dec63 to aug67 i was in a div (elevators) looking for shipmates to talk to. waiting for sara to open. jim
Sara was my first duty assignment, and my last. I came on board in 1990, and proudly served four years as as aviation mechanic. I will never ofrget my time spent on board. One last thing before I go....VA-35 BLACK PANTHERS FOREVER!!!! I'm a vet (- '71 - '74). I got this link from a swabbie buddy of mine, a formerP3 Orion crewman.....I'd like to start something similar here in WPB or an adjacent town, for the historical and tourist value to the community. Before I go off on a mission of this size I need \more info about the availability of materiel & resources for civilian/local government use....We've got a lot of retired folks, who, I'm sure would be delighted to have such a display here and would most likely volunteer their time and expertise to the project....The yearly Ft Lauderdale Air & Sea show attracts millions offolks from around the State...This would be a year 'round arttraction/memorial, but right now it's just an idea....Congratulation to the folks who make your website and theSaratoga Mamorial display Possible!!! God Bless all Vets!!! Chris Brosnahan
(Prto have served, and not run for Canada - or England)
Hi Shipmates, I was attached to VF-103 twice 72-75 and 78-82, Made the WesPac and all Med cruises in that time frame. Retired in 89, from VF-32. I enjoyed looking at this site. Hello all just to drop a line and say I was on the sara from 81 to 85. Been called back to active duty, Iam a seabee now. Got to see the sara in Aug of 02 she looks great. Hope to hear from old shipmates from R-Div.
SW2 Newberry (Blue)
I am the Vice President of the USS AMERICA Carrier Veterans Assoc. I happened to see a post in this guest book with my name on it, but the wrong info. Sorry I never did serve on the SARA. Did my duty on the AMERICA.
just visiting your site and thought i would add my name to your guest book. I served on the Sara in the arresting gear in 1991 and 1992. It is great to see that she is still alive and I can visit her as a museum. This is a great piece of histroy and thank you for aloowing it to live on this is a great page. THANK YOU. Any gear rats from this time can email me at biffmister2002@yahoo.com.
Served on the Sara from 64 to 66. One and half Med Cruises attached to VA-34. Would appreciate hearing from anyone from the Blue Blasters also VA-36 Roadrunners. Have seen the ship (three times) anchored along side the Forrestal in Middletown RI. She is still a pretty sight and seeing her brings back a flood of memories. There hasn't been anything from "hot news" since 12/22/02. Looking forward to more communications from the Museum foundation.
I served aboard the mighty Sara from Sept. 1977 to June 1981. I started out in Deck Dept. 2nd Div. under BM1 Thomas than I went to X1 Div Print Shop under LI1 Holdman. My last CO was Capt. James Flatley. I've since retired.
I served on the Saratoga from 92-94, in 3rd Division Deck dept. Would like to hear from anyone that I worked with there.
This is Chester Robinson, plankowner from V-6 Division. My buddy Gerald Church and I are looking for shipmates to meet up with us at next reunion in October
Anyone out there from 1970, G Div ? Mag rats, Bomb pushers. Sky Pilot, is still kicken. Great times, but back then I thought alot different. Where is Gergen, Carter and Mad Dog ? Elevator crew. That was some bomb build up for Nixon. The hours we put in for that demo; and we never even got to see the show. Do ya remember ? Its only been 33 years. E Me. All bombs away.
I was married to Jerry Pressley and he was on the Sara from '73 to '75. I really loved that time. Made lots of friends and wish I could hook up with some now. I was Bonnie Pressley at the time and I lived in Portsmouth while she was dry docked and then in Mayport before and after the Med Cruise. I really love that ship and miss everyone in the worst way. Love this website. Keep up the good work. Bonnie Campbell
If you can get the Discovery Channel, tune in on Wednesday, April 23, 2003 at 12 AM, and repeated again on Thursday, April 24 at 1 AM. On air will be a program called "Spotlight: Missing: Prisoner of Iraq?" The program tells the story of Saratoga pilot Navy Lt. Commander Michael Speicher, who during the first night of the Gulf War in 1991, flew his F/A-18 fighter into Iraq in the first assault in Iraqi airspace. LCDR (now Captain) Speicher was apparently shot down, and his fate has never been determined. In October 2002 SECNAV changed Captain Speicher's status to "missing/captured." More on this story can be found here:
I served on the Sara from Jan.70-Mar.72. Would like to hear from anyone who remembers me. I was in both 1st&2nd divs. remember alot of old friends that Ive lost contact with through the past 31 yrs. Good friends like Kenny Ledbetter,Chuck Gaddis, Jody Hoffpauir, Buzz Bowman, Les Peterson & Ernest Burkeen. If you have any information on any of these former salts, please let me know. I check this site regulary & cant seem to find any of them. also I left out two other friends, Curtis Gaffney,& Harry Gill. Any onfo on these guys would be appreciated. Thanks a million. an Old Boatswains mate, Vernon
Served on Sara '72-'76, 4 Main machinery room. West Pack, Med Cruise, Norfolk Yards. Most exciting 4 years - good friends, good fun, lots of work. Hope to see her as a Museum in the near future. Would like to hear from others from 4 Main Rat House!
My brother, Christopher Allen Bedlam, served on the Saratoga, CV-60, VA 35, during the Persian Gulf War and for a while before and after. Am looking for people who may remember him.
Served aboard Sara in 72-73 WestPac cruise in OS Division.
Looking for anyone who served during that time in SUPRAD.
Served on Saratoga April 1972 through December 1974; Gulf of Tonkin & Med Cruise.
I am glad to hear that The Saratoga is working on becoming a museum. I was wondering about what had happened to my ship that I was stationed on from 92-94. I went online and this is what I found. I am in New York, but if there is anything I can do to help, please let me know. I have many memories aboard Sara and I hate for them to be destroyed. The Foundation is doing a WONDERFUL job! Bravo Zulu to you all.
My father, CWO2 Jack E. Campbell served aboard Sara from 1956(?) to 1960. His rate was CHAVMAINTECH, which I undestand was aircraft fuels. If anyone out there remembers him I would like to hear from you. He passed away in 1992. Also, I am interested in seeing or getting a cruise book from that time frame. All of his things were lost. Thank you
I served on her from '84 to '87 with HS-3. I have some great memories of the Sara and my former shipmates. Remember Christmas of '85 in Singapore? Good times! I'm glad to see that she will be preserved so that I can take the kids to see her someday. Any former Tridents out there, feel free to e-mail me. I would love to here from you. I wished I was working the flight deck right now, instead of sitting behind this computer:)My thanks to everyone that is is involved with the museum fondation. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.
Hello everyone! Still trying to locate any shipmates from 1982 - 1986 era. I served in Repair Division. Hope someday soon we can all get together for a reunion aboard the Super Sara. Pray for our troops in Iraq. God Bless!
Served from 89 to 93. I started life on Sara as FN in 3MMR, did some time in V2 Div and ended up as an AZ2 in AIMD. The world events of today bring back some great memories of those times. I made life long friends on the Sara and am grateful now for the time spent at sea with them. Reading the postings from others really hits home, the ferry boat accident in 1990 and the Turkish ship incident in 92. It seems only us shipmates remember those events now. Best wishes to all and continue the search for Speicher!
I was on the FDR Cva42 stationed in Mayport FL. in 1965-69
The Sara was docked behind us.
We Borrowed a few tow bars from your flight deck,never go to say thanks. Thanks & good luck
Dennis Pacheco PO2 V1 Div I just discovered this site. I am a Plankowner of the USS Saratoga CVA 60 Division V6. I was aboard the Sara's first sea trials. Followed by her "shakedown" cruise to the Caribbean leaving New York on July 30, 1956. The Captain at that time was Robert J. Stroh. I would love to go on board one more time!! This ship was one of the best experiences of my lifetime. I would like to find Tom Hensley who was from Kentucky at that time; Scheadler who was from Cincinnati, Ohio and Whitaker from Michigan (I think); or anyone else serving Division V6 at that time.
When and where is the next reunion? Hello, I served aboard the USS Saratoga on it's final voyage(1994). I ordered a cruise book and never received it. It was ordered with my name on the front cover, if anyone knows how I can find it or if it's stored somewhere.
Thank You,
i served from 1986 to 1990 in 1 mmr
Anybody remmeber Cmdr Adam Richard Troup, would have been around 1965 or so, just wondered if he is doing fine, your old yeoman from Naval Aircraft Torpedeo Unit, Quosent Point. RI (NATU)
I served aboard the Sara 69-70 IM-2 Division Adj. Haven't gotten up to Rhode Island to see Sara yet but plan to soon. It would be great to hear from any of the guys I hung around with back then. So if you guys are out there drop me a line.
V-6 DIVISION plankowners and ALL veterans. Gerald Church and me have gotten together at 2002 reunion and on the internet. I've made my donation to museum project. Hope to hear from the old mates, and see you at next reunion. ROBBIE
I was in the Medical Div. as a Hospital Corpsman (HM3) on the Sara, came on board while she was in dry dock in Norfork 1962. Home port was Mayport Fla., on board during the Cuba Stockade, then made a partial med. cruse. Saddly, left her before the cruse was over when I was ordered to a school at GreatLake, ILL in 1963. It was a great time of my life.
My brother William Seaman served on the USS Sarasota out of Jacksonville, Florida in the 1980's. When he left the Navy in 1990 he worked for a civilian company that took him to serve in the Gulf War as an Aircraft Tech. He returned home safely in October 1991 only to then die in a car accident a month later. We miss him terribly. He was so proud to have served upon that mighty ship.
Debbie Brownlee
good luck to us forces read about first casualty of 91 war
Sure wish we were the 7th Carrier in the Med today.......
V-4 Division flight deck & below decks. If anyone remembers me, please send me and e-mail, I'd love to hear from you. I served on board from '87 - '91.
I was assigned to S-1/S-8 Division from January 1982 till July 1985
This weekend we had a reunion of the Saras photolab for the years between 63-67. The following members were present. Maurice (Dutch) Stump, Marty Finkelstein, David Fox, Terry Richmond, Gil Moody, James Mortensen, Richard Suggs and James Garner. We all had a great time in Orlando Fl. Our next reunion will be with the Saratoga's reunion in Las Vegas in 2005.It was something to see everyone after almost 40yrs.
Served in OS Division 1976 to 1978 going to the Med in 1977. Interested in contacting anyone who might have served is OS, OZ Division or anyone who were in other O Divisions.
I served aboard the Sara from Sept 1958 thru early March 1961. I was in W-1 division for the whole time. I came aboard as a NW3 and left as an NW2 (NW for all you young sailors stood for Nuclear Weaponsman). I made two Med cruises--the Missouri country boy sees the world. I was discharged in 1961 and stayed out of the Nav until 1978 when I enlisted in the USNR as a seaman. Retired in 1998 as a Chief Boatswain's Mate. I would love to hear from any shipmates. By the way, the Sara was a "CVA" when I was aboard.
I am a plank owner. I joined the crew in Rhode Island and was bussed to the Brooklyn Shipyard to board the ship. I was a member of the OI Division. Any of my fellow crew members, please contact me.
Truly an HONOR to part of the Saratoga Family. I served aboard the Sara from 1964-1967 as a Photographer's Mate. I have been a photographer with Eastman Kodak since 1967. Would love to have the opportunity to take updated photos of Sara today. Regards, Dave Fox Served on the Sara in B-Div 1-Main and Cat Shop 1969-1973
Hello to all my old shipmates ! Would like to hear from Dennis Betz ( I tried your e-mail and it did not take it) or Darrel Dawkins or any of the rest of you. Great site and it is great to see the Sara still floatin!
My father, the late Lt. Cdr. Paul P.A. Henri, served on the Saratoga. In cleaning his house, I have found some memorabilia of the ship and am wondering if the association is interested in these items. I know my father would be happy and proud to see these displayed. Thank you. Helene (Henri) Plourde I served aboard the "Sara" during the 92' cruise. I was in HS9 ("Sea Griffins"), and was a plane captain and did a lot of work on the flight deck. I was on the flight deck the night 2 sea sparrow missiles were fired by accident. The missiles hit a Turkish destroyer. I remember the "air boss" (I think it was the air boss) advising we were going to darken the ship and all hands were to clear the flight deck. This was about 2330 hours, not sure of the date. As I was walking back towards the cat walk the ship went completely black. My shop was on the port side, just aft of the front of the angle. I then remember what sounded like a "bolter" coming across the flight deck, but this was not a bolter. I then saw two missiles shoot out of the aft port side of the ship. It lit up the sky and I remember diving into the cat walk thinking "ohh sh--".
This is the first time I have ever written about this incident. There is no mention of the incident in my cruise book, and I never heard anything more about it. Any one with more info or want to talk to me about this feel free to contact me. Farewell and following seas to the Sara. She was a great ship to serve aboard and I look forward to visiting her in R.I. someday!
THE 69,70, AND 71 MED CRUISE. I'm trying to locate anyone who was on board the Sara in 1972 when there was a fire in the boiler room. My brother Robert Norris died during the fire and we are trying to get some real insight as to what really happened that day. Please email me if you knew my brother or if you have any info. Thank you,
Vicki Norris Taylor
Served on the Sara 1957 to 1958.Worked in the Forward Diesel(#1 Diesel Engine Room).Was also an Engineer on PB#1(Officer's Motorboat)Was EN3 when I left the ship in Mayport.Fla. Oct.3,1958
Served on the Sara 1957 to 1958.Worked in the Forward Diesel(#1 Diesel Engine Room).Was also an Engineer on PB#1(Officer's Motorboat)Was EN3 when I left the ship in Mayport.Fla. Oct.3,1958
59-60 Gm Division. In First guided Missile school in Memphis and rate was discontinued a month before I was discharged in 1960. Made Med cruise and received a Dear John letter in Istanbul. I had the job of "cumshawing" everything I could find to keep our Div. in comfort. Traded coffee for tiles for our shop once in the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Fresh fruit passed by our Division door while taking on supplies, IMAGiNE THAT!! In colision off Cape Hatteras in 1960 and spent 2 1/2 months in drydock. Great Liberty in New York in those days. I served aboard the Lady from 1992-94, during her last med cruse, and participated in her decomission. I am impressed on the general public intrest as well at teh state of R.I for being involved in such repect for the Sara an staioning the vessel as a landmark of great history. With the final voayage of the lady, I was able to summon up a lot of pictures, videos, and memorabelia (spelling?), before being releved in the mediterainan for the last time by the USS George Washington.
Out of the military now, I enjoy the memmories I had during the short, but unforgetable "Alert 30" lauches off the famous carrier. Fair winds, following seas, and in the words of my former captian Capt. (now Admiral) Donald Weiss, "Keep Smiling!"
I served onboard Sara for '71 Med and 72-73 Wespac,with HS-7.We are considering locations for our next reunion,somewhere in sunny Florida.Any old shamrockers interested give me a call at 419-849-3707 Our first reunion was in Newport,R.I. where we saw Sara from behind a fence.I hope my next trip to R.I. is to Quonset Pt. to board her.It was just over 30 years ago that I stepped off of Sara as a civilian,when we returned from the Wespac.
Hi: i had the pleasure of serving on the Sara from jan61 to Aug 62 in the OPS office. Would like to hear from any old shipmates
hi i am trying to find old friend for my mom(as a surprise) he was on saratoga while she was stationed in brooklyn,ny. his name is e e kelley(kelly) he was fireman nickname gene. his best buddy was richard smith(smitty). any suggestions on how i can find out where he was from or is would be greatly apprecaited-thanks
Well, I never served on the Sara, but I am in the Navy on active duty. Your Juliett 484 submarine display looks outstanding and I look forward to visiting it when I return to my native city of Pawtucket, RI. As a submarine officer, the thought of touring a Russian submarine is quite thrilling. Great Job!! Frank, Just read all those comments, and these people have NO idea of all the wonderful things you are doing for the "Sara". I for one, after seeing first hand what you are doing commend you!
I'm also looking for a ver special friend that was on board in "66". He was a "zoomie", but I forgive him for that! His Name is Joe Egan, and I have no idea what Squadron he was with, but his wife Betty and Charlie and I were great friends and just lost touch. (Guess he flew off somewhere :-)) Anyone reading this that knows of his wherabouts, I would appreciate hearing from. AND Frank, keep up the good work! Tarley
Well, guys, it looks like we'll be going to war in a week or two. Unfortunately, Sara will have to sit this one out. There is nothing I would like more than to be standing on the flight deck of the Saratoga licking the salt spray from my lips while heading east at full steam towards Iraq. The last time I did that was in 1958 when Sara went to Lebanan. Oh well! At least we can go in spirit.
Hello Shipmates. I served onboard "Sara" from 76 to 80 and suffered through the "Zumwalt" navy. I do have some fond memories of the ship and remain friends with a few of the guys I met there. To Raymond Lees, I too remember the collisions at sea that we had. I also remember seeing the tanker that hit us in port in Naples a week or so later. The tanker definitely got the worst of it. Nice to finally find this site. Keep up the good work.
V-3 Division 63-66 is having it's 2nd reunion in July at Clearwater, Fla. E-mail for info Hello shipmates, I served on the Sara 1967 to 1968 for two Med cruises.I was a Inter communications Electrician IC2, and Training petty officer in E division. The Sara was a great ship to serve on,and all fellow mates were great to serve with.To all I say good luck.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the space shuttle Columbia's crew and family. Seven more heroes have gone up to heaven.God Bless America.
Hello former shipmates! I was stuck in G-4 WEAPONS DEPT. from Nov. 1990 to Apr. 1992 and I don't miss it at all! But like the rest of you I have some good memories and would like to chat with anyone who was in the weapons dept. at that time. I'd like to get ahold of Paul Korminiki, he was standing next to me in Hiaffa Israel waiting for the next ferry when it turned out that the one that just left sank. We were the very next in line... close call. Other than that, I remember the little bugs in the cereal, Capt. Mobley, the drinking fountains with ice cold saltwater and the showers that shot out deadly steam, no A/C, raviollis, hot dogs and chicken patties for lunch and dinner for days till enough people bitched, and my chief, Warren Lawson, who should be rotting in hell as we speak. Any former shipmates who remember me want to chat, E-mail me. ~AN BORACCI G-4 WEAPONS DEPT
Hello Fellow Sailors! My name is Raymond Lees, and I served on the Saratoga several times, and served with the fighter group VF-103. I was proud to serve on this ship, and will never forget the two accidents one a refueling ship hitting us, and a tanker hitting us in the straights. Does anyone remember that? I thought the ship was going down, and what little I remember standing on the flight deck, I was sure proud we had great fireman aboard the ship and ships company. Why is this been such a secret? I have a cruise book from 1977, and would sell it if anyone gave me a reasonable price, its in almost perfect condition. I have the book on CD now, and now that I know one of the pilots that was in my squadron VF-103 was sadly lost hitting the Pentagon, I am so sorry, I knew him personaly, and saw his fantastic flying off the Saratoga. I hope I meet some of the people who may remember me. I worked in airframes. God bless all of you. I hope I can some day have a chance to go on its last cruise. My e-mail is bitewvvw@yahoo.com. I am also a Ham operator KK5KA.
Hi, shipmates from all years...I served on SARA from 1981-85...worked in Supply Admin as their YN and then worked in X-1 Division...still on active duty as a YN1(SW) in San Diego and am looking forward to seeing SARA there in RI someday...great website and glad to see SARA being given positive attention and respect!
I wish to post this message that the USS Saratoga 77 Med Cruisebook will not be available until further notice. I apologize to those who got their hopes up, and have cancelled all requests. I hope to offer this in the near future.
I was on the Saratoga from early 74 to 76 made one and a half med cruise. I had a great time even though there were no windows in the hole (Eng Rooms) I worked in 1 AUX with a great bunch of guys the big guy then was MM1 Crews (sp) looking for other Engine room Mates even Boiler Mates will do. I had a great time going overseas @ 17 years old.I was a crew member on the USS Saratoga from 1974 when she was in the ship yards after Viet Nam until 1976. I have been trying to get in touch with other members of the engineering division aka P-1. In 1995 I was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer which is called multiple myeloma it is an environmental type of cancer and I am trying to see if there were others on the ship or from the Aux. Engine Room #1 where I worked who may have the same problem. I am still in good health and if there are others who have this cancer too I want them to know about me please e_mail me either way.I have enjoyed looking at your WEB site and it has brought back a lot of good memories. The greatest carrier in the Atlantic.
A big thank you to Rich aka ptcruiserguy for putting together the 77 cruise book to CD. I can only imagine the amount of work in such endevour. I'm just glad it wasn't copy writed so he could do it!! My dad Capt Don Boye was the Medical Officer from 76-79 and never got his book. Now I can get it for him. JACK COOK x-AO1 (AW) USNR
Nice site!
hi, I just wanted those who maybe interested that I have complied the USS SARATOGA 77 MED CruiseBook on CD. My twin brother served on "Sinkin Sara" in 1977 and he asked if I could perserve the book. I saw the Srartoga while docked in Rhode Island on a vacation, and she is a beauty !!!
Served on the Sara from 1974-1978 in the E-Div. served in light infantry 8th battalion hm forces uk as a child went aboard this magnificent ship whilst it was at liberty in benidorm spain europe in mid 80`s around 84/85 was amazed at the size and features of the ship i am glad this grand lady who served her country with distinction will not be scrapped but preserved for others to bear witness to its beauty and power god rest her! would very much like to visit her when museum is open
P S Gater
Visited the sub (Juliett 484) in december 2002. Great tour and great story-telling guide. Indeed rented K-19 immediately afterwards.
Keep up the good work!
A federal appeals court ruled yesterday that President Bush can designate U.S. citizens as "enemy combatants" if they are deemed a threat to national security. It seems to me that many of the Hollywood types are going well beyond their freedom of speech and, by virtue of their alarmist, anti-american, anti-military warnings are, in affect, yelling "fire" in a crowded theater. Maybe it's time for the Homeland Security efforts to address this issue.
Served aboard the Sara from 1967 to 1969 in 4th Division as a Coxswain on the 40 & 50 Ft Liberty launches. Would like to hear from any fellow shipmates
I am glad I found this site. I served on the Sara in 1977, and had a great time. I would love to my hands on ship patch, ball cap, zippo lighter and a photo of her. All mine where stolen. If anyone can help drop me a e-mail. Thanks. HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!
I was stationed at jacksonville florida, i was in squadron
va-35 we flew ad-6 skyraiders prop jobs, i was on saras
maiden med cruise in 1958 if anyone out there was on that cruise please respond it would be nice to swap stories.
have a great new year
i found a "The 1934 Cruise Plane Talk" USS SARATOGA news letter in mint condition, dated 14 july 1934, Landing XXVI, Flight VII, Norfolk, VIRGINA. Can any one tell me about this?
sorry Dani, I dissagree with you and OW
Served aboard Sara from 71 to 73 in the medical dept. Would really like to hear from old friends who served then.
Looking for Tom Paul, Harold Campbell or any of the crew from Medical. The bunch from Kongs Club in Subic.
Great site.
i was on the sara with VFA83 for the 92 med cruise i miss it now that im not on it i thought i would never say that i cant wait to see it when it becomes a museum
Greetings,Great site!!!
I served on the Plank Crew in 1956 to 1957. I served in the machine shop Welcome to the Official USS Saratoga Museum Foundation web site guestbook. Leave some comments for us - tell those who visit this web site what you think about the project - good, bad or indifferent... David Kerwood, West Bay Web <wbw@wbwip.com> North Kingstown, RI USA Guestbook entries for all of 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 have been archived. The 1999 archive can be found here. The 2000 archive can be found here. The 2001 archive can be found here. The 2002 archive can be found here. The 2003 archive can be found here. The 2004 archive can be found here. The 2005 archive can be found here. The 2006 archive can be found here. The 2007 archive can be found here. The 2008 archive can be found here. | ||||
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