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![]() Archived messages - January - December 2001If you are looking for a particular name or word on this rather lengthy page, use your browser's "Find" function to ferret it out quickly.
Served on the "Sara" from Oct.1958 toDec.1961. Was in V-2 Div. in arresting gear. Have found some shipmates on this site and looking for more. I am also looking for Bill Goodson. Bill was in E Div. He was later transfered to the Essix cvs-9. Would like to hear from anyone that might have served wit me.
To all Former SARA Crewmembers
Would Like to extend a safe and healthy New Year to all former Plank Owners especially the Supply Dept.,and other ships company, Marine detachment, CAG and Flag who have sailed on the Super Sara. She was a grand lady.
I have written before and still trying to reach Fred Leeds from Pleasantville NJ, he was an EM3. Anyone who may know where Fred is now I certainly would appreciate your assistance.
Again best wishes and Happy New Year
Jim Prior
I was fortunate enough to serve on the ship 70-72. Everyone told me it would be the experience of my life. I guess they were right. I thought I had died and was in Star Trek. I was a spectator (Dental). I guess that is a sign of age, I have a large Photo of the ship in my office, and have had my sea bag packed for years. My wife was distressed after she asked me why, and I told her if they called I was gone.
I was very angry when she was put out of service, and Clinton wanted to cut her up for Toyota's. We as a country should use better sence than to do this to our ships. We can not replace them in a timly fashion when they are needed. Hopefully someone in congress will wake up, but I doubt it.
As Attack Squadron-34 Plane Captain; our mission was training for the Viet Nam war/conflict? Daily launch and recovery excercises, along with bomb loading, were the norm of the day from 4 AM till 1AM the next day.The US Gov. wanted to ensure our rediness. I loved every minute of serving my country and am ready to die for the preservation of our fredom.God Bless America and God bless the fallen heros On board the USS Intrepid, Lt.Cmdr. Ed Martin, was shot out of the sky in the fall of '67 I discovered that he is still alive, last year, on the discovey channel. After 33 yrs. of wondering, I found out that He spent 6 yrs. in a prison camp with Sen. John McCain. and is now a RADMRL in Washington,DC He is with family and my heart is at rest. (after 33 years)
I hear that Andrew Stuart Love who was FTA1st class when I left the ship in '57 was sending out Christmas Cards this year. There was also Leo Bonnin from Norwich, Conn, Arthur Sullivan, Cummings, Lointhal,Zellen, - anyone who was in Fox Div in 1957 , give me a buzz at cyberbiker66@eastlink.net . Doug Wilkey 12/29/01
I served on the "Sara" from Oct.1958 to Dec.1961. I was in V-2 Div. I was in arresting gear. Would like to hear from anyone that might have served with me. I have found a couple of guys who served with me, on this site. I am also looking for Bill Goodson who was a EM3 at this same time. Bill later was transfered to the U.S.S. Essix CVS-9. I really enjoyed my tour of duty aboard the "Sara".I am glad that the are trying to save her.
served aboard the super sara 85/86 med/io cruise.i was attached to aimd/im4/gse,also served with master-at-arms would like to hear from any old shipmates.
Merry Xmas, Happy New Year's to all. We spent afew of these holidays in the Med. 1959, 1960, I believe in Cannes, also 61. It could have been worse. It could have been in Arabian Sea.
Wishing health and happiness to fellow shipmates during this Christmas season and safe operations to our active duty brethren. Ron Gitkos, V-2 Arresting Gear 71-72
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all you Super Sara Sailors from a proud plankowner.
Frank Sumption
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all former sailors of the Saratoga; particularly those who were in VF-32 in 1958, 1959 and/or 1960.
I believe my father was on the Saratoga in 1942 is there any crew member list?
I Served on the Saratoga between 1989 and 1992 and it was one of the most memorable time's of my life. I did 2 Med cruises, although the first one I spent a number of months in the Gulf for the war. We drank 6 beers on that cruise.
I Served onbiard the "SUPER SARA" from 84-89, she was the best ship I have ever served on. 2 Med cruise, 1 IO cruise, I will always emember her Captains and 1 most important man in my life ADM Mike Borda. Great crew... very proud to be part of it...
Served aboard her in 1971 Med cruise with RVAH 9
I was XO and CO of Attack Squadron 37 ("The Bulls") in Sara between 73 and 76.
I severed on the Sara from '79-'81 in V4, as a roof rat. I was on Broetz's crew with Dave Dixon. I would like to hear from anyone who remembers me. I eventualy retired from the reserves as an AO1. I would like to hear anything about or from Mike Sarris or Dave Dixon. Thanks for this site.
hi yall. sara was home from 77-81 and 83-85 v-2 arresting gear and bow cats. once wasn't enough, twice,too much.
I was stationed on the fighting cock for four years. From 89 to 93. I have thought about the Super Sara everyday sence I got out. That was a big part of my life. My only cruze turn into a 8 month advinture at war in the Red Sea. Also on the fairy that sank a few days before Christmas. I hope you keep the life of the Sara living along with all its shipmate memorys alive. God Bless America and Ancors Away.
Served on the Sara from 1966 thru 1970 G-divison.
There were some good times,had almost forgot about then untill I came across this sit only by chance.
Hope to be able to see the sara again.
My father, Francis (Frank) Traylor served aboard CV-3 from 1942 until the end of the war. He was a gunners mate on the quad 40mm mount between the superstructure and the funnel. I would enjoy hearing from someone that may have known and served with him.
I NEED INFO!!! I was on the Sara from 83 to 86 and did 2 Med Cruises and one IO cruise. During that time, I took some college courses, a computer course taught by a CPO on the ship and 2 Psych courses taught by a civilian named Leon Fields. Does anyone have any info on what college or university these courses were affiliated with? I am trying to obtain copies of transcripts. Please respond to RSwee61304@aol.com using "Saratoga" in the subject line. Thanks shipmates! Ray Sweeney (SK3)USN
served in VF32 from 63-66 and did a couple of med crusies
aboard sara. was a great way to grow up and see the world
at the same time.will surely be there to walk her decks and
to remember. it would have been terrible to scrap her and
not let people see such a beautiful ship.
GO NAVY BEAT ARMY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Served on the "Sara" from Oct. 1958 to Dec.1961. Was in V-2 Arresting Gear. Would like to hear from anyone that might have served with me during this time. Have heard from a couple of my shipmates on this program. If Bill Goodson is out there.... drop me a line. Bill was in E-Div. He later transfered to the Essix. Well, anyway , guys.... drop me a line
Who is this guy? Give us a break!!!
Hi all, this is Doug Harmon from the USS Saratoga Ship Mates Photo Album. We need more of your pictures, just go to the site and add them. Or go take a look at some of your old ship-mates from then and now. Have Fun
I was visiting in Jamestown with relatives and was taken by boat to see the "Big Sixty From Dixie. She needs som TLC, nothing like she was when I left her in "65. But she still looked great and proud as she should, I had many happy (and unhappy) times on her.
Hello to all I served with from Late 71 thru Jan 73.I was part of Guided Missle Div. I joined the ships co. in Corfu Greece and sailed 2 Med cruises and the West Pac. Athens for a month was ok, even though the cash was thin. I got out in 73 and then went back in 77 for 2 years in VA-87 Golden Warriors Squadron and served on the America and Indy.
I've been a fire fighter fro the past 18 years with , who else the Navy at NAES Lakehurst.I have an email address here, beltraminerh.navair.navy.mil . Hope all of you will have a nice holiday season. Hope to hear from anyone ,but
especially from the friends of GM Div. Good Luck and be
well, I will answer all your e-mail, but it will take a
little time. See you soon Bob
A BIG HELL-O to everyone in #1 main machine room classes 1974-1976. Hope everyone is alive, happy, and well!!
Had a great time aboard Sara, served from 3/78 - 9/80
in CR Div. Any old RM's drop an email it would be great to see what's going on now..I've talked to a few over the years, even some old shipmates from CS div. (skivvy wavers)
I served on Sara from 92-94(decom). Started in 3rd div deck and struck out as QM3. Between this site and the hullnumbers site, I've seen a few names logged in that I recognize. Even the decommissioning CO put his info up on hullnumbers. Nice to see some of the guys sharing their thoughts and memories.
Served in fighter squardron 32 from 1963 to 1966. did two
and 1/2 med cruises and have alot of fond menories. iam
happy to see her become a museum instead of scrap metal.I
will visit her when the museum opens.
VF-31 AE-2 Med Cruise 1978-79, 1980
Have seen the Super Sara for two years now while she sits in Coddington Cove in Middletown R.I. I summer there in my old home on Middle Road Portsmouth, RI 6.5 miles from thje Sara .
Hope you all get the necessary money for the final voyage to Quonset . It will be great to have my ship in my backyard once I return to RI to live from North Carolina.
Douglas Wilkey FTA3 1956-'57 cyberbiker66@eastlink.net
Served aboard Saratoga (cva,cv-60)May 1970-Feb1974 for a while in Immr. but soon transferred to the Catapult Steam Shop. She took a beating , but she brought us home.
I did a carrier call on the saratoga in 1972.
I have already given a donation to this very
worthy cause and would like to ride aboard
when she sails across Narraganset Bay. I would
also like to help with the museum when it's
done. I was in VF-101 and VF-74 stationed
out of Oceana, Virgnia.
I would like to say Nice to see such great support for the old girl and i have very many found memmories from this ship and many friends who I have lost contact with over the years and if any of them happen to cross this page please feal free to give me a holler.I was stationed with VF-103 from 84-87 I did three cruses abouard here the most memerable was the cruse of 85-86.
The other resaon for leaving this message is any one can tell me the name of the company that did our shell back cert's and the exact latt and long of our crossing it would be of great help to replace mine that was destroyed in hurrican hugo. to all my fellow ship mates I say a found farwell and may king neptune and all of his creaters of the deep keep all of you and your family members safe.
and to exspress my thought on the sept 11 terroist attacs
nice try but you did not succed and we will have our sweet and justfull punishment!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm a Plank-Owner & have tried to answer a few of the questions of those days..I have alot of good and sad memories of 1956 thru 1959---But PROUD as Hell...
I made the 85/86 cruise as a VS-30 PR2 TAD to AIMD. Good times! Great to know she'll be a museum, great to know she's remembered. Sierra Hotel!
I was Photographers Mate on the Sara from '78 thru '80. I left her at drydock in Philli. If you were in the photo shop, or CVIC, drop me a line! Greg
Served aboard Sara 70 to 72 got off as she departed to westpac. AIMD division Data Analysis AZ3 we'll visit as soon as she's ready look forward to it.
I served aboard the SARA from 1970 - 1972. Made a couple Med cruises and got to shake Nixon's hand while he was on board. I also remember two engine rooms filling with water which caused us to pull into Athens where we spent a few weeks. Have some great memories of that time. Would love to hear from some shipmates. I worked on the flightdeck, I believe in V-1 division, Fly - 2. I chalked and tied, then drove a tractor unit for awhile parking airplanes. Oh...by the way...Great Site
I served on the Sara from '89-93 in R/DC div (HT2). Some of the best (and worst) memories of my life. If you remember me, drop a line. My best wishes to all my shipmates.
I worked in the bake shop in 66-67. i made one and one half med cruises. I have always wondered what happened to ST Laurent, Robert Creed and others at that time.
robert Smith
Hi. Great web site, and worthy project. I was wondering if there will be any tours of the Carriers on Veterans Day, 2001? Or any other time?
Hi shipmates was on the sara from around 65 to 67
would like to find out about getting the air group patch
and how to get it also the cruise book in 65 lost mine
in the flood good luck sara hope to see ya soon
If anyone knows how I can get last known addresses of some of my old shipmates,please let me know.I'm at my wits end.I've tried the phone book.Is there An archive I can go to or some way to contact the navy for this?Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I really don't know how entries can be changed, but the one on me is wrong. I served on the Sara from June 7, 1971 'till
Oct 26, 1972. I made a Med and a West Pac. I was an ADJ1 in IM2 P/P on the fain tail. I was with my wife in Mayport and didn,t go to the two places listed but I know they must have been OK. I made it across the equator on the West Pac and am a Shellback. I finished the around the world tour by flying from Clark Field to San Fransico and was discharged at Treasure Island 0n Oct 30 1972.
Good Day!
Early in WW II Great Britain, and other countries, sent young men to the U.S. for basic flight training. NAS Grosse Ile, Michigan was their first stop for Flight Elimination. We have a Web Site created to honor ALL WHO SERVED there. Visit it and see we have sections "IN MEMORY OF OUT BRITISH BROTHERS" and "NASGI SHIPS ROSTER".
I served on board the Sara from 71-74 in #1MMR as a Boiler Tech.
If anyone remembers me give me a shout!
I have written in before, I am a plank owner and left the ship in August
1957. I was in the E division IC Electrician. I am formerly of Hartford,Connecticut. I
would like hear from others on the ship at that time! I have heard from a few great guys,
however my EMail address has been changed to sanbog54@aol.com
I arrived aboard Saratoga on the Pre-Com detail in October 1955,as an SK3 assigned to S-1 Division working in Building 77 of the Brooklyn Navy Yard. After commissioning, was assigned to S-1 office, then Forward main GSK, Electronics and subsequently After Main GSK prior to transferring to
S-3 Sales Division. Transferred from the SARA October '58
and finally retired in 1990.
I can't wait to see the great "sexy sixty from dixie" once again. Like most everyone, I was happy to hear that she was not going to be in my next pack of razor blades.
I am still looking for some of my former mates from VAW-123 77-80. I'd love to hear from all of you and see "who yer doin'" and "how ya doin'".
Gods Speed.
I just returned from my squadron(HS-7)reunion in Newport R.I..Our group went to see Sara and the Quonset Air Museum,guys they need a lot of help getting this project completed.I served onboard Sara on the '71 Med. cruise and I went to VietNam on her.It was strange seeing her docked there with no activity onboard,we need to get her to Quonset Point,so that we can board her once again.Considering how much time I spent on her I'm not quite sure why it's so important to get back onboard.Maybe I'm looking for all those 20 year old kids that manned the ship,I'm not sure but I know that if more guys see her sittng next to the Forrestal,they'll want to get onboard also.I hope something can be done for good old CVA-59,these were two mighty ships in their time.They deserve to be preserved for others to see and appreciate.
I served on the Sara from December 1974 until April 1976, loved the time, the crew and the ship.
Hi shipmates!! permission to come aboard, haven't said that since I left SARA March of 69. I came aboard her at Mayport in 65. Worked the flt deck for V6 division, took care of all the jet starting equipment. Came aboard an ADJAN and left as an ADJ1, that tells you how long I was aboard! Learned what I needed about the ship, Navy, and how to be a good sailor,(ex-Air Force), I did and it paid off, as I became a AFCM (Command MCPO) and retired after 30 yrs. My memories of SARA, the sea, and the deployments were the greatest adventures of my life!!! Am thrilled to hear that she won't be scrapped. She (SARA)is quite the symbol of strength and freedom. Would like to hear from some shipmates out there, from the time period of 1965 through 1969.
I served aboard the USS Saratoga in S-6 division from 1959-1961, I was an AK-2 at the time.(two med cruises) I went to shore duty at NAS Cecil Field, FL and returned to the SARA in 1964/1965 assigned to VF-31 then
AK-1. I then transferred to Heavy 12 and made my fourth cruise aboard the SARA in 1965/1966. I then was transferred to MCAS Beaufort SC where I made Chief and WO and after Supply Corps School in Athens,GA., a tour in Viet Nam and NAS Cecil Field I retired as Supply Officer of the Light Attack Wing-One at NAS Cecil Field in 1976. I will always remember the SARA and my shipmates. Fair and Following Seas.
I served on the Sara from 1985 to 1987 as ships company. I worked in AIMD IM3 Shop 8 as an AO. I can't wait to take my family to visit her. I remember leaving the ship for the last time from Palmo Nova in Sept 1987. Although I wouldn't let on, it was tough leaving good friends I lived and worked with for over 2 years. I would love to hear from the following: Chuck Lessard, Vic Anthony, Todd Swanson, Eugene Pope, Rob Fuller, Jim Landon, Frank Weaver, Doug Ramaker, Rodney Hall, Howie Batts, Barry Fike, Bob Barker, Mike Martinez, or anyone else who remembers some of the good and bad times spent on board. Drop me a line and let me know how you are doing.
I was a member of the 4th Division -ship's company
(Boat Crew) from the summer of 1966 until 10AM Wednesday July 31, 1968. I'll bet I was the only Airdale who was a qualified Helmsman and Lee Helmsman that stood regular watches on the bridge. (I had more fun with many officers that tried to "write me up" for being "Out Of Uniform" because of my GREEN stripes.I would be happy to meet former shipmates and would enjoy "The Last Cruise"
great site. made 3 med cruises 69-71 with va 75.hope to see the old girl in november.
I am a proud, former member of the Saratoga's ship's company of '72/'73, GM Division. Like everyone else, I am still trying to absorb the tragic events of 9/11 and the impact on America. I received Frank Lennon's email and encourage everyone to join his fight and donate to the Saratoga fund.
Also, I encourage all Americans to join Web sites like California's Lower House of the Democratic Party, and sites from all over the globe who are using the 'AMERICA' Flash movie to show their support and resolve during this time of crisis. Please see: http://www.TheFlagPole.com
The site also includes free patriotic images for people to use. Please be aware that this is NOT a for-profit endeavor, nor are we collecting emails or information for any other use.
Thank you, stay safe,
There will be a memorial service for Capt. Charles F. (Chic) Burlingame III, an alum of Anaheim (Calif.) High School on November 2 at 7 pm.in the Anaheim High School auditorium, 811 W. Lincoln Ave. Polly (Hamilton)Hilsabeck, Chic's h.s. classmate
To all of my "BROTHERS"of the SARA'from 1975-1980,this is written after the terrorists attack of 9/11/01.,and I know for a fact,that all of S-3 Div.annd the rest of the crew of ships co. are highly pissed,and if Uncle Sam would let us back on the SARA,we would anilelate the tailaban and bin laiden!! I would love to climb aboard the SARA once again to see her. GOD BLESS THE CREW OF THE SARATOGA AND "AMERICA". From;G.Scott Whipkey Sh S-3 Div.1975-1980 Ships Co. Canton,OH.
To all of my "BROTHERS"of the SARA'from 1975-1980,this is written after the terrorists attack of 9/11/01.,and I know for a fact,that all of S-3 Div.annd the rest of the crew of ships co. are highly pissed,and if Uncle Sam would let us back on the SARA,we would anilelate the tailaban and bin laiden!! I would love to climb aboard the SARA once again to see her. GOD BLESS THE CREW OF THE SARATOGA AND "AMERICA". From;G.Scott Whipkey Sh S-3 Div.1975-1980 Ships Co. Canton,OH.
I served on the Sara from 73 to 75 in 4 main machinery room.Sure would like to here from some of the guys I served with.I already have contact with Mike Williamson,Bubba Strauss,Steve Ggutshall.We would like to get together with you all in the future and talk about old times.Hope to here from you.
I was a PN2 and served on the SARA from 83 to 85.
Proud to have served on the "SUPER SARA" from June 57 to Aug.59 as an SK1 in S-1 Div. Made her first cruise with FORRESTAL to North Atlantic and then First MED cruise. Many great memories of the ship and shipmates. Retired from the Navy in '74. Like to hear from anyone from that time. The best to all of you..Robert Gabel
I served in "W" division aft 1958-1959. Great ship and am still in contact with one of my shipmates. So happy to see Sara won't be a bundle of junk. Keep up the great work.
Served on the Sara from Nov 58-Oct59. Petty Officer in ship's company personnel office. Left the ship in Instanbul during the middle of med cruise; have regretted since for not completing the cruise. Served as bridge phone talker during GQ until I decided to leave the ship early. I visited the Sara in Philidelphia just before she was tugged to New Port; She had just been painted and looked good! Hope to see the memorial very soon after opening. Don,t remember the frame number of our sleeping quarters but it was below the mess hall. Have joined the Memorial club.
I am among those rare Sara crew members who never saw the Med. I came aboard to Dental on Sara's return from Med in late 1971 and disembarked upon Sara's return from Nam in Feb 1973. Memories going through King Neptunes Court with Sara, the Captain and majority of the crew even though Neptune himself had crossed way back in '46. Rolling flight deck as we rounded Hope and those days when Sara was all alone in the Indian Ocean with an F4 always on the cat. Watching Krakatoa volcano errupting through the big eyes at midnight as we went through the Straights of Jakarta. Received my nickname "Walrus" while swimming in Subic Bay on one of those rare days in port. Who could forget Subic, Hong Kong and Singapore. A quick emergency leave home by air and back to Sara allowed a few hours on historic Wake Island's lagoon and upon return to Mayport I had actually been completely around the globe both directions. And, of course, I was one King Neptunes Royal Dentists for the pollywogs as we headed home. Our G.O.D. (Good Old Dentist) CMD A. Herr led the Dental animals to Ark 60 in the caricature done in colored pencil by Lt. Scott during the cruise to Nam and included in the '72 Cruise book. I still have the original work after all these years and would love to place it in the Dental suite in the museum to commemorate a truly unique cruise in the history of Saratoga.
I was on Sara 73 to 75 went aboard when she returned from westpac. Took her to Portsmouth, then Gitmo and made a Med cruise. I worked in 4 main, would sure like to hear from some of the old snipes. MMC Thayer. MM1 Galloway, Tom Southworth, Ed Featherer, Steve Gutschall, Seamus McGillicuddy. That was a lot of years and 50 lbs. ago. 120 degree engine room sure kept you fit. Tou could sweat a hangover out in about an hour. I'm sure glad to hear that she is going to be made into a museam. Cant wait to drive up to show her off to my kids and grandkids. Thanks Sara I did alot of growing up on ya.
Kudos to you fine folks who saved our ship. I was ships company in V4 Div between 77-80. I can't express how much I wanted to get off that ship, but I now find myself thinking how lucky I was to be apart of such a rich part of our history. I jump at the chance to show my friends and family pictures and share my version of the "Sea Stories". I don't know if we ever offered our apologies to the folks in Medical Berthing for flooding their space while bring on fuel. We really didn't laugh to much when we saw your floor tile comming up. I remember leaving the ship for the last time. Tears of Joy. Many years later when I heard the ole girl was being decomissioned there were tear of sadness. Now that your organization has saved her, once again, Tear of Joy. If you guys happen to remember me e-mail and let me know what you have been up to. I sure do miss "the good ole days". Fred McMillan
Served on the Sara from 1958-61.Was in V-6 Div.as a ADR1.
Was in charge of the Power Plants Shop Located forward hanger bay one. Living space 01-29-1L slept in same bunk for 33 months.Made two Med cruises 59-60 and 60-61. Spent two Christmas in Cannes,France. Retired from Navy Oct 30,1967 as a Chief ADRC. Entered Navy July 18, 1945 in 13th and Market St. Philadelphia, Pa. Home Town Franklinville, New Jersey.
Served on the SARA from Oct.1972 thru Jan.1976 in B-Div Oil Shack had a lot of great times would like to hear from anyone who was in B-Div.
I was in HS-7, as a pilot for the Dusty Dogs '75-'78. Airwing was CVW-3. Please remember Chic Burlingame, a VF-103 Slugger who died as the pilot in command of the AA77 crashed into the Pentagon on 9-11-01. Chic was not only a shipmate of ours but also a classmate of mine from the Naval Academy Class of 1971; a double loss. I know that all Sara shipmates join me in commemorating Chic and his service to the country. Gone but never forgotten!!!
I had the opportunity to Sara in Phila before ths was slated to go to New England. What a great idea to save her.
I made 3 Med Cruises on Sara with VF-31 Tomcaters and worked in AIMD.
Does any one know where i could get a 71 Med Cruise Book ?
I never received mine after I left the ship.
Does any one remember when we ruptured our induction tubes
and flooded the engine rooms ? Or when we had that Russian
fleet chopper get chased away by one of our own choppers?
More Importantly. What was our role in BLACK Setember?
I worked in AIMD IM-3 Shop 3 W/C 64F, Sea-Op-Det NAS Norfolk from Jan 90 to Aug 94. The Sara Store needs an online order form. It could make some money. It's good to know I won't be buying the Sara as a pack of razor blades.
Plank owner 1956-1959 #3engine room mm2 had a lot of wonderful times on board & meet some great people.
I was with VAQ-137 serving on the USS Saratoga during the 85/86 and the 87 cruises. Long live the SARATOGA!!!
i was in V-4 div from 90-93 and was one of the 81 survivors of the ferry boat sinking just before the gulf war . now back home where we have the uss lexington museum. makes me wish i was on board the sara again
AHOY VF-31 TOMCATTERS ...Served aboard "SARA" from 1963-1966 working the "ROOF" as brown shirt on A/C # 105,F4B Phantom II. Been to see her moored in Newport ,R.I. next to the Forestal,and Iowa.Have photos that I'll glady send you of her. I am secretary of the VF-31 Tomcatters Association and our web adress is( http://www.tomcattersassociation.org)
I was stationed on the sara from 1978 till 1980 i was in v4 fuels division there was in the month of october in 78 up to feb 1979 i believe a young man killed on the flight deck at night while i was working. i was fueling a hot pump on a plane and he walked into the propeler was killed does any one have info on this situation or the name of the boy if not how can i find out
I was the first Oceanographic Officer to come aboard Sara. I joined her in the Tonkin Gulf in '72, and served as Firewatch Division Officer during the yard overhaul in Portsmount. You guys remember Lt Poo Bear, thats me. Some of you may remember, that after we lost our Protestant Chaplain near the end of the cruise, I took his place as layleader for the rest of the cruise and through the overhaul. Just a little history, when we came back through the Indian Ocean, we did a bathymetry, which was one of the first ever done by a US ship of the Indian Ocean. That information was put into digital format and sent to the Smithonian Institute within the first week of our return to Poftsmouth. I have a copy of the Pacific 1972 Cruise Book, and a long, official letter written by this Oceanographer writtn to King Neptune which caused me much pain when I met him as we crossed the equator in December 72. I would be glad to send anyone a copy of that letter (Poem) upon request via my e-mail. Great Ship, Great Crew, Great Times.
Served from 1961 to 1964 4th division deck ape. (Rum Runners)
I was happy to see this site, I was stationed in Quonset Point for my first tour, then went to Cecil Field Fla. and then ended up on the Saratoga from 1974 to 1976, I was in IM-3 as an AE-2, after reading all the information on the Sara, I am headed for Quonset point next week.
Served on Super Sara April 1982 in SLEP program Thru Terrorist buster cruise of 1986. Great crew and one fine ship.
I served in VFA-81 attached to SUPER SARA from 1989 to 1993.
Lots of great memories! I sure hated to see the Sara leave Mayport,but I am relieved to see she will be around for future generatios to admire.
Great website...Glad to hear she's still around.
Served from 91 to 94. Made two cruises and loved them both.
Really enjoy at sea periods.
Spent inport time working the "sides" with BMCM Neal!!!
Hope to take my new son to see the Sara in the future...Check is in the mail:-)
Served on Sara in VF31 and I'm looking for 1969-70 cruise book. I paid for a copy but never received it. Would like to buy a copy if someone has one available. Thanks.
Served in V-2 Arresting Gear from June 70-July 72.Had a memorable time while on Sara and look forward to seeing her in Rhode Island.Looking for any former "gear rats". Some of you former drunks must have sobered up by now ,and own a home computer.........give me a shout.
Is there anyone out there who is willing to sell his 1959 Cruise Book for $100?
Great site. I served on the Saratoga from Mar61 to Aug 62. Would like to hear from any old shipmates, like Don Faulk, Bob Mcintosh, Don Venenagae etc
Would love to be there for the last 7 miles
Served with HS-7, 1970 to 1972, Plank owner when she was coverted from CVA to CV. Stationed in Quonset Point RI. For those interested we are having a reunion Oct 12 - 14, 2001 at Quonst Point RI. Local Phone 314-962-7842
Hello fellow shipmates. I served on board Sara from 1977 to 1980, with HS-7 Dusty Dog, line div, airwing.
And memories enough to last a life time. I realy enjoyed our Med days, and our ever so exciting
main port of Naples, ok, so I lied. It's great to see the old girl will not become scrap, I clipped
out an artical, showing the Sara decomissioned with it's mast on the flight deck. It's good to here lots
of you guys are still doing good, and three cheers for the Fighting Cock.
I served on the Sara in W div. from 9/68-8/71. Glad to hear the old girl is getting the respect she deserves.Lots of great memories! Would love to hear from old shipmates.
I served on the Saratoga from 1976-80 in V-5 Division Primary Control and I so happy to hear she will be so close by for me to visit her again
Served on Sara from 11/75 to 8/79. I was an EM. Worked long hour in the main space in the heat, then watches,then standing on that chowline that use to go up into the hangerbay. then start all over again the next day.I made many friends on that ship.And I think of still them.When I was on her I couldn't wait to get out. Now I realize how much fun we all really had.
just a few lines to say I remember the good old days of CV 60 . 1973 TO 1976 in AIMD in JET SHOP .
i served on sara from 1/86 to 7/89 and made alot of good friends and memories then.sure do miss putting to sea with the old girl.didn't think i would back then but in recent years i realized how special she was and those times were.i really miss all my friends from back then and the brotherhood type bonds we shared.there haven't been any friendships like that since i got out.glad to hear that ya'll are going to save her for our kids.broke my heart to hear she had been mothballed.she's too proud of a ship for that fate.if any of my old buds see this drop me a line.i sure would love to hear from ya'll and how life has been treating you.to all of my shipmates from all of sara's years of service i have this to say.we have all shared time with the greatest lady to ever sail the seas.she did her duty,kept all of our loveones safe,and gave each of us a second home."I AM PROUD TO BE COUNTED IN YOUR RANKS"
God bless and keep each and every one of you.
Nice to see that the ships is gonna be a museum. I was on the last voyage of the saratoga, was part of the decomissing of the Sara, Made many friend and do miss the good old days when i was just starting, I worked in V3 as a tractor driver( Dolly) towed many aircraft onto the elevators and hangar bays, would like to get a chance my old stomping grounds and nap areas in the hangar lol..
Would love to get in touch with Retired Rear Admiral Earl P. Yates and wife.
Former plank owner. Reported to SARA @ Bklyn NY Oct 1955 our first trip to Gitmo where we were well known at Hotel 60 but those trips to the White Hats Club and the One Eyed Indian. Had some great times on SARA, Losing our anchor- someone flooding the Hangar Deck with CO2- Remember guys drag racing on the flight deck at Bklyn and couldn't stop launching the jets off the bow at Mayport when the Pres stepped off his plane. Remember our No Atlantic cruise, and the Hurricane off Mayport that bashed in Starboard Fwd gun tub. Our return to Bklyn Flushing Ave, Old Times Grille on West 43rd st, and their 15 cent draughs. The happenings on 42nd St., Great, Great Liberty Town. Remember the Cypress Tree at entrance to base in Mayport, and the lonely sign that read "Welcome to Mayport" Our departure on our first Med cruise with Capt AR Matter at the Helm. Cat Brown COM6thFlt meets us at Gibraltar. Barcelona, Palma, and of course Cannes, then that quick exit to head to Beirut. That was my last on SARA as I got transferred to Com6thFlt staff at Villefrance, but because of sortie from Cannes my transfer was held up.
Jim Prior
I'm a plank owner from 1956-1959, MM2 interested in finding info about riding the Saratoga up from Florida to RI and also in finding other crew memebers.
Served on Sara from 73-76; V-3 Div.,made 2 Med cruises,looking for shipmate Doug Barker from Naples,Fl.This site is very impressive,good job folks!
I served on the Sara from 1977 to 1980 in VA-105. In was a plane captain and then I was in the powerplant shop. Now the planes we worked on are all in museums, Cecil Field is closed and the Saratoga is going to be a museum. I saw the Sara at Rhode Island, it was pretty cool to see it again. I can't wait to show it off to my kids. I've been telling the "War Stories" for years. Of course, I can't tell them any of the really good stories from Naples,Italy. After all, their just kids!
I served aboared the uss saratoga 1975 to 1978.
Thought I would never want to see that ship again but time changes people and would love to be able to board her and bring all my famliy and freinds to see her and show them where i use to work and tell the many stories about my life in the navy. I guess you can say we all left a little piece of our selves when we left her. It's like seeing an old friend...
good luck to the lady a proud ship and crews
i was a marine who served from 72-74 on the sara. we went to vietnam, and dry dock in portsmouth va. i have photos of combat, cruise book, etc. lots of great ports . i had a great time on this ship! I served aboard the USS Leyte @ Quonset Point in 1958, USS Forrestal and USS Independence as a member of the Marine Detachment on each ship. Now living close by in Connecticut I enjoy visiting The Big F and Sara at New Port. Would like to become active in the restoration of the Saratoga. The guards wouldn't let me on the Quonset Carrier Pier and what happened to the old Marine Barracks on the Base?
I served on the Saratoga '71 Med cruise as part of VS-28. Remember us, the S2E's that hunted submarines. That cruise was a great part of my life and I would like to hear from any other squandron mate who reads this. For example, remember the Wine Festival in the hills outside Athens? Very much interested in the history of the Saratoga Its great to see Sara honored in such a maner as well as Quonset Point. I was stationed at NAS Quonset Point with VS28 (HUKKERS) from Aug 69 - Aug 71 as Second class Parachute rigger. VS-28 was the first shipboard anti-submarine squadron to be assigned to a CVA carrier group. We did a Med cruise. I was assigned to the Master-at-arms and found this duty to very interesting and at times fun. Does any one know how I could get May to Oct 71 Sara cruise book. Its great to be part of history and to share it. Last week while helping my parents move from their home of 45 years to a retirement community we came across an ID bracelet with an outline drawing of a ship with USS Saratoga written in the ship and "Roger Almon" written underneath. They had found it on their property (in Ayr, Nebr.) years before. Does/did anyone know Roger Almon? We would like to return the bracelet to him or his family. does anyone remember the liberty boat over heatingon a launch to the kennedy while they where relieving us in rota durring the 79'cruise?two shipmates went in the water without a lifejacket,myself and two other shipmates went in to help them.we had to float in an oil slick for about 10 or 15 minutes waiting for another boat to pick us up.those were the good old days.I served in s-5 in the officers sandwich mess from 77-81,t.a.d.from vs-22.would love to hear from any shipmates. I served aboard the USS SARATOGA CVA60 from Nov 1957 to July 1959. Will always remember her 1st Med Cruise from 1 Feb to 1 Oct 1958. We spent an awful lot of time at sea off the coast of Lebanon that summer but we did have some good times during the cruise. I was a petty officer in the ships company personnel office during that period but was a phone talker for the XO in the island structure during GQ so got to see alot of launches and traps. To this day, jets landing and taking off from carriers amaze me. I would like to hear from anyone that was on that first Med Cruise and especially anyone that was in X Division. I served on the Sara with VA-46 the summer of 1969. i was on the ship in 1964 and 5. Take a look at my pictures at this address: www.gatherround.com bent4500@aol.com 1937cars i took 95% of the pictures.
i was a blue shirt in Fly 1. Made two Med cruises while with VA-37.
1976-1979. Looking for Hildon Foust, or other guys in VA-37
during that time frame.
Good Memories Served aboard Sara 1958-1962 R division lost two shipmates in fire #2 main machinery rm. Lost all cruise books when home was broken into 1965. Have a lot of good memories.Happy to hear she's not being turned into razor blades. Made donation to museum,why don't you? served aboard the sara from 1966 thru 1968 in 3rd division.
looking for old shipmates that i have not been in contact with
since those good old days. had some great times while onboard/ miss those friends//james carter Well, I can tell that the airdales are well represented in
the guest book, but now it's time for an actual ships company
person to represent. I serve onboard USS Saratoga from October
1986 until October 1990. I worked in 2MMR, and 2AUX, as a
Machinist Mate. Served with good Chief's like McCain, Sidell
Garcia, and oh yhea Inman, who I can personally thank for helping
me keep my E-5 when I was sure it was gonna fly. Were any of
us angels? Had a lot of fun grossing out the fly boys by sitting
next to them on the mess deck in a pair of week old coveralls
just after coming out of that 110 degree hell hole...er I mean
engine room, sweating and smelling like something from Alien.
How can you not miss memories like that. I also enjoyed going
for days on end not seeing the sun, because the six hours between
workday, and the next watch were just not quite enough to motivate
me up the next deck where the focsle was. Sooner or later you
forgot what day it was, except for the 15th and 30th. I always
knew when they were. The ports we hit in 87 were great, especially
Haifa, where I personally learned that the Israeli women could
out drink a very thirsty sailor. The bus ride back down to the
pier, and the following liberty boat ride were a textbook lesson
on the techniques of projectile wretching. I don't think that
the shore patrol bought it when I told them I was a "little
seasick". Actually, I did a lot of growing up while I was
assigned to Saratoga, and while there is a lot I cannot remember
there is so much more that I will never forget. I was very
fortunate to have served on such a fine ship whith a bunch of
great guys. Anyone who served with me I sure would enjoy hearing
from. Thanks for this space, and the chance to relive some
good memories. I served on the Saratoga in HS-3 from 1986 to 1987 when she went to the yards. I returned ships company from 1990 to 1994 in OX division for her last three cruises with my twin brother. I am really glad that someone decided to save her from the razor blade companies. I hope there is a memorial onboard for the 21 men who died in the Haifa ferry boat accident in December, 1990. Great to see that Sara will be making one more short cruise. I served on her in AIMD from Nov 90 till Jun 94. Got off 2 weeks early and sailed my own boat out of Mayport to see her come in. Was sad to see her leave Florida. I served on the Saratoga in the Medical Dept from 1985-1987 and had some of the best times of my life there. I was an HM2 in the Medical Dept working with the likes of Bill Sespico, Deano Vandernoot, HMCS Ronald "Darth Vader" Scott, Herb "Hair Burrito" Rivera and many others I love that ship and am glad to know she will live on as something more than a hunk of metal in a scrap yard somewhere. God Bless all crewmembers who ever served aboard that ship.
Manny Baca Great Site. I served aboard Sara as ships company from 61 to 65 in V-4. I am looking to hear from old shipmates. I was aboard The Saratoga(then CVA60 "The Big 60 from Dixie") from 1963 to 1966 With VF-31(The Fighting Tomcatters)as an AE(Aviation Electrician)We had 2 Med cruises many Carib. cruises and an ill fated Cruise to the bay of pigs. WE as the squadron sat on the pier for many hours waiting for the Uss Saratoga to dock at Mayport but were told NEVER MIND go back to NAS CECIL FIELD. All in all my years in the Navy aboard the SARA were memorable and mostly very pleasant. I am very lucky in that I live in Rhode Island and can see my ship at the dock in Newport what a surprise it was when I learned it was coming to visit me. I will try my very best to make sure it has a good home here and the museum is a reality. To all who read these words Please donate to this cause. It is indeed a great quest Does anyone know of a "Jon Steele" who served aboard the Saratoga as an F-4 pilot??? I recently aquired his tour jacket with patches of VF-103, VF-121, VF-31, VF-151 and 100,200 missions F-4 Vietnam. Am curious about the man behind the jacket!!! My dad, Richard G. Favreau was a 3rd crewman in an A3D Skywarrior w
which crashed in the Med Feb. 1958. He died in that crash. Looking for anyone
who knew him and can tell me what happened. I grew up with very little info.
Served on Sara 9/78 to 3/81 as LN1 in the Legal Office. Made two Med cruises (78/79 & 80); participated in arrange-ments for TIGER Cruz of '80 - Father in law (Al Bosselait) and brother in law (Jim Riggs, SFC, USA) - were in attendance...Al, at 92, still talks about his cruise. Served with LT Dave Holcombe and Lt Bob Troidel, LN1 Bill Dripps, YN3 Randy Kennedy, SN Carl Beaver...and others.
Took Sara into Philly for SLEP...made Chief in '80...sweet memories. Saw Sara across the pier from the Fid in Newport in June 2001...what a sight. So glad to hear that Sara will live on...a check is in the mail to help. Thnx for the great web site...would enjoy to hear from any Sara Sailor........ excelent site, reading messages brings back memories. served on sara 81-85 wish I stayed in.Any old pals see this message please email.Aka ms3 marino .thanks for a great web site. Served from 65-69 W-Div Fwd. Proud to have served on the Big Boat, Rember that we couldn't pull away from the pier cause to many went over the hill. Same year we failed our NTPI,(bummer) Those were some wild and crazy days. Good boat and the best Sailors in the fleet. Again Very proud to have been Ships Company. served on sara 70-72 had some great times.was in r div.looking for anyone from damage control shop. worked for wills white dc1.hope to hear back from some of my old friends. long live sara I served on the super sara from 86-89, CR Div. Some of the best days of my life were on the sara. Finally, she can rest. My dad served three times on the saratoga and was happy to see that it is going to become a museum. I am glad the Saratoga is going to get a rest and some honor. She served for a long time. I was an OSSN in OI div 75-76. I made the Med Cruise in 76. Lebanon-Split etc.. It is still hard to believe the Navy an 18 year old all that responsibility and trust. I would love to hear from any old OI guys, especially the guys in our church group. Can't wait to take my kids (and grandkids) to see the SARA and show them what Navy life was about. Thanks for the museum. Awaiting the opening! Served on the Sara from 1961-63. I was with Air Group 3 Vah-9 Heavy Attack A3D Skywarrior. I Just wanted to let every one know that I took a trip yesterday all the way up to Newport to see our ship. I was able to take some photos so if any one wants one just e-mail me any time. The guard would not let any one near her but I got within about 50 feet. She from that distence does not look bad. The guard said she is really bad on the inside and one worker got hert when he fell through some weak floor or something. The Sara looks very alone after all she has been through and I hope she gets some help soon. She still has that look like she can get underway any time and kick butt. There were three guys broadcasting on short wave about her. They said they were trying to reach anyone out there that would be interested in her. I remember as a kid when she was built. I said her in the Brooklyn Navy yard when she was just a bunch of steel. My uncle worked there and said when she is ready I will bring you back. Well he did and I saw her the day she was launched. I still have that book after all these years. Let us all hope and prey this all works soon for all the right reasons. Amen. I served on Sara from Feb 70 to Mar 72 in the deck dept. I would love to here from anyone from 1st & 2nd div during that time frame, especially my best friends Kenny Ledbetter,Chuck Gaddis, Jody Hoffpauer & Les Petereson. I have many fond memories from the friendships I made on board. Some memories are not so fond, like 2AM Refueling.HA HA. Still I love this web site, as salt water still flows through my veins. Remember send me a line if you have any information on getting ahold of any of the above mentioned sailors Thanks in advance BM2 Vernon Carter Greetings to all my shipmates! I served aboard the Super Sara from April of 1985 until December of 1988 while deployed with Airantisubmarine Squadron Thirty (VS-30), as part of Carrier Air Wing Seventeen (CVW 17). I was assigned Temporary Assigned Duty (T.A.D.) to the Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Department (AIMD) in the IM3 Division, Avionics Shop 7. As an Aviation Electronics Technician Petty Officer Second Class AT2), I operated the Versatile Avionics Shop Test (V.A.S.T.) and Dynamic Alignment Test Set (D.A.T.S.) test benches. Utilizing these automatic test benches, I tested and repaired a wide variety of avionics equipment down to circuit card and component level from the S-3A Vikings belonging to my squadron, VS-30, "The Diamondcutters". My first cruise began as a 6 month Mediteranean/Indian Ocean cruise on August 26th 1985. What had originally begun as a six month deployment ended up being just over nine months, due to our being recalled from the I.O., back through the Suez Canal, and to the Med for duty in the Gulf of Sidra (well south of Khadaffi's infamous "Line of Death"); while in the Gulf, we launched air strikes for several weeks at Libya, and eventually quieted Khadaffi down. The cruise included ports of call in Toulon, France , Naples, Italy (remember the San Francisco Bar, the Number One Piano Bar, and the USO?), Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, Haifa, Israel, Diego Garcia (the 1st time a carrier ever tied up pierside there), Trieste, Italy, Malaga, Palma, and Rota, Spain, and Singapore, Maylasia. I have fond memories (well, maybe not all of them fond) of transforming from a lowly "Pollywog" to a "Trusty Shellback", having crossed "the Line" on several occasions. After nine months away from home and family, we arrived back stateside in Mayport, Florida on April 16th 1986. Following just over a year ashore, my second cruise began June 5th of 1987. Ports of call during this Med cruise were: Cannes, France, Benidorm, Spain, the ever popular Naples, Italy, Alexandria, Egypt, Athens, Greece, Livorno, Italy, and Haifa, Israel. Our second cruise ended without incident on November 17th, 1987. I can look back fondly on the time I spent aboard the Sara, even remebering the seemingly endless "twelve on, twelve off" duty days. I made several lasting friendships aboard that ship, namely with ATAN Craig Batts (with whom I recently had dinner at his home in Durham, North Carolina), AT3 Gary Motter, and AT2 John Knott (who lives in the same town I do-Lansing, IL). Most of all, I recall some of the mischieveous, if not innocently intended conduct we indulged in, especially: relishing the "smuggled in care packages" six packs of beer behind the securely dogged-down door of Shop 7; and, then there was the time Craig and I managed to sneak a couple o' beers on our way back home across "the Pond" to an area on the fantail, just beneath the L.S.O. Platform, where we smoked a few cigarettes, drank a few beers, and watched aircraft land merely feet over our heads-not too smart, but we were full of youthful exuberance, and had a penchant for living on the edge back then! On December 17th 1987, I went on terminal leave for just over a month, and was discharged on January 22nd 1988. My wife Wendy and I moved back home to the Chicago area, where I landed a job with IBM, where I worked for just over 7 years. Feeling a yearning for law enforcement, I joined the Lanisng, Illinois Police Department, where I am currently a Sergeant assigned to the Patrol Division. Life has blessed me with my best friend, and wife of nearly seventeen years, Wendy, daughters Christina Marie(12), Jamie Ann (8), and Kaitlyn Taylor(2). I was very sorry to hear of the Super Sara's decommissioning, and subsequent destiny of being scrapped. A couple of months ago, I read in a military magazine that she was still alive and well, and being considered as a floating museum. I can't really express how great that made me feel. I'm very proud of having served abaord Her, and am constantly reminiscing with my girls about the "good ole days". I can't wait until Sara is refitted, and in all Her splendor, when I can take my family aboard an old friend.
As her former Captain, Jerry Unruh, said so many times, "Mighty Fine, Super Sara"! Godspeed to all my former shipmates, and those involved with the USS Saratoga Museum Foundation in ensuring a trully great lady lives again!
I served on the "Super Sara" from August 1987 to August 1991 in the Air Dept., V-3 Div., and the In-port Fire Party. WOW, I think this is such a privilage to have served on the Sara, and for our ship to be the first to be a museum open to the public. I would love to hear from any and all my shipmates. I have allready written two that I found on the posting's. Hope to hear from more of you. One thing I would like to say "Sorry for given you such a hard time Petty Officer Vernon Wright, you were always allright in my book!" Again I would love to hear from everyone! God Bless, and God Speed! PS AN Ben Wright if you are reading this you had better write OK, "Moses"! Your buddy, "Banz"! I served on the Sara from March 1976 through July 1978.
2 med cruises 2 times in the yards. Once at Postsmith Va.
and once in Mayport Fla. In many ways I grew up and became a
man there. In many other ways my part of me died there.
Sometimes at night I can still here the waste cat above
were I sleep still launching planes. Some things never fade
away Others I will cherish forever.
formerley IS3 Hancock, James M.
CR Div from '79-'84, (they MADE me go to shore duty)
I paid a visit SARA in July 2001. It was very hard to believe that a ship with such history can be so silent.
My father made the "TIGER CRUISE" in '80. He claims it as "HIS" ship too. We went down to Pier 2 in Newport RI. Let me tell you, I had a tear in my eye, thinking she was at rest like she is, virtually welded to a pier, and anchored to the FORRESTAL (CV-59).
The prospect of her as a museum is awesome. BZ to everyone that had this vision, and the gumption to bring it forward.
I was with the Crash & Salvage Crew between 1973-1975. I had a lot of fine times abord the Sara. I remembered the time when we left the ship yard at Portsmith,Va. We all took our P.O.V's abord when we left for Mayport. I was the one with that new Harley-Davidson that I stored on the Hanger Deck that I got in trouble for starting it up all the time. That Cuba shake down cruse was something else, nothing but drills and drills. It's been 30 years ago since I was station on the Saratoga. My wife and I are planning to take a vacation this summer to look at the base (Quonset Point) that I was stationed at and the ship I was stationed at after that. (two birds at one stone, right!) 1964-1966 "W div." [forward] E-3
We use to smuggle those little "Airline-sized" bottles of booze onboard. Tie a string aruond the neck and lower them down the fresh air "tube/vent" in our racks. Then we would have a party at sea....drunkards that we were. Then there was the shaving cream fights in the middle of the night.lol
You would wake up with a pound of shaving cream on your face and head......Pay back = pay back. E/Me Dan I served on this carrier during 1961, 1962, 1963, V-2 Division, Arresting Gear. (Cuban Missile Crisis time)
I participated in the 50,000th arrestment on board. During my tenure, we (the airmen) won the Aviation "E" over the other carriers in our fleet. I never see that mentioned when I read about her history, or perhaps I overlooked it. I have one negative feeling about the Saratoga. Not really the ship itself, but the people behind the following change. When I served on her, she was designated USS SARATOGA CVA-60. At a past reunion in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, I asked an Executive Officer, who was present, why they changed the CVA-60, to CV-60? He told me the "A" stood for "Attack" which is correct, and that offended some foreign governments as such, so in order to upgrade our public relations, our Navy made some changes. I won't print here what I think & would say about that nonsense. I had the pleasure of serving on the Sara in 1971-73 while a pilot with the Sluggers of VF103. The Saratoga was a ship that was never perfect (there was always something that didn't work, usually the heads on the O3 level), but the crew and the ship always got the job done. 99 Fairfield, Charlie now! THANKS FOR YOUR GUESTBOOK.OLD R-DIV SHIP-MATE E-MAILED ME.STILL LOOKING FOR OLD SHIP-MATES.I WAS ON THE SUPER SARA FROM 81 TO 85.THANKS FOR YOUR WEB SIGHT.
SERVED ON SARA SEPT 62/MARCH 64 ARRIVED DRYDOCK PORTSMOUTH VA G DIVISION HANGER DECK CREW LEFT DRYDOCK EARLY FOR MAYPORT THEN CUBA DOES ANY ONE KNOW IF I CAN ATTAIN A YEARBOOK FOR 62/63 NAVY ONE OF MY GREATEST LIFE EXPERIANCES I served aboard the sara attached to VF-103,was a plane captain of F4 phantoms on both the med cruise and the first voyage to south east asia, or better known as the Tonkin Gulf. Had the best two years of my life growing up and learning all the things that made me successful to this day,
KEEP THE FLAG FLYING. Sorry, but I remember the dates now. It was 1955-1958. My dad was a plankowner, 2nd division (CVA-60)
Please, let me know if you remember him!
(Richard Humiston) My father was on the Saratoga CVA 60. He was a PLANKOWNER. I know he was aboard when she took her first sail. I can't remember exact dates but I recall him being on around 1957. I believe for 4 years. If you may have known him, please, send me a note. He'd love to hear from you. His name is Richard Humiston.
I think the museum is a wonderful idea!! I hope to someday get my dad over to see her. What memories he has shared ! I have one suggestion for your displays - include the Achille Lauro and Libya work as exhibit.
Nice museum. I hope it holds up to the proud tradition of the ship. Served on the last two voyages of the Saratoga in AIMD. Great memories. Am looking forward to the museum...especially since it's just a few minutes down the highway from home. I served aboard "Sara" from 4/74-12/75. I was attached to v-2 division plat/lens. Have some great memories from the 2 med cruises I went on. Looking foward to the museum opening up. Would be great to hear from any shipmates( especialy any of the green crew)! I was really pleased to hear that the sara was going to stay alive. i cant wait to come aboard again and see it all just like it was when i was part of her last cruise.i was with VFA 83 rampagers the F18 squadron. Capt.Dragger was a great leader and i miss all the times i had on board I SERVED AS A DAMAGE CONTROLMAN ON THE "SARA" FROM 88-91. WOULD LOVE HEARING FROM ANYONE THAT SERVED IN "R" OR "DC" DIVISION DURING THAT PERIOD. Served on the SARA Dec 67 to Dec 70 with the IOIC group as a DS Tech. Worked with some of the best guys I've ever met and served on the best Carrier in the fleet. She was the cutting edge of technology then paving new trails and I'm proud to see she will be paving new trails again! I apologize for the 'paving new trails' cliche', but it has been awhile since I've been to sea. May God bless the efforts of all those working so hard to put her in her rightfull steed. Bravo-Zulu shipmates, I served on board the "Super Sara" from July, 1982 - Jan. 1986. I was in the Repair division, And a member of the Nucleus, and Inport fire parties. It has been a long time would love to hear from anyone from the boat.
Bobby Clark (HT2) Hi All, Sure was suprised to find the Sara will be saved, last I knew it was headed for scrap yard. I sailed from 65 to spring of 68 when I got transfered to the USS Shangri-la CV 38 in the Med. Served in W Div, GMT3. Interested in hearing from old salts who may remember the good old days!! I still play mean game of hearts. I was on the Sara from Jan 83 to Sept 86, S-8 Div. Anyone remember me??? I was proud to serve aboard the Sara from 1970 - 1972...worked on the flight deck in Fly-2 most of the time then drove a tractor up there for awhile. Hardest I ever worked in my life. Wish I was there now. I was there during President Nixon's visit and got to shake his hand. I'm originally from New York, but after serving on the Sara and falling in love with Florida, I got out of the Navy and stayed. I currently live in Ormond Beach, which is just north of Daytona. Currently a twenty year police officer and loving life. Love to hear from anyone. Served on the Sara from 76 - 80 in Deck division. Would like to hear from anyone who served in Deck. Met a lot of great people and have a lot of great memories. I served on the Sara from 1960-1961 in the engine room. I continued my career in th Navy. Served onboard the Sara from Feb 1983-Aug 1986 in OI division. Have now been in 19 yrs, leaving shore duty tomorrow (June 2001) and going back to sea for the last time as an OS1(sw). After being on 7 other ships, I can say that there were none better than serving onboard the Sara in OI division. If you know me get in touch. Will be onboard the USS Boone (FFG-28) for the next 2 yrs. I AM A PLANK OWNER OF SARA &VERY PROUD OF IT
I SERVED IN V1 DIVISION FLIGHT DECK AS A DIRECTORWAS A GREAT SHIP&STILL IS..AM ANXIUOSE TO SEA HER RESTORED AS A MUSEUM...HI TO ALL MY SHIPMATES WHO SERVED ABOARD HER NO MATTER THE YEAR WAS ON BOARD FROM APRIL OF 56 TILL DEC OF57 I served aboard Sara from 62 to 66 in V-1. Can't wait for the park to open. GREAT JOB FRANK. I served on Super Sara from 89 -92 in the V2 Division as Arresting Gear CPO and then as CPO of ALRE. Would love to hear from any of my former shipmates.
Glad to see Sara was saved. Will be going to visit soon.
Served in OC division 71 Med cruise and 72 Tonkin Gulf. We lost some good people! I'll never forget.
Approach "A" - CATCC 60 Reading some of the entires in the ship's log (guestbook) sure brought back memories. I was a member of the Marine Detachment from Mar 74 to Jul 76. I served as a Marine sentry, brig guard, admin clerk and detachment field music. I sure remember all those ceremonies (and memorials at sea for our shipmates) especially the bi-centenial in Monaco. I was the Marine who played Taps for the Brown Shoe Navy when the shoes were launched off the flight deck. I can't wait for Sara to be open as a museum and I fully intend to be there. Semper Fi! What a grate site. Fellow level men I don reach here. I am pleased to hear of the progress of the future museum at Quanset. I only learned of this quest a few months back when I discovered the store at the RI mall. I have no military background but grew up in a military family, my father fought on a naval Destroyer during the Second World War. I am an avid reader of military history and am particularly fascinated with military aircraft and aircraft carriers. Needless to say I am ecstatic about having a museum with an actual carrier as the centerpiece located in my hometown and less than ten minutes from my house. Great job by all those involved in the effort to bring about this incredibly, exciting addition to RI. While on board the Sara, I made a Med cruise and a West Pack. I was aboard from June '71 til Oct '72. I was discharged at Cubi Point. Had a great time visiting the Med ports and P.I. I was assigned to IM2 Div Power PLants AIMD. The best part of being on the Sara was liberty in Mayport. Top of the tides and Bo's Reef was it for me. IM1 div 70 to 75. VF103 from 79 to 82. If my memory serves I made the Med cruise in 1961 with the Sara.attached to VF-32 again in 62 with with 32,after checking my cruise books I find I made Another earlierMed cruise in 1958 with VF-61,West pack cruise with VA-196 in 1967,again in 1968 with Va-196.Westpac again in 1972 while attached to RVAH1 in Alabany Georgia.So I guess the fighting cock was home one heck of a lot during my Naval career.Good luck to all of those wgho at one time or another was aboard this fine and proud vessel,Jerry Foxworth ADC USN RET> I enjoyed sailing on this ship, it was exiting and alot of work. I was in attack squadron 34 at the time. I wished I could had been on her last voyage but it is impossible. I sailed with her I think three times and loved every minute of it. It's a great ship...... I met the Sara in Naples, in '63 and left her there in '65. I made two Med cruises in V-1 Division, Fly 3. I remember the 20 hour days at flight quarters and the dirty tired faces. I also remember lying in the bow nets underway watching the stars, sitting in the Air Boss's chair on Christmas eve, and a big crash and fire on the flight deck. I loved it and hated it. I still remember that incredible ship as if it were yesterday. I served aboard super sara in 86-87 as a radioman. We crossed the line of death near lybia at full battle stations. It was an honor to serve my time on her. she was a ship served on by many. I hope one day to return to the saratoga, or meet up with some of my ex shipmates. Served on board from 74-76, Steam Catapult Shop. Would like to find some of the guys. Ken McCall, Paul Lowe,Mike Grimsley. Remember good times and not so good times. Contact me via e-mail if you know any of these characters.
Just sorry to see that Jacksonville did not get Sara for themselves. At least she will remain. Thanks for the opportunity and the memories. Hey all you blackshoes from 76-81. Just a note to say hi and watch out for the red devil blower. Still trying to find Cucchi, and Pietrzyk and other electricians mates. I worked in safety shop, light shop, and auxillery machine room #1. Anybody heard from cato, bruce temple, or any of the other bootcamps we left it to in 80. Well by from texas and look forward to a reunion here. I missed the one in san antonio but we need to try again. maybe even dallas ft worth area I'd like to hear from anyone who served in "W" division from 9/68 to 8/71. I spent almost 5 years on the Sara. I worked in the machine shop repairing pumps and anything else that needed repaired. I will always remember the good times and some of the bad. I made a trip to Philly to see Her and then found out the base was closed. So all I got were a few long distance photos. I hope you make it with your quest.
Best of luck and I'll be there to see her when you open the doors. 2nd class petty officer Larry Brassine. took the sara out of over haul in portsmouth then back down to the home port of mayport fla.that was '87/'89 then I was with v-1 division.
I served aboard w/VA-36 on several cruises between 1963-66,
as the Production Control Supervisor. Then FAW-11 & NAF, CAM RON BAY, Det. Ton Son Nhut, RVN., 1969-70. After this
on Recruiting Duty. Retired in 1976!
Hello shipmates & "ROADRUNNERS", God Bless & Smooth Sailing.
It was a great ship, Air Wing #3, and crew. She was a workhorse & a feeder too!! My GrandFather, William E. Hunter, served aboard the USS Saratoga. He returned to Georgia, (Atlanta) in 1966, which is the year of my birth. I would love to hear more and more info on any info anyone of you have of the memories. As of now, I have his original duffel bag and all intact clothing ///.
Capt RayKelley of the Mrs. SusieQueue.....Sarasota, Florida
1-941-751-2101, cell 1-941-229-4958, email ..chuckkwilliams@hotmail.com
: )
My father served on the Sara a couple or three years after her launch. From what he has told me over the years, he enjoyed his time on the Sara. Sara has always had a special meaning for me and has been a symbol of my dad's youth that I have always cherised. I'm proud that people have come together to save Sara and turn her into this fabulous museum. I hope that my dad and myself get the chance to see it one day. Happy to hear the Sara has been spared the torch. I have fond memories of the Lady! I served on the Sara from 60 to 63 in CAG-3, VA36 Roadrunners. Would like to hear from anyone who served with me in Attack Squadron 36. David "Maverick" Morris the poker player. flyboy@morriscomputer.com Three cheers for the people responsible for this project. Having served aboard "Sara" this allows me to revisit my memories as well as show my children a piece of thier father's history as well as thier country's. Thank you. served on board the sara from 84-87 V-1 Crash and Salvage.Im glad they are turning her into a museum.I would like to hear from anyone who served during this time in V-1 served on board the sara from 84-87 V-1 Crash and Salvage.Im glad they are turning her into a museum.I would like to hear from anyone who served during this time in V-1 What a beautiful idea. I have every intention of visiting the Saratoga as my father served on the Saratoga in Pearl Harbor. Served aboard Sara from Oct 58 until Oct 61, Storekeeper in S-1 Division. As you can see it is 40 years ago. I just had the opportunity to visit the John F. Kennedy CV67 at pier 88 New York, she is in for the Memorial Day holiday along with many other ships. It is Fleet Week in NYC. It was the first time in 40 years to go aboard and Aircraft Carrier. I just couldn't believe how big they were, after standing on the Flight Deck and looking fore and aft.
The Chief on watch was nice enough to show me around I got to go down to the Chief's Mess, have a cup of coffee and talk with some of the Chiefs. The hardest thing for me to get use to was watching some of the Female's going about their duties. The Saratoga was my first duty station, I did make Chief SK, and retired from the Navy with 20 year's service. If any of you old timers get a chance I would strongly recommend visiting some of the current Navy Ships. Served in the S-1 Division from late 64 through august 66 great memories. any one in the storekeepers division give me a note i was a plank owner on sara when she was commisioned
in 1956 she was a great ship .. E-Division Plankowner worked in the Power Shop. I still keep in touch w/Richie Osorio and worked with Jim Loughran 23 years in Yonkers at the "Sugar House" until we both retired. I continued my Navy career until 1974 when I retired as EMC. I have a lot of fond memories of the Sara, the cruises we made and the many great shipmates that served aboard her. I remember a lot of the guys in the Power Shop, Klementowski, Kosic, Iffland (Charley the Bear). Also met other career shipmates at various times during my 20 years in the Navy. Would like to hear from any of my old Sara shipmates. I serve on the "Lady" from '76 to '82. I enjoyed my time on the "Sara", and I have very fond memories of Her. I am glad the she will be the centerpiece of the park, She deserves that great Honor. I intend to visit the "Lady" this summer .. Hi to all my shipmates and to all the courages men who sailed the seas on the best ship of the fleet, The Sara!!!!.. served aboard sara from 85 to 87 in e div. worked in powershop. them were some of the best time's. hanging
with the crew of best ship of it kind.anyone from E div
give me a e-mail we can have a bull session. Just surfed in
interesting site I have a 1958 Med Cruise book which I would like to trade for a 1959 book. Or, I am willing to purchase your 1959 book for $50. Call me at (401) 884-8913. I served on the Sara from 1990 to 1994. I worked in V-1 air dept as 3M maintance man for the Complete flight deck Including all catwalks lighting, netting and ladders. I also served in AIMD Hydraulic's back on the aft part of the ship next to the jet shop.
I would like to add, I served in Desert Storm on the Sara
and I want to say that it was a fine ship. even at the time she was old. I have many fine memories and port visits with that old girl. And would love to come up and see her when you get her completed. And if I can help in any way Please feel free to drop me a line. And tell me what kind of jobs will be avalable on her. I might be interested.
Thank you. David Borges sorry about the double posting..it wasn't intentional..who knows what goes on in cyberspace ?..go figure !! E - division plankowner...stationed in brooklyn navy yard receiving station, from january, 1956, until we went aboard, around april 14, 1956, (the commisionong date)...was aboard until november, 1957..was aboard for the shakedown cruise (GITMO), haiti, NATO north atlantiic cruise, in the fall of 1957..still have tons of slides, & the color is still great!!..had some color prints made, recently, from the slides..looks like the pictures were just taken..thank you, KODACHROME !!!..met charley smoot, paul hartung, & jimmy warrington at the decommisioning, in mayport, in august, 1994..guys who worked in the A & O electrician's shop, with me..actually, they just hung out & drank coffee with the chief (they were his PETS)...I was the only one who did any work!!!..went to the reunions in saratga, ny, (1998), & charleston, sc (2000)...i'm STILL the best looking of the bunch, even WITHOUT any hair !!..met jerry freeman & frank sumption on the internet (also E - division plankowners)..also met mike gower, jerry glim, gardner (forgot his first name), & russ doerr at the reunions..if i left you out, sorry about that..short term memory is slipping..hope we can all be together when sara moves from newport to quansett point..anyone know when that is going to happen?..please respond to gf45789@aol.com thanks....phone 914 - 276 - 6542 address 28 - B Heritage Hills, Somers, NY 10589 - 1232 E - division plankowner...stationed in brooklyn navy yard receiving station, from january, 1956, until we went aboard, around april 14, 1956, (the commisionong date)...was aboard until november, 1957..was aboard for the shakedown cruise (GITMO), haiti, NATO north atlantiic cruise, in the fall of 1957..still have tons of slides, & the color is still great!!..had some color prints made, recently, from the slides..looks like the pictures were just taken..thank you, KODACHROME !!!..met charley smoot, paul hartung, & jimmy warrington at the decommisioning, in mayport, in august, 1994..guys who worked in the A & O electrician's shop, with me..actually, they just hung out & drank coffee with the chief (they were his PETS)...I was the only one who did any work!!!..went to the reunions in saratga, ny, (1998), & charleston, sc (2000)...i'm STILL the best looking of the bunch, even WITHOUT any hair !!..met jerry freeman & frank sumption on the internet (also E - division plankowners)..also met mike gower, jerry glim, gardner (forgot his first name), & russ doerr at the reunions..if i left you out, sorry about that..short term memory is slipping..hope we can all be together when sara moves from newport to quansett point..anyone know when that is going to happen?..please respond to gf45789@aol.com thanks....phone 914 - 276 - 6542 address 28 - B Heritage Hills, Somers, NY 10589 - 1232 V 1 for ever ,,med crews 96 Just an update...I was onboard from '84-'88 in Executive Department (USO Shows). I recently reenlisted onboard USS John F Kennedy (CV 67) in Mayport. I'm going to be in VFA-131 and deploy on JFK as I did with SARA twice. CDR Wayne Brooks came to my reenlistment...he was the Executive Assistant (headed Special Services, Training, and the MAs/Brig). I've spoken with VADM(ret) Jerry Unruh and just watched VADM Joe Mobley retire after working with him while he was COMNAVAIRLANT. Two great leaders, sorley missed. I can't wait to see this all happen. Glad to be a part of it. Bob, Linda and myself are in computer class and are doing random searchs. Hope all is well. Looking great in cyber space Sara, Was my love of the "Cruise of '66". Cap't. Lang, performed at the Greek Island of Fleet Anchor. Deceipher! ADJ-3 VA-34 CapnA-4 COMNAVAIRLANT6-66 Sara, Was my love of the "Cruise of '66". Cap't. Lang, performed at the Greek Island of Fleet Anchor. Deceipher! ADJ-3 VA-34 CapnA-4 COMNAVAIRLANT6-66 I served on the Saratoga in 1976-1977 for nine months as a LTJG and the Boiler Officer. It was quite an experience. During that time we were in the Norfolk Naval Shipyard or in Mayport. I remember a lot of time at sea training pilots. I left in June 1977 to pursue my civilian career. I am glad you are going to preserve the CV-60, it is a great ship. I hope to get to R.I. to see it. Hi to my old shipmates. I served on the Saratoga from 1971 til 1972! I had a lot of great times on board the fighting cock. When I first saw the Saratoga I thought to myself what a beautiful ship she is.I had great time on my first and only Med. cruise! Our first stop was Scotland and it was very pretty there seeing the old castle's and drinking their black beer was different. There is one time I remember quite well is when me and a couple of my friend's were in Athens Greece. We got so drunk on ozzo that till this day I cannot remember how I got back onboard the Saratoga. I was in V3 the hanger deck crew! And I had a great time with all the great guy's we had the best bunch around. Served on the sara from 88-91....just heard not to long ago the admiral mobley is retiring after all these years....one hell of a captain he was.
My first home away from home. V4 Div. 1957-1959. A great ship & great times. Hope to see you all on the flight deck, in the near future. I served in 1982 in the royal dutch navy as an mechanic, we had some excercise with the us saratoga. We had an rendevous in the night somewhere in the caribic sea. This ship is like a pretty woman, one look and jou never forget her! Hold on to the American freedom, Still many thanks for liberating my country Holland in WWII. We can live in freedom and democraty. So long Saratoga xxx Rene This is a great site, Served aboard the SARA July 61-Oct 62,Was a Radioman in CR Div,Made the Med Cruise 61-62, Great ship, Looking for some of my old friends, reply chrisadv@together.net Ed.Christopher (Chris) from Vermont. I was aboard Sep66 To Aug 69.Great Med Cruise's. I really grew up on the Sara.Best carrier in the fleet .Do you remember the cruise when we met up with the America for Grey Eagle or how about the anchor situation in Turkey. She looks so lonely with an empty flightdeck .Ebbe K.J.AE2 Let's turn into the wind one more time. To Steve Cabaday:
It was very interesting seeing your note. I am a Plankowner and I was in E Division with Chief Cabaday. I was barely out of Boot and "A" School and he scared the heck out of me with that booming voice and gruff look. As time went on, I learned that he wasn't nearly as tough as he sounded to a young boot, and turned to be a pretty nice guy. Certainly one of the stongest personalities in my SARA memories.
Hello to all my shipmates and fellow Plankowners out there.
"SUMP" S-4 DIVISION (DISBURSING CLERKS). LOOKING FOR ANYONE WHO SERVED WITH ME FROM 10/63-6/66 ON THE SARA. MADE 3 MED. CRUISES. I would like to retract my query of March 29 regarding the moving of the SARA out of Narraganset Bay. I have just received some info from a friend in RI that both the FORRESTAL and the SARATOGA are still moored there. I spent 2 years on the Sara, June '66- june 68. I was ships company V-4 Avaiation fuels division. I worked in the avgas pump room and the flight deck. I ended my time at the Philadelphia Naval ship yard in '68. Served aboard "Sara" with VA-81 Sunliners during 1985-86 and again in 1987. Worked night check in AIMD. Hello to all my shipmates that see this message. Hope all are well. Served on board from March 61 until September 62.I was a O2N2 operator and stood my watches in Plant#3 just above the bake shop..Had to stand 12 on 12 off for the Med cruise but enjoyed it never the less I have very special memories growing on the Sara while living in Spain 1965 to 1973 (age 5 to 13). When dock in Barcelona I spend growing up sitting on Captains chair and hanging around the ship and getting my medical ckeck up. Words can not describe my experience with Sara. She holds very special times. The Captain of the Saratoge spend many times and my house eating dinner with us for those years.
Served onboard from 1984 to 1987 in OZ Division. My tour aboard the Super Sara can not be put into words. I worked with a great bunch of guys who were loyal and knew how to get the work done. Sure would like to hear from them. My last cruise to the Med was my career highlight when during that cruise our airwing hijacked the Achille Lauro hijackers, plus we were finally able to do something with Qhadfi and took out some of his patrol boats. It was great to hear that Sara will live on. In my book, she will be the GREATEST carrier ever built!! Served onboard from 1984 to 1987 in OZ Division. My tour aboard the Super Sara can not be put into words. I worked with a great bunch of guys who were loyal and knew how to get the work done. Sure would like to hear from them. My last cruise to the Med was my career highlight when during that cruise our airwing hijacked the Achille Lauro hijackers, plus we were finally able to do something with Qhadfi and took out some of his patrol boats. It was great to hear that Sara will live on. In my book, she will be the GREATEST carrier ever built!! VF-32ers (c. 1958) Al Ouellette and Carl Beauchamp got together recently and had a great time re-living those days in the line shack and on the flight deck. Maybe some of you guys we talked about would like a chance to respond. Let us know! All you Heavy sailors give me a Hollar, it would be nice to start a Heavy site, let me know My husband RM1 James Adams served aboard "Sara" from 83-86. He made two med cruises and was aboard during Kadafi's gulf of sidra crisis. I have a standing joke with my husband that the Saratoga owes us child support because my son was concieved during the time she was known as building 60 in Mayport. It was a very sad day for me when she left Jacksonville after they did not push hard enough to make her a museum here. I'm glad to see she will not end up as someone else's ship or as scrap metal. I did not serve aboard any of Jim's ships but the "Sara" is the one that has a special place in my heart. served aboard SARA 1/69 to 6/71 in med dept. enjoyed my tour I was aboard the SAR from 1969 -1971in GM Division. I read the guestbook entries and came across a friends entry. It brought back alot of memories. I'm glad they are going to do something with her. I made alot of friends while aboard her and hope to see more people access this web site. Its been 30 years and it seems like yesterday.time goes on and people move on but friendships last and last. Hope to see more people in the future at Sara reunions. If you think you won't find anyone on the web site you won't if you don't write. Good luck to all Bill Hi...served aboard Sara from 1971-74 v2 div. , am so glad to see her saved from the scrap pile, many fond memories that will last forever are bound with the Sara, anybody around who did the 72-73 west pac? my e-mail is bajaride@un3.net Hi shipmates. Reported to Bklyn NY Oct 1955 for duty as plankowner. Was SK in Commissary Office working for LT Merrick (Commissary Officer). Great Ship/Great Crew/ and uper 1st skipper Capt "Red" Stroth. Remember losing anchor, Hotel SARA at Gitmo (engine problems). Still looking for good buddy and former electrician Fred Leeds, from NJ anyone remember him or know where he is please contact me.
Remember emergency sortie from Cannes '58 when we headed to Beirut. Enroute I was transferred to Com6thFlt Staff and spent next 5 years homeported in VilleFrance on Salem/DesMoines and Springfield. Then to shore duty at 90 Church St, NYC, then West to put Chicago (CG-11) in commission then to the Amphibs Eldorado (AGC-11) then back East and put JFK in commission. Then retirement 12/24/69 what a great Christmas present. Then worked 25 years for Stone and Webster Engineering Corp as Mgr of Administration for Process Technology Dept then retirement again. Would like to contact some shipmates from glory days at Brooklyn/Mayport and Med. Remember the crowing cock being painted Green. Those were the days. Anyone who may know where Fred Leeds is please let me know. Thanks
My Husband Cris, an Aviation Tech, did a Med Cruise May/92 - Oct/92. 10 months after the cruise, we had a daughter. Her name is Sarah. Would love to hear from any of his shipmates at that time. I was with the Fighting Sluggers of VF 103 during the Tonkin
Gulf tour 72-Oct74. I remember when me and Norman Murray boarded the Sara in North Folk, Va. doubting that she would be able to float. When I got the word I was assigned to the Mess Decks; I ran into Jim Sabo and he had the look of someone who had just gotten sentence to the gas chamber because he too was pulling mess duty. I enjoyed my time in the mess decks so much that I volunteered for mess duty on the way back to Mayport, Fla. after a certain Lt threaten to send me to see the old men. That was a good move on my part because I was not assigned to any unloading working parties when we pulled into Mayport Fla. and I was on the first flight back to NAS Oceana. I was one of the regular joggers on the flight deck and lost alot of weight while on board the Fighting Cock. I had a great time on board The Sara because of all the personnel I work with. Hey Louie if you are out there play"Louie Armstrong" your imaginary trumpet. I never made it back nto the Sara because somebody torched her while in dry docks and extended her stay in Norfolk for another year. Thanks alot for this web site and I will be sending my donation, and hopefully I can meet up with mess deck buddies or personnell from VF 103. Hi shipmates I served from Jan 89-Nov 92 as a V-1 Yellowshirt in fly 2 I was called Lil J I'm glad we all are tring to make this happen it couldn't happen to a better ship I really miss the times i had on the flight deck. With all my buddies, Hope to see you all soon. Lil J. Served Onboard Saratoga from 1988 - 1991.
Checked on board in Portsmouth, do you remeber "The Darby"
Our Scheduled Med Cruise turned in Desert Shield/Storm
but we still had lots of fun (just didn't hit many ports) Frank,
I have been home for a week recuperating from eye surgery. The first day I could read was yesterday, and the first thing I read was the PBN article that Jacob sent home to me. We are all excited about helping you with this project and know that you chose the right firm to do the job. No one has the know-how and the contact list that Jacob Belt offers. Hope all goes well for you and that we get started real soon. Sabdra Cooney, President, Gregory/Cooney/Belt. Med cruise 1970, RVAH-9 Vigillante Squadron The "Hooters" i was in the navy from 3 55 to 8 58. home port brooklyn navy yard. my ship was the USS KYNE DE 744. at that i seen the USS SARATOGA; from the keel up. a real lady of the sea. it;s nice to see she will be saved & not cut up. good luck saratoga. frank donovan. BM3 usn. Why is there nothing on the website about the SARA being moved out of Narraganset Bay to the west coast? Or is my info incorrect? I was on Super Sara CV-60 from Nov 81 - Aug 84. I worked in Norflok placing most of you on the ship as you came through for training. I finished up as a Personnelman before I left, right after the Med Cruise. Looking for old friends one in paticular. His name was Bill Ingham from Boston. Anyone knows where he is please contact me. Can't wait to see the carrier again. It's good to see that the Sara will be saved. I served in the Medical Department from June 82 - April 84. ABE waist cats & bow cats 1983 1987 I would like to hear from anybody that served on Sara during that time ,, I am originaly from Czech Republic so I was known as Czech and I think that I was the only one on Sara that was from former Czechoslovakia I had a great time on Sara and am very pleased that Sara is going to be a museum ,because Cv 60 is a great ship and I always think of times that I spent on board Czech I served on the Sara from 72 to 75 V-4 Division (purple shirt)
Glad to hear that She has a final Home Port. WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM ANYONE WHO SERVED ABOARD THE SARATOGA IN V-4 FUELS DIVISION FROM 1966-1969. I MADE TWO MED CRUISES ABOARD THE SARA. I WOULD JUST LIKE TO MAKE CONTACT WITH SOME OF MY OLD AND I MEAN OLD SHIPMATES.I WOULD ESPECIALLY LIKE TO HAVE AN E-MAIL FROM JEFF CHESTNUT, JOE CANNONE, BUGS OR ANYONE ELSE IN V-4 FROM 66-69. To those who were on Sara's '58 med cruise: Remember when Nikita Kruchev threatened to sink the Sara? Isn't it ironic that the Sara is still alive and well, and living in the state where kruchev's son lives and teaches at Brown University? I think it would be a good gesture on the son's part to let bygones be bygones by joining the Saratoga Museum Association. SERVED ON SARA FROM OCT1963-JUN1966 IN S-4 DIV.(PAYROLL). WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM ANYONE WHO WAS SHIP'S COMPANY OR ANY AIRDALE WHO SERVED WITH ME. ITS BEEN ALONG TIME SINCE I HEARD FROM ANYONE. I was on Sara on 70, 71 and 72 as an AT with VA-75 "The Sunday Punchers"
and have always been proud to have serve my country from the Sara. It just dawned on me after closing my last message. I received orders to NATC PAX River while in Med. and came home on USS Cascade, AD16. We pulled in Right close to where she now sits. How ironic. JC
I was on Sara for Carribean and Mediterranian cruise of '58. Have two photos that you may not have. Then others prior to. My book has going under bridge in N.Y. Also NATO cruise. (Not in book) I was an AO with VF-31. Qn board for 70+71 Med and 72 Wespac.
Still carry scars from all those knee-knockers! Hi, to all VF-32ers who were on the Sara in '58. My father served on the CVA-60 of the Saratoga. I had read that there will be commerative stones placed in the walkways in which a family can buy to honor the ones who served on the saratoga. If this is so, how much will these cost ? I plan to become a lifetime member as soon as I save some money, and wanted to buy all at once the commearative stone and membership. please email me back I was on the Saratoga 1956-1957. A storekeeper 3rd class in the commasary office. Looking for Bill Watts cook 3rd class from Philly. If you were there or have info contact me at
jeannepaul@mediaone.net Looking forward to purchasing a membership and also do some volunteer work. I'm originally from Illinois, but ended up in RI because I served on board USS Essex CVS-9 when she was home ported at Quonset. I was an IC electrician in E-Division from '62 to '66. I recieved my initial flight training and ground school in S2E
aircraft as a antisubmarine warfare technician, and then sailed
in the Saratoga with VS-22 on the 1976 bi-centennial med cruise
I have fond memories of that experience and look forward to
a walking the flight deck again someday and reliving some of
those memories. Best of luck in your endeavors. Was RMCS, CR Division and Comm Department leading Chief from October 64 throughNovember 1967. Would love to reminisce with others of that era. Was just browsing and happened on this site, glad I did, brings back alot of memories. Was on the Saratogo 85-87
s-3 div. If any of you guys are out there drop me a line. I served on the Sara from March 66 to Jan 70. I was in the V-3 Div.3 Med Cruises.had some great times.Would like to hear from some of the old gang. Things are looking and sounding great for this outstanding project. I am sending in my annual membership form today!
Keep up the great work! CVW-17/HS-3 Tridents/Saratoga 84,85,86 Just quick note for a change of email address : LRenker at skybest.com. Anybody left out there that made the second Med cruise? Would like to hear from them. A-Div., hydraulics, Elevator machinery room, steering engines and anchor windlass and liberty boat engineer. well i have about 10 freinds who want to go back abord sara from the 1966 aera 3rd division bosin mates we made the ship happen with out us it would have never sailed but if you guys dont make it a place where we can come back it will be a sad day thanks jerry l. mcelwrath bosin 3rd class third div 1966 til 1970 One of the best 4 years I had were with VA-34 on the "Sara" from 1961 to my discharge in 1965. I still have many fond memories of the Med cruises and the places we visited there. I was AE-2 and worked on keeping the electric equipment up and ready, it was a great job. I served on sara from Jan. 93 to June 94 and floated on the last cruise of Sara. I served in Weps Dept. G-3 Division. I am thrilled to see that she is going to be a museum and cann't wait to see her again. Hello to All,
I served aboard the USS SARATOGA durning Operation Desert Sheild/Storm. I would have to say that this has been one of the best ships I have ever served on. I was in CAG17 HS-3 during this time. I would like to hear from anyone there during this time. thank you Hey all you S-8 mezz rats. Looking for old buds who served with me from 82-86. Let me know what you have been up to. My father was EMC Steve Cabaday and served aboard Sara CV-3 and in 1956 was a plank owner on Sara CVA-60. I reported aboard
CVA-60 in Nov-71 and departed
Apr 1975. I was a YN3 assingned
to the Captain's Office. In 72
a WestPac deployment (Yankee Station, Vietnam) 73 & 74 shipyard. Then a Med cruise
in 74 & 75. Any of you X Division guys out there? great website, served aboard june of 73 to january 74 in the middle of the med cruise. to all the guys in e-division at that time, it was a great time working in power shop. drop me a line I served on the Sara on a med cruise in 66 with RVAH-12,RA5C Vigalantes, Yeoman 3rd ADMIN I was on the Sara during the 66 Med cruise with RVAH-12, th e Vigalantes
I served aboard the sinking sara from 74 to 77 and got out upon arrival of 77 med cruise, wow what a trip and relief that was. I worked in #4mmr as a mmfn. With 3 med. cruises under my belt a trip to norfolk va. and philly I met alot of different people who I havent had contact with for a long time. Have lots of memories good and bad. Anyone wanting to share those years or remember me drop me a line! I served on the Saratoga from 1962 to 1964 as Chief Radarman. I am attending my Nephews wedding in June and hope to be able to see Her again th
en. Served aboard the Sara from '64 thru '66 and made two Med. cruises as a helo aircrewman with HC-2.I would like to hear from any of the old "Fleet Angels". Like many others I'm looking forward to a trip to R.I. to see the "60 from Dixie" again!! This is the first I've heard of this foundation. I'm thrilled that something is being done to put the Sara to use. I hope this works out, I'd love to be able to show my son the ship I served upon. My father had served in World War 2 onboard the Saratoga CV3, Sq. VS-3, Air Group 3. And I am very proud of him and the crew that he served with during that war and thank god that he made it back home. I served on the Sara 64-67 in the V3 Division. I am
very pleased that the Sara is going to be preserved.
As my wife never got to see her, we want to get there
when it opens up. It is nice to know that my children
and grandchildren will be able to visit her too. Where the heck are all you former HOOT OWLS from Heavy Nine
or any of you Vigilante guys, served with Heavy 3 (Recce Rag) and with the Hooters on Sara. Was at NAS Sanford, and
NAS Albany (tended bar at the Acey Ducey Club) Give me a
HOLLAR!!! Greetings from germany!
I never saw Sara with my own eyes in my life.
I`ve got a special,maybe unusual "relation" with Sara: In the last 4 years, I did build a 1:144 scaled,
radiocontrolled modell of the original Saratoga. `just finished in autum last year.
Now I`m looking forward to see Super-Sara in reality!
Served on Sara from 60-62.What a great ship. Sure wish I was back on board. Made three Meds. Was in V-1 divison,fligh deck control talker. I am so happy the ship is been saved.Sorry I cant give more money than I did. I was attached to VF-31 from 71-74. Made one med cruise and one westpac. Had alot of good times and some bad times, but all in all it is good to see that we can save our ship. We all have alot of memories of the Sara so thats why we should keep her light lit. I will be seeing her new home and the Sara herself. See you there I was in VF-32 from 1961 until Sept 1964. Worked the flight deck as a PC on Med cruises and training detachments. I can still smell the exhaust and remember crouching behind the blast deflectors. Its great to see Sara back, I spent time on her and have great memories. My cruise on her was in 1971 (MED)with VS-28, which by the way was the first time that antisubmarine warfare aircraft where included with CAG 7. Up to that point all antisubmarine aircraft where attached to CVS type carriers not CVA. I was assigned to Master at arms, I was a PR2. Would be glad to hear from any shipmates. Also I spent time on the USS Wasp and USS Intrepid which where both assigned to NAS Quonset Point. I stationed at Quonset from Aug. 1969 to July 1971 with VS28. Assigned to AIMD Raft shop as well as VS28 parachute rigger's shop. I served aboard the Sara from 12/76 - 08/80 in Deck Division I was lucky enough to make 3 Med cruises. Would like to hear from someone who was there in living color. i served aboard the super sara jan. 87 until aug.90 in the G3 Division. ive missed the great ship since i got out.i still look at my cruise book almost monthly with my children.I also vow to come to the museum when she opens to share that piece of my life with my wife and kids I served on the Sara for the '71 Med. and the72-73 Westpac cruises.Iwas a plane captain with HS-7,we are having our first reunion after all these years in Quonset Point,R.I.,we will be able to see our old base and Sara at the same time.I can hardly wait to join my old friends and visit the places of our youth.Any old salts from HS-7 interested in this gathering let myself or Rick (Doc) Schawacker know,it will be Oct.12-14,2001,in R.I. schawack@swbell.net Greetings from Finland. Correction June 77 to June 79. I served in VS-22 from June 77 to June 99 as an AX. Those were some pretty good days. The proposed museum is great news and I hope I can walk her decks again soon. Good luck.
Served on the Sara from June 63 to Nov.66 spent my entire stay aboard in #2 main engine room which was in M division and later changed to M2 division.I'am happy to see she isn't going to be turned into razor blades. Hope to hear from anyone who served with me in 2 main. Sam Grasdorf MM3 Served in V-2 arresting gear,topside safety PO. Recommend attending Sara Reuinion,had a great time with former shipmates. Bacome a member of assoc. & museum,you'llbe glad you did. I was aboard Sara from early 1970 to May 1973. I was on her 70 & 71 Med cruises and her Vietnam cruise in 1972. I was an AO2 in the GM Division providing missles to the air wing on the flight deck and worked many launches as the missle safety man in the red shirt between the cats. I still have my cruise books and even still have my blue jacket with the Sara Fighting Cock patch on it. Good Luck with the Museum, I'm planning to join as a charter member.
This is a wonderful site! My husband served on the Sara for
the 87 Med. cruise. I'm wondering if there isn't anyone out
there from that time. Especially anybody from VF 103. Please
email me if you remember Larry Eckley. Everyone's
excitement for the museum is quite contagious. I'm going to
try and talk Larry into taking me and the kids to see it.
I can't wait to see what kind of memories it brings back for
him! Hello fellow Sara-togians... I served on the Saratoga from 1974 to 1976. I made 2 Med Cruises and at the TimeI felt more like a stow away than a sailor. I was in R-division. In fact my claim to fame is that when the first ice cream machine came on board,... I was the one who installed it!!.. so naturely, I was given the privelage of having head of line privelages on the ice cream line. If there was anybody out there who remembers those days,..e-mail me @ Rperea@lanl.gov I served aboard the Sara from Jan 66 thru Dec 69.
Radioman 3rd class.....Made 4 Med Cruises....
As an RM3 onboard the CAG-2 USS Canberra, we fueled alongside the Saratoga many times in 61'62 cruises. Awsome site at the time, and I can see it from my office on the Naval Station in Newport RI. Took my first Radioman Speed Key examination onboard. Chow lines much too long, but they moved swiftly. Great web and I passed info along to my NERA shipmates for possible donations. RMC USNR (Ret.) I served with VF-74 from Oct 88-Oct92 onboard the Sara. I was an AT2 that worked both cruises as a troubleshooter/final checker. I spent a lot of time on the flight deck. Was the Sara partially disassembled in Baltimore several years ago? I was on the SARA during '74 & '76 med cruises as a medic. Usually worked nites to stay out of trouble. Remember going down the Delaware to the Philly naval yard and watching a small plane buzzing the flight deck. Also going to Yugoslavia - Split - strange place and Turkey - Izmir - 2 days of announcements in the POD not to go near the statue of Ataturk in Izmir and not to say anything bad about their national hero - and then being on med guard (shore patrol) and seeing about 10 drunk sailors peeing on his statue while the Turkish cops watched laughing. Anyone remember Rota and when the guys beat up 2 Spanish cops (Guardia Civil) and then zoomed back to the boat on the launch one step ahead of a truckload of cops. All those trips to Naples, Rota, waiting off the coast of Cyprus in '74 and then off Lebanon '76 and the anchor falling off so we never got to Casablanca. Also how about when the guy who worked the ice cream stand that everybody went to after eating got hepatitis and the whole ship's company had to get shots? Some nites, I still can smell JP-5 and AVGas in my sleep. Last memory is of the pilots who died during flight ops and going out at nite into the Med (just me and a boatswain over the side)to pick up body parts and wondering who was going to explain to their wives waiting for them in Naples what happened and why. I hope it was for something. Sorry for the repost - I think I heard a catapult go off - Good Luck to all. I was on the SARA during '74 & '75 med cruises as a medic. Usually worked nites to stay out of trouble. Remember going down the Delaware to the Philly naval yard and watching a small plane buzzing the flight dec. Also going to yugoslavia - Split - strange place and Turkey - Izmir - 2 days of announcements in the POD not to go near the statue of Ataturk in Izmir and not to say anything bad about their national hero - and then being on med guard (shore patrol) and seeing about 10 drunk sailors peeing on his statue while the Turkish cops watched laughing. Anyone remember Rota and when the guys beat up 2 Spanish cops (Guardia Civil) and then zoomed back to the boat on the launch one step ahead of a truckload of cops. All those trips to Naples, Rota, waiting off the coast of Cyprus in '74 and then off Lebanon '76 and the anchor falling off so we never got to Casablanca. Lastly, how about when the guy who worked the ice cream stand that everybody went to after eating got hepatitis and the whole ship's company had to get shots? Some nites, I still can smell JP-5 and AVGas in my sleep. Good Luck to all. Hi to all my old shipmates. I served on Sara from Dec 1975 Till April 1977.If you remember me I'de be glad to hear from you. Serve Dec.1975 - April 1977 I served on the Sara from May '87 to Jan. '90. So Med cruise of 87 through the shipyards and workups. I am glad to see someone trying to save it and I think the museum is a great idea. I hope to be able to visit. Thank you for your efforts. I served on the SARA from Philly SLEP (1982) until
I transferred to NAF Mayport in 1985. I was the AIMD
Airframes Branch CPO/QA CPO in IM-2 division.
She was the best of her class...the SUPER 60 from Dixie! I am excited about the prospect of the carrier coming to Rhode Island & intend to get fully involved, even though I never served aboard a carrier - served on DD's, MSO's & a DLG/CG & I am,in fact, the president of the USS JOUETT DLG/CG29 Association. I enjoyed reading the entries for the Saratoga. I was temproarily assigned to her ships company sometime in 1963 or 1964 for three months. Went on cruise to Guantanamo Bay Cuba. Permanent assignment was VF-11,Crusaders, Red Rippers, Cecil Field, FL. My squadron was assigned to F.D.Roosevelt, CVA-42. Does anyone know what happened to the Rosie? And, Has the Sara been completed? Where is Tom Herman,Airman in VF-11? I was proud to be a part of carrier group,Saratoga,Roosevelt,and the Shangrala out of Mayport, Fl. and Squadrons VF-11 & sister Squadron VF-14,Phantoms, the Top Haters. Please reply to my E-Mail address.
I served aboard the USS Saratoga 1962 to 1965. I was in the A Division, O2N2 plants, then later Hydraulics. I made 3 Med Cruises. It was a great experience and one I shall never forget. Got to "See the World". Glad to see that the Sara will be available for all to see. Served onboard USS Saratoga (CV-60) from December '99 to July '93. Hoping to run across a few of the fine folks of Supply (S-6) Division during the times of Desert Storm. glad to see the sara is being saved. would like to come aboard again for old times..served med cruise 1958 VF -31 TOMCATTER,worked the roof of "SARA" as Plane Captain on A/C # 105,F4B Phantom II,from 1963-1966. The Saratoga afforded me some of the best times that I have ever enjoyed and the places she took me was once only a dream in my mind,but "SARA" made it reality. A $ 35.00 membership fee is a small price to pay for what she has done for all who served aboard her. So Sailors,send in your membership fee and make this Queen of the Seas a place we can all tell our family and friends," I served aboard her".
Please visit the VF-31 Tomcatters Association website at http://www.tomcattersassociation.org. Served during the 59 & 60 Med cruises with the Marine Detachment. Anyone still alive? I THINK THIS PARK IS A GREAT IDEA! EVEN THOUGH I AM A FULL TIME GUARDSMAN ON THE ARMY SIDE, I BELIEVE WE NEED MORE MUSEUMS AND MEMORIALS SUCH AS THIS TO EDUCATE OUR FUTURE GENERATIONS ON THE COST OF FREEDOM AND THE MEN AND WOMEN WHO GAVE US THE FREEDOM WE ENJOY!!! THANK YOU! I didn't serve on the Sara but I helped
load a lot of aircraft on her. I was on
the flightline at Mayport FL from May
1960 through June 1962. Glad to see that
they didn't junk her. i served on the Sara from 1983 to 1986, I was with VA-83 [ the Rampagers.] I took a ride last weekend to see the great ship,as soon as she came into veiw ,alot of great memories came back to me.I wish I would have stayed in and did my twenty.The Sara still looks as mighty as ever. I served in E-Division on board the Saratoga from 8 Nov 1960 until 6 Dec 1963. I started in #2 Auxiliary Machinery Rm. as an EMFN, then #3 Main Machinery Rm./#8 Ship's Service Switchboard, and finally as E-Division Officer's Assistant as an EM2. I was honorably discharged and later joined the Navy Reserve as a Construction Electrician First Class in the Seabees. While in the Navy Reserve, I applied for and was commissioned a Chief Warrant Officer in the Army Reserve and served as counter-intelligence and Communications Security Officer. I was discharged in 1993. I served as a Parachute Rigger (PR2) aboard the Sara during a '69 - '70 Med cruise. I was ships company attached to the IM-2 Division Parachute Loft. We watched a lot of late night 16mm movies and popped a lot of popcorn during that cruise! We also took care of pilot's gear for all squadrons aboard when we didn't have anything else to do! Great memories. Served in VF-31 as an Phantom RIO on 3 cruises. 70, 71, and 72 to Vietnam. Obviously absence makes the heart grow fonder, because I don't remember everyone saying how much they loved the Sara while on cruise. Everyone was really happy to get off at the end. Including me. But, I'm certainly glad to see they haven't cut her up, and a museum would be a great idea. Would like to contact VA-34 squadron members who served in that unit 1963 - 1964. I see this place is really taking off. I have seen a few old friends in here. Hey Bonzo, bring me a Coke. I am the nephew of Adm Warren O'Neil commander of the Saratoga during Vietnam. I am not sure if he knows of your site but I can contact him if you like. was aboard the sara august 1966 thru august 1968//was in the 3rd division as a
3rd class boatswain mate.miss alot of the guys that was in at that time. have
contacted a few of them over the computer system/jerry michelwrath, thomas blontz,james gorley,virgil ,james wyatt,
mitch, phillip hutch.would like to here from the others that were aboard at that time//james carter Looking for people who were in VS-28 during 71 med cruse any shop especially in sheet metal shop or assigned to Q.P. from JAN 71 to June 72 I was more commonly known as "Bonzo" and I was Em fn.Never could seem to get that 3rd class cheveron. I took guys ashore & back on three Med Cruises from '75 -'79. I was also known by a lot of guys at sea to have a good supply of soda's at sea @ the ships Battery locker back aft, when we were at sea and the gedunk was to far to run for drinks during a movie or somthing.I also made a couple of new friends when we had orders to install bunk lights in the berthing areas so guys could have a little comfort at night.
this is a great site & I hope to hear from some old "Buddies" soon! served abourd the SARA from 90-94 with VF-74 Over the holidays just past, I had a chance to visit the Sara at Newport with my son. Unfortunatly we were not able to go aboard yet, but we sat outside the gate looking and talking about her for about an hour. We also found the store at the mall and had an enjoyable visit there as well. I really wish I was closer to Newport so that I could volunteer some hours for the project. I served on Sara during 59/60 in A div, Hydraulics. Where are all the old snipes? I see all kinds of airdales. Made second Med cruise. Keep those cards and letters and $$ flowing, she will make that trip across Narragansett Bay yet. my name is david phillips (crazy dave) and served in v-4 division 1976-1978 and did the med cruise thing. drank too much at the california bar in rota, 2 stepped at uncle john's in mayport,did 10cent drafts at jerrys bar (neptune beach. i worked pullin hoses then worked in flight deck control sending fuel crews around the flight deck and would like to hear from anyone who worked with me. bill rajaneimi, butch baird,buzzard,mark or any v-4 grapes.I thought i hated it when i was in but wish i would have stayed in and been retired by now. hind sight is 20/20 isn't it? what a trip huh? Where are all the Radiomen from 1973-1975. I was one and would like to here from other's. Had the time of my life. I will enjoy going back with my two boys and rubbing it in. My husband Lester Allen Wood served on the Sara from76 til 79.Anyone who remebers him I Lester should know that he died Dec.30,1999from A heartattack at the age of 43.He had A best friend he always talked about Chris Smehysem I don't think I spelled the name right,but would like to say this brings back old memories I stayed with him in Mayport,Fla. James Kline,served 71-75,VF-31 ordnance shop,s-3 div laundry for 6 months(Rick and Munch)rest of cruise on flight deck.Med cruise,Fla.Hotpad,Fallon,Nev.,good ole Oceana,Va.I hated going on cruises yet I miss it all!!Hope to see the ship soon,hope to hear from other shipmates/squadronmates.this is my second message as I listed wrong e-mail address on the first. I served aboard from Dec. 77 to Aug 82
V-4 Division Served on the "Sara" from 60 to 62, was in "M" Div.
Ran # 1 Aux Mach. Room. Like to here from anyone from
"M" div. I've been Supt.of water treatment for the city
of Woodbury Ga. for the last 25 years. Something I learned
on the "Sara". I served on the USS Saratoga(CV-60) during the Gulf War. I am glad to see that she is getting proper treatment other than the usual "mothballing" or dismanteling. I hope to come visit her again very soon. Hi Shipmates
Happy New Year to all of the Men who served on this wonderful ship. I was attached to S-1 Division from 1958 to 1961, best duty I ever had. I guess I grew up on the ship, and spent 2 birthdays in Naples on Med cruises. (20 & 21. If I could I would do it all over again. I will travel to Rhode Island next year in the Summer to see how the Sara is doing. Any SK'S who remember me, send me and e-mail. I served on the Saratoga CVA60 1958-1962 I was in Supply 3rd Class Petty officer Served on "Sara" from 70-72 in V-1 division as member of crash crew. Perhaps you remember me .... I was in the "silver" hot suit. Served on the Sara from June 67 through May 69, "W" Division. Posted a message here over a year ago and 3 shipmates have contacted me from that posting. Figure no one looks that far back in the archives, so here is another post, perhaps 3 more will be located. Welcome to the Official USS Saratoga Museum Foundation web site guestbook. Leave some comments for us - tell those who visit this web site what you think about the project - good, bad or indifferent... David Kerwood, West Bay Web <wbw@wbwip.com> North Kingstown, RI USA - Thursday, December 24, 1998 at 00:54:05 (EST) Guestbook entries for all of 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 have been archived. The 1999 archive can be found here. The 2000 archive can be found here. The 2001 archive can be found here. The 2002 archive can be found here. The 2003 archive can be found here. The 2004 archive can be found here. The 2005 archive can be found here. The 2006 archive can be found here. The 2007 archive can be found here. The 2008 archive can be found here. | ||||
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