USS Saratoga Museum Foundation, Inc.

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The Saratoga Museum Foundation Guestbook

Thank you for visiting the USS Saratoga Museum Foundation web site. We are very interested in hearing what you have to say about this project, and this guestbook allows you to share your thoughts with others who visit this web site. We encourage you to add to this guestbook and tell all of us what's on your mind!

NOTE: Blatant advertising will not be tolerated. Guestbook entries that pitch commercial products will be summarily deleted.

Guestbook entries for all of 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 have been archived. The 1999 archive can be found here. The 2000 archive can be found here. The 2001 archive can be found here. The 2002 archive can be found here. The 2003 archive can be found here. The 2004 archive can be found here. The 2005 archive can be found here. The 2006 archive can be found here. The 2007 archive can be found here. The 2008 archive can be found here. If you are looking for a particular name or shipmate, try the search tool on the left side of the screen. You can narrow your search to just this guestbook and the guestbook archives, or you can search the entire Saratoga site. Once you've located a particular page, use your web browser's built-in "Find" capability to sift through the entire page to find the exact word or phrase. One other resource that can be very helpful in finding old shipmates is the USS Saratoga Association, which currently has over 3000 members. Their website is

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I served On SARA 1960 to 1964 B-DIV.#1 main. In the bilge of 1 main is my school ring, it came off my finger and fell in, I tried to find it but never did. I was hoping that the ship was going to be a Museum so that I may have a look to see if it was still there. I hope that if they do scrap her and if my ring is found would they get in touch with me. I had good times and bad times onboard her but will remember both just as much. Please try to save her she is a good old girl

Russ Clowes
Medford, New York USA - Monday, January 31, 2011 at 8:50 PM.

My mother came across a POW bracelet for (at the time), Lt. Joseph Mobley. After googling his name, I discovered he has something to do with the USS Saratoga. I would like to get in contact with him so my mother can get this bracelet to him. IS there anyone who could help with this? My email is Thank you.

Stephanie Person
Sarasota, FL USA - Monday, January 24, 2011 at 8:14 PM.

hello, i build 1/350 Supercarriers out of papecard. I'm doing Sara when she was in Nam at the time.

mardis n. hall
san francisco, ca USA - Saturday, January 22, 2011 at 11:08 PM.

I served onboard SuperSara for 2 deployments 85/86 and the 87 deployment. I was part of the airwing with VAQ-137 and I also worked in the Jet Shop. This ship will always hold a personal affection in my heart because she was my first ship ever. Even though I am truely sad that she will not become a museum, I will always have great memories of my time with her.

AD2 David Lopez

David Lopez
San Jose, California USA - Sunday, January 2, 2011 at 2:26 PM.

Glen Hamilton OI Division, March-1969 to November 1972

Well, I've come in for my annual posting and sad to see that Sara won't be a museum after all. Thanks to Frank and team for all of the hard work and persistance over the years to work toward that goal.

Even as disappointed as I am about the outcome, I can't imagine why some people would insist on getting money back from ANY donation for any cause. Some folks just don't understand the point of a donation. Frank said it well in one of this postings. My only analog is that last year I gave $1500 to St. Jude Childrens's Research Hospital, but I didn't ask for the money back this year just because they weren't able to save some kids from dying of cancer! Sara just died from a government cancer in my opinion.

I read through all of the postings and saw much anger and disappointment toward the Saratoga Musem Foundation, but I think that anger is misdirected. SMF did the best that they could. I'm more angry at our insensitive government who really could make this happen if they wanted. Sure, the final decision may have rested with the Navy, but I can't help to think they are influenced by politicians (mostly lawyers) who never even served in the military much less to have the honor of being on a fine ship like Super Sara. Why should I be surprised? They've forgotten about a lot of people who served in various wars.

As with many others, I am also hopeful for a final walk to honor the ship before it meets a final fate. I'd gladly make the trip from California. I hope it could happen. I'm betting to make some new friends in such an event and perhaps see some long time ones as well.

I'd be glad to hear from shipmates, but if it is just to bitch about a disagreement with me, then you are wasting your time. My secretary will simply delete your email and never pass it along.

I hope SMF is successful with the Kennedy project, but as for me, I will likely never visit the ship. It isn't the same as Sara. Just because it bears a president's name, it isn't as fine of a lady to me. It's only good for politics.

Best wishes to all shipmates from all generations.
Glen Hamilton OS2 (RD2)

Glen Hamilton
San Francisco, CA USA - Monday, December 27, 2010 at 3:09 PM.

Hello to all my fellow Airdales, VF-32-Swordsman, and shipmates. Was with VF-32, 1962-64 (Cecil Field) and with Ms. Sara out of Mayport, FL. Miss all the guys, Billy Hayes-The Iceman from Atlanta, Charlie Scruggs, Tupelo, Tim Burritt, Saratoga, NJ, George Wendell-Peekskill, NY. Hope to meet you guys again to catch up. All the best, Pat.

Patrick Walsh
Portland, ME USA - Tuesday, November 30, 2010 at 4:40 PM.

Served with VA-83 IWT SHOP 85-86 MED/IO CRUISE.One of the most enjoyable times of my life.Sure wish the museum project was gonna happen but served on Kennedy .If any one knows the whereabouts of Keith Dewberry please let me know.

James Taylor
Eatonton, Georgia USA - Sunday, October 31, 2010 at 2:11 PM.

The USS Saratoga is more than a ship; it was my home for awhile. She took me to places I never dreamed, she gave me pride and the honor I hold so dear as she took me to war for my nation. No other ship will fill the void of her loss, but we still have the memories we recorded in our minds, in the Cruise Book, and in the American history books. Thank you Sara for taking me into harm's way and then returning me home once our mission was complete. God bless all of you who worked so hard to keep this dream alive.

I attended the decommissioning ceremony, it was an emotional event where I thought my cash donation and the form filled out was for Super Sara membership (not to worry gentlemen, you gave this effort a tremendous shot and that was my hope). The many souvenirs I purchased that day will be treasures. I was even fortunate enough to acquire one of the ceremonial cake decorations from the very well prepared refreshment. It now has a place of distinct Honour in my private den in a golden frame with blue velvet inlay. She was a great ship; JFK could never keep up during the Red Sea drag races. Remember those? I do, I remember JFK billowing black smoke trying to increase her revolutions as we left her in the wind. The memories of this ship are endless, as are my thoughts and prayers for everyone who serves in harm's way.

Again, God bless you for your tireless efforts on behalf of our ship. Best of luck with the joint Super Sara - JFK mission.

Warmest regards,

Paul E Jones III
USN (Ret)
Then DP2/S7-ADP 1989-1992

P.S. I would be interested in this proposed final visit; the web page was not clear on any time frame.

Paul Jones
USA - Tuesday, October 24, 2010 at 12:23 PM.

Served on the Sara 1966 to 1968 CR Division Communications Yeoman 3. Very sad about the Sara such a great ship.I have many memories.

Louis V Falvo
Rochester, New York USA - Tuesday, October 12, 2010 at 4:41 PM.

My husband (Chris Burns) Retired. Served abord the Saratoga from 1986-1992. He was attached to the VFA-81, as an Avionics Tech. for the F-18 Hornet.
We are both saddened to hear of the state of the Saratoga.
I took my husband to see the Sara (and to see it for myself!) right before we got married in 2008. I had never seen such a big ship before in my life! I was impressed! We soon learned of the Saratoga project, and donated/became members at the last air show we attended at Quonset. We were really excited to hopefully see the Sara turn into museum! Alas- that dream will not be a reality for us.
We have visited the Sara a few times at the Naval Base in Newport- it's sad to see such a ship sit there and slowly fade away. Going to visit the Sara has been a fun little "feild trip" for us to go to Newport to see her. We are lucky that we have had a chance to see her- but I hope that for us, and for the many others who are so proud of the Saratoga- that there will be a chance to say goodbye! I read in our newsletter- that there may be a slight chance of the veterans who served aboard her to say goodbye- and to maybe walk the deck one last time. Please someone let us know how we can be a part of this if it happens!
I look forward to the next project- although it won't be the Saratoga- I'm happy to hear that there will be some items salvaged from her. I recently saw the USS Intrepid in NYC- and I'm excited to see something like that a little closer to home. Thank you for all the hard work you gave trying to save the Saratoga- and I hope you are able to salvage alot for us too see. Please let us know about a visit...THANK YOU SARATOGA!
To all who served, thank you for your service!
Bless you all,
The Burns

Jennifer and Christopher Burns
South Dennis, MA USA - Saturday, October 2, 2010 at 8:02 PM.

Served onboard as part of the AirWing in VF-74 during the Med cruise of 1987. Worked in the galley and ran the 74 soda mess at the end of the cruise.

Randy Hale
Bluefield, VA USA - Tuesday, September 28, 2010 at 8:26 AM.

Served from 1960 -1962 v1 division, have worked from fly-1 to lso & loved every minute. Was planning a trip this October to visit Saratoga, have waited over 45 years to walk her deck again. I proudly show my cruise books to my grand kids and it still makes my hair stand up after all these years. If an A4 or a Crusader flew over I could tell. It saddens me that I might not get to see her again but the memories will always be there. Any old v1 buddies out there - would love to hear from you.

Sarasota,, Florida USA - Thursday, September 9, 2010 at 10:23 PM.

VF74 85 - 87
Trying to locate Ralph Peterson. Been a long time.

Thomas Boon
Peoria, IL USA - Wednesday, September 8, 2010 at 10:24 AM.

Hate to hear that the boat will be scrapped; interested in contacting any one who remembers me from fuels div 1978-1980, and when is the next reunion.

greg 'buzz' bradley
monett, mo. USA - Monday, September 6, 2010 at 9:35 PM.

I am trying to find out about USS Saratoga CVA-60, I was in E Division from 1961 to 1963 was an EM2 on this ship and I would like to have some information about it and I would like to know about some of my old shipmates, and what is happening to the Saratoga.

David Berry
Maysville, Kentucky USA - Wednesday, August 25, 2010 at 4:16 PM.

Mr. Lennon, I would like to request that you send me Saratoga gear, mug, shirt, or ?, for my donation for the Saratoga Museum. I have no interest in the JFK project. I am sure the other shipmates that donated would appreciate a message, on this forum, of your intentions of refunding their (SARA) donations. Thank you

Marty Morgan AO2
Opelika, Al. USA - Wednesday, August 25, 2010 at 3:47 PM.

Dear Shipmates:
I need your help. As we all know our ship will not be saved and with that in mind I am putting a CD/DVD of our ship togather. I really need any photos of the ship your self our shipmates, airwing squadrons, Marine detachments etc. I also need and video you may have. If you can help please email me. I would be happy to give you my mailing address or just email what you have. If you have anything you would need returned I would be very carefull with the items and return mail them to you. I am hoping to have the prodject done in time for our reunion in 2011. Again please take some time and send me what you can.

Jerry Ferrara
Hauppauge, new York USA - Friday, August 13, 2010 at 8:40 AM.

I served on the Sara while in the Philly dry-dock (1981) in the lighting shop EM3.. Would love to here from anyone I’ve lost touch with.

Richard Perkins
Auburn, Ma USA - Sunday, August 8, 2010 at 11:42 AM.

Three months after boot camp and after attending school I joined the USS Saratoga in 1964, the day after Christmas in Naples Italy as a Seaman Apprentice. Sara would be my home for the next two years, four months and twenty eight days. I worked in OP Division, Integrated Operational Intelligence Center. (IOIC) or better known as air intelligence. I departed at the end of April 1967 as a second class petty officer.
Upon hearing that the Saratoga was no longer being considered for donation by the Navy to become a museum I made plans, along with my wife and oldest grandson to make an east coast road trip from Michigan with the primary purpose of seeing Saratoga one last time.
The Saratoga is docked north of Newport RI. When I first planned this trip I thought I would also be seeing her sister ship USS Forrestal (CVA/CV59) which had been tied next to her at the pier. I learned just before I left that the Forrestal had been moved in June to Philadelphia to “await her fate” (turned into a reef or scrapped). It appears the “Forrestal Museum Foundation”,, was not able to save her either.
Although we could not get aboard or even on the dock where she is tied up to we did get a good view from the shore. I would like to thank Frank Lennon of the “Saratoga Museum Foundation” for directions. Although the view was good it was sad to see her in the shape she’s in, sitting alone, painted with a mixture of different colors of gray. She looked like a tired old lady long past her prime.
I don’t know if anyone but the Navy knows when she will be towed away, like the Forrestal, or how much notice will be given so I suggest anyone wishing to see her not to wait too long.

Douglas Goodrich (MA/DP2)

Douglas Goodrich
Lansing, Michigan USA - Friday, August 6, 2010 at 10:40 PM.

Mr. Lennon, I would like to request that you send me Saratoga gear, mug, shirt, or ?, for my donation for the Saratoga Museum. I have no interest in the JFK project. I am sure the other shipmates that donated would appreciate a message, on this forum, of your intentions of refunding their (SARA) donations. Thank you

Marty Morgan
Opelika, Al. USA - Sunday, August 1, 2010 at 9:31 PM.

Sorry to hear SARA is being scrapped. I served on board from 1976 to 1979 in the Cal Lab. Miss those days and the people I served with. I was watching this site on all the news about the museum but never made a donation. I think that anything from the SARA that can be saved should be saved. She was second in the line of "Super Carriers" after the Forrestal. So maybe there should be memorial to the all the super carriers.

Tom Smith
wallingford, ct USA - Thursday, July 29, 2010 at 7:52 AM.

Hi everyone I was aboard the Sara 66-69 as an RM3

Larry Hartman
Lillian, Alabama USA - Monday, July 26, 2010 at 11:55 PM.

Mr. Sawin complains with the fervor of a hard working volunteer, major donor or long-term member. Unfortunately, he is none of the above, which may be why he is so far off base in his criticism of others who have donated years of their lives without compensation to this cause.

It is telling that this is the first we have heard from him, complaining about an outcome that he did nothing over the past 12 years to help prevent.

President Teddy Roosevelt said of such people, "It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again…and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."

Throughout this difficult ordeal, museum foundation leadership has answered every email, returned every phone call, responded to every complaint and answered every question. We have not responded in kind to insults and verbal abuse, recognizing that the outcome has been painful for Saratoga veterans who cared as deeply about this project as we did--and who contributed either money or sweat equity to the effort.

However, we draw the line at outrageous, uninformed criticism from one of Roosevelt’s “cold and timid souls” who watched from the sidelines, never sharing the load or lifting a finger for the common good.

With respect to the specifics of his complaint, it is clear that Mr. Sawin has no understanding of how the ship donation process works. Until the Navy actually donates a ship, responsibility for maintenance remains with the Navy. We were not allowed aboard the ship except for rare technical inspection visits to help us prepare our application. Because of security concerns, those visits were restricted to 3rd deck and above. After 9/11, security was even tighter, and photography was banned.

We were not allowed to do any maintenance or upkeep work whatsoever, so having volunteers willing to do it was not the issue. He is misplacing the blame by trying to hold the Museum Foundation responsible for the condition of a ship owned and controlled by the Navy.

The example he gave of the USS New Jersey includes the key words "after she arrived in Camden". She did not go to Camden until AFTER the Navy donated the ship. It was not possible for those volunteers to work on the ship prior to that transfer of ownership. The Navy never transferred ownership of Saratoga to our foundation, which meant we were never allowed to work on her.

His complaint that we made no effort to relocate the ship to Jacksonville is ludicrous on its face. Jacksonville was not only proposed before--it was rejected by city officials, who moved on to other projects, such as the NFL franchise.

More than 90% of the money and pledges we raised came from Rhode Island area residents--not from Saratoga veterans. Those donors wanted a carrier museum in Rhode Island. They understandably had no interest in a museum in Jacksonville (or anywhere else, for that matter).

Frank Lennon
USS Saratoga Museum Foundation, Inc.

Frank Lennon
Providence, RI USA - Sunday, July 25, 2010 at 10:00 PM.

I was hoping to Sara as she was when I seen her for the first time at Mayport and the last when I left her in Gitmo! Thank you SARA and Shipmates.

Joseph Snedeker
Scranton, PA USA - Thursday, July 22, 2010 at 3:47 PM.

Dear Shipmates of the USS Sartoga,

It is indeed sad to learn that this great ship which served our Navy so gallantly for so many years is soon to face an underserved fate by way of scrapping or sinking!

I have to express a huge dissapointment to Frank Lennon and company for allowing this to happen and for continuing to get hopes up for tha past 12 years with various statements about how close we were to getting the Saratoga opened as a museum piece in Rhode Island.

It is a shame that countless donations have been given generously by so many including non Naval personal based on the rhetoric given by the leaders of the USS Saratoga Museum Foundation in the past, now go for not!

Frank can you really expect veterans of the USS Saratoga to want to give now to the JFK CV-67? It's a slap in the face to many of us quite honestly! What makes me even more upset is the fact that you've become so willing to side with the Navy with regards to how the Navy feels about the Sara's present physical condition inside and out!

I'm curious Frank, how much effrot did you and your team at the USSSMFI put into getting on board to perform routine upkeep inside and out during the past 12 years knowing deep down that the Navy would bring that into play at some point and knowing that had serious upkeep been done during the previous 16 years since decomminsioning, that this could have played a huge part in LOWERING the over all amount needed to reach the goal of becoming a mueum and could have spared the fate that now awaits the USS SARATOGA!

I would be willing to bet the museum foundation could have found several willing volunteers to step forward, come aboard our great carrier and put in the time and effort to get her ready for museum status to the public! As a former battleship sailor, I saw this very thing done with the USS New Jersey BB-62 after she arrived in Camden New Jersey 10 years ago! So I know this IS POSSIBLE...

I'm also left wondering why the museum foundation has made no effort to even consider trying to relocate the ship to Jacksonville Florida... Granted the idea was proposed before, but you're making it look as if you're outfit just said the heck with it and is now giving into the Navy.... Are you going to abandon the JFK vets the same way you're doing to the Saratoga vets if the JFK proposal fails as well?

I didn't plan on this rant and to my fellow CV-60 shipmates I appologize. I guess in all honesty I really felt like I would get the priviledge of walking aboard the Saratoga once again,in fact I was looking forward to it. But now I'm forced to fathom the fact the Navy would rather sink or scrap ships like the Saratoga, rather than doing what is needed to help her live on as a museum for the public to enjoy and living tribute to those who served aboard her faithfully for so many years! God Bless the "Super Sara" and all of her veterans!

One last thing Frank Lennon and company... You could and should make every effort possible to get the Navy to open the Saratoga up to the veterans who served aboard her. We should in my opinopn be afforded the opportunity to board our ship one last time before she is given to the scrap hounds or sunk into the sea! If nothing else GET ON BOARD AND TAKE AS MANY CURRENT PICTURES OF EACH SPACE AS POSSIBLE before it's all said and done!

Thank you one and all!

Robb Sawin, BM3, 1st Division

Robb Sawin
, Missouri USA - Saturday, July 10, 2010 at 1:05 AM.

Just a short note regarding change of email address. Got caught in a scam and lost previous one. Current address is Thanks

Richard Renker
Williamson, New York USA - Monday, July 5, 2010 at 10:40 AM.

I, too, am disappointed that Sara will most likely wind up on the scrap heap. And no one can deny that that's an ignoble end for such a proud ship.

Comments addressing that possibility have been made on this site -- and another Sara site -- implying that Sara won't receive the recognition that she so justly deserves when she is no longer a visible and physical presence. But that may not be the case because there's an old German adage that dates back a few centuries that says... "We live so long as we are remembered." So if the children and grandchildren of the tens of thousands of sailors who served in her keep her memory alive, then she will live long after the sailors themselves have passed away.

I say Bravo Zulu to the Saratoga Museum Foundation for the effort it put forth to make Sara a living monument to those who served in her. And if a smaller, but still relevant, monument ends up in a corner of a hangar in JFK, so be it.

But will the JFK Foundation benefit in any way from funds spent by the Saratoga Foundation for impact studies? Will any surveys paid for by Saratoga Foundation be "grandfathered-in", thus saving JFK a ton of money? Or will JFK have to start from scratch, and begin the whole process anew?
Richard "Ozzie" Osburn, BTCM, Ret., 2MMR 1961-1964, BT-2.

Richard Osburn
Brunswick, Georgia USA - Friday, July 2, 2010 at 9:00 PM.

Served on SARA West Pac 72-73 with HS-7. Just received The Carrier Spring/Summer 2010 and read it from cover to cover. Yes, it's too bad we can't save SARA (The Ship), but in a sense we are. Thanx to the SARA Museum Foundation for putting together this news letter that explaines all the happenings with the Ship. It makes sense the direction we are going in. Thanx for your valuable time & energy. VR Daryl Potteiger

Daryl Potteiger
New Cumberland, PA. USA - Tuesday, June 29, 2010 at 2:33 PM.

My dad was commissioned on the Saratoga. It's too bad that it is going to be scrapped.

Lynn, Massachusetts USA - Thursday, June 17, 2010 at 11:35 AM.

Was very sorry to hear about this turn of events.The Sara served with honor and dignity for over three decades and it is a shame to see her scrapped. A better solution would be to have her sunk as a reef or as target. I'm sure that Admirals Andersen, Hyland and Moorer would not approve. It does smell of politics, which is very popular in that area of the country. As one of the former crew members stated the Super Sara should have been given to Jacksonville, but they wanted a new stadium for their football team. Again, more politics and as you can see that Washington is not doing so well lately. As it has been more than Fifty years since I was on the OLD Lady, I would love to visit her one last time.

Roger Pribush QM2 58-60
Rahway, NJ USA - Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 5:10 PM.

Served on SARATOGA 1979-1982 was in V-1. Sorry to hear that the SARATOGA is going to be scrapped. But this should not be a surprise to us, after all the AMERICA CV66 was tugged out of phila to two hundred miles off north carolina and was blown to bits so name means nothing. I felt sorry for all who served on her. I would like to see her one last time to say goodbye. !!!!!ED [703] 599-5355

cape coral, FL USA - Friday, June 11, 2010 at 5:29 PM.

It broke my heart to hear they are going to scrap Sara. I know I have no ties to the JFK. Maybe it is time to change to the JFK Museum Foundation and give her shipmates a place to find each other. Fair winds and following seas....

, TEXAS USA - Friday, June 11, 2010 at 4:30 PM.

It was very disapointing to hear of the lastest details regarding Sara. Served on board 59-60 made second Med cruise and have donated to the cause. Not looking for for my money back. However I think it would be good to throw a informal farewell party at Fort Adams the day she goes by. If I find out when she is leaving, I'll be there. Lots of good times on her and we all grew up. Thanks Frank for your dedication.

Richard Renker
Williamson, NY USA - Wednesday, June 9, 2010 at 3:18 PM.

I served onboard the Sara from 1982 to 1986 and from 1998 to the end of decom had great time both times worked in 4 mmr as a MM and the secont time in s2 div in the galley and stock would like to know where is our paper work for decom and our plank after all i am a plank owner

joel simms
jonesborough, Tn USA - Thursday, June 3, 2010 at 8:32 PM.

I did post my concerns in our Guest Book earlier, and Mr. Lennon responded by sending me two detailed emails for the Board's decisions to preserve the legacy of two great ships named Saratoga. I appreciate this and did thank him for it. I have only one issue which will end up being water under the bridge. The Saratoga is gone, and the JFK will no doubt take her place in RI. The locals in RI put up over 90% of the money and pledges to date, and it is understandable they will carry the day. The only sore spot is HOW and WHERE should the legacy of our two ships be preserved. I am not suggesting we shipmates should have veto power over the Board's decision to utilize the JFK's hangar bay. I am disappointed we were not afforded the opportunity to give our views before the decision. I will copy and paste a portion of Mr. Lennon's recent Guestbook posting which is as follows. "Our source for future funding of the Saratoga memorial aboard JFK will be contributions from Saratoga veterans WHO UNDERSTAND THAT WHAT WE ARE DOING IS IN THEIR BEST INTERESTS".

There is a lot of wisdom within our shipmate ranks. I know the Board did what they feel is best for us, but we could have been at least consulted before the decision for a memorial on the JFK was written in stone. A child is told what is best for them, not seasoned Sailors and Marines. A mass e-mailing, to all Association Members, with a space for our comments would have been all that was needed. After this the Board would make it's decision and explain the logic. If they believed our memorial should still be aboard the JFK, then so be it. Our voices would have been heard.

In any event our leadership has spoken, and I'll get aboard. Additional major decisions will have to be made in the future, and my hope is we will get a heads up on these.

Harvey Saffron

Harvey Saffron
Wilmer, Alabama USA - Thursday, June 3, 2010 at 12:00 PM.

On Sara from '89 to '92. Lot's of memories and I run into former shipmates all over town. To bad we couldn't save her. I'm sure the city could use the money now !

QMCS (SW) George Skinner    
Jacksonville, Florida USA - Thursday, June 3, 2010 at 10:40 AM.

To anyone contemplating a request for a donation refund:

We all agree that our intention and hope was to use CV-60 as the means to accomplish our mission of perpetuating the memory of all the great fighting ships to bear the name Saratoga. However, there was never a guarantee that the Navy would donate the ship. All our communications for 12 years sought support for accomplishing the tasks that would hopefully lead to that donation.

Contributions were solicited in order to pay for the tasks required by the Navy, the State and others to keep the program going. The fact that the Navy decided to scrap Saratoga does not mean we get our money back from the engineers and consultants we paid to perform that work.

We scrupulously accounted for all donated funds, and spent them all properly for the non-profit cause. (Actually, we spent far more than we raised from Saratoga veterans; that shortfall was made up by major contributions from people who never served aboard Saratoga, as well as funds advanced by museum leadership.)

We have no obligation to provide refunds. Consider the analogy of a political campaign: if you donate to a candidate or a cause, you do not get your money back if the person or cause you support is unsuccessful. Despite your efforts and the efforts of others, our campaign was not successful.

The bottom line is that we will not be making refunds to anyone. Our source for future funding of the Saratoga memorial aboard JFK will be contributions from Saratoga veterans who understand that what we are doing is in their best interests. It would not be advisable for us to solicit funds from one shipmate in order to give another shipmate his money back.

Our non-profit cause (and entity) will continue on for the foreseeable future. It would be foolhardy for us to just walk away and allow 12 years of hard work and all the money spent so far to simply go down the drain with nothing to show for it. Every shipmate who walks away now lessens the chances of those memories being preserved. We hope you will reconsider your position.

Frank Lennon
Providence, RI USA - Wednesday, June 2, 2010 at 10:37 PM.

as an ams3, i served on the Saratoga coming aboard with my a/c squadron VA 35. from nas jax, fl. we went aboard for the med cruises of 59-60 and 60-61.

marice d. daniel
fyffe, al USA - Tuesday, June 1, 2010 at 7:25 PM.


AUGUSTA, GEORGIA USA - Monday, May 31, 2010 at 10:56 AM.

How do we go about getting our donated money back. I have no desire to support this JFK project. I made my donation to the Saratoga not JFK

Atlanta , Ga USA - Sunday, May 30, 2010 at 3:56 PM.

The USS Saratoga goes back to the War of 1812. How far does the Kennedy go?

Wayne Roberts
Upper Jay, NY USA - Saturday, May 29, 2010 at 6:31 PM.

Gerald Heikkinen wrote, "A [Saratoga] memorial should be in Mayport, Florida, not on the JFK."

We should take a step back and look at why the Saratoga Museum project was begun in the first place. Our goal was to proudly tell the Saratoga story, and tell it in a place where all the artifacts saved by Saratoga sailors can be properly preserved for decades to come. Think about it - the appeal of the JFK name, combined with the proud lineage of Saratoga, will draw far more visitors than the Saratoga story alone ever could. More visitors will certainly board the USS John F Kennedy than would go to Mayport to view a stand-alone Saratoga exhibit.

Please remember - this memorial is not for Saratoga veterans. It is for the rest of the nation, so they can thank Saratoga veterans for their service. And if we put aside our emotions for a moment, isn't that what it's all about - sharing the Saratoga story with as many people as possible?

USS Saratoga Museum Foundation, Inc. fully intends to accomplish its original mission, and if one means of doing that is closed off to us, we must find another. We hope you will continue to help us.

Frank Lennon
Providence, Rhode island USA - Friday, May 28, 2010 at 1:45 AM.

Mr. Saffron's point deserves a direct reply. He correctly quoted an article from the Providence BUSINESS News (emphasis added). The question related to major FINANCIAL supporters of the Museum Foundation, and in that context it is very accurate. Over the past 12 years, the great majority of the funding for this project has come from local residents who are NOT Saratoga veterans. ALL of the major pledges (six figures or more), which comprise the lion's share of the $10+ million we could identify for the project, came from individuals and organizations who have no connection whatsoever to Saratoga.

All in all, 18% of the Saratoga veterans for whom we have contact information made a contribution of some kind during this 12-year effort. More than 90% of the total cash, in-kind and project pledges raised by the Foundation has come from those who are not Saratoga veterans.

I am also enclosing the pertinent paragraphs of the press release that was provided to the Providence Business News. As you can see, the writer greatly condensed the point we were trying to make.
"As difficult as this may be for those with an emotional attachment to Sara, we must rise above those feelings and recognize this new option offers us an even greater way to honor the important role aircraft carriers and the people who have served in them have played in the defense of our nation," Lennon continued.

As Alexander Graham Bell said, "When one door closes, another opens."

West Warwick businessman Warren Galkin agrees. "My brother Robert and I strongly supported the vision Lennon and his team had for the Saratoga," he said. "After all, the group's non-profit mission was (and still is) to locate a supercarrier in Rhode Island's Narragansett Bay, and transform it into an economic and education engine for the state. That can be accomplished by any aircraft carrier, regardless of the name on the stern. It behooves us to select the ship that offers us the greater chance for success."

Later in the release:

The JFK project proponents understand and respect the feelings of the Saratoga veterans. However, the vast majority of money raised and pledged for the Saratoga project has come from local individuals, businesses and foundations who saw the economic, cultural, educational and job development benefits that would accrue to this state. "Most of our local supporters don't care which aircraft carrier it is," concluded Lennon. "From a fiduciary perspective it makes the most sense to pursue the one that is more financially viable. In this case it is the USS JFK."

Frank Lennon
Providence, RI USA - Friday, May 28, 2010 at 1:36 AM.

I agree with Harvey, the name on the back of the Ship is everything.
I have Pictures that I took last Summer of Sara. if anyone wants to see them send me an e-mail.

Wayne "Robbie" Roberts EM2

Wayne Roberts
Upper Jay, NY USA - Thursday, May 27, 2010 at 6:40 AM.

Frank Lennon was quoted by the Providence Business News on May 3, 2010. I copied and pasted it below. These would be his exact words.

"Most of the supporters of the Saratoga effort are behind the JFK effort,” Lennon said. “They believe in our vision, to create a family attraction with an aircraft carrier. They are not concerned with the name on the back of the ship."

I am curious to find out who he is referring to when he suggests most of us support his position. He also believes the name on the back of the ship is irrelevant. The name USS SARATOGA is very relevant. I just wonder what the hundreds of former Saratoga shipmates, who are members of the Saratoga Association, and Museum Foundation, think about this. I only wish Frank had considered our views. All he had to do was ask.

Harvey Saffron

Harvey Saffron
Wilmer, Alabama USA - Wednesday, May 26, 2010 at 10:34 PM.

I served on the Sara 71-75. My father was a plank owner in 1956

Steve Cabaday
Hollywood, Florida USA - Wednesday, May 26, 2010 at 9:42 AM.

My dad served on the USS Saratoga CV-3 during his naval service from 1930 to 1934. I am trying to find information about life onboard this ship.

T Hodges
SAN DIEGO, CA USA - Tuesday, May 25, 2010 at 6:41 PM.

I too am very sad to see this take place. I would have wished for the Navy to use her as an artificial reef or give her a fighting chance as a target for submarine/ariel practice instead of the scrap heap. Let her go out with some dignity. If you still have any input to the Navy department, that would be the way to have her go out.

Leon Morris ETR-1

Durham, NC USA - Monday, May 24, 2010 at 10:46 AM.


gerald heikkinen    
lake linden, michigan USA - Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 7:17 AM.

this is hard to take. i served on sara 1966-67. i was in the bake shop most of the time. i have alot of good memories from those times. I don't want to see her scrapped out. a few mementos on jfk just doesn't fill the void. to all the fellow sailors of sara good sailing.

Robert Smith    
clark, Mo. USA - Thursday, May 20, 2010 at 12:04 PM.

E Division in 2 main from 1980 med cruise (sea trials in Jamaica and St Thomas) through SLEP in philly. Good times! Would love to get on board one more time. EM2 Dan Walker

Dan Walker
brookfield, Ct USA - Thursday, May 13, 2010 at 9:59 PM.

I would suggest that any memorial or Plaque of the Saratoga that is planned for the JFK in RI, be placed at CPO Club in Mayport Florida. Which was the homeport of the Saratoga for all of her years.

L.K. Schneider, SKC
S-1 Division

Louis K Schneider
Bayside , New York USA - Tuesday, May 11, 2010 at 2:03 PM.

Served in the Oil Shack, 74-77. This is just wrong.

Sam McMunn
Saltsburg, Pa. USA - Sunday, May 9, 2010 at 6:50 PM.

Mr. Schneider and others: you should be pleased to know that JFK is not going to Boston. On November 23, the Navy gave interested applicants 60 days to file a letter of intent. Although there was initial interest expressed by Boston politicians and others, no Boston group submitted an application. The bottom line is that there is no cost-effective location to moor an aircraft carrier in Boston. This means that RI has a very good chance to host the JFK, because if it's not going to Boston RI would be the next-best site.

Frank Lennon
Providence, RI USA - Saturday, May 8, 2010 at 12:21 AM.

Mr. Beal, thank you for expressing your opinion and feelings in this Guestbook.

For the record, you should know that all the funds to acquire the Russian sub were raised independently. No Saratoga donations were used for that purpose. In fact,  USS Saratoga Museum Foundation will benefit from the sale of the sub for scrap. That money will go toward the major Saratoga exhibit and memorial we have planned aboard the JFK.

Frank Lennon
Providence, RI USA - Saturday, May 8, 2010 at 12:20 AM.

It is sad to see the SARA scrapped. I was with the Air Wing that served on the "Old lady" 72-75 and with a double whammy to me the SARATOGA was named after the Battle of Saratoga, Saratoga, N.Y. One of my forefathers, General Ebenezer Learned was one to the commanding generals in that battle.

Steven Learned    
Minneapolis, MN USA - Friday, May 7, 2010 at 11:24 PM.

Willing to bet that the JFK Museum is moved to Boston and nothing goes to RI. This will give Boston what NYC has a carrier museum. And what better name in Boston then JFK. This has nothing to do with the Saratoga and RI.

L. Schneider, SKC US Navy Retired
former S-1 Division 58-61
USS Saratoga CVA-60

Bayside, NY USA - Thursday, May 6, 2010 at 9:34 PM.

V4 Div. 57-59 A great ship & crew. Very bad news. Was angry & disapointed when they used our donations for a rusted comi sub & sank it. Let the JFK shipmates repay our donations & pay for their own fiasco. Lennon may buy a tug with their money & pride.

Bud Beal    buds47ford@AOL.COM
Mansfield, MA USA - Thursday, May 6, 2010 at 7:34 PM.

I would like to thank all the volunteers for there tireless efforts over the past 11 or so years. It has to be devastating to have an end result like this. I know that you are putting a positive spin on this, but in your hearts you have to be hurting. I know I am. To think that all this work is going down the drain because of selfish self-interest business decisions by a few politicians in the state of Rhode Island. I wonder - Does RI deserve the JFK!

Jack Shubert
Chelmsford, MA USA - Thursday, May 6, 2010 at 12:45 PM.

I am Marty Lineen in Hollywood Florida USA. I spent 2 years on the Saratoga. I worked on the flight deck in Fly 1. I was a blue Shirt. My e-mail address is: My 700 pictures are here: I am not qualified to say if it is right or wrong that there will no longer be a USS Saratoga CVA-60. But, I am a little sad about it. By-by.

Marty Lineen
Hollywood, Florida USA - Wednesday, May 5, 2010 at 8:01 PM.

May as well get in my two cents worth. As we all know by now the Secretary Of The Navy decided to scrap our Saratoga. With almost perfect timing the recently retired USS JFK had been placed in donation status. The 'Saratoga Board', as I understand it, had a series of closed meetings and decided to go after the JFK as the Saratoga replacement for the Rhode Island theme park. Another 'tax exempt foundation, will handle the procuring duties. I guess contributions donated for the Saratoga, by corporate and former crew members, will be funneled to the new foundation which will be headed by Frank Lennon as President. The decisions made by our Saratoga Board may turn out to be the best alternative; however, the dues paying former shipmates of the 'Saratoga Association', and the 'Museum Foundation', had no voice in this momentous decision. I recently got the news on our Saratoga home page. It would have been more appropriate to send us an email with the Board's recommendations, and a section available for us to give our views with possible alternative suggestions. The new JFK 'not for profit foundation' is getting one heck of a gift, and for this we will receive permission to place some Saratoga memorabilia in a section of the JFK's hanger bay. Some of us may also be given the opportunity to visit our old ship for a brief supervised tour of the flight deck and hanger bay just before she's towed away and delivered for scrapping. Sorry, but no matter how you look at this we shipmates were left out in the cold. The JFK is a great ship and those who served upon her are patriots just as we are. Even so,it will be a disappointment to request permission to board a Carrier other than our beloved SARATOGA.

Harvey Saffron
Plankowner, USMC

Harvey Saffron
Wilmer, Alabama USA - Wednesday, May 5, 2010 at 5:04 PM.

I'm so sad to hear the news about the Sara. My father Lt. Jerry Lee Cunningham was on the Sara in 1965. He was killed in his A4 in 1969. My oldest daughter is named Sara after her. It feels like I'm losing my father all over again

Leslie Cunningham Hardee
Needville, Texas USA - Tuesday, May 4, 2010 at 9:00 PM.

Dear Sirs,
As much as I hated to see this e-mail, for it seems all this hard work that so many put in, it has to come to this. Though I can not acept the reasons, I do understand the NAVY's position. Like you said, the KENNEDY name carries a lot of weight and I am sure that is one of the main reasons for their decision. However, I would like to make a request before it is all said and done. I had hoped to someday take my children and even maybe grandchildren to see where I spent 4 1/2 years of my youth. My request is that before the SARA is scrapped, is there ANY way we could have some sort of reunion onboard? Even if it is for one weekend before she is gone. Maybe just one last chance to walk on her FLIGHT DECK or walk the passageways. One last chance for a SURF n TURF dinner. One last call of the Bos'n's whistle announcing...."SARATOGA....DEPARTING". As others have done before me and certainly after me, I spent many hours, days,months and years doing MY JOB on her. I know I am probably asking for a lot, but it is a request that I am sure is shared by many. Thank you for your time and effort to save what was HOME to thousands of young men and then women who gave all they could.

Manuel Diaz

Manuel Diaz
Houston, Texas USA - Tuesday, May 4, 2010 at 6:40 PM.

Sad and angry I don't know which one is worse. I served 73-76 on the Sara Dental Divsion DT3. All the years raising money donations parades. Now it is not worthy of being a museum? My daughters were children when I told them they could visit Daddy's ship now that will never happen. How could it have gotten to this point? Blessings to all my shipmates who served with me whatever what time frame. I will never forget this portion of my young life.
Be well all my shipmates!

Stephen Carpio
East Northport, NY USA - Tuesday, May 4, 2010 at 12:55 PM.

I am saddened by the news as well as angry. I remember when the Navy wanted to close Groton, CT sub base. local groups got politicians support and fought the Navy's decision. Gov Jody Rell of CT was considered a hero. Isnt there anyone left in New England politics that has the spine to fight this decision.
Saratoga is American history. She deserves better.

D S Baker
Tampa, FL USA - Monday, May 3, 2010 at 7:47 PM.

I am extremely saddened to hear that the Navy has decided to scrap the Sara claiming condition as an issue. Last I heard the JFK could not even pass her material readiness test when she was commissioned. I remember during the First Gulf War, the Sara had to take over several missions because of mechanical failure on the JFK. So pardon me if I have a hard time buying this argument.
The Sara is a proud ship. She should be saved. To scrap her is an insult to all of us that served on her. I would be more willing to see her turned into a reef like the America than scrapped.

Tripp Corbin
Dacula, GA USA - Monday, May 3, 2010 at 5:23 PM.

Well shipmates this is truly a very sad day. I saw Sara when she was just a hole in the ground in the Brooklyn Navy Yard. I was there for all her firsts - her launching, her commissioning, and now the end. I can not put into words the sadness I feel. Like so many great ships she will fade into history. With that in mind she will be in fast company and shipmates we will always have her in our harts and minds. The USS SARATOGA CVA/CV-60 will always be there. Just look to the sunset and just out of sight she will br there riding the waves. If you look hard you will see her. Remember our ship will never die not as long as Sara shipmates live so will she. MAY GOD BLESS ALL OUR SHIPMATES PAST AND PRESENT AND TO OUR BELOVED SHIP.

Jerry Ferrara
Hauppauge, New York USA - Monday, May 3, 2010 at 3:30 PM.

Sickening! No loyalty to the men and machine that served this country with their hearts, and in some cases, with their lives. I couldn't care less about JFK and have no history, and therefore, no desire to see it. Nothing else to say.

SK3 Ray Sweeney
King of Prussia, PA USA - Monday, May 3, 2010 at 1:56 PM.

This is all about politics and the JFK name in New England. This was about the Saratoga and the men who sailed in her. about 60,000 of us. If Admirals Moorer, Anderson and Hyland were alive (they sailed in her back in the 50's and 60's) the Navy would not scrap the Sara so fast. I'm extremly upset after waiting these 16 years for this to take place. I refuse to visit the JFK to see the Saratoga names enshrined and you can delete mine.

L.K. Schneider. SKC, U.S Navy Retired

S-1 Division 1958-1961

Louis K Schneider
Bayside, New York USA - Monday, May 3, 2010 at 11:00 AM.

What a shame the Navy is not going to let us save the SARA.
Apparently they have no feelings for the ship or the men who served on it or the many folks who are trying to save the ship and raised all that money. I wonder if the President know about this? I would like to visit it one last time also and please keep us SARA veterans informed when that will take place.

Jim Resh
Richmond, Indiana USA - Saturday, May 1, 2010 at 12:03 PM.

I was sorry to receive a letter telling me the Navy has decided to Scrap the Sara. What a shame. Apparently they have no feelings for the work that has gone into saving this ship for future generations and visitors. I would like to visit the ship one last time also. Please let us know when that will take place.

Jim Resh
Richmond, Indiana USA - Saturday, May 1, 2010 at 11:59 AM.

WOW, I'm shocked to read the news about my old ship. I just got a letter from the U.S.S. Saratoga Association telling me that she's going to get scrapped! What a shame. I wanted to take my kids to see her one day....but the letter did say that they are working on something to let all the shipmates that served on her a ONE LAST time to visit her. They will allow visitation in the Hanger Bay and Flight deck only. When that day comes, I'll be there to say a final farewell.

Stephen J. Engasser (Gass-Man)
Coral Springs, FLORIDA USA - Friday, April 30, 2010 at 10:54 PM.

I received a letter today, about the sad fate of the
U.S.S. SARATOGA CVA- 60 which I served on board from 1965 -1967, I was a MM3,I worked in #1MMR, I would like to give THANKS to all who have served on board and especially to all of those who tried to perserve OUR past memories of OUR duties to OUR country. It is a shame that "SARA" isn't going to be saved as a NATIONAL TREASURE. The two years that I severed on board will always be in my mind, body and soul. It was an experience that can never be duplicated.

Michael E Zacniewski
Philadelphia, Pa. USA - Friday, April 30, 2010 at 1:19 PM.

Very said to read that the Navy has decided to scrap the Saratoga. I really thought that some day she would be a museum for all to see. I only hope that the name Saratoga is used again on future Carrier.

L.K. Schneider SKC, USNR
S-1 Division 58-61

Louis K Schneider
Bayside, New York USA - Thursday, April 29, 2010 at 1:38 PM.

I served aboard her while an AME-3 with VA-105 from the end of the West Pac to about May 1974. I served for about 1 week in 1971 while a plane captain with VF-101 where I was in a flight deck accident involving an A-5. Though a good portion of the work-ups for the next cruise she was in the yards, and I was injured, I am proud to have been a part of her history. I was at the decommissioning and caught myself crying a little. She is a grand vessel indeed.

Phil (Bull) Bullington
Florence, Al USA - Wednesday, April 21, 2010 at 3:42 AM.

I served with Pride from Sept. 1959 thru June 1962 3rd div.

Donald C. Reisinger
New Bloomfield, Pa. USA - Tuesday, April 20, 2010 at 8:05 PM.

I was stationed on the Super Sara from 1981 to 1985, assigned to Comm Dept.(tech control) as a Radioman. I am 47yrs old and can honestly say,those were the most important years of my life, it made me who I am right now. I will never forget the

YONKERS, NY USA - Thursday, April 15, 2010 at 1:54 PM.








Jim Prior
Arlington, MA 02474 USA - Wednesday, April 14, 2010 at 11:14 AM.

Was part of the airwing on Sara from 1986 to 1992 with VF-103 line and trouble shooters. Would like to see the ship as a museum. Have lost contact with most of the men that I served with. Would like to hear from shipmates that were in VF-103 or VF-74

Tim Bristol
Winchester, Virginia USA - Monday, April 12, 2010 at 2:24 PM.

Thanks for the work-ups and the 78/79 Med Cruise, a lot of very good memories.

Jay C. Picard AE1(AW/ NAC)
Middleburg, FL USA - Thursday, April 1, 2010 at 7:39 AM.

Was attached to VA-75 and went on the 1980 med cruise on the Saratoga. Was also with VF-103 in 1984 but only served during the works ups.

lance ramshur
victorville, ca USA - Thursday, April 1, 2010 at 2:23 AM.

Was with VF-31 from 1974-1977. She was a great ole ship. Enjoyed serving on her.

Jeff Stringr    
Somerset,Ky,  USA - Thursday, March 25, 2010 at 12:55 PM.

I was lucky to have served aboard the 'Sara' from 1958 to 1960. I was assigned to the V-6 division and served as plane captain on the TF crew. I met a lot of great people and have visited quite a few countries and cities. This assignment has provided me with a lifetime of terrific memories.

Jim McGuinness
Branchburg, NJ USA - Saturday, March 13, 2010 at 10:19 AM.


JACKSONVILLE, FL USA - Thursday, March 11, 2010 at 4:37 PM.

Greetings to former crew members of the good old CV 60. Served aboard the Sara from the fall of 1974, until May of 76. A very special time in my life, and in the service of our country. Former A Division "snipe" working in the "refer gang" A/C & refrigeration shop, then in the boat shop,,,, Some very, very fond Anvy memories on that great ship !

Jon B. Main
Woodbridge, Va.  USA - Saturday, March 6, 2010 at 1:18 PM.

My dad was Claudus Wesley "Butch" Bragg from Barnwell, SC. He served on the Saratoga 1968-1971. He died Sept 2004. I recently received a bag FULL of letters that he wrote my mother when he was out at sea. Looking for any of his old shipmates/friends. Chuck? Pete? Haven't finished reading all of his letters, but hopefully he'll mention some last names. He spent alot of time in Jacksonville, FL. If anyone remembers him please contact me. Thanks.

Alicia Bragg Jordan
Barnwell, SC USA - Wednesday, March 3, 2010 at 1:27 PM.

Hi Everyone. Trying to contact Ed Wheelock of White River Junction, VT. I was a child when he and some of his shipmates used to come to our house for home
cooked meals. He was stationed in Mayport, FL. Sure would appreciate the chance to go down memory lane!

Mary Smith Boulanger
Jacksonville, FL USA - Monday, February 22, 2010 at 1:10 PM.

great idea but i think saratoga new york would be a much better, more fitting location.

gardiner, new york USA - Friday, February 19, 2010 at 8:36 PM.

Served on "SARA" from 1968-1972, V-4 Division. Looking for former shipmates. We hold a re-union every few years. Take care and "GOD BLESS" all our shipmates!!!!

Ken Kerr
Derby, N,Y. USA - Wednesday, February 17, 2010 at 6:44 PM.


MARTINEZ, GEORGIA82 USA - Friday, February 12, 2010 at 2:30 PM.

I happened upon your site while looking up information on the ship. I served onboard from '72-'73 / G Div.

Brian S. Mahaney    Shawnmahaney@Netzero.Net
Richland, New York USA - Tuesday, February 9, 2010 at 2:00 PM.

Hello Shipmates, I have made another year and still looking for Shipmates from 70-72 Deck Dept. My e-mail has changed because of a hacker that stole the Hotmail account.I was in both 1st and 2nd divisions. Looking for friends from those divs. hope to find friends soon.

Vernon D Carter
Tucson, Arizona USA - Tuesday, February 2, 2010 at 9:34 AM.

Served on board the "SUPER SARA" from 3 Feb 1983 to Aug 86 in OI Division. Out of the 8 ships I was on, the only 1 to come close was the USS Socar CGN-37. There are 89 OS's that I worked with and would love to say "hello" to.
Fair winds.

OS1(sw) Samuel T. Towery III USN (ret)
Newnan, ga USA - Monday, February 1, 2010 at 9:48 PM.

I was in VF 31 Fighter Squadron, attached to USS Saratoga CV 60. Made the West-Pac in 1972- 1973. Then Made the Med Cruise in 1974-1975. I was an Aviation Ordnanceman with VF--31 Tomcatters. (WE GET OURS AT NIGHT)

Ronald Gause
Montgomery, Al. USA - Saturday, January 30, 2010 at 10:13 AM.

HI! I served in the S-7 division on the Sara from 1988-91. Wondering if some of my colleagues might be wandering through here? I served with Jim Ripple, Pat Connor, Garret Cook, Steve Irwin, Myron Bernstein, Jim and Don (DSs attached to our shop), Chief Hammers, DP1 Lopez, Greg Barnett, and many others!
I was just thinking about the good ole' days of paper tape and punched cards, overnight watches, etc. Don't hesitate to shoot me an email guys! I am glad this site exists...

Scott Jones
Noblesville, IN USA - Tuesday, January 26, 2010 at 9:25 AM.

PH3 Neil Ottinger. I was on board the ship form June 1982 to March 1984. Part of that was during SLEP in Phil.then onto Mayport,FL. Worked in the Operations Department Photo Lab with a great group of guys. Many of which are excited about this project. Can't wait to go aboard one more time.

Neil Ottinger
middletown, DE USA - Monday, January 18, 2010 at 3:54 PM.

I was on the Sara '67-'69, RM3 CR div. Some fun times on the '67Med cruise, some not so good in yard period at Phila. and Gitmo shakedown-'69. Transferred to CVA 66 in May '69 and separated then. Still remember Parker, Ohmer, Hojinaki, Blaine, Toland,Kerr and Stienkuhl. Hope all is well and good luck with the museum.

Rick Parr
sacramento,  USA - Sunday, January 17, 2010 at 11:51 AM.


CULLMAN, ALABAMA USA - Friday, January 15, 2010 at 4:52 PM.

Hello to all. I was on the Sara from 1985 to 1988 and worked V-1 crash and salvage( BIG NIX). Had a great time and you was one of the unlucky ones that i gave the ole pink belly sorry ;-) . would love to hear from anyone that know me from the Sara. are anyone that graduated boot champ Great lakes company 125 in 1985

Thomas Nix
Grand Island , FL USA - Wednesday, January 6, 2010 at 5:03 PM.

Was in S-3 Division from 1971-1974 Nam cruise.Lots of fun in the ports of call.

james D. munsch
round rock, texas USA - Wednesday, January 6, 2010 at 12:05 AM.

Happy New Year to all my former Ship Mates!!!

Former OS2
IO Div.

Tripp Corbin
Dacula, Ga USA - Saturday, January 2, 2010 at 6:44 PM.

Served on Saratoga cv-60 in early 90's. Best and worst times of my life would love to see her as a museum. She is a valuable peice of history and really hope to be able to bring my kids aboard and show them how we all lived and worked.

stan griffin
knoxville, tennessee USA - Friday, January 1, 2010 at 11:54 PM.

Served in v2 div.catupults 1969 and part of 1970 then transfered to v1 div. tractors made 2 med cruises. Really enjoyed the time on such a wonderful ship. Have a great holiday.

carl ellis
norfolk, va USA - Saturday, December 26, 2009 at 8:16 PM.




Jim Prior
Arlington, M USA - Wednesday, December 23, 2009 at 9:56 AM.

GO NAVY BEAT ARMY!!!!!!!! To all former shipmates have a very Merry Christmas and safe,Happy New Year.

John DiMasso
Woodville, Ohio USA - Saturday, December 12, 2009 at 1:31 PM.

Happy Holidays to all. Oil Shack, 74-77. Just wanted to say that going after those that murdered 3000 Americans on 9/11 is anything BUT senseless.

Sam McMunn
Saltsburg, Pa. USA - Saturday, December 12, 2009 at 10:10 AM.

Hello All Former Shipmates, Just wanted to wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas and the Happiest New Years to You and your families. Hope this Year brings Good Things to all of You. Also I pray for our troops overseas and hope for a Speedy end to this senceless War. God keep you all safe and return you home to your loved ones. Happy Holidays to you All. An Old Salt at Heart Vern

Vernon D Carter
Tucson, Arizona USA - Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 10:02 PM.

Was aboard the Saratoga from 77-80. Still have all my cruise books, a ships brass plate, my boat crew jumpsuit, my orginal 77 Sara ballcap. a few 70's t-shirts from Saratoga and few other items from those days.

Roger Stevens
Marion, Ohio USA - Thursday, December 3, 2009 at 1:40 PM.

Served on board Sara from 88-90, was ABH3 but went to Brig Staff right stayed there for tour. Transferred one month before ferry accident in Haifa, killing 21 sailors, I was friends with half of those who passed. I still have The Stars and Stripes newspapers about the incident. God rest there souls. Praying the Sara lives on unlike my first ship the USS Coral Sea CV 43.

Steve Joseph
Grayslake, IL USA - Tuesday, December 1, 2009 at 11:30 PM.

I hope to see the USS Saratoga become a museum. My father served on her during Vietnam. I am looking forward to surprising him with a visit once she is on display. The saratoga was the begining of his service to his country, state, and county. After getting out of the navy he found his home in Law Enforcement for the last 36 years. Special Thanks to all of you putting your time and efforts into this great project.

Michael Edwards
Rising Sun, MD USA - Saturday, November 28, 2009 at 8:06 AM.

1985 - 1987 VF-74. Would like to make contact with anyone from the area. I was an AE, wondering how Ralph Petersen is doing or if anyone knows how to get in touch with him. Proud to have served with all of you.

Thomas Boon
Peoria, IL USA - Thursday, November 26, 2009 at 8:16 AM.

To all my Sara shipmates: HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!

Terry Sides    
Sulphur, OK USA - Tuesday, November 24, 2009 at 9:16 AM.

Happy Holidays to all. 75-77 oil shack

Sam McMunn
Saltsburg, Pa. USA - Sunday, November 22, 2009 at 8:53 AM.

For all those that knew Arthur Iffland. I'm sorry to report that Art passed away on November 12, 2009 in Torrington, CT. He was 73 years old.

Don Sager
Torrington, CT USA - Saturday, November 21, 2009 at 11:08 AM.

Was a member of crash and salvage from 1988 to 1991 afteer getting back to port after the first gulf war. My son is interested in joining up. I am looking , Hopefully, to swomehow get my hands on a copy of a cruise book for that time. If anyone has i SARA LIVES...nfo on me getting my hands on one, please e mail me. My boy im sure would love to see one. I would love it very much to pass along a piece of my history to my son. Please help if you can. Thanks a ton.

Joe Stowell
Long Beach, Ca. USA - Friday, November 20, 2009 at 3:30 AM.

Hi Fellow PlankOwners
I am trying to track down two of my friends 56, 57, 58
One Fred Leeks was EM3 E Div, and Pearson EN3 A Div, in port he was engineer on the liberty launches. Does anyone
have any idea where they may be today or how I can contact them.

Jim Prior

Jim Prior
arlington, ma USA - Thursday, November 19, 2009 at 12:24 PM.


OTTAWA, KS USA - Monday, November 16, 2009 at 5:27 PM.

Request permission to come aboard Sir..............

Michael A. Schaak
Venice , Florida USA - Sunday, November 15, 2009 at 11:52 AM.

I served aboard in 1992 when there was an accedental launch of sea sparrow missles almost sinking the turkish ship the mauvinat. was also sara man of the month and had my name painted on the door of hanger one. glad to hear the old girl is going to be a musem

Reid Monteith
Fountain, colorado USA - Wednesday, November 11, 2009 at 11:22 PM.

I served on USS Forrestal from 1990-1992 as ship's company and spent plenty of time on Sara when we were moored together in Mayport. We lost our bid to save the FID and send her to Baltimore or Tampa, I sure hope Sara doesn't see the same fate. Keep up the fight!!!!

Bryan E. Tiller
Lynchburg, VA USA - Wednesday, November 11, 2009 at 10:57 PM.

Proud of being a Plank Owner.
Did Pre-com school in Newport RI Feb 1956, did her shake down to Gitmo (Which was when the Fighting Cock was dumped overboard) and the visit to Jackson Fl after taking a beating in a hurricane which stove in the sponson decks and lost an anchor among other damage.
Great memories of my time on Sara.
Retired from Navy in 2/1970
Anyone remembering me; get in touch

Robert (Bob) Doerler
Fairview, NC USA - Tuesday, November 10, 2009 at 7:12 PM.

Served on the USS Saratoga from 1976-1979
ships company, Basic Point Defense Division, then changing to OM Div. GMG3, 2 Med cruises

Mark Weatherston
Grand Island , New York USA - Sunday, November 8, 2009 at 9:51 AM.

Served onboard from 1984 to 1988 V-2 Div,Arresting gear. Anyone from the same era out there?

Jeff Bets
Jacksonville, Florida USA - Friday, November 6, 2009 at 9:52 PM.

Served in V-3 84-87. Any hangar bay rats out there?

ABH3 John Cogley
Long Beach, MS USA - Monday, November 2, 2009 at 4:42 PM.

i served on the sara from 92-94 as ET3 sampson made some great friends and learned a little about life from some good shipmates...thanks fellas

CAMBRIDGE, V114623 USA - Monday, November 2, 2009 at 12:20 AM.

I served onboard from 71-74 in s-3 division. Be nice to hear from old shipmates. Made 2 Med cruises and the "73" cruise to Nam. Oh the fun and memories i had.Hope to see the new Sara once she get settled in to her new duties.

James D. Munsch
round rock, texas USA - Sunday, November 1, 2009 at 2:15 PM.

To Robert Smith of Clark,Mo. I've been waiting almost 10 years for Sara to cross the bay from Newport to Q.P.,Forget trying to move her to Mo. We had our first HS-7 reunion in Newport in 2001 hopeing to get on board. When I first started planning the reunion Sara was suppose to be only months away from moving. Money and redtape has prevented the move. At least that's my understanding. Someday,maybe,I'm still hopeful that the next time I get to R.I. she'll be moved and open.

John DiMasso
Woodville, Ohio USA - Sunday, November 1, 2009 at 9:55 AM.

I served on board between 1982 and 1986, and was wondering if any one would happen to know the whereabouts of a fellow shipmate bryan swingle, we served together in v3 division

Daniel J. Lemieux
claremont, nh USA - Thursday, October 29, 2009 at 3:36 PM.

to Don Sager,
how about moving the sara to missouri, where it would be centrally located, where everyone from all the u.s.a could come and see it. and not have to travel to far?

Robert Smith    
Clark, Mo. USA - Friday, October 16, 2009 at 4:48 PM.

To Kerry Whitworth:
Why send Sara back South, when she was born in the North and should be a part of it now?

Don Sager
Torrington, CT USA - Thursday, October 15, 2009 at 4:35 PM.


Richard Crudele RD3 OI div.56-59
Cranston, R I USA - Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 11:28 AM.

You need to get the SARA back to the South where they appreciate military things. Keep up the good fight.
USS Saratoga CV-60, OI div. 1974-1976

Kerry Whitworth
Lynden, Wa USA - Monday, October 5, 2009 at 1:59 AM.

Served in 1-Main, 4-Main, and in the B Div Office for awhile between 74-76; that was sure enough the weirdest 2.5 years of my young life. I still tell stories about Vic S., Ricky R., Bobby F., Roger G., Jim K. and the rest of you lads. I wouldn't go back, but I wouldn't trade some of those adventures for anything. Was that not a blast climbing up through the uptakes? How about climbing out over the water to get to the end of the flight deck during flight ops - we really should have gotten into trouble for that. I hope you boys are still in the world somewhere and prospering...?

John Palmer (Arnie)
Raleigh, NC USA - Wednesday, September 30, 2009 at 8:20 PM.

My first husband, AD1 Jack D. SUtton was a mechanic aboard the Saratoga when it was struck by an oiler while taking on fuel in the Mediterranean back in 1982 or 1983. I have always been proud to have been a military wife and especially proud of the men serving on carriers. Of course, the Saratoga will always have a special memory for me.

Deborah Spoon
Keene, NH USA - Tuesday, September 22, 2009 at 4:49 PM.

Served aboard 72 west-pac and med cruise right after 73 refit attached to VA-75 . Thanks for the memories

Jim Palumbi
Pittsburgh, Pa USA - Sunday, September 20, 2009 at 1:35 PM.

Served on the Sara during the early to mid-70s as Ship's Company in Work Center 631, Avionics Shop 1. Made the WestPac, 14 months in the Yard at Portsmouth VA, a trip to Gitmo, and a Med cruise. What is the current status on this project? Haven't seen too much information on this website lately on the progress. Thanks.

Terry Sides    
Sulphur, Oklahoma USA - Thursday, September 17, 2009 at 10:00 AM.


WHITE RIVER JUNCTION, VERMONT USA - Saturday, September 12, 2009 at 7:35 PM.

After the initial incident and final decision to scrap the Russian Sumarine Project 484 (Juliet) I'm deeply concerned about the museum's technical competency to take curatorial responsibility for the USS Saratoga. Manging thru-hull penetrations and having a back-up bilge pump were basic marine engineering and safety precautions that should have been taken to protect this unique cold war artifact and the environment. It is sad to see the same cast of characters soliciting donations to try again on the USS Saratoga. Don't take my word for it; I would encourage anyone thinking about getting involved to review the available materials surrounding the loss of Juliet objectively and come to their own conclusion. Barring resignation of those responsible for this loss, the museum should at least provide documention that it has done a root cause investigation and addressed the deficiencies prior to any other activities related to the Saratoga. Furthermore, the museum must demonstrate that it has the resources necessary to deal with a much larger vessel. Again, the track record is not good...

Submariner Mark    
San Francisco , CA USA - Thursday, September 10, 2009 at 1:25 AM.

The legendary clash of navies was a violent one on Plattsburgh Bay, Sept. 11, 1814.

One can hardly read the contemporary accounts without concluding that only a string of miracles could have spared the lives of the survivors.

Twice, the USS Saratoga ó flagship of Commodore Thomas Macdonough ó was set on fire by hot shot and sustained the force of 55 round shot in her hull alone. Of 210 men aboard, approximately 26 were killed and 30 were wounded in about 2Ω hours.

Wayne Roberts    
Upper Jay, NY USA - Sunday, September 6, 2009 at 7:10 AM.

RETURED SKC- I took the 'SUPER SARA" on her final voyage and was LPO of the decom crew. I have items that I would like to loan to the museum for display. If interested plaese call me @ 803-939-4862

William D. Gordon
Gaston, SC USA - Monday, August 31, 2009 at 12:10 PM.

I served on the sara from 72 to 76 in bow cats cat 1 waterbreak operator. I came across thispage quite by accident. Made 2 med cruises. Due to an indstrial accident my memory isn't what it used to be. I do however remember the names reynolds, ratchford, dossey, after seeing them. Would like to hear from anyone from v-2 div.

thomas brieaddy
timmonsville, sc USA - Wednesday, August 12, 2009 at 8:26 PM.

served onboard Sara in 1980 in V-4 Div. I met the ship in Naples and did most of the 80 Med cruise. I could not get a billet for the SLEP crew and was transferred to NAS Atlanta. After leaving active duty I stayed in the reserves and was assigned to the Saratoga reserve unit from 1985-1990. It was a pleasure to go back to the Sara once a year for 2 weeks. The USS Saratoga was the best carrier in the fleet and I am glad I will still be able to see her instead of shave with her.My other duty stations include: NAS Albany,(Agony), GA., USS Iwo Jima, LPH-2, NAS Guantanamo Bay,(like being in jail), Cuba, NR LPH-2 Iwo Jima, NR CV-62 Independence, NR WEPSTA Earle, NJ
Tom Wick, ABFC , ret. NR CV-60 Saratoga, 90-93.

Tom    Wick
Powder Springs, Ga USA - Tuesday, August 4, 2009 at 5:57 PM.

Favorite spot was Split Yugoslavia 1976..and Cannes France.
The FIGHTING COCK was a good lady...long ..long hours, terrible food, More JP5 than water in our coffee, could blow up if we smoked in the heads but we kept smoking and drinking the this day I cannot make my coffee strong enough for liftoff.

Jack Groshans
evansville, IN USA - Tuesday, August 4, 2009 at 3:26 PM.

Remains of the first American lost in the 1991 Persian Gulf War have been found in the Anbar province of a Iraq, the U.S. Navy said Sunday.

The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology has positively identified the remains of Captain Michael "Scott" Speicher, whose disappearance has bedeviled investigators since his jet was shot down over the Iraq desert on the first night of the 1991 war. On FOX news this morning. Scott flew off of the Saratoga.... They said his remains were burried near the crash site.... RIP SCOTT

Sam McMunn
Saltsburg, Pa. USA - Sunday, August 2, 2009 at 7:50 AM.

Hello Shipmates.....I served on the Sara from 59-63 - I was in R-Division.....Looking for R.Matthei, A.D. Willis, C.F. Jennings, J.A. Hoover, H.O. Hall, M.E. Watkins, J.C. Dalton, P.E. Absher, L.L. Loveless, E.T. Middleton, P.V. Pierson, and S.R. Squires. If any of you know any of these men....Please send me an email, I would really appreciate it! I have had the pleasure of speaking to J.D. McCab and Ed Wheelock and it was so great to reconnect. You all take care out there and I hope someone can help me reconnect with some of these gies! Thanks, Ray

Ray Bass
Tampico, Illinois USA - Saturday, August 1, 2009 at 3:17 PM.

Hello Shipmates! I was son the Sara from 83 to 86, did 2 Med Cruises + the IO Cruise (loved being part of that line of death and avenging the murder of Leon Klinghoffer). Anyway, I just returned from a trip to New York City and visited the USS Intrepid. All in all, I have mixed feelings about that visit and hope that the Sara exhibit will be better. They had only a small portion of a lower deck: the third deck open and that was mostly the mess deck open only, the focsle and fantail, officer's quarters, the island, hanger and flight deck, of course. That was it. Having been on the inport fire party, I knew every knook and cranny of the Sara and it would be a huge disappointment if I can't see more of the old girl. It was also sad to see a lot of the help on that ship treating it as if it were just a job, not realizing the great men who lost their lives on that ship. I sure hope the Sara is different ... and better. While I understand that I won't be able to take my kids down to 1MMR or one of my old store rooms on the 5th deck, I hope to show them things like the library, dental and medical, ships stores, post office, maybe even WSAR! We shall see! :-)

SK3 Ray Sweeney
King of Prussia, PA USA - Wednesday, July 29, 2009 at 1:24 AM.

Hello out there,
I was on the Saratoga, "Fairfield Tower" from Dec.1961 to Dec. 1963 in V-2, PLAT Division. We videotaped air operations 22 hours a day. Got a medal for Cuba. Stayed in Navy Air reserve for 11 years as ATN2. Have a BS in Aero. Engr. Worked at California aerospace companies. Just retired in May, 2009.

Douglas Foote
Gardena, California USA - Wednesday, July 29, 2009 at 1:10 AM.

Greetings to all my shipmates from "H" Division during 86-87 Libya's "line o' death" campaign. Honorable mention to the "PARTY VIKINGS!" who stormed the Daquiri Palace in Palma and made their mark!

HM3 Herb "Paco" Rivera
Pasadena, MD USA - Saturday, July 25, 2009 at 1:06 PM.

Hello Shipmates, Served on the Sara CVA60 July 61 thru Oct 62, Was RM3 in CR Division,Med Cruise in 61 was great.many good memories, we had some great Radiomen in the CR Division, good learning experiences...ED"C" ( Chris)

Ed. Christopher
Alburgh, Vermont USA - Monday, July 20, 2009 at 8:31 AM.

Hello Shipmates I try to check this site at least 2 times a week, and I never see anyone I served with. Seems like they just vanished in the wind. I should have kept up with them so most of the blame rests with Me. Still I look for 1st & 2nd Div sailors from 70 -72. where are all those Boatswains Mates now? Still remember the good times although my age is trying to erase them daily, but I won't let that happen. still Love the Navy and am always proud to stand up and say I was a Sailor. Hope this letter finds just one ole friend and I will be succesful. Thank you An ole Salt forever

Vernon D Carter
Tucson, Arizona USA - Sunday, July 19, 2009 at 3:59 AM.

I reported to the Saratoga in November of 1968 at the yards in Philly as an EMFA. Was assigned to E-Division office because I could type, was there during sea trials and Gitmo, it sucked then but looking back it allowed me to know alot of guys in the Division that I otherwise wouldn't have known. Later I worked in the A&O shop on the stores, bomb and deck-edge elevators and played poker with alot of electricians on alot of nights in the Med. Made 2 med cruises, '69 and '70 made EM2 and transferred to the USS Power, DD-839 in Mayport as well. Would love to hear from anyone, Bill Krueger,Dennis Schultz, David Wall, Harry Bostedo, Wart Simonton, Rhett Secrist, Kevin Searles, Casey Vidmar, Don Klein from Bellingham, WA, Don Cline from Arkansas, Peter D. North, and more....can't believe I remember all those names after all this time. Great times in Athens, Palma, Barcelona, Naples, Rhodes even Valletta, Malta. If anyone remembers me get in touch! Bruce Mallernee

Bruce Mallernee
San Antonio, TX USA - Sunday, July 12, 2009 at 1:37 PM.

Served on Sara 65 to 69 will be in Middletown area in August what is the closest I can get to see Sara.

Wayne Roberts
Upper Jay, NY USA - Sunday, July 12, 2009 at 12:23 PM.

I did not serve on the Saratoga, but the Ship I was on did a lot of plane guarding for the Saratoga It is great to see that it will become a museum.

william McMillian
New Richmond, Ohio USA - Monday, July 6, 2009 at 2:07 PM.

I was on Sara from 84 to 87. First half in Deck dept, 2nd Div, "The Zoo". Then I became a Lithographer and worked in the print shop till I got out. I'll never forget taking care of Quadafi and his "line of death", or getting those hijackers from the Achille Lauro. All the ports were great, especially Singapore, Christmas of 85. But most of all, I'll never forget my buddies. It's Odie, Where are you guys at? Dave Simmons, Ange Belton, Terry Kitchen, Jake Jacobs, Chris Sherlock, Pete Mohr, Fozzy, Wiz, I could go on and on. If I only had a time machine!! "Mighty Fine" Eddie O, Odie

Eddie Odachowski
Baltimore, MD USA - Friday, July 3, 2009 at 5:53 AM.


Tommy Michael    RM1745@AOL.COM
Springfield, Mo USA - Thursday, July 2, 2009 at 2:09 PM.

I served on the Sara from 1975 to 1976 in OE division. I made the 76 Med Cruise. Unfortunately even though I paid for it I never received my cruise book from that cruise. I was discharged before they were handed out. Any help obtaining that specific cruise book would be greatly appreciated.

Larry Clockedile
Rochdale, MA USA - Wednesday, July 1, 2009 at 12:47 PM.

Best wishes and good fortune to all volunteers working to get the Saratoga a new home and a new life. I was on her for a short period in 1972 out of Subic, riding out a typhoon with really cool A-4 guys. It was an eye opening experience for an AF kid.

Dave E    
, Colorado USA - Friday, June 19, 2009 at 2:39 PM.

Served on the Sara from 4/75 - 5/77, V-1 Division. Fly 3 blueshirt, Fly 2 yellow shirt. Still get excited talking about life as a " Roof Rat". You have to experience it to appreciate it. Can't wait to bring the family to the roof to show them where dad worked. Med Criuse 76'; Collision with the USS Missasinawa (spelling?)Lt.Cmdr Hutchinson & LtJG Collins (VF-31?) R.I.P. Joe Shivers, VS-22 boys, "Rock" Eghotz-Hey you,get crazy!Chief Holloway, Cmdr. Rhodes, the V-2 waist cat crews, and too many others to name. Great guys, great times.

Dan Gurrera
Howell, NJ USA - Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 4:44 PM.

The following obituary was published in the Albany (NY) Times Union on 6/9/2009

Forwarded by: Frederick R Miller, PH1, USN Retired 55 - 73
Ballston Spa, NY 12020


Herrington Jr., Alfred C.

HERRINGTON Alfred C. Herrington Jr. passed away on Wednesday, April 1, 2009 at the age of 71. Born in Albany, N.Y., he was the son of the late Alfred and Anna Herrington Sr. He lived most of his life in the Albany area and served for over 28 years on the Albany Fire Department. Alfred also served his country in the United States Navy aboard the USS Saratoga. He was a member of the APPRFA, the IAFF and and other firefighter's organizations. Survivors include his wife Frances; a son, Craig (Constance) Herrington of Denver, Colo.; two daughters, Robin (Jeff) Ira of Wynantskill, N.Y. and Teri (Jason) Williams of Troy. He is also survived by five grandchildren, Zachary, Noah, Jennifer, Jeff Jr. and Jason Jr. Funeral services with full military honors will be held Friday, June 12 at 1:30 p.m. in the Gerald B.H. Solomon Saratoga National Cemetery, Schuylerville, N.Y.

Frederick R Miller, PH1, USN Ret 55073
Ballston Spa, NY USA - Tuesday, June 9, 2009 at 7:55 AM.


I am very happy to see that the SARATOGA will survive. I was on board as a guest on the very last trip in the Mediterranen April 1994. My memories of this visit are realy great.

Good luck in the future!

Rene Zuercher
Lt Col ret
Swiss Air Force

MOSSEEDORF,  SWITZERLAND - Thursday, June 4, 2009 at 2:36 PM.

SINS Tech (ET): system located in forward gyro - Operations (OPS) Department / OE Division. July 1981 - August 1985. Reported on board during SLEP overhaul at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard. Mediterranean cruise 1984. Any former shipmates out there that stumble upon this post - drop me a line at

Robert Kniffin
Virginia Beach, VA USA - Thursday, June 4, 2009 at 1:45 PM.

Hello my name is Jerry Matta I served on the Sara 1963 and 64 also looking for a yearbook from those years shipmates who remember me would like to hear from you

Jerald Matta
Bradenton, Florida USA - Wednesday, June 3, 2009 at 9:35 PM.

Was on Sara from 73-75 IM-2 div. yellow gear would like to talk to you . Bruce Heisey

Bruce Heisey
Manchester, ma USA - Wednesday, June 3, 2009 at 8:51 PM.

I Jerry Matta served on the Saratogo 1963 and 1964 I would enjoy any shipmates from those years getting in touch with me by email CVA-60 I am also looking for a yearbook from 63 & 64

Jerald Albert Matta
Bradenton, Florida USA - Wednesday, June 3, 2009 at 11:09 AM.

Was wondering.. I served on board from 79-81.. As a civilian will I be able to get on base to visit the love I miss.. good Ol Sara.. I don't have a military ID anymore?
I worked in CVIC.. was the best time of my life.. Just didn't know it at the time..

Mark Hymowitz
College Park, MD USA - Saturday, May 30, 2009 at 10:50 PM.

My Dad served on the Saratoga from 1962-1966. I wish you the best of luck in preserving this great piece of history.

Dee Ann McClendon
Georgetown, Texas USA - Wednesday, May 27, 2009 at 4:39 PM.

1958-1960 Radioman 2nd. Enjoy looking back at all the travel and great ports. Still around at 72. Remember when we were backing down pulling into Naples and backed over a bouy tearing up the screw. Had to stay in port for weeks to get the new one. Remember losing a gun sponson in the North Atlantic during rouch seas. Also remember sitting in the webbing on the bow taking spray and watching the flying fish off the bow. Great memories. Duties were in SecCon. Great. I got the Sara when requesting any mine sweeper. Ha..

Richard Wetzel
Chambersburg, Pa USA - Tuesday, May 26, 2009 at 9:32 PM.

To all from the SARA have a great summer. I was on her from 1963 to 1967 in N-Div.

John Morgan
Palmyra, New York USA - Sunday, May 24, 2009 at 7:37 AM.

hi my name is corey foultz, son of charles foultz. his birthday just passed and i was thinking it would be pretty cool to have some of his old shipmates get in touch with him. he served on the sara from 60 to 62 as part of engineering-a division. he said it was the best time he has ever had. i used to hear all kinds of stories about the places he has been to. if knows my dad could you please contact me so i can get you in touch with him.

Corey Foultz
hummelstown, pa USA - Saturday, May 23, 2009 at 3:39 AM.

Hello to all that served on the USS Saratoga from 1971-1972 when we pulled into Norfolk Virgina for repairs..I was on the Sara when we did the North Atlantic cruise and the Med cruise,it was my first and last time as I was not recommend for re-enlistment,I was in the V-3 division hanger deck crew and I served with some of the bravest men while on the Saratoga..I am looking for anyone who has information about a 1st class Petty officer D.Dankworth he was my crew chief!Please contact me ASAP,thank you...

Michael Carpinona
Greenwood , Fl USA - Thursday, May 14, 2009 at 5:14 PM.

I served on the USS Saratoga from 1971-1972,I was in the hanger deck crew V-3 I am looking for any information about a 1st class Petty officer D.Dankworth at the time he was my crew chief! He did something to me and I want to find anyone who he may have done anything to them also,please contact me with any information as I have been going through depression since this incident happened..I would really appreciate your assistance..Also if you were on the Saratoga at the time it went to Viet Nam in 72 and 1st class Petty Officer Dankworth tried to do anything to you that was inappropriate you may also contact me,anyone who does will remain anonymous..Thank you

Michael Carpinona
Greenwood, Fl USA - Thursday, May 14, 2009 at 10:31 AM.

I was in N-div. from 1963 to 1969. Hello to all that was on the big 60 from dixie.

John Morgan
Palmyra, New York USA - Sunday, May 10, 2009 at 2:37 PM.

my Dad, Richard Wentzel, served aboard the Sara '59 - '62 in H Division. He's 74, alive and well and living in Massachusetts. We're looking forward to taking a drive to RI to see the Sara!

Kathy Wentzel
, MA USA - Friday, May 8, 2009 at 7:58 PM.

I am looking for a cruise book for the years 1976-1980 to replace. My husband lost his in a flood over 10 years ago. Please let me know how I can get a replacement.

Orange Park , Florida USA - Thursday, May 7, 2009 at 12:28 PM.

Came across the website for the Saratoga Museum site. I hope she can/will be saved.

I served in the S-5 & S-2 divisions, on the Sara, from Oct 78, thru her arrival in Philadelphia Shipyards in 1980. Yes. . I was a MS (cook).

I remember crashing into a USNS ship while refueling, remember liberty boat service being suspended in Naples Italy & being stuck at the USO for what seemed like 1 week (3days?) & remember steaming for 3 weeks, after the USS Nimitz tried & failed to rescue the 53 American Hostages held in Iran.

Drop a line & say hiyas!! =)

Best part about being a cook, was not having to wait in line for food.

YES. . the galley is CLOSED, at this time!!!

Robert Camardi
Tampa, Florida USA - Thursday, May 7, 2009 at 1:45 AM.

66>67..BT in#3MMR/67>70...IC3..IC-Gang...3Meds.

James McKeen
Wyandotte, Michigan USA - Wednesday, May 6, 2009 at 10:06 PM.

My wife and I just visited Newport back in September. We went to the air museum and even though it had a good selection and ongoing projects you could tell it needed help. Reading about this project is just incredible. I really hope this project gets pulled off because we need more of these museums. Also, I read about the loss of the K-77 and have a suggestion of the WWII USN sub and PBR in Hackenback NJ: their landlord want to develop the land so they may be forced to leave: what a great addition?! Well I have to go donate now. Sincerely -The Healds

douglas heald jr
campton, NH USA - Tuesday, May 5, 2009 at 10:27 PM.

Trying to locate shipomates of my brother Tom Timmons in 1963 from Mayport Navel Station

Geraldine Timmons
Palm Coast, Fl USA - Monday, May 4, 2009 at 11:40 AM.

Hello Shipmates, I have been trying to correct an E-Mail address from the Archiles of 2000. I made an entry on April 23rd 2000. The e-mail starting bubcin is not correct. I hope my friends are not trying to use this address as it is not correct. Looking for Deck hands from 70-72 1st & 2nd divisions.Would love to hear from my friends, Ken Ledbetter, Chuck Gaddis, John Cherry, Jodie Hoffpauir, Les Peterson, Buzz Bowman,Ernie Burkeen & Dave Byler. Please use current E-Mail Address Thanks

Vernon D.Carter
Tucson, Arizona USA - Sunday, May 3, 2009 at 9:42 PM.

Pappa Pete are you still there if so I would like to hear from you.Will you at the reunion I hope to get to talk about all the old times.
Bryant Blakeley

Bryant Blakeley
Neosho, Mo. USA - Saturday, May 2, 2009 at 1:17 PM.

I am looking for anyone who served in the V-3 the hanger deck crew from 1971-1973,and who knew D.Dankworth. Please e-mail me at

Michael Carpinona
Greenwood, f USA - Wednesday, April 29, 2009 at 4:04 PM.

I served on the USS Saratoga from 1971-1972,I was in the hanger deck crew V-3 I am looking for any information about a Petty officer D.Dankworth at the time he was my crew chief! He did something to me and I want to find anyone who he may have done anything to them also,please contact me with any information as I have been going through depression since this incident happened..I would really appreciate your assistance..

Michael Carpinona
Greenwood , Fl USA - Wednesday, April 29, 2009 at 3:45 PM.

It's been a few years since my last guestbook entry. I served on Sara from 1972 to 1975. I was an MMFN in 4MMR. Would like to hear from any black shoe from that era. I can't wait for the museaum to open so that I can take my children and grand children aboard her.

Mike Williamson
Wilmington, Delaware USA - Saturday, April 18, 2009 at 1:43 PM.

My father, CPO Harvey Belflower was on the Saratoga I believed in the early 1960's. He passed away in 1992. I would love to hear from anyone who remembers my dad. Thank you all for your service to our county.

Charles Belflower
Athens, Ga USA - Friday, April 17, 2009 at 9:57 PM.

Served in E Division Fall of 1965 to Spring of 1969 hope to see old friends at the Reunion in Branson in October

Wayne Roberts
Upper Jay, NY USA - Monday, April 13, 2009 at 8:17 AM.

Was updating my last entry I was a BM3 IN 3rd Div from 1964 to late june 1967. would love to have contact with shipmates during this time.

tommy michael    RM1745@AOL.COM
springfield, missouri USA - Friday, April 10, 2009 at 3:47 PM.

I was the Supply Officer on the KANKAKEE (AO-39)in 1965 when the CO was Captain Harold F. (Hi-Fi) Lang. Does anyone know his military history his after leaving the SARATOGA? A fine gentleman and my first CO. Thanks

Jack Donahue    
Boston, MA USA - Saturday, April 4, 2009 at 5:01 PM.

I was aboard CVA60 1956-57, V6 Division. Captian Stroh. I am 75 years old, and my dream is to get back on that ship! Loved every minute of it.

Paul Arledge
Grove City, OH USA - Wednesday, April 1, 2009 at 8:44 AM.

My father, Robert M Schwartz Sr. is a Saratoga plankowner, serving 1955-1958. (He did a couple monthes first on the Forrestal) He is 72 now, and doing fine and well. He has always been proud of his service on the Sara. Thank you Dad and thank you, all you sailors for your service to our country!
Robert M Schwartz Jr.

robert m schwartz jr
Dearborn , mi USA - Monday, March 30, 2009 at 9:44 AM.

Can someone give us an update on the current situation in R.I.? Will Sara ever get to Q.P.? In 2001 we had an HS-7 reunion in Newport. The Sara was to have been at dockside in Q.P. by then, we had to see her from behind the fence. After another 8 YEARS,it's still behind the fence and in jepardy of never crossing the Bay. Please enlighten us. Continue to fight on, you have many supporters.

John DiMasso
Woodville, Ohio USA - Monday, March 30, 2009 at 9:27 AM.

Served on SARA 64-66 in Photo Lab. Would love to hear from former photomates.Best time of my life.

Marty Finkelstein
Maggie valley, NC USA - Wednesday, March 25, 2009 at 7:39 PM.

I think that the best use for the Saratoga would be as a new artificial reef. That ship caused so much pollution during its times at Sea dumping trash, engine componants, and chemicals into the sea that the least it could be used for is to give back life to replace the inocent ocean life it destroyed. I was on that ship and I saw what it did while it was out at sea. Thats why I quit. I couldn't be a part of something that I have fought all my life to protect. When are people going to realize that by destroying these things that we take for granted we are ultimatly destroying ourselfs. To make a memorial out of an object that caused death to so much just seems to be very wrong.

Former Crew Member    
Modesto, Ca USA - Monday, March 23, 2009 at 8:03 PM.

I was on the Super Sara from 90-94. Desert Shield/Storm was my first cruise. My EAOS was one month before decom, but I am still a plank owner. I spent my time in 1MMR and 4MMR. I stood MMOW in all four main spaces. I cannot wait to see the Sara open to the public.

Zane Koonce
Orange Park, FL USA - Monday, March 23, 2009 at 8:19 AM.


west warwick, rhode island USA - Friday, March 20, 2009 at 4:22 PM.

Itís been over 9 years since I left my first "Guest Book" entry and I thought I would update my contact information.

I served aboard Sara, CVA-60, from December 64 to April 67 in OP division, IOIC (air intelligence) as a Machine Accountant (name changed to Data Processing Technician in 1967). Made 2 Med cruises, 64-65 and 66. I applaud everyone's efforts in saving Sara from the junk yard and turning her into a floating museum. I hope after 9 years of trying, Sara will be accessible at some future time. To the officers and crew that I served with in IOIC, I send my very best. If there are any former members from IOIC or MA/DPís please drop me a line.

Douglas Goodrich    DouglasD52@AOL.COM
Lansing, MI USA - Monday, March 16, 2009 at 10:03 AM.

I was on the sahah from 61 to 64 in m div. I am from white river jct. vt. i moved to north carolina in 1981

paul rich
greenville, nc. USA - Sunday, March 15, 2009 at 12:43 PM.

I'm interested in the Saratoga because of my uncle who served on her for quite a long time after transfering from the Kitty Hawk. Since he (Eddy H. Parrish) is a great friend as well as uncle and is now in the last stages of cancer, although I am disabled, on his behalf I'd love to help with the cause and will do everything I can by getting others involved.

M. E. Simmons
Hermitage, TN USA - Sunday, March 15, 2009 at 12:36 PM.

Thought I would post my updated contact info, served on Sara from 77 to 80 in AO shop, G3, and Armory as AO2. Does anyone remember the guy that was killed when he walked into the mail cod prop. He is not listed on the site as having died on the Sara. I really would like to get his info recognized. Thanks, Marty

Marty Morgan
Opelika, Al. USA - Saturday, March 14, 2009 at 8:13 PM.

I was on the USS Saratoga from 1974-1977 as a ABHAN. I sailed two med cruses. Had some of the best times of my life. Many memories i've share with family and friends. I followed my dad Roland A Mann into the Navy after he spent 20 years active duty and 10 years fleet reserve. He retired after 30 years. Me being his oldest son followed dad but now wish i would hung in there age lets us know what we missed. Hoping to find some old ship mates who I sailed with.

Roland A Mann Jr.
Buna, Texas USA - Thursday, March 12, 2009 at 10:50 PM.

My father was Captain Frederick T. Moore, Jr. the CO of Saratoga from November 1962 to September 1963. The 40th anniversary of his death is approaching (died in 1969) and I am writing a biography about his life and Navy career. I'd be pleased to hear from you if you knew Captain Moore and have memories or stories to share. Thank-you.
Michael D. Moore

Michael D. Moore
Maynard, MA USA - Wednesday, March 11, 2009 at 8:53 PM.

Served aboard The Mighty Sara from 77-81. I still have all my cruise books, my boat crew uniform, a brass wall fixture with the Sara loga rom officers country. My 77 crew ballcap, and other items from those long ago days. Most likely will donate them to the museum if they want them.

Roger Stevens
Marion, ohio USA - Wednesday, March 11, 2009 at 1:20 PM.

Worked in the Oil Shack, B-Div. 74-77. Lots of great memories. Feel free to write. 76 Med cruise was the best..

Sam McMunn
Saltsburg, Pa. USA - Saturday, March 7, 2009 at 10:38 AM.

An update to my original input to the site (6-28-2000)
Would like to hear from any of my old mates from E-div, circa 60-62. Hank Heggar, Pat Brown, George Doersch and Tom Kuntzi, hope to hear from all of you.
Note that my E-mail has changed.

Robert Beaule
Bedford, New Hampshire USA - Friday, March 6, 2009 at 8:38 PM.

Served in the V-2 Cats from 72-75. Did the West Pac and a Med cruise on the Sara.Charlie Dossey, I have tried to contact you. Any old shipmates can contact me at Great site, can't wait for the next east coast reunion to take place.

Calvin Bergeron
Lumber Bridge, NC USA - Friday, March 6, 2009 at 11:35 AM.

Served 74-75 v2 bowcats cat1 looking for shipmates,was on medcruise.lookig for knour,daulke,burgeron,skeeter,dilland me at

charlie dossey
hockley , texas USA - Friday, February 27, 2009 at 4:21 PM.

I'm back again checking for shipmates from the 70-72 period. I was in Deck Dept. and am just amazed I can't find anyone on here I remember from that period. If ANYBODY from the same time frame wants to send a note or E-mail I'll be glad to Talk about my experences during that time. the mishap in athens, No3 machinery room flood, anything. just like to hear from old shipmates, as I proudly wear my Saratoga CVA60 hat most of the time.

Vernon Carter
tucson, Arizona USA - Wednesday, February 25, 2009 at 7:51 AM.

It's great to learn that "Sara" will be preserved for posterity. I served as a Weapons Dept. officer including Admin, PD, G, and GM Divisions from July '72 through May '75. If you were aboard then, you probably remember getting new "chicken stickers" for your ID cards every few months from me. Some of you may remember my more infamous accomplishments as OOD Underway. These included the record-setting high-speed run of 38.4 knots in '74 and the 17-degree heel entering Lisbon, Portugal while avoiding ship traffic at slow speed in a heavy swell. Then there was the "interesting" experience of trying to hold a level deck for diplomatic helo operations while "anchored" in a heavy swell in Casablanca with a broken port anchor and locked #1(?) propeller shaft in 1975. When I last saw Sara in 1975, I had no intentions of even looking back. Now, I'm going to do all I can to be aboard for her final 33,500-foot cruise to the museum site. (Although I originally posted this log entry in 2000, I wanted to include my new email address and "Life Member" status, so I'm STILL looking forward to being on that "Final Cruise"!)

Blair H. Shaffer
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Wednesday, February 25, 2009 at 12:38 AM.

Was a volunteer on the Russian Sub project in 2002, helping get him ready for opening. Great experience. Just read the Sea Shadow story in the Wall St. Journal on-line - go get her!!! Would be a great addition - if only Providence had the prior mayor (warts and all) with the required level of energy, enthusiasm, drive, and vision. Good luck!

Marty Ahlijanian
Norwood, MA USA - Tuesday, February 24, 2009 at 1:49 PM.

I was on the lady sara from 1964 to 1967 in 3rd Div. those years were lost to a house fire. trying to find some 3rd div picthures from this time frame of my life left the sara right after the uss liberty was attacked. I was a BM3.

tommy michael    rm1745@AOL.COM
SPRINGFIELD, MO USA - Friday, February 20, 2009 at 8:47 PM.

1965 to 1967, made 1966 med cruise and started med cruise for 1967. i was a seaman in div. 1. SARA was a fine ship and it was great to serve aboard her. i would like to hear from my shipmates. i haven't seen SARA at her new home but i am making plans to do so. this is keeping memories alive.

robert j heath
greensboro, nc USA - Monday, February 16, 2009 at 7:44 PM.

I served from 76-78 in the Marine Detachment and remember all of the ceramonies we had to perform But 2 things stand in my mind ( from all the bar room brawls and etc.) The ship performed a 21 gun salute and I was the only marine on the flight deck at the time and was raising the flag and I held a salute for 21 freaking minutes without flinching and the officers were in the bridge eye balling me with binoculars and placing bets on whether I would flinch or not and the senior officer came down when I made it back inside the bridge and shook my hand and gave me half of his winnings. ZThe next thing I remember was PT'ing the prisoners every morning for about an hour and every other excercise was push ups 20 of them 4 count and I did them with them, I got pleasure out of that. any way SEMPER FI To all of you scally wags contact me any time.

Greg Vital
Austin , tt USA - Sunday, February 15, 2009 at 5:22 AM.

I do hope that this project will be approved. As an x-crew member of SARA, 72-76. This is one person that will be a visitor to your park. I have alot of Very Fond memories of Working The Fight Deck.

Larry Willett
Portsmouth, Virginia USA - Friday, February 13, 2009 at 11:38 AM.

Saw Sara tied to the pier in Newport, R.I., a year or two ago and felt a little choked up as memories started to come back. Reported aboard in Nov. '74 as an EMFN while she was anchored in Augusta Bay, Sicily, and departed as an EM2 in October of '77 while she was anchored in Naples. Worked out of the A&O Shop in E-Div. Wouldn't trade that time of my life for anything. Though I may have cussed that ship everyday while onboard, I've never had an unkind word about her since.

Took my kids to see her in '92. Standing in her shadow on the pier they couldn't see her until I pointed out the bow and stern. "WOW.... That's a big boat daddy!!!"

My wife and I were able to attend her decommissioning in '94. Had to fight hard to hold back the tears. My wife wasn't as succesful.

I hope and pray that through her service as a museum and educational center, others might be able to feel the spirit shared by all who served onboard throughout her 38 years of service.

Keith Brown
Alachua, Fl USA - Tuesday, February 10, 2009 at 10:46 AM.

I was in V-6 division,from 1961-1964.
Metal shop. I would like to hear from anyone in those years e-mail me at Bill Pemantel

bill pemantel
north olmsted, ohio USA - Monday, February 9, 2009 at 3:25 PM.

WOW any ole semper fi comrads out there.. CVA-60 from 68-72 Marine Detachment. like to hear from some if they're still around. anybody remember Dobe???

David Wortham
tampa, floirda USA - Monday, February 9, 2009 at 10:20 AM.

Does anyone remember Ensign Norman? He was really a great Officer.
I remember when I had to pull Messenger duty with him on the Quarterdeck when he was O.D.
In the middle of the night, when we had nothing to do, he would send me down to the Wardroom for coffee and sandwiches and we would spend a lot of time talking about things in general that didn't relate to the Navy.
Most Ensigns I met were to me, pretty stuck on themselves because they went to school for ninety days and got that one tiny bar. Not Ensign Norman. He worked his way up through the ranks from whitehat, so he understood his men more.
The last I heard, he made Lt(jg) and was transfrred from Sara.

Don Sager
Torrington, Connecticut USA - Sunday, February 1, 2009 at 1:23 PM.

Served on Sara from '69-'71 first in 3rd Division and finally in the Photo Lab-OP Division. To all shipmates living in Indiana, each August we host a shipmates' luncheon. Contact me if you want to be sent information or just passing through Indiana. It's three hours of good BS conversation from the good 'ole days! Finally, I am VP of the Saratoga Association, any question just send an email.

Dennis Bogden
Indianapolis, IN USA - Saturday, January 31, 2009 at 12:09 PM.

Dear Friends, my father was a Seaman on board the Saratoga in the 1950's. I think your vision would really make him smile. He is currently 72 and he still speaks fondly of his days aboard the ship. I would love to be able to bring 3 generations of Linds to the ship and watch the glow on his face as he "walks directly to his bunk" as he says he still can. Thanks and best of luck,

Mike Lind
Norwood, MA. USA - Monday, January 26, 2009 at 7:16 PM.


SKIAOOK, OKLAHOMA USA - Tuesday, January 20, 2009 at 2:20 PM.

Service #D104887 March 1970-November 1971
3mmr machinist-mate
many good memories and many nights spent below deck keeping
watch and there times when it was peacefull in a noise filled machinery room. thankyou for your efforts on saving her. (954-708-3787)

Duane E. Allen Jr. (Sr.)
Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442 USA - Saturday, January 17, 2009 at 12:37 PM.

Hello, I served aboard the Sara from 1966 until 1969. I met a lot of good people and made some good friends. I was happy to hear that she is being restored and would be glade to see her again. I was on board when the Sara went through the storm off the Fla. coast in 67 with Capt. Dick took us through and came out of it in kindaof a mess. We went into Phily dry dock for a year after that and went back to Mayport Fla. I was in rep 8 on the flight deck and then transfered to 3rd div. for the remainder of my time on boared. Had very good times and would like to come aboard for another look at her.

Tilman(Tim) Webster
Milan, Michigan USA - Thursday, January 15, 2009 at 1:04 PM.

I was in the bow and waist cats from 72 thru May of 75. Great times! Had a blast on both the westpac and med cruise. Too many good times at the PO club, and Rebault club. Chief Frisko and Reynolds was always looking for me and Thomas, knowing we were having a liquid lunch at the club when in Mayport. Wow...did those knee knockers hurt going back on! Would love to hear from old

Calvin Bergeron
Lumber Bridge, NC USA - Wednesday, January 14, 2009 at 11:45 AM.

Though I live in California now, I am still a Rhode Islander at heart, and I hope that your good work continues. SAVE SARATOGA!

Writing from the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey CA.

Paul McCrone
Seaside, CA USA - Thursday, January 8, 2009 at 4:42 PM.

Good luck to the USS Saratoga and her future museum crew! Hopefully, you will be up and running in the near future. I'd love to volunteer aboard, as I miss it dearly. I am a former volunteer of the USS Lexington Museum on the Bay in Corpus Christi, TX. I served over 3,800 hours to the Live-a-board program, which was our youth encampment program.

BM3 Randy Patterson
Pawcatuck, CT USA - Wednesday, January 7, 2009 at 11:24 AM.

I served on Super Sara 82-84 as a DK2. Lot of good memories. For those looking for shipmates, try It has a military section that includes CV-60.

Dave Baker
Tampa, FL USA - Saturday, January 3, 2009 at 8:33 PM.

I was on the SARA from 1964 to 1967 3rd Div, I would like to get in touch with ship mates from this time. I was on board 3 med trips made BM3 two times in third div. I finally did retire as a BMC.

Tommy Michael    RM1745@AOL.COM
SPRINGFIELD, MO USA - Friday, January 2, 2009 at 4:13 PM.

Hello Shipmates Just a Few words to let former shipmates know I'm still alive and kicking. I served aboard Sara from 70 to 72 in the deck dept, ( The real Navy ) Still remember several shipmates from 1st & 2nd divisions. Also remember the Med Cruises from those years, The mishap in Athens, The fun in Cannes, and The tiny Island of Malta, Myself and two friends rented bicycles and toured the Island. Would like to hear from friends from that era. Send me e-mails and I'll answer back, hope to hear from old friends. also I check this site regulary. Boatswains mate Vernon D Carter

Vernon D Carter
Tucson, Arizona USA - Wednesday, December 31, 2008 at 11:07 AM.

Welcome to the Official USS Saratoga Museum Foundation web site guestbook. Leave some comments for us - tell those who visit this web site what you think about the project - good, bad or indifferent...
David Kerwood, West Bay Web <>
North Kingstown, RI USA

Guestbook entries for all of 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 have been archived. The 1999 archive can be found here. The 2000 archive can be found here. The 2001 archive can be found here. The 2002 archive can be found here. The 2003 archive can be found here. The 2004 archive can be found here. The 2005 archive can be found here. The 2006 archive can be found here. The 2007 archive can be found here. The 2008 archive can be found here.

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