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![]() Archived messages - January - December 2002If you are looking for a particular name or word on this rather lengthy page, use your browser's "Find" function to ferret it out quickly.
I was aboard "Sara" from '73-'77. I was G division flight deck crew and would like to hear from the rest of you. Had a great time on the Med cruises.
My father served on the Saratoga from 1971-1973 in the V-3 Division. We would like to get any information on the years that he was on the cruise.
Hi! I'm trying to find a dear old friend that was stationed aboard the USS Saratoga CV-60 back in 1982. His name is ADAN Michael F. Fox. If you know of him or any info on his whereabouts please email me.
This is Marty Lineen in Hollywood Florida USA. i was on the Sara in 1964 and 5. i was a blue shirt in fly 1. My e-mail address is bent4500@aol.com My pictures r here. www.picturetrail.com/bent4500
Served aboard the mighty Sara from 1976 - 1980 in 3rd and 1st division. Merry Christmas to all Sara Vets. Hope to hear from some old shipmates. Fair winds and folling seas to all. Greetings from Boston to Super Sara CVA-60 commissioning crew. Can you believe its been 46 years since we put her in commission in Brooklyn. I wish to extend to all SARA crew members a Safe and Happy Holiday Season, and look forward to seeing SARA again when she is in her final berth at Quonset. Regards
Jim Prior
To all to whom these greetings appear, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Those of you who served in the late 1950's in VF-32, images of you have frequented my mind for nearly forty-five years. You must have been one hellava bunch.
I'm glad to hear that the Sara project is still on-going. I served on Her from 1976-1981, AIMD shop 7 VAST shop.I'm looking forward to boarding her again soon... Asst Intelligence Officer during DSEERT SHIELD/DESERT STORM. Great ship, great crew, great Captain.
C. R. Armstrong, CAPT, USN
I am glad that there is an attempt to save this wonderful ship, so that future generations can understand what the old Navy was like. I spent 2 1/2 years on the Mighty Sara from 1976 to 1979, and it was the high point of my Naval service.
Hi, I am doing research trying to locate information on a Marine that served on the Saratoga from sometime in the mid. 1930ís to 1942. His name was William "Bill" Fitzgerald. He was born in Southern California. His final rank was Sgt. He was wounded in a battle just prior to Guadalcanal and shipped back to the states. As I understand he went AWOL in May of 1942 (possibly at Bremerton, WA). In Aug of 1942 he returned, then was wounded. I am wondering if there is anyone out there who might remember him or maybe has photos with him in it. Or is anyone can tell me where I might look for more information. Thanks-Milton
I was an OS2 in OI Div. from June 1975 to August 1979. Would like to hear from others who served on board that I worked with. I've been in touch with Pappy Lutz and Dave Love, has anybody seen BT, the Clark of Bar, or Stony? I also hope to make the last cruise on the Sara, if possible. Nice site.
I would just like to wish all a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year. Spent 59 and 1960 Saratoga's 2nd and 3rd Med cruises during the Holidays, in Cannes, France. She was a young lady then, so was I. S-1 Division 1958-1961, now a retired SKC. Hope to see her again in Rhode Island soon.....
Ahoy there Maties, Just wanted to wish all former shipmates a Very Merry Christmas, & A Happy New Year. Another year is upon us, seems like the older we get the faster they roll away. I served on the Great Sara from 70-72.Have some great memories of good friends and great times, (Itry to forget the bad ones) If you remember me, drop me an E-mail and we can talk. Have a Wonderful Holiday Season. An Old Boatswains Mate, Vernon
Hello Fellow Shipmates;
Hello. My father served onboard the Saratoga shortly after she was commissioned. He served as a photographer and has alot of interesting pictures as keepsakes. But the one thing he really wishes he still had is his Zippo lighter that he got while serving onboard. It had a raised cast image of the ship mounted on one side of it. It was lost a quite a few years ago. I was wondering if anyone had one they would be willing to sell. I have found ones on ebay but they don't match the one he had. If anyone has one or knows where I could get one please email me at pooldoc@attbi.com. Thank you.
Was on Sara And Made Chief HT There During Shipyard Fitrep. See Her Tied Up quite often . Not Pretty But could be Again. Good Luck. HTCS A.R. Houle
I was onboard the SUPER SARA CV-60 1984-1987. I left as a BT3 (Steaming Deamons 2-MMR)Longest non war time cruise at the time. First carrier to dock pier side in Diago Garcia for those who remember, also enjoyed going through the Suiz Canal at Night. It was a long but good cruise. Topped with going after Kadafy. Would love to take my kids onboard to see it.
I served on the SARA from 1961 to 1963 in gunfire control.
Made two Med cruises and was in the Cuba crisis.
Great Website.
E Division, Distribution, 1969-1972
Hey everyone! Served on Super Sara from 11/84 to 5/88. Anyone from V-4 Div. during that time? Ahhh...memories...Achille Lauro....Line of Death...You can run but you can't hide! Anyone remember the photo posted on the aft mess decks bulletin board of "Das Burning Boat"? One of Qaddaffi's (sp?) gunboats up in smoke! That was awesome. Hey sponge!..you out there man? JMG! One thing I don't miss is eating jet exhaust...cough.. Was funny though that Capt. Unruh had to go through shellback initiation with the rest of us! Props to all my Sara mates, and props to the foundation for making this happen. Thought I would never see Sara again, and now I can't wait! Seems like just yesterday I couldn't wait to get off of her. How time changes you. See you all in R.I. p.s. Yarwig, you out there?
I was on board the "SUPER SARA" from 1986 and finished my Naval career with her in the yard in Northfolk Va. It will be nice to see her again in a place where people can learn how we and so many before us helped preserve liberty for us all. I would love to hear from anyone who was on the Sara at the same time...remember Adm Boorda and the "line of death"?
Let's all pull together this weekend to help Navy beat Army.Good thoughts and prayers can only help.Let's also pull together and get Sara moved,and put this issue to rest.This may reguire more than prayer. GO NAVY!!!!
Hey, I love your page. One of the very few with some real content.
I worked in 1MMR from 1992 to 1994 and Last Cruise for the Sara.
I am all ears, tell us more about the captian and the ufo
I was aboard U.S.S. Saratoga from July 1969 to Jan. 1970 in B-Division as a YN3, if there is anyone out there who remembers me or was on the ship at that time PLEASE lets get in touch.
captain sp was a ufo inncodent
Hi there. Thought I give you a note and tell you that your website is great. Keep it up.
A USS Saratoga Museum is a great idea! Best of luck! From a former PAO on Independence.
Great site!
On my daughters computer. Must say you folks are trying hard and its a great idea. A gentlemen below brings forth questions that got me thinking. In a perfect world this is a great idea, but how will surrounding museums and the such be effected by a Saratoga Museum? Basically, I assume you have to operate as a business and as such compete against other local attractions. Will the Saratoga Museum be trying to run the New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Intrepid groups out of business? Or will they work together with those groups? As a veteran of the old USS Ranger, I would hate to see any of these highly historical ships of WW2 be turned to scrap due to a newcomer entering the neighborhood. Please note, I am not attacking your effort but rather have concerns for the overall good of the surrounding historical ships. I check Hazegray once and awhile to see what new museums are listed and this is were I found you.
Ships company 1965-67. Flight Deck V-1 Division, Fly 1 . Med cruise '66 & '67
To the keepers of this web site. Go to www.blueangels.com and listen to the opening music, "Anchors Aweigh". Can you do something like that for the Sara Web site, it just make one feel so good.
I am a plank owner on the Sara from 1956 to 1957. I was on the commissioning detail in S-1 Division. Everytime I hear anchors aweigh, I get goose bump thinking about the good time on Sara. I am looking for some of my shipmates such as Edwin Davenport, Tino Flores, Simons, Navarro, Brein, and all the good guys in S-1 Division. I hear from Dan Flaliff quite often, and Jim Prior sent me an e-mail. These guys must be somwhere, or no-where, and it would be good just to know where the are. Does anyone remember Bill Peavey, from Wadena, Minnesota. I am from Wadena. I visited Sara in Newport last summer and it sure gave me a sad feeling to see that big piece of beautiful ship just setting there like a ghost. I was in Charleston, SC where many ships are in Mothballs and thats what Sara looks like.
If Sara would go to sea tomorrow I would go with her. Enough reminising. keep up the good work on this site.
Ron Fiskum SK-2, S-1 Division, forward store rooms, Right under the Aviation Photographers shop.
Hey Shipmate; I serve on board USS Sara during 89-94 With VF-74 EAD TO FOOD SERVICE DEPT. S-2 $ S-5 DIVISION as cook during my time on board Super-Sara , I was on all the deployment during that time fame. Wmesser@adelphia.net
William g. Messer USN RETRIED MS2
I really liked your site, I found it when surfing around for Cruises and found this site. Go figure!!! Though you might find it interesting how people find this site. Check out my site at Your Cruise who specializes in Cruises to several destinations.
I spent my tour on the Sara CVA-60 from 1963 - 67. Think it is a great thing you are doing, but can not join the foundation as just retired and money is at a preiemum right now. I hope they do not let the old lady rust away.Tony
I could possibly be the only member of OI DIV ('78-81')who "logs in". My son wants me to drive him up there to find my rack and take him up to combat. So here I am bang'n the keyboard in one of the least likely places my old shipmates would expect. To them I can only say that the years have taken away some of the bad memories and left me with good ones, the ones I remember anyway. Sexy Sara always took us from our woman left on the beach and for that I can't forgive her; BUT she always brought us back. To my shipmates who probably think I have all but forgotten you, I want to say I have not. Too many Med Cruises and long dreary winter port calls in Naples I wish to forget. But Jamaica! What could the Skipper have been think'n - NO AFTERBROW SEARCHES!!!! I remember Eddy take'n leave; it was so nice. It just took that one trip to the Caribbean to forget about the bad ports of call. To those shipmates who I don't have to call by name but I will anyway; I hope the years have treated you better than they have Old Sara! I would like to take my son to see Her, show him where I developed my attitudes and shower habits. His kids will some day maybe ask my son why Paw Paw puts JP5 in his shower water! Some things just seem to "stick" with you Boy. To my shipmates of OI DIV, I say "How ya'll Are?". Steve, Eddy, Pat, Don, Jack, Marty, Joe, Richard, J.D., Chris and all you other sorry SOBs that were always late relieving the watch! And a belated Thank You to the Hotel Jamaica for having stationary in the room!
The Super Sara was my first ship. I served on her with my first squadron VAW-125 from 1984-1987. I was on her for 2 cruises.
I soon will be retiring and would like to have my retirement flag to be flown on her. Who would I need to contact to arrange this?
I have been on several carriers and none mark a memory to me more than this ship. Had the best food, and the best ports. Every sunday we had steak and shrimp. And every evening we had an ice cream social.
Anyone out there that served on her during the time I served would be glad to hear from you.
Have a great Navy Day.
gulf pilot was involed in a weird event
gulf pilot was involved in a cover i will leak this story later al
I served abard the "Sara" from Jul. 57 to Jul. 58 in the Personnel Office while homeported at Mayport. Made only one cruise to the N. Atlantic. (Cold and rough seas.) Did not get to know many in such a short time but if any remember me I would appreciate some mail. Great site.
Don's response to our Nay-Sayer from RI was right on! I remember with amazement the power and personality of our great ship. I'm sure all who served aboard have accepted she will never get underway again. No doubt she was greatly stripped, and the sight of this will bring tears to the eyes of the old salts who recall her days of glory. Yours truly will be included. However; once she's gently guided to her permanent mooring, the long and continuous task of restoration will begin. Somebody once said "It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness". I know where we stand. Sadly, Mr.Mathis is alone!
Harvey Saffron
Plankowner, USMC
It seems that John Mathis of Tiverton, RI has a number of questions. Now I have a couple for him.
You mentioned you are more qualified in both nautical and historical properties. What exactly are your qualifications?
My second question is simple.
Why don't you include your e-mail address in your postings?
It can't be that private since you are the one that opened up on this subject.
Of course you know that you would be deluged with mail from every Sara shipmate (including myself) that cares about Sara's fate and is working hard to preserve her.
Why are you so intent on trying to scuttle the project?
I was with the filiming crew of CNN when they did the news story which was aired on CNN. Also I wrote the story that was published by the New London Day on Aug. 26 2002. CNN gave me a video copy of the show and have shown it to many people.This was one big experience in my life.So "Fair Winds and Following Seas"
Great. Thanks for the answered questions. However, I may be a bit more qualified in nautical and historical properties than you mentioned. There is a major difference between Restoration and making Saratoga look pretty. Seeing the great amount of missing equipment on her, you are basically getting a floating building that will look nice ...sure with modern exhibits but it wont look like Sara when she was in service.
Your consultants probably saw that she will float and can safely handle visitors but can Sara be brought back to her former glory? Will she have offices, workshops, a CIC , radio room, that looked like they did during the Gulf War? Even the USS New Jersey has trouble finding items that the Navy demilled and she was never cannibalized like Sara!!
Have you seen Sara lately? Her hull is turning black!! and it will cost millions to just paint her never mind the tow.
How about publishing some pictures of how she looks to this day inside and out.
I am writing to you cause my grandfather was on the Saratoga in WWII and I want to know how many People are in the area of Bakersfield and the surrounding areas. My grandfather has has told me stories of the past adn things he did for his friends.He hurts when a name is brought up and I want to help him I want to tell him there are still old friends from the Mighty SARA that are still around. Can you please help me my grandfather's name is Dan R. Cruz
I am writing to you cause my grandfather was on the Saratoga in WWII and I want to know how many People are in the area of Bakersfield and the surrounding areas. My grandfather has has told me stories of the past adn things he did for his friends.He hurts when a name is brought up and I want to help him I want to tell him there are still old friends from the Mighty SARA that are still around. Can you please help me my grandfather's name is Dan R. Cruz
We are having a small reunion for the crew of the photo lab of the Sara 1963-67.If you know anyone from that time please e-mail me.also if anyone knows where I can purchase Saratoga hats or shirts please let me know.
Made 1 cruise on Sara with VF-74 in 1984. Have good memories and a place in my heart for the old girl
I check this website every week and keep hoping there will be some progress on the Saratoga Plan. The sub is a nice addition but when I made my contribution and pledge, I was optomistic that we would have raised money a little faster for the big ship move. Maybe some good luck will allow the move in the next twelve months as the goal states. KMc
1959 to 1963 Great lakes, Memphis Tenn. "A" School then
to VAH-9 The Hoot Owls. Several cruises on The Saratoga.
Now retired NYC Firefighter (32 yrs.) Anyone still around?
Gene AQ2 Techi256@yahoo.com
Thank you, Frank. For the information & feedback to my question. good luck & keep up the good work.
Permission to come aboard: I am writing a book and doing research on the USS LIBERTY incident on 8-June-67. I am telling this story because my Brother was serving on her then and was a casuality. The USS Saratoga responded to her SOS and current information has Sara launching F4 aircraft to help. I am looking for any information you may have about that day. Anything thing about deck Ops, who were the pilots, any scuttlebutt and use the Jargon because that will be important. This part of the book will be written like a sailor was telling the story. Just email me with anything. Thanks alot,
Frank Lennon, USS Saratoga Museum Foundation, your answers to the three questions I raised were much appreciated. I now have a better understanding as to why there are delays in getting Sara across the bay and on her way to becoming a world-class museum. Also, thanks for doing such a great job in keeping the overall project alive and heading toward success. Regards, Carl
With respect to the October 22 entry by Mr. Mathis, it is unfortunate that he did not leave us an e-mail address so that we could establish a dialog. His gripes really boil down to two things: an implication that we might be misusing funds, and his own personal opinion that "it would be impossible to restore [Saratoga]". With respect to the restoration issue, four years' worth of studies by engineers and consultants far more qualified than Mr. Mathis (or me, for that matter) have reached a very different conclusion. As far as our financial accountability is concerned, we have been designated a tax-exempt non-profit organization. That means our books are open to public scrutiny by anyone at any time. We are in fact very proud of how much we have accomplished with so little. We are also proud of the fact that every penny we have raised from Saratoga veterans has been spent directly in furtherance of this project. Unlike the other museums Mr. Mathis has mentioned, none of the officers, directors or managers of this effort has taken a dime in salary. Our office space is donated. Our overhead is virtually non-existent. We also publish our tax returns ONLINE FOR EVERYONE TO SEE.If Mr. Mathis (or anyone else) has any doubts or concerns about our use of funds, then we encourage him to view those returns at:www.guidestar.org (put USS Saratoga in the search box).
The second question: Where did the money come from for the purchase of the sub? Or was it donated? As I reported to the attendees of the Saratoga Reunion last week in Branson, Missouri: Efforts such as ours depend on the enthusiasm of those volunteers to keep the effort vibrant and alive. Putting this submarine back into service, so to speak, will give our volunteer corps that jolt of adrenaline needed, and additional revenue to support the USS Saratoga Museum project. It is important for youy to know that the submarine acquisition and refurbishment has been accomplished without using a single dollar donated by anyone to the Saratoga project. It has all been raised separately, and now the sub itself is throwing off a positive cash flow, covering the cost of the ongoing Saratoga operation.
Incidentally, the same goes for the USS Cabot artifacts that we saved in Texas. They were acquired by separate, private donations and are accounted that way in our books.
In recent days some of you have asked us to respond to questions or opinions expressed in this Guestbook. I will attempt to address each of those concerns, one at a time. The first question, asked by Carl Beauchamp and echoed by Bud Beal, is: Why is the Juliett 484 getting so much more attention? If you mean attention from us, that's easy. We were dead in the water with Saratoga at Quonset until Governor Almond left office, which meant we had to put the carrier project on hold for ten months. To stay alive and demonstrate credibility, we had to come up with another idea. That's where the submarine came in. "Come back when youíve made progress," was the message from those who opposed the extension. "Go out and do something big to show us you're for real. Add some collateral to your balance sheet." By acquiring the submarine weíve risen to that challenge. We value this transaction at more than $1 million (including delivery and costs of sale). Add in the drydocking work done by the movie company and we've added a $2 million asset to our balance sheet. More importantly, the USS Saratoga Museum Foundation is no longer just an abstract idea. We are now open for business, generating cash flow, training staff and motivating volunteers. On a more fundamental level, the submarine acquisition shows what our organization and its supporters can accomplish when we have local political support. Securing Juliett took only three weeks, and one of the major selling points to Intermedia Film Equities was the strong support from the City of Providence. Until now, that support has been lacking at the State level. If you're speaking of attention from the media, that's easy. Think of the newsworthy connections: the K-19 movie, Harrison Ford, Cold War intrigue, Mayor Cianci's involvement, the Khrushchev link... In case you missed it, the Russian sub's involvement in the Saratoga project has generated national and international news coverage. The "hook' that everyone loves is the irony of the Soviet sub's last mission: to help save the Saratoga, a carrier which she had once been targeted to destroy. On May 24, the Wall Street Journal ran with that theme in a feature article, front page, above the fold, in both the US and International editions. Since then, CNN, MSNBC and a host of other media outlets in the US, Canada and elsewhere have featured stories about the Russian sub trying to help save Saratoga. We could never have generated that kind of coverage on our own. Just yesterday, in fact, we were featured on the front page of a major publication in Finland. The link to that story (English version) is:
Former Sara crewmember (1982-1985. Just moved back to RI and happy to be so close to a ship I've loved so much. I look forward to becoming involved with the museum foundation.
Wow, just had a chance to read John Mathis' comments. Sounds like he really doesn't want Sara in RI. Johy, I don't think th crooks in this state would allow any taxpayer money to go to an old aircraft carrier museum when it could be use as kickbacks for their political buddies. As far as Sara money for the sub...If that happened....I can see that. I probably cost much less to get the sub there and just getting something there will spark more interest in the museum as a whole...and possibly some big corporate donations. As far as the condition of Sara. Remember, it's not intended to be an operational carrier. People just want to be able to walk the decks and say they've been onboard (well, maybe not you). Patch the holes, slap on some paint and make sure she's safe for the public.
Now, all that being said...I must say that I don't understand why Forrestal (CV-59) wasn't choosen for this museum instead of Sara. Afterall, Forrestal (aka "The FID" for First In Defense") was the first super carrier. The first aircraft carrier designed and built from the keel up to accomodate jet aircraft. She was named for James V. Forrestal, 1st Secretary of Defense. Sure, Sara is a great ship. But I did a tour on the FID also and it seems that there is much more history there to lend itself to this museum.
Former Sara crewmember (1982-1985. Just moved back to RI and happy to be so close to a ship I've loved so much. I look forward to becoming involved with the museum foundation.
I have serious questions regarding this project. For one, where did the money come from that purchased items from Cabot? Where did the money come from that purchased the Russian submarine? I hope not from funds designated for Saratoga as that would be a misuse of donors funding. You need to tell interested folks just what condition Sara is in. I work for the USN and can tell you she is in the worst condition of any carrier in a navy facility other than Oriskany. Sara was open to fleet stripping and experimental use. It will be impossible to restore her. She is a floating building at this time with a huge hole in her hangar deck. Why spend so much money on a project that will cost millions just to dock this ship when 3 major Navy museums are within 50 miles? You cant save every ship and this one is certainly one of the ones you need to let go. I believe the public should know just what is going on through this site... do you have confirmed docking space? Are the tax payers of RI going to get stuck with this monster if you fail? What is the ETA for the ship? You have been saying 12 months for over a year now. I for one love American History and naval heritage but why crowd a area that had ships right next door in Boston, Groton, Fall River, and Quincy? Hey Shipmates If you were not at Branson for the latest reunion, you certainly did miss a good time. Accomodations etc were great. Just about everyone in attendance had a great time It was great to see so many of the plank owners of CVA-60 there as well as our shipmates from the CV-3. Attendance of the CV-60 crew was far below expectation, in checking the sign in list.
Jim Prior
The Secretary of the Navy recently changed the designation of Saratoga pilot CAPT Scott Speicher from MIA to "Missing - Captured." Captain Speicher has been unaccounted for since he was shot down over Iraq on the first night of Operation Desert Storm in 1991.
More here:
Just wanted to update that i am now finally back on line and that i am on aol .com you old jarheads sam yaun mardet 74/76 ooorah
Where is the crew from 1966-67? or was i the only one. I was in the bake shop then,i didn't poison everyone did i?
Good question Carl. Where did the money come from for the purchase of the sub? Or was it donated?
QUESTIONS FOR FRANK LENNON, Saratoga Museum Foundation: When is the Saratoga scheduled to move to North Kingstown? Why is the Juliett 484 getting so much more attention? Why is the most recent Progress Report as old as August, 2001?
Regards, Carl
I served in the V-4 division 1970-71 as V=4 supply petty officer. Anyone remember???
If there is anyone out there that knows Earl White he is a black male that served on the Saratoga in the 50's when they were station at NAS Jacksonville FL. He is from WV if you know him please email me at blocket1@bellsouth.net it is urgent, very important that i find him. My father was a radioman/gunner in the TBF with Torpedo-8.
Many members of the squadron weren't on the SARA and had no knowledge of the operations that were involved. His log book indicates bomb-and-strafe missions immediately following Midway. Before heading for the Eastern Solomons he engaged Jap fleet support towards the Aleutians.
Does anyone out there remember 24Aug1942. My father scrambled off the SARA and was shot down after making a torpedo run on one of six Jap cruisers late in the day. I'm trying to find crewmembers of the SARA that may recall the scramble. I understand that Jap bombers were on the way. Hence, they got all the planes off. He was later rescued from a small island. Hi Guys Plank Owner of Super SARA - Supply Dept '55 - 58 then transferred to Staff Com6thFlt Hope to see some Plank Owners at Branson MO during the reunion Oct 10-13. Anyone from Boston area going? If you are give me a call on my cell 617-312-0144.
I was a plank owner on the Sara,cva60. I went to pre-comm. school in Newport Ri.Jan.56 till going aboard ship just prior to her commissioning. Worked in the lighting shop all during my hitch. I was discharged on 1 June 1959 as an EM1-P1. Would love to hear from any of my old shipmates. So far I have located only 2, that leaves an awful lot of them out there. I have quite a few photos from back then. My nickname back then was "Bulkhead Seaman Recruit."
I served on the uss independence cva62 1958-1959 and just wanted to say hello to all you swabbies and good luck thanks.
I served aboard the Sara from 1970 through 1974. We made two Med cruises and the Westpact cruise. I have a lot of good and bad memories from the Sara. The older I get the more the good memories stay and the bad ones leave. I was in the Weapons Department during my tour. I would like to hear from anyone in the Weapons Department during this time.
Good to see the Old Lady will be around a little longer.
Just love to surf this site looking for old friends. Served aboard Sara from 70-72 in Deck Dept, 1st & 2nd Divs. Love to hear from Boatswains Mates from that period. Remember alot of good things & bad things aboard, From shore leave to Barcelona to the mishap in Athens(alot of water in machinery rooms). Drop me a line and tell me some of your memories. have a great day!!!!
My grandfather, LCDR Bill Davis, took a cruise on the Saratoga with the VF-32 sometime between 1954- and 1964 and i was wondering if there as anyone out there who knew him or was with him during this time. If so please cantact me cuz i want to know more about him and what he did. THANK YOU
Served with VF-31 aboard Saratoga during cruises 1962 until Sep. 1964
Hello all, I'm trying to locate an old friend of mine that was on the uss saratoga for desert storm, His name is Jeff Redman. If anyone knows him please contact me. Thank you.
In H division as corpsman from 1960-62. Med cruise, gitmo bay, naples, etc. Senior medical officer was Cdmr B. Johnson. Would like to hear from him or any other shipmates. Also at NavsupAct in Naples 2 yrs. silverrtip@aol.com Hope the Sara makes it all the way to its new home....
I served on Saratoga in 1957 with VF 101 on the Nato Cruise.
We went to Scotland,England and France.Would like to hear from anyone in VF101 at that time.[F4D Plane Captain]
My Dad served aboard the CVA 60 from 1959-1960. He also did another tour on board - I'm not quite sure of the dates. We can't wait until the Saratoga is open as a museum! Mom used to refer to her as the "sorry sara". Anyway, in Dad's yearbook, there is an aerial photo of the CV 3 and the Saratoga. The men on board spelled "Hello America". Does anyone have a copy of this photo - or know where I could get one??? Email me if you know kawentzel@hotmail.com
I served aboard the Saratoga as Paymaster, and later as Wardroom Officer during 1957-1959. I have many fond memories, and I am delighted to have recently learned of the Foundation and this website. I find the site to be quite comprehensive, but easily navigated.
My GGGGG Grandfather, Joshua JUSTIN, was a Masters Mate (Senior Midshipman)onboard the second Saratoga at the Battle of Lake Champlain. He was in command of the 3rd Division of Guns and was mentioned in the Comodores Letter to the Secretary of the Navy. He was later presented a sword by Congress for his part in the battle. Great site, keep up the good work. D.R. Justin, CWO USN (Retired).
I am very glad that a project has been launched to preserve the "big 60 from dixie". I served aboard Sara as a radioman in the CR division from May, 1963 until August, 1965. I flew aboard Saratoga on a mail plane which had originated in Naples. The landing was an interesting event that I will never forget. I have many memories of my two years aboard ship. Best wishes to all who served with Saratoga.
Served on CV 60 from 71 to75. Hope the museum opens soon.Would like to hear from any body that worked in IOIC or CVIC or OZ Divison. Thanks ! Jerry........
I served on two U.S. diesel subs from 1968-1972. I learned of this site from my membership in U.S. Sub Vets Inc. My wife and I will be visiting the 484 tomorrow on a day trip for the holiday weekend.
I was in VA-105 for the Westpac cruise and the following Med cruise. As the years pass, the good memories far outweigh the bad.
My father was Shirly J. Webster. I have a card of his where he served on the Saratoga. It is my understanding that he served on the Saratoga in World War II, and the statement he made when he returned from the war was "If I was going to die, I would have died when the Saratoga was shot out from under us twice." He didn't die on the Saratoga, he died shortly after when he returned home to Idaho. All I know is he was taking his last trip in the plane to renew his Pilots lience and he was killed in a plane going form Pocatello, Idaho to SLC,UT in November of 1950. I never meet my dad because my mom was only three months pregnant with me. I was forbidden to ask questions about him, because it upset my mom so much. Needless to say I know very little about him. I was told by an aunt when I was younger, he talked like Donald Duck. Upon one occassion there was chocolate cake missing and and officer came into the sleeping quarters and asked who did it and my father spoke like donald duck when the officer turned his, back, about who it was that took the cake. Evedently he was discovered and was forced to eat a whole chocolate cake by himself and from that day forward he never ate another bite of chocolate cake. Thats all I know. I know it is late in years for those who were on the Saratoga at that time. However hopefully it is not to late for someone out there who knew him. Maybe someone might be able to tell me something about him. Was he your friend, or even your worest shipmate? He stood almost 6 foot and was a Morman, from Preston, Idaho. If any thing about that time frame he talks about or if you knew him or knew of him, would you please e-mail me. I would love to be able to pass on some information about his war years to his granddaughter who is a high school history teacher now. His grandson is a minister. Any information would be nice. Thank you all for all the services you provided to provide a safe home for me to raise my children in. God Bless America and God Bless each of you Service men & women who have served on the Saratoga. May the Lord be with you. Tammy
Good-Luck Saratoga Foundation!
What a great website. Keep up the good work. It's nice to be a member of such a great cause. Thanks! I am the nephew of Cmdr. George E. Payne who served on the old Sara CV-3. He serve 30 years in the navy, while serving 17 years on the Saratoga CV-3. After my mother passed away he became my legal guardian. I would like any information on how I might attend the next scheduled reunion and how I might get in contact with some of his old shipmates. Thank you for your time and kind consideration.
Sincerely, After touring the Saratoga while it was moored in Monaco on July 4th, 1976, I feel very close to this carrier. I have never seen a more magnificent sea vessel than this floating city. The Saratoga's gun salute to Prince Ranier as it anchored in Monaco was breathtaking as it was on our 4th of July,1976. A highlight of my life.
Robert Gunn
I served on the Saratoga from 1986-1988 in 2MMR as a BT I am looking for others who sailed at the same time as i in 2MMR I am happy to hear about all the which has been taken to help preserve the Saratoga I would very much like to board the Sara again its been a long time i have many good memories from my time spent on the Sara thank you very much for the progress which has been taken thank you please e-mail me about any future updates it will be greatly appreciated
Hey all, I served in s-6, s-8 from 1981-1983, I served on oather ships scince sara the RV Knorr RV Longhorn and nothing will compare to my time on the big girl, Sara has a special place with me and I'm gald to see that she is going to be with us for many years for all to enjoy, kretzer, mike t. tom covert and all you sleps email me willya!! Served on "SARA" 1970-71 in CR Div. (Raido) Glad to see that this project has gained all the support it has in R.I.
Looking forward to seeing her again. I hope that those of us that served on her will be able to visit the spaces we lived and worked in.
I cannot E mail you at this time because i am on a US Navy computer, In 2 months I would like to see the website can you send a link to my E mail, Thanks, Dave Parker
Hi, I am so pleased to see that the Sara is still around. I served on her from 1987 to 1991 in the Airwing attached to VA/VFA-83.
Was thinking about the Sara and found this site on the internet. Served 73-76; G Division flight deck. What seemed like and eternity in dry dock and the two med cruises. What an experience. Still remember the rooster crowing in the mornings? Hope to see the Sara again in the future. My congratulations on this website. If anyone was a part of the Medical Dept. from 1984 to 1987, gimme a shout(or email) Remember LCDR Mandel? How about HM2 Kley? Does anyone remember the stop in Barcelona and watching the crowds beating up the liberty sailors? And the 2nd cruise, watching the cruise get extended twice? Does anyone know where CDR Pugh is? Is he retired? How about our senior chiefs? I got a story about Joe Allen, who made HMC in port. Any old shipmates, give me a shout.
Michael Vaughn, HM2, USN, retired(injury) I had made and earlier entry about the 1958 Med cruise as a member of VFP 62 Det 43. Since that entry I have been researching my papers and have identified all members of the detachment for that cruise. A list of them is attached. If any of them read this message please contact me. If you know any of them please contact me at my e mail address. I would love to communicate with any of them and I have a special interest in talking with H North who was the education officer of that detachment.
Crew Members of VFP 62, Det 43-58 Rays Rascals 1958
ENLISTED Med Cruise 1984 VMAQ-2 Marine here.
Had a great Med Cruise...great ports, great ship.
Any other VMAQ-2 Marines out there ? Hello all out there who remember the cruise in 1958 to the med. I was a member of the VFP 62 detachment and remember this cruise well. On large memory is the day that we landed hundreds of helicopters of marines to go shopping on board as they had not had liberty and were serving during the Lebanon, Cyprus crisis. I can't remember all my ship mates but Commander Charles Ray was our C. O. Lieutenant North, Charles Chitty, were among the officers I remember. Some of the other Guys who I would like to hear from are T. A. Greene, Sam Higashi(?), Bobby Jones, and a fellow named Doug who was from Montana. There were several others who's faces I remember but not the names. I was an airman who made ADJ3 while on the cruise. I just recalled another member of the crew whose name was Bobby Grahamn who was a parachute rigger. If these or any others who remember this detachment would contact me I would appreciate it.
This is a great site and wish you luck on the preservation.
I served onboard the SUPER SARA as a Radioman in the COMM div from Jan 88 to Sept 88. I came onboard Jan 1 when she was in Mayport (what a way to start the new year, heh). I rode her up to Portsmouth, VA for her drydock period. I still remember the days on board the Darby. While we were in VA, I was TAD to Firewatch division where I stayed until I was transferred in Sept. She was a grand lady and although I was on her for a very short time (9 months), I still have fond memories of that time in my life. I was happy to hear she would become a museum and look forward to seeing the ole gal in the future. I would love to be able to show my wife and two kids where I worked and lived. My brother was also onboard her during my time. He was DS3 Gulledge and wound up in the parts trailer during drydock. His name was James aka Frankie or Frank. If anyone remembers me or was onboard during this time, drop me a line.
I would be interested in finding any info on my great uncle George W. Buck who served on the saratoga during WW2.
Hello old salts, still looking for old deck dept shipmates from the 70-72 period. I was in 1st & 2nd divs. I had to change my e-mail address due to a damn virus completely destroying my old acct, amoung several thousand other files. Have Norton to protect me now. Need for old friends Rusty Cherry & Jody Hoffpauir to send me their E-Mail addresses, as I lost everyone I Had. I know there are more friends out there from Deck Dept. Send a note and Ill answer. Thanks Vernon Article published in today's (7-30-02) edition of the Saratoga Springs (NY) The Saratogian.
USS Saratoga group will open 'K-19' sub to public The foundation purchased the Soviet-era submarine in March. A diesel boat, it stood in for the nuclear-powered K-19 during the filming of the Harrison Ford thriller last year. Lennon said the K-19 film had its New England premier at the submarine July 18. The foundation has docked the sub at a city park in Providence. ''We'll use it as a fund-raiser and as a way to generate interest while we work on getting the Saratoga,'' Lennon said. The submarine also contains about $1 million in titanium and copper, equity the foundation can borrow against. The foundation raises money from a museum and gift shop in a Providence-area mall. The Saratoga aircraft carrier is at a Navy facility in Middletown, R.I. ''It's in mothballs. We haven't gotten it from the Navy yet,'' Lennon said. ''If all goes well, we could be looking at 18 months. We could have the last cruise of the Saratoga at the end of the good weather next year.'' The USS Saratoga was built in 1955 and decommissioned in 1994 following service in Vietnam and the Gulf War. ''It's the last ship named after the Battles of Saratoga,'' said local amateur historian Larry Gordon. Gordon, who also is a Wilton councilman, said the Smithsonian Institution in Washington has expressed an interest in temporarily displaying a silver service from the World War II-era carrier USS Saratoga. ''Apparently, our silver service has been deemed fine art,'' Gordon said. The silver was donated to the ship by the people of Saratoga Springs. It was on display at Saratoga National Historical Park but is now in storage, Gordon said.
For more on the USS Saratoga Foundation, look at www.saratogamuseum.org.
I was stationed aboard the carrier Wright CVL-49 and our homeport was Quonset PT. Back in the 50's. I just returned from RI (Newport) and went to Quonset and was very depressed to see the area, The pier is destoyed and the whole place looks terrible. The Museum was also closed. I found the SARA
over on Newport but was not able to get to it. I hope in the near future the SARA crew will be as proud as We are about the Wright.
Served in CR Div from 79 to 81 as an RM. Finished my tour in SLEP in Philadelphia. Glad to see Saratoaga's going to have a dignified and active retirement. Can't wait to see
her again. I'd like to hear from anyone I served with, so
feel free to e-mail. IWAS aboard the USS Forrestal( CVA59) From Sept 1960 to July 1962. We bouth have the same aim to see to it that these two fine ships are saved for the future I was a gunnermate on the 5in 54 mts in 5th Div.i made GMG3 while on board and was transfered to the USS Randolph (CVS 15) where i finished my tour af duty in Augest of 1964. We were docked at peir 12 a fuw times and met a few friends thaTt i drank 3.2 beer with in Portsmouth, amd Norlolk Well need to say i like your sight keep up the good work and hope you bring her home
Tony (FORMER GMG3 I think this project is awesome! My dad, James Raymond Hoyle Jr. served on this wonderful floating vessel. I am not exactaly sure when it was, he was on a couple of air craft carriers, the USS Shangrala, and the USS Laytee. I have been trying to find out when he was on this carrier as with the other two but I am kind of at a loss. Any help you could send me would be greatly appreciated. I wish you all, all the luck in the world with this wonderful project, and the best part is that Quonset in basically in my backyard only a couple of streets away. Dad would be proud that it is so close. He died of lung cancer in October 1998. Thanks for your help if you have any insite to pass on to help my search. Sincerely,
Kelly J. Hoyle First time I've seen this website, and it's great. I've aleady read some notes from shipmates I haven't heard from in years. I'd love to see her again someday. I know she's at permanent anchor up in Rhode Island. Some day... I served aboard her (yes, HER!!) from January 1984 to January 1987. Remember Captain John(Capt. Jack)Ready real well. Remember BM1 Lamonica and the 'special' way he did general quarters? Remember leaving Rota, Spain for home that Oct. day, and the way Lamonica did it? The 2nd cruise we did chasin' the Achille Lauro around the Mediterranian? And ripping Khaddafi and new one around the fame of death? And the shellback initiation? All the memories. Anyone out there, old shipmates, please write and tell me what's going on. Already saw a message from Manny 'chewy' Baca, hope to see more. Also looking for two cruisebooks from 1984 and '85-'86.
Got to go. Have a great Navy day
I served aboard the Saratoga in the Gulf War, and the 92 Med Cruise with VF-74. I'm glad to see she didn't just waste away.
A friend asked if I could find out when the Saratoga was to open for visitors. There's lots of "vision" on your website, but not much for "fact". Not updated since 29SEP01, there's no mention of the Saratoga ever opening.
I served on the Saratoga in 68-69 in the Sheet Metal shop.I was an Sfm3.Anyone out there heard from Keith Carpenter also worked in the Metal shop.We went through the Philly overhaual.
i served in the chaplains office/library..from 7-59 to 5/61...on 2 MED cruises and while in the MED i did all the amin. work for the catholic chaplian..who booked the day/overnite tours....i was aboard when the steam line fire killed the protestant chaplain...i still exchange xmas cards with catholic yeoman...i worked with for one year..he lives in NC now...
I was stationed aboard the Saratoga for her last cruise in 1994. I served in the Chiefs Mess on TAD orders from VFA-81. Being my first deployment I can still remember the feeling I got stepping on board for the first time. The Sara is a very special ship that gave me some great memories I will always treasure.
Served on SARA from 1963 to 1966 with VA-36. Made Cruise of 1963 and 1964 - 1965, as well as a great one to the Caribbean. In 1963 we left behind "Donald William Cors, ADJAN, USN". I was the Production Control Supervisor with the SQDN., and as a former member of the USAF I was very motivated by my first assignment as a Plane Captain of an
A-4C and the flight deck. I also found out what living & working in tight quarters really ment! I served in the Saratoga, was plank owner (1955-1956). At the time I was a quartermaster second in the Bridge Gang. It was my pleasure to be at the helm for the first trip under the Brooklyn Bridge. Quite an experience. Been over the bridge many times but never under it (Brooklyn brat). At the time we had less than a foot clearance under the keel and the main mast was folded down to clear the bridge. I must have done a good job though because it wound up being my station for many hours of sea details, air ops and refuelings. I went from the Saratoga to sub school and never resurfaced again. Many fond memories and a lot of great shipmates. Would like to hear from Myers, Porter and Lewis from the days of the "Fighting Cock". Running Hot Straight & Normal
Murph Jones QMCM(SS) Retired E-mail: jj0430@aol.com
Served onboard the sara april 1973 to october 1975 v-4 division remember waiting for the sara to come back from westpac cruise in old waves barrack at nas jax time of my life. I proudly went threw 10 months yard period in portsmouth va. then a med cruise really some good times. hey monk, jones, ABF can do!!! thanks for saving her.
Super Sara: HS-3 1984-87
I am in the Civil Air Patrol and I cant wait to take the Cadets on this ship.In the beginning of ww2 CAP was there to help the Navy on shore patrol. Civil Air Patrol was credited for sinking several German U Boats. and chaseing them out of u.s Waters
Glad to hear work is going forward on this project.
I was on board WesPac 72-73 with VA-37 Ordnance.
Any shipmates out there give me a shout. Known as Yank
Regards Glenn AO2
v-6 div metal.smith shop '56-'58 w/church,scottie,champey,1
renaud, mead, kinney, tyler, marshall, daley, goober, et al
trans to indy after med cruise. was first asst. mirror oper.
and div welder.(v-2) alumni fla int univ (social worker)
play guitar & sing country. free narration of navy exp.
my music, and some short stories.(write) Retired, do some
security work at Ramsey center on campus of univ. Georgia.
Ran into Bitner several times in Miami, never saw anyone
else from Navy. Never been to reunions but will be there
in October. I have copies of that photo in metalsmith shop
of all us guys if anyone needs one. See you in Branson ahouy
Just looking at your site . You have some good pictures of the sub (juliett484) I was a crew member on the tug that towed it from Halifax to its new home . and Nicks account of the trip (the tow line parting )was a day I wont soon forget . Some day when it is finished and set up ,my wife and I will come down and have a tour of your museum .If you want some more pictures of the sub . let me know.
My first cruise was on the Sara as a member of VF-103. I met the ship in Augusta Bay, Sicily Nov 1974. I also made the 77 Cruise, TAD to the Jet Shop (IM-2).
I was on the sara from oct,72 until jan. 76 i was in b3 div. i worked in the oil shack would like to hear from any BT's that was on at that time had great times on sara
Hi all wow what a terrific site sure hope some of my shipmates see this and e-mail me
I served aboard the SARA between December 63 till May 64 as
a radioman. Went on a springboard cruise and then got transfered to Bainbridge. MD. for radio school.
That however was not the last time I saw the SARA.
After radio school I went to Panama then 18 months later went to DD937 USS Davis out of Newport.
We went to the Med with the SARA and went through the
tensions prior to the 6 day war. I was on the Davis when we got ordered to go to the rescue of the USS Liberty AGTR 5 after she got torpedoed by Isrial.
I was the radioman on the whaleboat that went over to that ship and was on the bridge of the Liberty when the Sara and the America came into sight with the whole 6th fleet behind them. A better and more welcomed sight cannot be described.
Thanks for this website.
Gerald R. Surette RM3
Ahoy, Shipmates! I served aboard "Super Sara", as an AQAN, with VF-103,Sluggers, attached to CVW-17,in 1984. Prior to this, VF-103 had served aboard USS Forrestal (CV-59). VF-103,and our sister squadron, VF-74,Bedevilers,had just finished transitioning from the F-4S,Phantom,to the F-14,Tomcat."Sara" had just came out of her "SLEP"("Forrestal" entered her "SLEP" at this time) and we sailed for our ORE/READEX in early 1984. We then deployed to the "Med" on 02April84. We arrived back at Mayport,FL on 19October84. I was discharged as an AQ3, on 09April85 at NAS Oceana, Virginia Beach, VA. When I heard of the news that both the Saratoga and the Forrestal were being moored in Newport, I was blown away! Imagine,having both of the ships I served on, right here in my back yard! Unfortunately, I haven't been able to go aboard either ship. I could only look at them from afar. It's rather sad to see them in this state. After all the years of service that each of them served, to be relegated to obscurity, is almost criminal. But,hopefully each can regain some of their past stature, as floating museums. I have joined the USS Saratoga Museum Foundation on this date, after finding their website on the intenet. I think it is wonderful that at least one of "my" ships will be staying nearby, so that I may bring my children aboard to see where their "oldman" served. I truly hope that the foundation is successful in their endeavors. I just hope that I can help in them in any capacity. If there is anything I can do, please contact me, (401)434-5325. Thanks,"Sara"!
I was attached to VF-74 Be-Devilers IWT shop (AT3 Nick Savage) from 1990-1992. Great site. I thought the Saratoga no longer existed - I look forward to boarding/seeing it in it's "museum state" more than it's "active state". Has the Narragasett Bay cruise already happened? Being local to the area I'd like watch or partake.
Ah my first ship, I will never forget Super Sara, I rode her in on the Decom cruise. I had a great time.
My father Matthew J. DiSerio worked on the the Saratoga as an eletrical engineer in the Brooklyn Navy Yard. We moved to NJ in '65. He became the head of the SLEP (Service Life Extension Program)at the Philly Yard and rebuilt the great SARA.We've donated dads plaques,pictures of SARA at the yard, pictures of the SLEP team, and awards to the museum. Dad pastaway May 31 2001.We are proud of him.
I was on board the Sara in 93-94. I used to work on X-3 Div (ESO). I'm looking for a friend from supply name Jeff Berrios and another from my div name Noah N. Nault. Please e-mail
I served on a few fine ships, but I will be glad if we can give SARA a fine home in Narragansett Bay! It will be a great match, the former NAS which was home to so many great
carriers and this historic ship, a tribute to all American
service men and women who have served, and continue to serve. Carry on !!
Hi all,
I served aboard the Sara from 1961 to 1963 in 2MMR and would like to hear from any old shipmates from the same time.
spent 3 weeks on the saratoga as an exchange with Royal Navy. Dam fine ship. Thanks for the CAP, it made following targets that much more fun.
I served on the Sara. on her first mediterranean cruise
in 1958 I was attached to squadron VA35 other squadrons
on board where VF-31, VFP-62, VF-32, VAW-12, HU-2, VA-34,
VAAW-33 and VAH-9. Our squadron had the versatile AD-6
sky raider a dam good aircraft, It was not a jet aircraft
but it was dependable and carried a heavy armament. If there
is anyone out there who was in my squadron please write to
me. my e-mail address is "pjy17@aol.com" I would like to
hear from you.
served onboard saratoga from sept 90 to sept 92. v-2 gear. we set a u.s navy record for the most traps(12,000+) and launchs. also we set the worlds record for the fastest trans atlantic crossing by a combatent vessel, and the most trips up the suez canal 6 in one deployment what a ride.
I served as ships company on Saratoga from 1971-1974. I was assigned to AIMD IM-2 AND I worked in the Jet shop on the fantail. I would like to hear from anyone.
I served onboard the Saratoga from 82 - 84 in the Medical Department. I hope to get to see the Sara again. HM3 Wilson.
For my own entertainment I have been making word search puzzles. I have decided to join the effort by making one for the project. I spoke to some people at the Rhode Island Mall who gave me some Navy Slang which I am sure will be a welcome addition to the game. It probably won't take more than a week to do, so I may have it available shortly. It would be a shame to put this magnificent machine on the scrap heap. If I can help in some small way I am glad to.
Hello all I served on board Sara from August 87 to August 91 I have many fond memories from the guys i served with. I was a part of ships company. I was a BT in 2MMR division and the Cat-Shop.Many of you may remember me from the nickname i was given Flynndog.I look forward to bringing my family to see the ship and museum one day.
V-3 division reunion for members that served from 63-66 in
New Orleans on June 6-10. E-mail for info
To all members of V-3 that served between 63-66
in New Orleans on June 6-10. E-mail me for info
Hi all this is a great project and i back it 100%. I can't wait for the golf tournament in May or for the opeing of the Sub. I can't wait to be standing on the Saratoga looking over North Kingston.
Thanks again for this great site. I found one old boatswains mate buddy, thanks to this guest book, Have communicated with Rusty Cherry from the early 70s. still looking for more friends, as I know they are out there, but maybe not checking this site. still good to find Rusty, Thanks so much. Keep this great site open!
On board Sara 03/72 until our return to stateside 02/73 from SE Asia. Nice to know this old ship will keep on serving. Looking back 30 years, I am very proud to have served. Great website.
I check this great site regulary hoping to see entrys from the 70-72 period, Deck Dept. Come on you Boatswains Mates, write a few lines and let me know Im not the only one left from that great period. I was in both, 2nd & 1st divs. Send an entry Ill answer. Have many great memories of the Sara.
My dad served on the Saratoga as a radioman during WWII.
Hey, Al!
Served on the Saratoga with VF-32 from 1958 to 1961. Made several Med. Cruises, North Atlantic, and a couple of cruises to "Gitmo". Three cheers for the old "Hatuey Locker".
Anybody who's been there knows what that is. Would like to hear from any of my VF-32 shipmates.
Served onboard Sara with VF-103 on the 1984, 1985-86, and Gulf War 90-91 cruises. I am from RI and it's great to see her there in my home state! My membership application goes in the mail this afternoon. Good luck getting the Sara turned into a floating museum. I will visit there many times & show my family where I worked onboard & the memories I have of the ship.
Served aboard from 69-72, AIMD, shop 5-5A and quality assurance. Spent homeport time TAD to Jax Beach shore patrol.
You are welcome to visit my site... a place for naval aviation enthusiasts.
I was so happy to find this site. I was lucky to see and be on board Sara as a guest when She was in the Philippines in 1974. I was looking for a gentleman who served Sara as the Captain's steward by the name of Richard Dykeman, who loves to play Karate and thought me self defense. Anybody who knows his whereabouts or if you Rich read this, I am excited to hear from you.
From Aurelia
March 29 2002 This is Marty Lineen. u have a great web site. Mine is this. www.picturetrail.com/bent4500 My e-mail
address is this. bent4500@aol.com
I was onboard Sara for the '71 Med. AND '72-'73 WESPAC,with Hs-7.We held our first squadron reunion in Newport last Oct.,we had hoped to tour Sara but were forced to view her from behind the fence.HS-7 will be holding another reunion in St.Louis,Mo. in Oct.of this year any former Shamrockers from our era please contact me for more information.
Saratoga needs to go elsewhere... you are packing too many ships in one small area. With the USS Intrepid Park in NYC and 10 ships of various size in the state of Massachusetts there is jut no room, economically or physically.
Unfortunately I cant wish you well as this is endangerment to much more historic vessels. Besides, unknown to your visitors is the fact that Sara is extrememly stripped out due to her fleet opening stripping then experimental status.
I served aboard SARA from 1967-1969 in the V-4 Division. I am very pleased to see that SARA has found a home and that there are plans to make it a Museum (like the USS Intrepid) in New York. Being from New York and having served on SARA, I have a special fondness for her as she was built right here in the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Today I have downloaded your membership form and will become a member of the Museum association. I hope and trust that many others will do the same.
Rich Molina
Have recently moved to Medina from NC. Updated email address. Served on Sara during 59 Med cruise. Great times. Interesting deal on the Russian sub. Looking forward to seeing it all. What I would give to spend the rest of my life painting and doing maintenance on CV-3. Where can I apply?
Tim Martin
28 Park ave.
Wakefield, RI 02879
Are there anymore members of Fox Div (1956-1957) out there who have put comments into the Guessbook?
Doug Wilkey 3/19/02 cyberbiker66@eastlink.net
Served with VF-103 "Sluggers" 1971 thru 1976
For sure remember first equator crossing on the Tonkin Gulf
Worked Intermediate level AWG-10 Fire Control
Still in touch with some squadron mates
Hello to all my fellow Airdales, VF-32-Swordsman, and shipmates. Was with VF-32, 1962-64 (Cecil Field) and with Ms. Sara out of Mayport, FL. Miss all the guys, Billy Hayes-The Iceman from Atlanta, Charlie Scruggs, Tupelo, Tim Burrit, Saratoga, NJ, George Wendell-Peekskill, NY. Hope to meet you guys again to catch up. All the best, Pat. 3/11/2002
This is an awesome site. We will be training on the ship, using it as our BN HQ in April '02. I would like to stir interest in the association's project within the army reserve here in the state and also within the VFW. If I can help let me know.
Will be taking my sons to see when complete.good luck.Hey to all who served 77-81 hanger deck yellow and blue shirts.Would like to see old friends had some wild times on 3 med cruises even had a jarhead friend.
I am a member of the Air Combat Museum of Springfield (IN Illinois). While researching your sight, and indeed looking for ways to promote and secure funds for our own War Bird Museum, I was very impressed with your website and level of professionalism. You have inspired me to step up the pace and effort so that we can enjoy (hopefully) the level of success that you have. Congradulations on a great site, and wonderful project. Harry Jackson (USMC) Air Combat Museum of Springfield Illinois.
Served May 1958-May 1962 in 3rd Division Gunnery Department. Looking for Reunion information and past Ship Mates. Many long hours Replenishing and Refueling some good times and some bad.
Keep working to set the Super Sara up as a Memorial.
We were in RI Sept 16 (picked a bad time for vacation as it
turned out) and stopped to photograph the Sara and Forestal.
It is GREAT that something is being done to preserve this
example of the first "big deck" carriers.
I wish you the very best and can't wait to visit!
I am the friend of Floyd Earl Herr, who was in the Air Department V-1 Divison on the Saratoga from 1944 through 1946. Does any one know of any reunions or other gatherings that these Navy men attend? You may e-mail any information that you think may be interesting to Earl. Thanks...Again!
Although I have had no direct link with the Saratoga, I did run crash boats out of Quonset in 1946-1949. I was there last week only to see them tearing down my boathouse! I was not too happy about it and let them know. Oh well, I guess you have to expect some changes in 50+ years.
Served in the Personnel Office from 88 to 91.
Have some good memories from the Darby days and even better memories once we actually set sail from Norfolk and returned to our homeport (Mayport)! Drop a line and say HI!
Onboard the Sara with VF-103 1972-1973 in the Tonkin Gulf
Hi shipmates;
I served abord the 'Toga Boat from 1963-1967 and worked out of the Boat Shop on the aft, starboard side of the Hanger Deck.
Do any of you Old Salts remember the beautiful white Captain's Gig from the Sixties? Did any of you know that Gig was originally Franklin D. Roosevelt's Presidential Barge before it came to the Sara?
Sure would be nice if it could be located, restored and displayed in the Hanger Bay of the finished museum.
Would love to hear from any old shipmates.
I'm originally from Johnstown, PA but now live in Lakeland, FL.
I served with the Sunday Punchers (VA-75) April 73 to April
77. Made two Med crusies and several work ups aboard the
Sara. Had a lot of good times and of course some rough ones.
Some of the best times I remember were sitting on the bow late at
night after flight ops and when things got quite, watching
the full moon reflect off of the water and listening to the
waves beat against the ship. There was a guy that served, I
believe, in one of the A-7 squadrons and he would walk around
late at night and play the bag pipes. You could hear the sounds
of his bag pipe all across the flight deck. I still remember
the sights and sounds of these times and of flight operations
as if it were yesterday. May the SARA always float so that
others can enjoy HER. AO2 Gilbert
I was on the Saratoga's maiden voyage and am a plank holder. I am happy to hear she may be preserved in this way.
I served onboard the "Sara" from 1992 until her Decomissioning in 1994. I am extremely happy to find that a group of dedicated volunteers are trying to preserve a landmark and memory. Hopefully, one day I will be able to show my children and possibly my grandchildren, where I spent a little over two years of my young life serving my country. Thank you for your hard work and the memories.
My Father in-law Lawrece Sevrey CV-3 1941 to 1945 (03-43 to 09-43)on ship. Flight deck crew. Larry was thrilled when I showed him this site. He is hoping to hear from old shipmates left that served with him.
Thank you to all that served and god bless!
This is a great site. Keep up good work. Served on The SARA
from 72-75, ships company G-Div.
My friend Earl Herr served on the Saratoga from 1944 through 1946. He was in the Air Department V-1 Divison. He often mentions that he wishes that there was some way that he could meet up with some of his buddies. I am so excited that I found this site to post such a request. Please email me with any information to help him fulfill his quest! Thanks, and extra special thanks to all who served to ensure our freedom and safety!!! Forever grateful, Chris.
Iwas on Sara from 65-67 (reserve puke) I was in A3 div, ACandR. Just wondering if there's anybody out there that was there at the time. I remember CJ Mullen, Mike Daley, Cribbs and a few others. Get in touch, guys.
Was on Saratoga,from Dec.7th-Dec.9th,1943
Looking for Donald Erwin.
1401 El Norte Pkwy,Spc#130
San Marcos, CA. 92069
Was Ships company from 70 to 75. IM1 Div most of the time. Looking for a couple of shipmates by the names of Brady and Cosner. VF-103 from 79 to 82. Was Squadron Command Senior Chief.
OOPS. This goes out to all who served aboard the SARA in Deck Division from 1976 - 1980.
OOPS... That was suppose to say, This goes to all who served aboard the mighty SARA in Deck Division from 1976 - 1980. Made 3 Meds. Great times.
My wife and I pledged a thousand dollars to have the old gal preserved,surely you can give something!
This goes to all who served on the Sara in Deck Division form 1876 - 1980.
Served on the "Super Sara" from 82-86, in R-Division, on the Nucleus, and In-port fire parties. Can't wait to come up and see the old Ship, wish there was a way to get some kind of reunion scheduled. If this happens let me know.
Bobby Clark (HT2)
I served on the Saratoga from 1976-80 in the Air Department V-5 Divison Primary Control. I am so happy to hear that the old girl will be so close by.
A powerful vision - a worthy cause! May all your hard work to date be crowned with the success it so richly deserves. Many thanks for a most instructive and informative website.
Ross Sharp
I served on the "Sara" from Oct. 1958 - Dec.1961. Iwas in V-2 Div. I was in Arresting gear. Sure miss that ship. had a lot of fun times and some that were not so fun. I never got over the fasination of watching those planes coming and going. I have put several letters in the guestbook but I have never seen any of the ones that I put in. I have found a couple of shipmates by using this guestbook. Would like to hear from anyone who might have served with me.
Just wanted to let you guys know that my father was on this
cv60 every day he tells us stories about the ship and stuff
and i just wanted to thank u guys for keeping a part of our
fathers history alive that way we can visit it my father
want to thank u to
MY GRANDFATHER (Ben Kristianson) served on this ship
Sun Jan 13 2002 i was on the ship in 1964 and 5.
i was in V-1 Div. i was a blue shirt in fly 1.
Anybody that can remember me please e-mail me.
bent4500@aol.com U can c 170 or so of my pictures at
this addrss: www.picturetrail.com After u r in
there enter (bent4500) where it says visit album. By.
This is a long shot...My uncle, Albert Legris was an Aviation Radioman on the Saratoga. He was officially reported MIA on January 29, 1944. The plane he was on crashed in the water in the vicinity of Wotje Atoll, Marshall Islands. Of the original squadron of which he was a member, only one survived. The chaplain, Maurice S. Sheehy wrote several articles about my uncle and how he brought several men into the church. If anyone knew my uncle or knew of him, could you please write back? Thank you.
Served aboard 'Sara for the '70 Med cruise with VA-37 Bulls out of NAS Cecil Field. Many memories. Would never like to see her as anything but what she deserves, to be on display as the proud lady she was and still is. So much history in such a short time. Will be by to see her soon and renew the relationship. Years of reflecting back on the cruise gives you time to realize how truly great is was.
i guess that i was the only marine on board the sara from 74 to 76 come on you dam jarheads get off your fat asses now and mail me back if you got the balls.
I am glad to finally this type of website to add myself to. I have been looking to find something like this for a long time. I am a former "Sara" crewmember who was attached to the ships Armory from July 93-Mar.94. I didn't serve onboard for long for I was finishing my then current tour out on "Sara". I was honored to serve on her though esp. since I knew she was in the process of being decommissioned. I still keep in touch with another former "Sara" crewmember to this day. His name is GM1 Richard Daue who is now serving onboard the DDG USS Roosevelt out of Mayport, Florida. I was Daue's best man at his wedding on July 1st, 1994. I am an E3/PFC Food Service Specialist in the Army stationed at Ft. Lewis, Wa. right now for at least another year.
I was stationed on the Saratoga in 1977-1979, AIMD IM-1 Division as an AZ3. Made a Med Cruise and then to Portsmouth Shipyard. It has been a long time but I still remember the good days and the bad. Does anyone know how I can get a picture and a Batch?
Served in the Chaplains Division and Communications Division 1961-63. Looking for old shipmates. Wanting to find Eugene Stuart (Stewart), Sam Mabe and Bob Clause and Jake Jakabowski. Was in the Saranaders and played rythm and base guitars. Anyone remember us???
I was in VF-103 '75-'78 made '76 and '77 Med cruises and haven't forgotten the good and bad.Worked on F4-J AWG-10 radar and on flight deck with plane captains.Wouldn't want to do it again!
First, let me start by wishing all my old shipmates a happy and healthy new year. I served on Sara from 73 to 75. I worked in 4 main. Picked her up in Mayport when she returned from Westpac. Took her to the yards in Portsmouth, then a shakedown to Gitmo, and a Med cruise. Isn't it a shame that theese terrorist taliban animals will be doing time in Gitmo, instead of their own God forsaken country. Anyway still waiting to hear from some of the old snipes. God bless all the shipmates that had the privledge to serve on Sara, and God bless AMERICA. Welcome to the Official USS Saratoga Museum Foundation web site guestbook. Leave some comments for us - tell those who visit this web site what you think about the project - good, bad or indifferent... David Kerwood, West Bay Web <wbw@wbwip.com> North Kingstown, RI USA Guestbook entries for all of 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 have been archived. The 1999 archive can be found here. The 2000 archive can be found here. The 2001 archive can be found here. The 2002 archive can be found here. The 2003 archive can be found here. The 2004 archive can be found here. The 2005 archive can be found here. The 2006 archive can be found here. The 2007 archive can be found here. The 2008 archive can be found here. | ||||
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